Film Empress’s Daily Face Slapping

Chapter 38: Confession


Su Shen's expression changed, she couldn't help but stand there, wondering if she had offended him somewhere

"You... don't you like kissing scenes?" She suddenly became a little reserved.

Xie Yan raised his eyes, "I don't like kissing scenes."

Su Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

"But it also divides people."

He stood up suddenly, and within two steps came to Su Shen, who fell down on the sofa in shock.

The latter leaned over and supported her with one hand, his eyes were burning, "Others are others, you are you."

The four eyes met, Su Shen leaned there tensely in fright, and even forgot to blink.

"Do you think I'm easy to talk to?" His tone was low, and his oppressive gaze locked her firmly.

He was too close, Su Shen didn't like this posture, so she reached out and pushed his shoulder, "Don't do this, don't say it if you don't say it, I will say it myself."

Seeing that she was still pretending not to know anything, Xie Yan narrowed his eyes, and suddenly lowered his head to seal her pink lips, while the latter's eyes widened immediately.

At this time, she hadn't put on lipstick yet, but it was still sweet, as if she was addicted, Xie Yan unconsciously held the back of her head with one hand, as if she lost control, learning without a teacher.

"Well... thank you... Xie Yan..." Su Shen was about to cry, and kept pushing him.

Aware of the little hand that had been beating his shoulder, Xie Yan still suppressed himself and let go of her, but his dark eyes kept firmly locked on the person in front of him.

Su Shen's face was terrified, and her bright red mouth opened slightly, as if she had been frightened by something.

She couldn't believe how Xie Yan could treat her like this.

"You understand?" His voice was hoarse.

Being stared at by him was a little flustered, Su Shen had been avoiding his sight, but her heart was beating so fast that she couldn't ignore it.

"I... I... I'm still young..." She seemed to want to say something.

"You mean I'm old?" He twitched his brows, and his eyes darkened unconsciously when he glanced across her bright red lips.

The two were so close that Su Shen couldn't even move her head, but she really didn't know how to deal with this kind of relationship between men and women.

"I didn't mean that, I just... I just want to focus on my career first."

Her soft voice lacked any confidence, and a pair of round eyeballs rolled around, just refusing to look at him, Xie Yan thought it was funny, did she think that being with herself would drag down her career

"There is no conflict between your career and our being together." Speaking of this, he leaned his head again and whispered next to her ear: "You didn't reject me directly, did you mean... Actually, you don't hate me? "

The scorching breath sprayed in his ears, Su Shen froze all over, clenched his hands into fists and put them by his side, his eyes kept spinning around, but he just didn't dare to look directly at him.

For Xie Yan, Su Shen's mood is complicated. She doesn't know what kind of feeling it is, but she always trusts him unconsciously, so when encountering a kissing scene, she immediately feels that she should I went to find Xie Yan, thinking that he would definitely not reject me, but I didn't expect...

"I...I really don't want to fall in love now." Su Shen lowered her head, hiding the complexity in her eyes.

"Are you worried that I will hurt your career?" Xie Yan held the back of her head, stroking the soft hair, "Then I assure you, if I hurt your career, you They can dump me."

Su Shen raised her head and saw that he was serious and her eyes were full of her own reflection, but she couldn't help frowning for a moment, "There is no such thing as emotion."

One woman does not serve two husbands. Although the times have changed, Su Shen still doesn't want to change one boyfriend after another casually.

After hesitating for a while, she still frowned, and said quite seriously: "That's fine, but you have to promise me three conditions."

After saying that, Xie Yan's eyes changed immediately, not to mention three conditions...

"You said." His eyes were burning.

Blinking, she said seriously: "First, you are not allowed to disclose our relationship to anyone, and neither is Zhao Tong!"

Xie Yan: "..."

"I won't say." His expression remained unchanged.

Seeing this, Su Shen looked at him seriously again and said: "You can't get too close to me in public, even if it's a scene, you have to be polite."

Xie Yan: "..."


"Third." Su Shen frowned, a blush flashed across her little face, "I...I refuse to do that kind of behavior before marriage."

People nowadays are so open, not to mention the entertainment circle, even among ordinary people, it is very common for a boyfriend and a girlfriend to have this kind of relationship, but she doesn't want to do this, even though it is influenced by the thoughts of her previous life, she still doesn't want to be so Give yourself up easily.

