Find My Bearings

Chapter 15: Festival


Number, 1234567... He remembered that there were 8 of them? Ji Xiaobei thought he had made a mistake, so he clicked again, there were still seven, did one climb out

He spent the next half hour in the kitchen looking for the escaped crab. As soon as Chen Zhuo came back, he saw him squatting on the ground with a big crab in his hand.

Chen Zhuo: ... why is this

Ji Xiaobei: I was caught by a crab!

Chen Zhuo: That's over, you're going to be poisoned by crabs.

Ji Xiaobei: Huh? What crab poison

Chen Zhuo said solemnly: When you wake up tomorrow, your four fingers will stick together, and your thumb will become a big pliers, and you can only walk sideways in the future.

Ji Xiaobei put the escaped crab back into the pool: ... You are so naive.

Because of this small one-centimeter wound, Ji Xiaobei didn't do anything this night. Chen Zhuo helped him peel off all the crabs, and the crab meal and crab meat were directly brought to his mouth.

Ji Xiaomei Zizi: I think it's worth getting caught! Xiao Chen will continue tomorrow!

Chen Zhuo stuffed a whole crab leg meat into his mouth: Yo, crab poisoning attacked? It started to go sideways


After dinner, Ji Xiaobei solemnly announced that he will stop reading tonight, and will watch a movie and watch "The Grudge". Chen Zhuo pretended not to understand while washing the dishes.

Ji Xiaobei circled him several times, and finally sighed: Oh, forget it, I will find my sister to watch with me tomorrow.

The elder sister was the one he "especially liked" from the movie theater. Chen Zhuo suddenly felt like a big alarm bell: Are you going to use aggressive tactics now

Ji Xiaobei laughed: Why don't you look at it!

Chen Zhuo choked out a word: Look...

Chen Zhuo procrastinated after washing the dishes. Ji Xiaobei had already searched for movies on the computer. He dragged him to sit down on the sofa, and said expectantly, "Let's start!"

Chen Zhuo secretly took his mobile phone and started to tell the story.

Ji Xiaobei listened to it for a while: No, this is an online synopsis!

Chen Zhuo changed the webpage and started to read.

Ji Xiaobei immediately found out: this is still found on the Internet! How can you be so irresponsible as a docent!

Chen Zhuo: …Did you search all the spoilers on the Internet

Ji Xiaobei: Forget it, I'll go see my sister tomorrow.

Chen Zhuo: OK, OK, let me tell you.

It's so sad that he hasn't seen a horror movie at his age.

When the plot is tense, just listening to the music is a bit scary. Ji Xiaobei shrank back and was so frightened that he grabbed Chen Zhuo's hand, but he didn't catch it.

He touched Chen Zhuo's arm and touched Chen Zhuo's hand, covering his eyes.

Ji Xiaobei: Wow, did you watch it through your fingers? Chen Zhuo, are you afraid

Chen Zhuo: ... Ancestor, shouldn't people be afraid of watching horror movies

Ji Xiaobei: Don't be afraid, I will protect you!

Chen Zhuo: If there is no business, there will be no harm. The best protection is that we don't look at it.

Ji Xiaobei: That depends.

Chen Zhuo wanted to beat him very much. On this beautiful Friday night, it's not good to do something and watch a horror movie here.

After watching the movie, Ji Xiaobei slept contentedly. Chen Zhuo couldn't fall asleep, stared blankly until the middle of the night, and went out to the toilet in a panic.

When he lay back on the bed again, Ji Xiaobei immediately leaned over, hugged his arm, and said softly in his sleep: Chen Zhuo, I will protect you!


After the two watched horror movies for three consecutive days, Ji Xiaobei finally found out in his conscience.

Accompanied by the ending song of the movie, he held Chen Zhuo's hands affectionately like he was leading a trip to the countryside to express condolences to the suffering people: Comrade Chen Zhuo, you have worked so hard, I think this job may not be suitable for you!

Then the next day, Ji Xiaobei went to watch a horror movie with his super-favorite sister. Chen Zhuo was speechless and choked, so what the hell was he planning these three days.

Chen Zhuo saw it in his eyes, anxious in his heart, and soon couldn't sit still. One afternoon, he had no work to do, so he took a leave and decided to take a look.

Ji Xiaobei mentioned that dessert shop. Chen Zhuo arrived early in the morning and ordered a drink. After a while, he saw Ji Xiaobei and his favorite sister come in together.

Chen Zhuo hurriedly took a magazine to cover his face, and observed their actions secretly. After all, the coffee shop is a public place, and two people can't talk loudly, so they leaned in front of the tablet, their head to head very close.

Chen Zhuo watched from the corner, silently eating a pound of vinegar...

After an hour, the waiter suddenly served him a small cake.

Chen Zhuo: Did you get it wrong? I didn't order this.

Waiter: The lady at that table ordered it for you.

It turned out to have been found, too bad.

Chen Zhuo took a sip: Uh, what kind of cake is this? It tastes so special.

Waiter: It's lemon chiffon cake. The lady specially said that you like to eat sour, so we must add more lemon.

Chen Zhuo went down with a fork and split the cake in half.

He was a little embarrassed thinking about this, and was about to run away, but the girl stopped him with a voice: Chen Zhuo! What a coincidence, you are here too!

