Finding Glowing Beauty in Books

Chapter 17


Lan Ning didn't remember how she finished that meal, she only remembered that she tried her best to resist the urge to put the food on Yan Ruyu's head.

Arriving home in a huff, she felt that even stretching would not relieve the pain in her heart.

It was almost time to submit the manuscript, and he even ran out for a spring outing, bringing other authors with him! Although he said in the end that he would bring his computer and write manuscripts whenever he had time, who the hell would believe it!

She logged on to QQ and shared the bad news with Apple: "Mr. Xingxin organized a large-scale dragging activity. :)"

Apple: ... What the hell is he doing

Cauliflower: He said that he will go out for a spring outing with everyone tomorrow, and the return date is unknown.


Apple: I think the editor-in-chief will explode tomorrow...

Cauliflower: I've fried it like a firework. :)


The penguin screamed again, Lan Ning glanced at it, and Dai Qing's head was dancing happily.

She counted the codes.

Dai Qing: md, I had another fight with Pirate Wengou just now.

Lanning: ...

Dai Qing: After reading the pirated article, they went to my article and Weibo to scold me, what a face [smile] Pujiang read a article with a thousand characters and three points, they are reluctant to give it, and they are ashamed to say that the author lost money [smile] Dare to love authors should write articles for free for them to read. Does that mean they support me

Dai Qing: For any legitimate work in this world, as long as you put in the work, you should get paid accordingly. Only writing, if you dare to collect money, you are crazy about money:) I hope they will not work and the boss will not pay them wages:)

Lanning: _(:3」∠)_

Lanning: Seeing you so miserable makes me feel better all of a sudden...

Dai Qing: ...

Dai Qing: [Goodbye]

Lanning: Wait, do you know what awe-inspiring is

Dai Qing: Σ(°△°|||) Lanning, you have changed, you are no longer the pure Lanning I knew before!

Lanning: what

Dai Qing: [Link] This is the version sung by my male god, listen to it yourself (w)

Lan Ning clicked on the link sent by Dai Qing, and after listening to it for thirty seconds, she backed out blushing.

What the hell is this singing! As expected, Dai Qing should be renamed Dai Zou!

She turned off the computer, picked up her pajamas and went to take a shower.

After lying on the bed, she still didn't fall asleep for a long time, and the majestic melody lingered in her ears like a demon. She thought of Yun Qing saying in the group that she wanted to hear teacher Xing Xin sing this song, and she couldn't help substituting Yan Ruyu's magnetic voice...

stop! How could she have such a crazy idea! It's just horrible!

After she finished reflecting, she patted her face vigorously, took a big deep breath, and began to seriously brew sleepiness.

At night, Lan Ning seemed to have some messy dreams, and Lan Ning couldn't remember them clearly when she woke up the next day, but when she was at work, the editor-in-chief really exploded when she learned about Teacher Xingxin's spring outing.

"Why didn't you stop him?!" The editor-in-chief slammed the table down, causing the water in the glass to spill out.

Faced with the anger of the editor-in-chief, Lan Ning bit the bullet and said: "It's going to rain, Niang wants to get married, Teacher Xingxin wants to delay the manuscript, there's nothing I can do about it."

Editor-in-Chief: "..."

Apple comforted her at the side: "We can't do anything to those authors who want to delay their manuscripts. Teacher Xingxin brought a lot of authors with him on this spring outing, including Wang Junnan and his magazine! If you think about it, he won't be able to receive manuscripts." , Isn't it cool!"

Editor-in-Chief: "..."

She thought about it, and it was really cool.

When he spoke again, the editor-in-chief's tone was much more relaxed than before: "Call him right away, if you can stop them, stop them, if you can't stop them, ask them about their route and have time, and arrest people if necessary. Anyway, I'm going to see the manuscript on the 15th."

Lanning: "... Got it."

After the editor-in-chief left, Lan Ning took a sip of water with lingering fear, and asked Apple next to him: "What worries and grievances do Wang Junnan and the editor-in-chief have?"

She has heard Wang Junnan's name before, and he is also the editor-in-chief of a reasoning magazine. That magazine is not owned by Guangrong Group, but it has maintained a stable sales volume after so many years of operation. It is considered a relatively strong competitor of "Mistry".

But judging from the editor-in-chief's reaction just now, she always felt that the two of them seemed to have some other personal enmity.

Apple glanced at the editor-in-chief's room like a thief, and said to Lan Ning in a low voice: "Wang Junnan is our editor-in-chief's college classmate, they were a sweet couple at that time, and they almost got married. Turned over, now it's like having a feud."

