Finding Glowing Beauty in Books

Chapter 1


If the time went back to two hours ago, Lan Ning would not have followed a group of high school students to climb the mountain.

She put her hands on her knees and took a few heavy breaths. The surrounding area was still covered with snow, and the white air exhaled from his mouth quickly dissipated in the cold wind.

fuck it.

She couldn't help cursing in her heart, a bunch of fucking brats fooled themselves up the mountain, but they couldn't see anyone in the blink of an eye.

She raised her head a little discouraged and looked at the sky above her head. The sun is no longer as bright as it was when we first went up the mountain, and the dark clouds in the distance can still be seen faintly.

Lan Ning's little heart trembled. Could it be that he finally came to Hokkaido for a trip and confessed his life here

She thought about it carefully again, but she still didn't know when she got separated from the group of high school students. She has been following the tail of the team, listening to them chatting in Japanese all the way, and when she came to her senses again, she was the only one left in this vast world.

Those people were not even willing to leave a footprint for her.

Did she go astray when she was in a trance? While reflecting in her heart, she rejoiced that this was just a hill, and the chances of finding a way back to the hotel were relatively high.

... hope.

Reluctantly, he took out his phone and looked at it again, but there was still no signal. Leaning against the tree trunk beside her, she took out a thermos from the side pocket of her backpack and took a sip of hot water.

Her physical strength has been exhausted a lot, but she dare not stay in the mountains for long. After her body warmed up a bit, she stuffed the thermos back, and then heard light footsteps from the side.

Lanning's eyebrows twitched immediately, and she followed the voice and looked over.

A man in mountaineering clothing was coming out of a nearby grove, and the accumulated white snow fell from the leaves.

The man was tall and slender, with a height of more than 1.85 meters by visual inspection. There were some fine pieces of white snow stuck to his jet-black hair, and he didn't know where he rubbed it. As if seeing himself, he stopped in front of the bushes.

The moment he met his gaze, Lanning's heart trembled again.

No, this man is a bit handsome.

But she was only infatuated for a second, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, she quickly walked over and asked in Japanese: "Hi, are you here to climb the mountain too?"

The man didn't answer right away, he looked at her a few times, then nodded and said, "Well, I'm planning to go down the mountain."

His voice is deep and pleasant, and his Japanese pronunciation is also very elegant. Lan Ning, who has passed the special eight and N1 with high scores, is embarrassed to speak Japanese in front of him.

But the important thing is, he said he was planning to go down the mountain!

Lan Ning had the urge to cry with joy, and she showed the most festive expression in her life to the man: "What a coincidence, I'm about to go down the mountain too, can we go together?"

"En." The other party responded briefly, and walked out with long legs. Seeing this, Lan Ning hurriedly followed.

The two of them didn't speak during the journey, the man's expression was always dull, and Lanning couldn't take the initiative to speak up. It's just that with an extra companion by her side, her heart is much more stable than before.

At least you don't have to die in a foreign land.

After walking like this for more than 30 minutes, Lanning's heart that had just stabilized began to falter again. Panting lightly, she looked around at the surrounding scenery, frowned and asked the people around her, "Are you sure we didn't go in the wrong direction?"

As I said just now, this mountain is not big. According to their footsteps, they can go down the mountain in about 30 minutes. At least it should be close to the foot of the mountain, right? But after walking for so long, she felt that they were still circling halfway up the mountain.

The man stopped when he heard the words, and looked at Lan Ning with some disbelief: "Aren't you leading the way?"

The cold wind swept past between the two of them, and the corners of Lanning's mouth twitched.

Wait, what do you mean? Wasn't he leading the way just now? So what have they been doing for so long

In an instant, the whole world is bad.

After calming down with the cold wind blowing, Lanning sucked on his reddened nose, and said rather hopelessly, "I've been following you."

"But you walked ahead of me." When the man said this, his gaze deliberately swept across the two steps between them.

Lanning: "..."

It's because you stopped before me just now, so I walked in front of you, okay

She took a deep breath, looked at the person opposite and smiled, "So, you don't know the way either, right?"

"I never said I knew the way."

Then there was another silent staring, until the cold wind penetrated into Lanning's collar, she couldn't help shivering, and the confrontation of eyes ended.

The man suddenly walked to the right without saying a word, and Lan Ning followed him subconsciously: "Have you found the way?"

"Although it is my first time to come to this mountain, it is not difficult to deduce the way down the mountain based on the surrounding environment." When he said this, he was really discerning the surrounding environment carefully.

Lan Ning chuckled twice: "Then why didn't you deduce it early in the morning?"

The other party didn't answer her, Lan Ning rolled his eyes at his back, and didn't talk to him again. After walking for a while, she found that the man's walking speed was much faster than before. It seemed that it was true as he said, before he thought he was leading the way, so he matched her speed.

Lanning couldn't help frowning at this realization. Before she met this man, she had been walking around the mountain alone for a long time, and now she walked with him for more than 30 minutes, and her physical strength was about to reach its limit. If she continued walking like this, she would soon be thrown off by him.

... So after he found out that he was useless, did he want to get rid of his burden

no way!

Lan Ning can't take care of other things now, her strongest wish at this moment is only one, that is, she wants to go down the mountain alive! ! !

She took two strenuous steps forward, and shouted to the tall figure in front of her, "Can you walk a little slower? I can't keep up."

