Find My Bearings

Chapter 17: Festival


Take a sigh of relief: ah ah, take it easy! pain!

Chen Zhuo glared at him: Why don't you know it hurts when you eat hot pot

Ji Xiaobei: Actually, I thought at first that I could only eat one bite of each!

Chen Zhuo: Then what

Ji Xiaobei: Later, I felt that food should not be wasted! It's all for money! I even finished the piece of lettuce under the fish ball! No waste at all!

Chen Zhuo: Oh, should I praise you

Ji Xiaobei: And I eat a lot of vegetables when I eat hot pot. You say you need to supplement vitamin C, I am super obedient!

Chen Zhuo: ... what are you talking about

He remembered that there was a hot search some time ago: Girls wanted to eat ice cream during their menstrual period, so he had an idea and bought a red date flavored one.

Before going to bed, Chen Zhuo sprayed Ji Xiaobei with watermelon frost. Ji Xiaobei kept twisting his waist to hide, but Chen Zhuo suppressed him by force.

After spraying the medicine, Ji Xiaobei frowned: It's so bitter...

Chen Zhuo flicked his forehead: You say you deserve it! Is it still fragrant

Ji Xiaobei: But it's really bitter, can you kiss me sweetly

Chen Zhuo: No, the disobedient children should sleep hard today.

Ji Xiaobei: Oh.


Chen Zhuo was going to travel for three days for training. When he woke up early in the morning, he found that Ji Xiaobei had already woken up and was sitting in front of the electric heater with a pile of his clothes in his arms.

Chen Zhuo walked over and squatted down in front of him: Why are you getting up so early

Ji Xiaobei took out a piece of clothes from the pile of clothes in his arms: the autumn clothes are warm, here you go!

Chen Zhuo took it.

Ji Xiaobei took out another piece: the long johns are also warm, here you go!

Chen Zhuo took it again.

Ji Xiaobei gave him one by one: warm sweater, here it is for you! Warm coat for you! The scarf is also warm, you have to wear it! Can't be hidden in a bag!

Chen Zhuo: I know, it must be worn.

Ji Xiaobei blinked: And I'm also warm, can you wear me too...

When Chen Zhuo was eating breakfast, Ji Xiaobei sat across from him holding his cheeks and muttered: I'm already cooked, can you eat me and take me away

After Chen Zhuo finished packing the tableware, he saw Ji Xiaobei sitting in his suitcase: everything is packed, pack your luggage and take it away!

Chen Zhuo bent down, picked up his knees with one hand, grabbed his waist with the other, took him out of the box and kissed him: Be obedient, I will be back in three days, very soon!

Ji Xiaobei hugged his neck with a look of frustration: But three days are long, I'm starting to miss you now...


Chen Zhuo trained until eight o'clock in the evening. When he returned to the hotel, he saw that Ji Xiaobei started sending him messages from six o'clock: There are still two hours before get out of class!

One hour and forty-five minutes left for get out of class!

There is still one hour and twenty-eight minutes before get out of class ends!

Fifty-seven minutes left for get out of class!

One more minute!

get out of class! get out of class! get out of class!

is get out of class over

Take care of me!

Take care of me!

Take care of me!


Chen Zhuo called him: just came back, what are you doing

Ji Xiaobei answered very seriously: I'm waiting for you...

Chen Zhuo was deeply moved: Be good, I'll be back soon.

Ji Xiaobei's second half sentence came out: Waiting for you to study! hurry up!

The two of them were watching Harry Potter recently, and since Ji Xiaobei found out that Chen Zhuo didn't know Lumos, he decided to let him read Harry Potter.

The original words are as follows: There is a generation gap of three years, and there are two and five generation gaps between us. Why don't you hurry up and narrow the gap

After reading for more than an hour, Chen Zhuo suddenly asked: Have you not taken a bath yet

Ji Xiaobei: I'll wash it later, listen to it first.

Chen Zhuo: No, you go to wash now, and I'll tell you later in bed.

Ji Xiaobei: I don’t want to…

Soft and hard rubbing for a long time, unsuccessful. Ji Xiaobei had no choice but to go to take a bath in a huff, and he was still absent-minded while taking a bath.

He came out of the bathroom wet, he heard the phone vibrate, and as soon as it was connected, he roared straight to the point: I've cleaned up and I'm waiting for you on the bed hungry and thirsty!

The other party didn't reply, Ji Xiaobei blinked, thinking that the signal was not good: Hello

Chen's mother's voice came from the phone: ... Xiaobei, it's my mother.

Ji Xiaobei's face was burning with shame: Huh? … mom! I thought it was Chen Zhuo...

Mother Chen: I think that Chen Zhuo is not at home, you will be bored at home alone, so I will call to chat with you.

Ji Xiaobei smiled awkwardly: Haha, it's quite boring! I'm looking for someone to chat with!

Over there, Chen Zhuo called for a long time and the line was busy, and he finally got through. He asked Ji Xiaobei: Who were you talking to just now? hit so long.

Ji Xiaobei recalled the whole process of losing face just now in his mind again: Your mother!

Hey, how can a child scold someone


On Chen Zhuo's birthday, Ji Xiaobei went to the cake shop to order a strawberry cake in the morning. The lady from the cake shop asked him what words were written on the cake. Ji Xiaobei thought about it, but he couldn't write it down, so he had to tell others directly, and he blushed immediately after speaking.