Hearing this, Xie Yan frowned, and after a while, he smiled lightly, "I'm not that kind of person,"

Seeing that he agreed, Su Shen pushed his shoulder again, "Then get out of the way."

Xie Yan's eyes drooped, his eyes darkened, and he suddenly whispered next to her ear: "Do we have to deal with that kiss scene later?"

Su Shen's expression changed, before she could react, a silhouette in front of her eyes suddenly enlarged.

"Hmm..." Su Shen blushed and wanted to push him, but someone grabbed her wrist. She closed her eyes, waiting for him to finish quickly.

Sensing her relaxation, Xie Yan bit her lower lip more recklessly, then pried her lip open, and finally tasted it.

Afraid of scaring her, he still let her go with deep eyes. Su Shen was almost out of breath. Facing his sudden behavior, he couldn't help complaining: " can't..."

"I can't control myself sometimes." He buried his head in her neck and took a deep breath, his voice was low, "but I will try my best to control my behavior."

Su Shen: "..."

After being hugged by him for a long time, Su Shen finally couldn't help pushing his shoulder, "I'm going out."

Xie Yan frowned, and rubbed against her neck in displeasure, "We're playing against each other, and others won't think too much about it."

Su Shen: "..."

Do you really think everyone else is stupid

"I'm really going out, I haven't put on makeup yet." She looked serious.

Hearing this, the man on his body finally moved, but there was a gloomy look between his brows.

"Remember to tell the director to delete that kiss scene."

After speaking, Su Shen took her script and left the dressing room, not caring what the people behind her thought.

In fact, she felt that Xie Yan and Jiang Yin were different. When filming before, Jiang Yin would hug her because of the plot. Su Shen was a little uncomfortable with this kind of contact, but she didn't resist Xie Yan's approach. She didn't talk about it. Having been in love, I don't know what kind of feeling it is, but Xie Yan is really good to her.

When he returned to his dressing room, Xiao Zhou was still eating potato chips. When he saw her come back, he immediately stood up and handed her the phone, "Sister Liu called just now."

Hearing this, Su Shen sat in front of the dressing table with her mobile phone, and there was a message from Sister Liu on it, which probably said that the film will hold a release conference in eight days, and she will come to pick her up at that time.

Thinking that she might have been cut out of a lot of roles, Su Shen's mood was not much better. For that movie, she also put in a lot of effort, but in the end, so many cuts were made.

After changing clothes and putting on makeup, the filming of the afternoon scene has almost started. When Su Shen went out, she saw Xie Yan talking with the director, so she also walked over with the script.

Seeing her coming, the director also smiled and said: "If you borrow a seat, then you may have to zoom out and cut from the right side of the face. You have to adjust the angle."

Hearing this, Su Shen naturally nodded seriously, she doesn't like to shoot this kind of scene in front of so many people, it's better to borrow a seat if she can.

"Mr. Xie, can you lower your head a little later, my shoes are not very high this time." She looked at Xie Yan seriously.

Xie Yan: "..."

Thank you teacher

Zhao Tong on the side also glanced at the two of them with a strange expression, as if he didn't understand why they suddenly became so polite

"Okay." Xie Yan said politely.

I found that the relationship between the two seems to be very estranged, and the director is a little baffled. The relationship was not good before, but now it has become like this again

When filming, everyone found out that it was borrowed and then they looked subtle. Before they thanked the actor and treated Su Shen so well, why are they borrowing now

The filming in the afternoon went smoothly, Su Shen ignored the strange looks from the rest of the crew, changed her clothes and prepared to go back to the hotel.

Sister Liu provided her with a driver and a car, and she arrived at the entrance of the hotel in about five or six minutes. It's okay that there is no night show today, but there may be night shows in the next few days, so she won't be back so early.

When I was waiting for the elevator, I met Luo Han. Seeing him, Su Shen also greeted him with a smile.

"You have changed a lot." Luo Han looked at her and smiled.

Knowing that he was referring to character, Su Shen just smiled lightly when she heard the words, "People will always change. They were ignorant before, but now they are."

After the words fell, Luo Han smiled and did not speak. After the elevator arrived, the two walked in together.

Back in the room, Su Shen received a message from Xie Yan that he wanted to go out for dinner, but Su Shen didn't agree, there were so many paparazzi outside, she didn't want to spend another million to buy photos.

