Finding Glowing Beauty in Books

Chapter 11


After Lan Ning forked out the blue sky dialog box, he happened to see the editor-in-chief also sent himself a message, the content was as follows: "It's been March, where is Teacher Xingxin's manuscript?"

Lanning: "..."

Who was so open-minded to comfort her yesterday? How did everything change in just one night!

She poked Xing Xin's head twice, and sent an angry growl.

Cauliflower: Teacher Xingxin is March! Submit, submit, submit! [expletive][expletive][expletive]

Then the other party did not respond until Lan Ning had finished his lunch, and he sent himself a message: "Have you heard of Spring Sleepiness?"

Lanning: "..."

Cauliflower: Teacher, you just finished hibernating and started to feel sleepy in spring. Do you wake up all year round [smile]

Xingxin: What is sobriety? What is illusion again? Is it Zhuang Zhou dreaming of a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuang Zhou

Lanning: "..."

#兴心师教你How to Procrastinate in a Philosophical Way#

Cauliflower: I don't read much and can't understand [bye] Anyway, you submit the manuscript for me [bye]

Xing Xin: Thinking that people will die one day, do you still think it is so important to submit a manuscript

Cauliflower: Of course, because it's about when I die [smiles]

Xingxin: ...

Xing Xin: I took a nap and went to write.

Cauliflower: Didn't you just wake up! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

She watched Xingxin's cheap cartoon head go dark, but there was nothing she could do. She crossed out the dialog box, posted on Weibo angrily, and posted a message on the account "Did Teacher Xingxin hand in the manuscript today"——

Capitalized no! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

After the initial stage of crazy meter increase, the number of meters of this number has been relatively stable now, and usually no one pays attention to her when she is more blogger, but today it seems that she is close to the verge of collapse, and a few people have popped up. comments.

"I feel sorry for the blogger. [laugh cry]"

"Touch and make up (⊙v⊙)"

"So I will definitely not be an editor in the future ╮(╯_╰)╭"


Lanning: "..."

The reason she was speechless was that the last candle was lit by Xing Xin.

You hot chicken!

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Lan Ning left work exhausted.

When she got home, she threw herself on the big sofa in the living room, not wanting to move.

The phone rang terribly at this time, Lan Ning fumbled in the bag for a long time, took it out and took a look, it seemed to be a courier.

"Hello… "

"Hello, there is your package, please come down and get it."

If it was the past, Lanning would have rushed down to get it when she heard there was a courier, but now she is really too lazy to move, and she remembers that she didn't buy anything, how could there be a courier

"Help me put it downstairs in the security room. I'll get it later."

"It's hairy crab~"

Lanning's eyebrows twitched, hairy crab? She never bought it, who sent it to her

Although she didn't know who sent it, the hairy crabs couldn't be released, so she had to get up from the sofa: "Oh, then I'll come down now."

After hanging up the phone, Lan Ning wondered who sent her the hairy crabs all the way. When she was still studying in college, she would occasionally receive gifts from some boys, but now that she is working, her life circle has actually become very small, and she doesn't feel that anyone around her has a crush on her...

Walking to the security room and picking up the box, she looked at the delivery slip and realized... Damn it, where are hairy crabs! This is obviously the sausage and bacon sent to her by her mother from her hometown!

Now the courier brother lied to her that she was a hairy crab in order to let her go downstairs to pick up the package quickly. :)

Is there any trust left in this world? :)

Lan Ning carried the package back exhausted, found a box opener and began to unpack the package. There are several flavors of sausages and three pieces of bacon in the carton. Lan Ning pinched it, and it happened that I didn't want to cook today, so I just cooked some bacon.

She picked out a piece of sausage and a relatively small piece of bacon, and wrapped the rest in paper and put them in the refrigerator. Just after washing my hands and preparing to cook, the phone rang again.

Lanning ran over to pick up the phone, it was her mother calling. "Mom, what's the matter?"

"Ningning, have you received the sausage and bacon that your mother sent you?"

"I just received it, and the courier lied to me that it was a hairy crab." Lan Ning expressed his displeasure.

"Pfft." Lanning's mother laughed and said to her, "I'll send you hairy crabs next time. By the way, last time you said you found a new job. How is it going? Is it going well?"

"Well, it's pretty good."

"Really? Don't try to be brave and lie to your mother. If you really can't do it, come back. You can find a job here as well."

"Really." Lan Ning felt a sense of grievance in his heart, but he still didn't want to worry his mother, "This is a big company, and my colleagues treat me very well."

"Oh, I heard from your cousin the other day that you urged the author to submit the manuscript on Weibo?"

Lanning: "..."

"No, she must have read it wrong. The authors under me are very diligent in writing manuscripts and never delay!" Ah, her conscience...

"That's good, don't put too much pressure on yourself at work."

"I know, now that I have a great writer under my command, I can also make a bestseller!" Ah, I'm sorry, mom, there really is no trust in this world...

