Finding Glowing Beauty in Books

Chapter 10


After get off work in the afternoon, colleagues from the editorial department of "Mistry" gathered together. The editor-in-chief made a reservation at a self-service seafood restaurant near the company, and the large force moved to the restaurant in mighty fashion.

Lanning was dragged by Apple to pick up the cake. Although she had heard her say it was a big cake before, after seeing the real thing, she couldn't help but sigh that it was too big.

"There are many colleagues in the editorial department, and there are authors coming, so I ordered the biggest one." Apple and Lanning stood in front of the cashier, waiting for the baker to wrap the cake, "And this is double-layered." , if you can’t finish eating, you can still slap the editor-in-chief.”

Lanning: "..."

I can't see that you have such deep resentment towards the editor-in-chief...

"Will there be any authors coming today?" Lan Ning was a little curious. Most of the authors of "Mistry" are well-known in China, but she has only met Teacher Xingxin. If she can take this opportunity to meet a few more Great, it's worth it.

"Well, anyway, teacher Nineteen Zai will come today, and he just handed in the manuscript today, so he caught up."

"Oh..." Those like Teacher Xing Xin who haven't submitted their manuscripts should be ashamed to come, right

But when she and Apple arrived at the seafood cafeteria, she realized that she had underestimated Teacher Xingxin's thick skin.

That person sitting on the sofa drinking a drink leisurely is not Xingxin!

"Mr. Xingxin, did you write the manuscript today!" Lan Ning was so angry when he saw his leisurely appearance, she didn't even help Apple carry the cake, and went directly to urge the manuscript.

Yan Ruyu held a glass of lemon juice in his hand, shook it slowly twice, and looked up at her: "Didn't you say that I don't usually socialize? I think what you said makes sense. Writers can't If you are busy writing, you should come out more and walk around to get in touch with popularity."

Lan Ning looked at him with a look of hesitation: "Only authors who are busy writing all day are qualified to say this kind of thing? Mr. Nineteen has already handed in the manuscript, where is your manuscript!"

Hearing that he was named, Mr. Nineteen Zai naturally took over the conversation: "Today is the editor-in-chief's birthday. On this happy day, submitting a manuscript hurts my feelings."

Lanning: "..."

If you don't submit the manuscript, it will hurt your feelings even more!

She walked towards the editor-in-chief and pulled her aside: "Editor-in-chief, why did you invite Teacher Xingxin! Authors who have not submitted their manuscripts have no human rights!"

The editor-in-chief smiled bitterly: "I didn't invite him either. Nineteen Zai called him here. I can't drive him back."

Lan Ning rubbed her hair irritably, now she really wanted to go back to the company to get a laptop, and throw it in front of Xing Xin, telling him that he was not allowed to eat until he finished writing the manuscript!

"Editor-in-Chief, Lan Ning, come and take pictures!" The editor of the official blog of "Mistry" magazine waved to them while holding up his camera.

The editor-in-chief patted Lan Ning on the shoulder, and said in relief: "Let's go, go to dinner first, you have to believe that even if Teacher Xing Xin doesn't come tonight, he won't obediently write at home."

Lanning: "..."

Thinking about it this way feels really comforting, haha.

When taking pictures, the authors were unwilling to be on camera, so they avoided it automatically. After the editors took a photo with a table of food, they turned on the gobble mode.

Lan Ning picked up a scallop, and before he could finish his mouth, he heard Yan Ruyu ask beside him, "Your name is Lan Ning?"

Lanning: "..."

So he only knows her name now

"It's like a place name." Before Lanning could recover, Yan Ruyu added another sentence.

Lanning: "..."

It's really unbearable for uncles and aunts.

"What about you, speaking Confucianism? Like an intellectual in the 1960s and 1970s."

Yan Ruyu frowned slightly, and his serious tone was exactly the same as when he explained that he was not a Lu Chi: "I hope your poor wisdom can understand, my name was given by my parents, and my father was born in the 1960s and 1970s." intellectuals."

Yan Ruyu seldom mentioned his family background, so when Lanning heard him talking about his father, he subconsciously froze for a moment.

"Okay, you two, stop arguing. The scallops won't taste good when they're cold." Apple came out to smooth things over, and at the same time picked up two more scallops for Lanning. Lan Ning didn't talk about Confucianism any more, and started eating on his own.

The plates used in this restaurant are very large, just like the baking pans used in the oven, and now, such a plate is placed in front of Yan Ruyu. I don't know who took the dishes. The seafood inside is arranged in a special shape. There are all kinds of shellfish and crabs in the middle, and a circle of shrimps is neatly surrounded.

After Lanning finished handling the scallops, he planned to start peeling the shrimp. Yan Ruyu was also peeling the prawns, and when he saw Lanning took the prawns away, he took a special look at her.

Lan Ning twitched the corner of his mouth, why, do you think that everything in front of you is yours? Today I will teach you to be a new person.

She thought she was very proficient at peeling seafood, and it would take only a few minutes to complete the abuse, but after a few minutes, she realized that she was still too young.

She and Yan Ruyu peeled off such a circle of shrimp in less than five minutes. The shrimp in Yan Ruyu's bowl was already piling up, while her bowl only had a third.

Lanning: "..."

Yan Ruyu looked at her proudly and said, "Competing with me? Do you know how many words I can type in an hour at most?"

Lanning: "..."

With such a fast hand speed, you should deliver the manuscript! Peel a P's shrimp! !

"Hehe, teacher, too much masturbation hurts your body." Lan Ning sneered and sarcastically, picked up chopsticks to eat shrimp. Nineteen Zai, who was sitting next to Yan Ruyu, looked at them with horror on his face: "Your relationship is good enough to discuss hand speed and masturbation?"