Although she is not familiar with this man at all, and she has spoken only a handful of words, but now she can only rely on him. But the other party didn't seem to intend to take care of her physical strength, and didn't even pause. Lanning yelled again, but the figure in front of him still walked fast.

Lan Ning was angry and anxious, she was sure now that he really wanted to get rid of her! In desperation, she yelled at him directly in Chinese: "Can't you hear me? What's the use of you walking so fast in front of me!"

The man's footsteps stopped suddenly, he turned his head, and looked at Lan Ning very seriously: "I'm not a road idiot, I just don't have a good sense of direction."

This time he spoke Chinese, Chinese with correct pronunciation.

Lanning: "..."

All of a sudden, there was a cold wind blowing towards her face, and she didn't know which one to complain about first. After being stunned for a while, she smiled awkwardly: "Do you understand Chinese?"

The corner of the man's slightly pursed mouth raised a mocking arc towards her: "Because I am Chinese."

Lanning: "..."

This embarrassing index can be ranked among the top three in this life.

She faltered and thought about whether to apologize to the other party, but she heard the other party speak first: "You have the strength to yell at me, why don't you reserve more energy and go on your way."

Now Lan Ning has no intention of apologizing to him at all. She turned her head and smiled, and looked at the person opposite: "How do you think my physical strength is exhausted? If you didn't take me around on the mountain It took half an hour, and I'm already soaking in the hot springs in the hotel!"

"This sentence is also what I want to say to you, and it only takes twenty minutes for me to say it alone."

"... Hehe, you are so capable, why did you get lost on the mountain?"

"Hope you can understand the difference between visiting and getting lost."

"Come on, Lu Chi is not terminally ill, why are you so afraid to face it?"

The man's always dull expression finally became a little angry: "I'll say it again, I'm not a road idiot, I just don't have a good sense of direction."

"... Is there a difference?" Lanning responded with cold eyes.

Just when the atmosphere between the two was tense and they were about to squat down and greet each other with snowballs, a trembling voice came from the side: "Um... are you two lost guests?"

Lan Ning and the man looked over together, and the speaker couldn't help shaking.

"Boss?!" Lan Ning cried for the second time today. Isn't this person the owner of the hot spring hotel where she stayed!

The boss looked at her and laughed a few times: "Those high school students who went up the mountain with you are back. They said they got separated from you on the mountain. I thought it was going to snow soon, so I came up to look for it."

"Boss, you are really the kindest hot spring hotel owner I have ever met." Lan Ning looked at the hotel owner with emotion.

"You should only have seen this hot spring hotel owner." The man turned around and walked towards the hotel owner.

Lanning took a deep breath and didn't argue with him, after all, the joy of surviving overcomes everything.

The two followed the hotel owner, picked up a lost foreign tourist on the road, and went back down the mountain smoothly.

As soon as we reached the foot of the mountain, large flakes of snowflakes fell down one after another.

"The snow will fall more and more. If you stay on the mountain now, you will be in danger." The hotel owner educated them earnestly.

They returned to the hotel with lingering fears, and Lanning found out that she was actually staying in the same hotel as that man.

She snorted at him and went back to her room. The man glanced at her back and walked towards the room without looking back.

Lanning was frozen on the mountain for more than two hours, and now she desperately needs to warm up. As soon as she returned to the room, she skillfully tied her long hair on top of her head, and took all her things to the bathhouse to take a bath.

After soaking comfortably for half an hour, she crawled out of the bath. After buying a bottle of milk, Lan Ning drank the milk in one gulp and sighed contentedly: "It's cool."

When she reluctantly left the bathhouse, she found that it was snowing heavily outside. She went back to her room and changed her clothes, then went to the restaurant of the hotel for dinner.

This restaurant is very elegantly built, half of which is a dining place and half of which is a wooden bookshelf. Lanning ordered a signature curry ramen and yakitori, and began to look at the books on the bookshelf.

The number of books here is not as large as that of bookstores, but the variety is quite comprehensive. Her eyes turned around the rows of books, and she saw Teacher Xingxin's books.

Xing Xin is a well-known writer of mystery novels in China. His works have not only attracted much attention in China, but have also been translated into many languages and sold overseas.

Right now, on the opposite bookshelf is the Japanese version of the Enron Detective series.

Lan Ning couldn't help but go over and take a look. "The Player", "Summer Secret", and "Symbiosis", the three books in this series that have been published so far, are all here.

She picked up the first book in the series, "The Player", and opened the cover. The author's introduction is written in Japanese on the inside cover, but even the Japanese version does not include the author's photo.

"Sigh." She sighed faintly. Teacher Xing Xin doesn't like media to take pictures, and he never attends signing parties. Until now, only the publishing editor knows what he looks like.

She curled her lips and looked at the back cover again. On the back cover is a very dutiful introduction to the story—

Known as a police detective, Wu Yang opened an Internet cafe named "An Ran" in a corner of the city after leaving the police force for some reason. I thought I could live a leisurely life, but unexpectedly, the younger generation of the police force came to him with a bizarre case...

"Sorry to bother you, your curry ramen is ready."

The crisp voice of the waiter drew Lanning's attention back, she thanked the waiter and put the book back on the shelf.

After finishing her meal, she took a brand new Detective Enron series from the bookshelf and paid the bill together.

Although she already has a Chinese version of this book, but now that she sees the Japanese version, she still can't help but want to collect it.

After all, she is a loyal reader of Teacher Xingxin.

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