After chatting with her mother for more than ten minutes, after Lanning hung up the phone, her heart felt even more empty.

Damn it's all Teacher Xingxin's fault!

She clicked out his phone number and dialed it.

After ringing several times, the phone was finally connected. Before Lan Ning could speak, he cursed loudly: "When are you going to hand in your manuscript! As a writer, if you don't hand in your manuscript, what's the matter with you and Xianyu?" The difference? Now even my mother knows that you are procrastinating! You are the one who submitted the manuscript!"

Yan Ruyu on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, before he asked, "You still complained to your mother? How old are you?"

Lanning: "..."

Is this the point

"My cousin told my mother, I'm not that free! Anyway, you hand in the manuscript! If you don't hand in the manuscript, I will call you at 3:30 every night to wake you up to go to the bathroom!"

Confucianism: "..."

He was silent for a while, and said, "I can turn off the phone."

Lanning: "..."

"I think you're putting too much pressure on yourself, which is prone to neurasthenia. Isn't it the deadline for the submission, maybe I will submit it on time? You have to believe that there are still miracles in the world. Well, today This is the end of my psychological counseling, drink a glass of milk and go to bed early, good night."

After Yan Ruyu finished speaking, he cut off the phone without delay.

Lanning: "..."

She called again, only to find that she couldn't get through.

... Confucianism, why don't you die!

She changed his name from "Teacher Xingxin" to "Speak Confucianism to death", and finally changed it to "Speak dog eggs to death".

After reading it three times in my mind, I felt much more comfortable.

She gave up the plan to make dinner, and went to the computer to look up the video of stretching exercises, and after doing it once, she went to cook in a refreshed body and mind.

Before going to bed, she used her mobile phone to log into her private QQ, and found that Dai Qing had sent her a message in the afternoon.

Dai Qing: Hahahaha I laughed so hard, a newly built movie theater opened in Century Department Store today, and Sun Jiaojiao’s boyfriend invited her to watch a movie. Even if the movie is an old movie from several years ago, the formaldehyde in it has not been completely dispersed, and Sun Jiaojiao was smoked out as soon as she entered. She was about to cry, and her boyfriend thought she was ignorant because the movie was free hahahahahahaha.

Lanning: "..."

Lan Ning: Movie theaters are looking for them to smoke formaldehyde... This guy is also, and he can find a girlfriend :)

Dai Qing: Hahaha, when I heard her say it, I laughed so hard that I almost burst into tears. Men really are scumbags with their own merits, and Yu Muyuan back then was also one.

The words "Yu Muyuan" that popped out suddenly made Lan Ning stunned, and then she saw that Dai Qing quickly withdrew the message.

Dai Qing: Ahahahaha, I didn’t say anything just now, so what!

Lan Ning: Isn't that the bitch Yu Muyuan :) No need to avoid it, he is a bitch [smile]

Dai Qing: The hero of the female middle school, I admire you.

Dai Qing: Let’s talk about something happy. It’s the Imperial University’s anniversary on Friday. I heard from an elementary school girl at the school that there will be a large-scale cultural performance in the evening. She asked me to watch her performance. Are you going

Lan Ning: When did you hook up with the elementary school girl→_→

Dai Qing: I can’t help it, I’m born with flirting skills, and I’m also troubled [Cool] If you have nothing to do at night, come with me.

Lan Ning: Alright, I guess Qu Tong will follow after he finds out.

Dai Qing: That’s good~ I haven’t seen you for a long time, and I still miss her [色]

Lanning: Go away :)

She exited the penguin, put the phone aside, turned off the lights and went to sleep.

A week of busy work and reminders passed quickly.

On Friday, Lanning worked overtime for a while, so she called Qu Tong and asked her to meet Dai Qing at school first. By the time she arrived, the performance had started for a while.

The performance hall was full of people, and the enthusiastic cheers made her think for a moment that some big singer was holding a concert here.

There was no room in the auditorium for a long time, so Lan Ning didn't bother to squeeze in, and stood at the back to watch from a distance.

There was a boy band performing on the stage. There were four people in total. The lead singer was holding a guitar while talking and singing, which caused many girls in the audience to scream.

Lan Ning was also infected by this atmosphere, and suddenly missed the days when he was studying. A handsome boy with a very clean voice, like the lead singer on stage, would have been easy for her to fall in love with at that time.

It's just that it's different now, especially after meeting a scumbag like Yu Muyuan.

The voice of the boy who sang was very gentle, and every note seemed to be coated with a layer of sunshine, which was warm and harmonious. He gently flicked the black bangs on his forehead, and inadvertently met his gaze.

Lanning had to admit that at this moment, her old girl's heart also skipped a beat. It seems that no matter what age, a woman can't refuse a beautiful boy.

Then she saw that the singing boy smiled at her suddenly, like a flower blooming on a tree.


This voice pulled Lan Ning back from the boy's laughter and singing, she glanced sideways, and immediately frowned.

"Lanning, I didn't expect it was really you!" Yu Muyuan said happily.