In the next few days, Su Shen didn't get too close to Xie Yan. After all, Zhao Tongchu was there. When Sister Liu came to pick her up for the press conference, she brought her a dress for the press conference.

Although the leading role is on leave, some supporting roles can be filmed first. When she was sitting in the car, Su Shen felt her shoulders feel cold when she looked at the white one-shoulder knee-length dress.

"Why do you always pick one shoulder for me?" She looked puzzled at Sister Liu who was sitting in the front seat.

The latter said without turning his head: "You have beautiful shoulders, so you must show off your strengths. Do you want to show off your weaknesses?"

Hearing this, Su Shen curled her lips and didn't say anything else.

"I helped you take over the company's gangster drama, but the filming will start in December, and the location is in Zhejiang City. It's too late, so I discussed with your director to concentrate your roles Let's shoot together. Try to end your role in this drama before December." Sister Liu said in front of her.

Hearing this, Su Shen didn't object, but she couldn't go back to accompany her parents during the Chinese New Year.

"I... have a lot of scenes in this movie been deleted?" She still couldn't help asking.

After saying that, Sister Liu was also silent for a while, and then said seriously: "I haven't seen the finished film, so I'm not sure, but the news I heard is that a lot of your scenes have been deleted."

Su Shen didn't speak anymore, she closed her eyes and leaned there to rest, the weak preyed on the strong, this is the entertainment industry.

When the car stopped at the entrance of the press conference, there were already many media vehicles parked outside, Xie Yan's car seemed to be behind, Su Shen didn't wait for him, and walked into the hotel by herself first.

The temporary rest room is shared by two people. Su Shen saw Fan Meng again. This time she was wearing a deep V evening gown. Her breasts are huge, and the middle is basically a vacuum. It seems that she wants to rely on this to grab her. topic.

Two actresses in the same frame will inevitably be compared by others. No one wants to be robbed of their limelight. Fan Meng's practice is already the norm in the entertainment industry.

"It's different when you come to Xie Yan. You even know how to drag him to run with you. I thought you would be the heroine of the big screen in the next movie!" Fan Meng leaned on the sofa and swiped his phone, talking The words were yin and yang, and her assistant acted as if she couldn't hear them.

Su Shen walked over and sat down, ignoring her, but Xiao Zhou's expression was a little uneasy, as if he was aggrieved for her.

Seeing that she was silent, Fan Meng also felt bored, until her assistant said that the time was up, and the interviewer outside was already waiting for her, Fan Meng walked out of the house with her skirt in her hands.

As soon as she left, Xiao Zhou complained dissatisfiedly, "Look at her breasts, they must be stuffed with silicone!"

Hearing this, Su Shen just glanced at her indifferently, "It's her business whether she fills in or not, you just have to remember, whatever he says in the future, just pretend that she doesn't exist."

It is not good for Su Shen to tear her face face to face now, and verbal disputes are always meaningless behaviors.

"Oh." Xiao Zhou curled his lips again when he heard the words, he didn't know what to think, and looked outside the room again, "I'll go see if the press conference is ready."

Su Shen nodded slightly, and asked her to see if Wang Cheng and Li Hao had arrived. After hearing this, Xiao Zhou walked out of the house with his mobile phone, while the former continued to browse comments with his head down.

This press conference was also broadcast live. At this time, the comments under the live broadcast platform have exploded, because today there will be a super long trailer, and these people are waiting for the kiss scene, but Su Shen doesn't know about the kiss Has the play been deleted

Until she heard a knock on the door, she couldn't help but looked up, only to find that the person who came was Xie Yan.

"Why are you here?" She frowned slightly.

Today, Xie Yan changed into a formal suit, which made his 1.9 meter tall head extra tall, and he also made a hairstyle, which was much more thoughtful than before, but when he saw Su Shen's one-shoulder dress, he was shocked. But he frowned tightly, staring straight at her exposed shoulders.

"Why are you wearing so little?" He walked over and sat beside her, obviously displeased to see the large piece of skin exposed.

Su Shen just put on light makeup today, and deliberately let down her hair in order to cover her shoulders, but it is inevitable that some skin will be exposed.

"This was picked by Sister Liu." Speaking of this, she didn't know what to think, and suddenly sat up straight, "Why are you here?"

Seeing her avoiding suspicion so much, Xie Yan frowned, and couldn't help but put his arms around her slender waist, buried his head in her white and tender neck, and took a deep breath, "Why am I acting like a thief?"