"Oh..." Lan Ning nodded as if she had realized something, and took out her mobile phone to call Yan Ruyu.

"Pfft—" Apple, who was drinking water next to him, almost sprayed the water on Lanning's phone screen, "What is this 'Go to hell'?"

Lan Ning said calmly, "Oh, it's my nickname for Teacher Xingxin."

apple:"… "

Sure enough, a good girl was forced to become crazy!

After Lan Ning dialed out the phone, it took a while for Yan Ruyu to pick up: "What's the matter?"

Lan Ning smiled and said, "Teacher, where are you now?"

Yan Ruyu at the other end of the sentence seemed to laugh: "We set off at six o'clock in the morning, and we are already on our way."

Lanning: "..."

She continued to ask with a smile: "Then where are you going? When are you coming back?"

"I don't know, just go wherever you go."

... This is too casual!

"Didn't you make a route?"

"Why do you want to make this kind of thing to restrain yourself? Is it not good to follow your nature?"

Lanning: "..."

If everyone follows nature like you, this society will be finished!

Yan Ruyu knew her plan, and there was a faint smile in his voice when he spoke: "Don't worry, I have a computer with me. When I have trouble sleeping at night, I will remember to write a few sentences."

Lanning: "..."

"Let's not talk about it, we are going into the mountains, and there should be no signal for a long time, so don't miss me too much."

Lanning: "..."

She took a breath for herself, and said with a smile to Yan Ruyu on the other end of the phone: "Teacher, if I don't receive the manuscript on the 15th, I will hang myself at your door."

Lan Ning didn't know whether this threat was effective or not, she only knew that Teacher Xingxin was really quiet as a chicken in the next few days. No matter how she pokes on qq, she never responds, the phone has been disconnected, and Weibo has not been updated, as if the world has evaporated.

She also went to Apple to try Nineteen Zai's phone QQ and Weibo, and the effect was the same.

This large-scale dragging of manuscripts caused the entire editorial department to be shrouded in gloom.

Lan Ning felt that Teacher Xingxin's great achievements were enough to be recorded in the annals of the history of drafting in the world.

Seeing that the 15th is getting closer, Lan Ning is getting more and more anxious. Only occasionally when chatting with Bi Kongruxi, can she feel that there is still love in this world.

Bikong Ruxi asked about the progress of his manuscript once, but now Teacher Xingxin has disappeared with a large group of authors, and the editor-in-chief doesn't have much interest in reading newcomers' manuscripts, so Bikong Ruxi's manuscripts have been suppressed.

Fortunately, Bikongruxi was very patient, not only didn't rush her, but also comforted her after learning about Teacher Xingxin's spring outing.

At the end, he said enviously: "I really want to go on a spring outing with Teacher Xingxin and the others. [Grievance]"

Lanning: "..."

Don't go astray, boy!

Lan Ning was very worried that this rare good boy, Bikong Ruxi, would be spoiled by Xingxin, so he quickly tried to separate the two of them as a precautionary measure: "Let me tell you, Teacher Xingxin himself can't watch at all! He keeps a distance, otherwise the image of your male god in your heart will fall apart at the speed of light! Every word is my blood and tears!"

The blue sky is like washing: (⊙o⊙) What a scary look.

The blue sky is like washing: In fact, how can such a great master as Xingxin know me? Orz... he already knows that you are a peanut to relieve boredom.

March 14th, the day before the due date. Lan Ning still didn't get in touch with Yan Ruyu, she lost hope in the whole world.

Today the editor-in-chief has given her an ultimatum, she looked at Xingxin's gray head, wishing she could tear him to pieces.

The company held another meeting before get off work, but Lan Ning didn't listen to it. She felt that it might be the last time she attended this company's meeting.

When she returned to her seat, she habitually glanced at QQ, and there was an avatar beating.

... Oh my god, it's Teacher Xingxin! !

Lan Ning almost jumped in front of the computer, and she poked open the dialog box with lightning speed, and there was a message for her on it.

Xing Xin: Although you didn't give me a gift on Valentine's Day, but on White Valentine's Day, I should kindly give you a present.

He sent an offline file, a word document, titled "White. Valentine's Day Gift". Lan Ning suppressed the emotions surging like a yellow river in his heart, downloaded it, and opened it.

For a moment, it was as if a light shot out from the computer, illuminating her whole world!

It's a manuscript, it's a manuscript, it's a manuscript!

Lan Ning had never been so moved when she received her college admission letter! qaq

She tremblingly posted on Weibo, and posted the most exciting news so far on the account "Did Teacher Xingxin hand in the manuscript today"—

handed in! ! ! qaaaaaaaaaaaaaq