At half past four, he went to the store to pick up the cake. It just so happened that another customer was also picking up the birthday cake, and the two of them accidentally took it upside down, but Ji Xiaobei didn't know it, so he happily brought it home and put it on the dining table, and then went to prepare dinner.

As soon as Chen Zhuo came back, he saw a table of sumptuous dinner, Ji Xiaobei threw himself into his arms wearing an apron: Happy birthday!

The two sat down, Ji Xiaobei couldn't wait to open the cake box and showed Chen Zhuo the pink cake he imagined: that in short... everything I want to say is written on the cake!

Chen Zhuo looked at the cake in front of him, a big birthday peach with 80 written on it, a particularly large birthday character in the middle, and the two lines next to it were bright and festive red: Fu Ru Dong Hai, Shou Bi Nan Shan.

Chen Zhuo: ? ?

Chen Zhuo thought that there was something wrong with the cake, but he didn't want Ji Xiaobei to know, so he deliberately didn't say it. But after thinking about it this night, he was still very concerned about what was written on the cake. So when he was exercising in bed at night, he decided to ask carefully.

Chen Zhuo: Baby, I want to hear you say that on the cake.

Ji Xiaobei: No!

Chen Zhuo: Tell me, I want to hear it.

Ji Xiaobei: Don't...

After some tossing, Ji Xiaobei didn't dare to say no, he repeated the confession written on the cake with a crying voice: It's so nice to like you, I want to always like you.


When the seasons changed, the two returned to Ji Xiaobei's former home to get spring clothes. Ji Xiaobei sat cross-legged on the bed, Chen Zhuo opened the wardrobe door and took out the clothes one by one.

Chen Zhuo: Do you want this light blue sweater

Ji Xiaobei: Light blue? I don't have a light blue sweater, isn't it grey

Chen Zhuo: Shirt, cotton and linen, white.

Ji Xiaobei: Huh? I always thought it was black!

Chen Zhuo: Hoodie, what, pink...

Ji Xiaobei: Pink? ! I actually wear pink? !

Chen Zhuo pinched his face: Isn't it cute.

Ji Xiaobei was angry: Don't be cute!

Later, Chen Zhuo found something at the bottom of the wardrobe, and when he pulled it out, he found that it was a thick hard-shell album. Chen Zhuo turned to the first page. In the photo, a young woman was holding a milk doll.

Although Ji Xiaobei has said several times that his mother is very beautiful, this is the first time Chen Zhuo has seen Ji's mother in person. Really beautiful and fashionable, like a female star in an old Hong Kong movie.

A few words are written on the back of each photo, such as this one, which reads: Beibei was born, wrapped in a blanket like a small peanut.

Looking back, there is a photo of Ji Xiaobei, who is three or four years old, smiling very happily, with bright eyes. On the back is written: Beibei seems to like others to touch his earlobe, and he smiles like this every time he touches it.

There is a photo of Ji Xiaobei carrying a small backpack, grinning and crying ugly. On the back was written: Beibei is going to kindergarten today, and I cried so much that the sky collapsed.

Further back, there are fewer photos of Ji Xiaobei growing up. There is a picture of him wearing a pink sweater, clutching his sleeves with reluctance. The back read: Actually Beibei likes pink, but he doesn't admit it, he said that boys can't like pink.

Ji Xiaobei poked his waist: Chen Zhuo, what are you doing

Chen Zhuo put down the album, turned around and hugged him Gulu Mao, and kissed him on his earlobe: cute in pink!

Ji Xiaobei gave him a paw: not cute!


Ji Xiaobei said that the remote control of the air conditioner was out of power, and there were no new batteries at home, so he went to the supermarket to buy batteries at night.

So after dinner, the two of them went for a walk to the supermarket. Ji Xiaobei pushed the cart and rushed in.

Chen Zhuo: Give me the car, I'll push it.

Ji Xiaobei: No!

It turned out that Chen Zhuobai was worried. Ji Xiaobei knew the structure of the supermarket well, especially the snack food. He knew which shelf was selling what.

The two walked to the shelf of puffed food.

Ji Xiaobei: I want potato chips, plain and tomato.

Chen Zhuo gave him a bag each.

Ji Xiaobei knew that there were only two packs: too few...

Chen Zhuo: You can buy it after you finish it. You can eat as much as you buy. You just eat snacks and don't eat.

Ji Xiaobei: No, I only eat one packet at a time!

Chen Zhuo: Using dried shrimp as proof, I choose not to believe you.

Ji Xiaobei: …

Go to the shelf that sells dessert candies.

Ji Xiaobei: I want that, a big bag, not the transparent kind of jelly.

Chen Zhuo: Lactic acid bacteria

Ji Xiaobei: Mmmm.

Chen Zhuo threw a bag into the cart.

Ji Xiaobei: I want two bags!

Chen Zhuo: Okay, two bags, you can only eat three a day, do you hear

Ji Xiaobei: Mango fudge!

After turning around in the snack area, the shopping cart is almost full.

Ji Xiaobei: I want to see milk.

Chen Zhuo: Is it pure milk? I just bought it yesterday.

Ji Xiaobei: Not pure milk...