Ji Xiaobei turned his head: Chen Zhuo

Chen Zhuo cleared his throat awkwardly.

Ji Xiaobei: Aren't you supposed to be at work

Chen Zhuo: What... The company had a power outage and left work early.

Ji Xiaobei: Then why are you here

Chen Zhuo: It's just... a coincidence, a coincidence.

The little girl made a face at him: do you want to watch a movie together? Just in time for the climax.

Ji Xiaobei helped him reject it very considerately: No, no, Chen Zhuo dare not watch horror movies!

Chen Zhuo thought to himself that this life was really fucking hard, too hard.


As soon as Chen Zhuo came home today, Ji Xiaobei asked him to take credit. Said that another liar came to the door today and was chased away by him.

At the dinner table, Ji Xiaobei looked proud: Since I was deceived by the detergent seller last time, I will never be fooled again! He didn't even open the door this time!

Chen Zhuo patted his head: How did you drive them away

Ji Xiaobei performed it vividly: I said I have seen through you! The door won't let you in! Then he didn't admit it, and knocked on the door for a long time before leaving. Praise me now!

Chen Zhuo imagined the scene: Okay, praise you.

Ji Xiaobei was unhappy: Is this the end? Talk with your mouth

Chen Zhuo: How do you want to praise

Ji Xiaobei: I want to kiss!

Chen Zhuo: If you don't kiss, your mouth is full of oil.

Ji Xiaobei: We are going to kiss! You are also oily and I don't despise you!

The two were arguing when the doorbell rang. Chen Zhuo put down his chopsticks and opened the door.

Chen Zhuo: Who is it

Outside the door: maintenance of natural gas pipelines!

Ji Xiaobei: It's the liar that afternoon!

Outside the door: We are really not liars. We belong to the natural gas company. As the end of the year is over, we regularly visit our door for annual inspections.

Chen Zhuo looked at the other party's documents, and it was indeed a staff member.

The two people came in to do a pipeline inspection, and before leaving, they exchanged a few words with Chen Zhuo.

Staff: It's winter vacation now. In the past few days, we have visited many families with only children at home, which is inconvenient to open the door, so we specially waited for the adults to come back after get off work. Your little one is very alert!

After sending the maintenance man away, Chen Zhuo turned around and saw Ji Xiaobei's face in disbelief.

Ji Xiaobei: Did he call me a kid? ?

Chen Zhuo: Uh...

Ji Xiaobei: Did he call me a kid? !

Chen Zhuo: He is complimenting you!

Ji Xiaobei: I feel insulted!


Ji Xiaobei felt that Chen Zhuo was strange during this time, there was always a sweet floral fragrance on his body, like the smell of perfume.

Well, he was always thinking about it and didn't dare to ask, so he had to ask his sister when watching a horror movie: Is that sweet, floral-like fragrance the smell of a girl's perfume

Sister: You have to smell it before you know it. Besides, men also have men's fragrances. What's wrong

Ji Xiaobei hurriedly said: Nothing is nothing.

But Chen Zhuo has no habit of using perfume...

In fact, for a few days, Ji Xiaobei has already staged countless wonderful scenes in his mind, the background music is "You have her perfume on your body/It's the crime of my nose/Should not smell her beauty/Wipe your tears and accompany you sleep".

That night, when he was lying on Chen Zhuo's chest, he smelled the faint scent of flowers again. What kind of perfume can't be washed off in a shower!

Ji Xiaobei rubbed his nose: Chen Zhuo, you have been fragrant recently...

Chen Zhuo: Did you finally smell it

Ji Xiaobei: ... Huh

Chen Zhuo: Just the imported shower gel you bought at the supermarket a long time ago, but you refuse to use it after using it once, saying it is too fragrant. I found it the other day when I was tidying up my cabinets, and it's almost expired. It's so fragrant, my colleagues sent me Hong Shixian's emojis. I also want to say when you will be able to smell it, and whether it can inspire a little guilt.

Ji Xiaobei: ... Oh.

Chen Zhuo: What do you mean by that expression

Ji Xiaobei: The meaning of guilt!

Chen Zhuo: Why didn't I see it, what are you thinking in your little brain

Ji Xiaobei: Just... I thought it was someone's perfume.

Chen Zhuo: Be conscious, stretch out your butt and give it a hit.


When he returned home after building the snowman that day, Ji Xiaobei was fine, but Chen Zhuo caught a cold.

So Ji Xiaobei deliberately imitated him: I told you not to let you play in the snow, but you have to play, look, you have a cold! Let you not listen to me!

Chen Zhuo pinched the back of his neck: So proud.

When Chen Zhuo came out of the shower, he saw Ji Xiaobei and his mother in a video, and the two of them sang and chatted hotly.

Chen Zhuo: You two come together to speak ill of me again

Ji Xiaobei ignored him: Mom, I promise to urge him to take his medicine on time! Urge him to wear long clothes, long pants, scarves and hats!

Chen Zhuo: …

Chen Zhuo was afraid of infecting him, so he covered a quilt by himself at night, but Ji Xiaobei slipped into his quilt just ten minutes after lying down.

Chen Zhuo: dry