"Pfft, cough." Lan Ning choked on her saliva. Although she said it herself, it was still embarrassing to be repeated now.

Yan Ruyu silently picked up the chopsticks and began to eat the peeled shrimp.

Nineteen Zai bumped him with his elbow, and his tone was a bit ambiguous: "Hurry up and find a girlfriend. If you have a girlfriend, you don't have to masturbate yourself."

Lanning: "..."

Fuck, it seems even more embarrassing, why on earth did she say such a dirty word just now

They must have followed Dai Qing's example.

Yan Ruyu still ate the shrimp calmly, as if the person being ridiculed was not him.

"Come, come, cut the cake!" The editor of the official blog called everyone to gather around and opened the cake box. While plugging in the candles, Apple was worried: "Eat the cake so early, it will be a loss if you can't eat the food later."

"You underestimate your combat power too much." A male colleague teased at the side, and Apple rolled his eyes at him.

The candle she held was the number seventeen, which won the editor's heart: "Thank you everyone, wish me a happy seventeenth birthday~!"

Everyone laughed tacitly. Before blowing out the candles, the editor-in-chief first made a birthday wish: "I hope that all authors can submit manuscripts on time this year, especially Teacher Xingxin."

The editors all laughed. Although Yan Ruyu was named, he still used his thick skin to resist all attacks.

After distributing the cake, everyone started to fight with the food again. This buffet lasted for more than three hours. In the end, not only was all the food on the table cleared, even the big cake was not left at all.

Apple expressed its regret that the editor-in-chief could not use the cake batter.

Because they had to go to work the next day, everyone didn't go to the second session, and they were ready to part ways at the entrance of the cafeteria.

Some people have their own cars, some have their husbands to pick them up, and some live near the company, so you don’t have to worry about it. Lanning looked at the time. Although it was late, there was still a subway.

She was about to bid farewell to everyone and go for a ride. The editor-in-chief pulled her and said to Yan Ruyu, "Mr. Xingxin, you can send Lanning back. You live in the same direction. It's not safe for her to go back so late by herself as a girl."

Lan Ning was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly said: "No need, I can't take the subway..."

"Let's go." Before she finished speaking, Yan Ruyu walked towards the parking lot. The editor-in-chief gave her a push and signaled her to follow, Lan Ning had no choice but to follow reluctantly.

With his hands in the pockets of his light gray woolen coat, Yan Ruyu stopped in front of a silver Jaguar. Lan Ning saw this flamboyant Jaguar when he came, and never expected that it was Teacher Xingxin's car.

Words were like opening the car, Lan Ning bit the bullet and sat on it. Probably the claustrophobic space made her a little cautious, and she didn't buckle up her seat belt after buckling it up for a long time.

Yan Ruyu turned sideways, pushed down the seat belt buckle, and it snapped into place.

Lanning: "..."

Yan Ruyu started the car, and said slowly: "If you have bad eyesight, go get a pair of glasses."

Lanning exhaled, and said, "I wear contact lenses."

"Then the degree is not enough."

Lanning: "..."

Forget it, she doesn't want to talk to him.

After Yan Ruyu drove the car downstairs to Qu Tong's house according to the address Lanning said, he looked at the high-end apartment in front of him with some surprise: "Do you live here?"

"Can't I live here?" Lanning asked back.

Yan Ruyu raised his eyebrows: "The rent here should be very expensive."

Lan Ning smiled at him: "Teacher, you have to believe that there are still good people in this world."

Yan Ruyu laughed sarcastically: "No one in this world will treat you well for no reason."

"... Then what are you trying to send me home now?"

"Maybe I can procrastinate the draft for a few more days?"

"Dream you!" Lanning unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car without looking back.

Yan Ruyu watched her back disappear into the night through the car window, chuckled and drove away.

The next day was still an ordinary working day, probably because Lanning had a crazy time the night before, this morning Lanning got up later than usual, so she didn't come to eat breakfast in a hurry. She took out the yogurt and bread she brought, and boarded QQ while eating.

As soon as I went online, I found that the avatar of the blue sky was beating. Hey, did he have another manuscript so soon

She clicked on his profile picture and looked at the message he sent.

The blue sky is like washing: Edit, I saw the photo on the official blog of "Mistry", the one in the nude pink hooded trench coat, is that you? φ(≧ω≦*)

Cauliflower: How do you see it_(:з」∠)_

After a while, she received a clear reply from the blue sky—

The blue sky is like washing: According to your penguin information and the content of chatting with me, I roughly sketched your image in my mind. Those people in the photo, I think the girl’s dressing style is the most suitable for your image, so I guess that It's you O(∩_∩)O~

Cauliflower: ... You guys who write mystery novels, do you like to play this kind of reasoning games in your daily life :)

The blue sky is like washing: ^_^

The blue sky is like washing: In fact, the real reason is that I think that girl is the most beautiful [shy]

Cauliflower: ... the mouth is so sweet, I have a lot of girlfriends in school :)

The blue sky is like washing: single dog please don't hurt QAQ

The blue sky is like washing: But girls who eat so much at night will easily gain weight ^_^

Lanning: "..."

What about the little angel

Cauliflower: Don't worry, I burn off the calories through exercise :)

The sky is clear: Σ( ° △ °|||) what movement? Edit, aren't you single

Lanning: "..."

The stain and the flaw fly together...

Cauliflower: How did you deduce that I'm single, huh

The blue sky is like washing: This is not reasoning. According to the survey data of the previous news network, among the top ten occupations that are most likely to be single, editors rank first (⊙v⊙)


Cauliflower: You'd better write a manuscript [bye]