Finding Glowing Beauty in Books

Chapter 18


After Lan Ning finished expressing his emotions, he carefully read the manuscript that Yan Ruyu had just handed in.

This novel is the fourth in the An Ran Detective series, called "Death Message". She first checked the word count and found that it was only a little over 100,000 words.

… Um? Is it because the book is so short? Teacher Xingxin's previous books were all around 212,000 words.

An ominous premonition rose in Lanning's heart. She tapped the keyboard twice, skipped to the last natural paragraph on the last page, and started reading.

... Sure enough, it's not over yet!

The joy just now disappeared in an instant, and she returned to the Penguin interface angrily, trying to control her tone of speech not to be so irritable: "Teacher, did you miss sending me a document? :)"

Originally thought that Yan Ruyu was no longer online, but this time he quickly responded to the message.

Xingxin: No.

Cauliflower: But I read the manuscript just now, and this is only half. What about the rest? :)

Xingxin: I haven't finished writing yet. :)

Lanning: "..."

Cauliflower: Are you kidding me? :)

Xing Xin: I don't want to send it to you before it's finished, but you said that if you don't get the manuscript tomorrow, you will hang yourself in front of my house. I'm so scared.

Lanning: "..."

Why didn't it scare you to death!

Cauliflower: Believe it or not the editor hanged with me at your door [EXPLETIVE][EXPLETIVE][EXPLETIVE]

Xing Xin: The following manuscripts are indeed not finished yet, and there are still places that I need to revise. You can appease the editor-in-chief with these 100,000 words tomorrow.


Xing Xin: One hundred thousand is better than nothing.


Yes, it is. :)

She posted on Weibo again, and posted a message on the account "Did Teacher Xingxin submit the manuscript today"—

Follow up.



So the netizens who just congratulated her on her last Weibo ran to this Weibo one after another hahaha.

Lan Ning bought a boxed lunch downstairs in the company, and didn't plan to go home so early, so he directly read the manuscript in front of the computer with the boxed lunch.

Although usually when she heard the word Xingxin, she would get all kinds of headaches and heartaches, but once she read his novels, she had to be overwhelmed by the charm of his writing.

Many writers of mystery novels have created very classic detective images, and Wu Yang in Xingxin's works is definitely one of them.

He likes to wear a long beige trench coat, his hair is always messy, and he even walks around the crime scene in slippers. But it is such a person who has become the male god in the hearts of many readers.

There has been a rumor circulating among readers that the reason why Teacher Xingxin named this series "Anran Detective" is apparently derived from the "Anran" Internet cafe opened by Wu Yang, but if you connect Wu Yang's name, you will find that Xingxin is Alluding to the protagonist of this series, no matter how dangerous the situation is in the story, he will be safe in the end.

Lan Ning also thought so before, after all, giving the protagonist a golden finger of this level is nothing at all, and Wu Yang had indeed saved the day in many dangerous moments before. But now after getting in touch with Yan Ruyu, she is very worried that he will kill Wu Yang in the last book of this series.

After all, don't guess about the mentality of a neuropathy.

She was enjoying the story when she was suddenly called by the security guard: "Little girl, are you still off work?"

Lan Ning looked at the time, and it was past eight o'clock. She put the lunch she had eaten into her pocket, and said to the security guard at the door: "Leave right away, sorry."

After sending a copy of Xingxin's manuscript to the editor-in-chief's QQ and email, Lan Ning quit Penguin. I haven't finished reading it today, so come to the company early tomorrow to watch it.

She was really the first to come to the company the next day, and after reading the rest of the manuscript, Lan Ning sent a message to Xing Xin anxiously: "Teacher! What's behind! Who is the murderer! What does that message mean!"

After a while, Xing Xin replied to her: "Are you also my book lover?"

Lanning: "..."

For some reason, now she felt it was shameful to admit that she was a fan of his books.

Cauliflower: Teacher, are you here so early in the morning

Xing Xin: You read my manuscript in the company so early in the morning, and you still don't admit that it is my book

Lanning: "..."

Xingxin: Do you want my autographed book? :)

Lanning: "..."

The evil spirit in her body seemed to be uncontrollable, and she really wanted to hit him.

Cauliflower: I guess that horizontal line is the beginning of "Yang" or "Wang", right? Is the murderer Yang Yi or Wang Yue

Well, it seems a little too simple.

Cauliflower: Or Liao Sisi, her English name is Tiffany.

Well, writing in English is because t is much easier than Liao!

Xingxin: Why must it be a person's name

Cauliflower: Because before you die, don’t you most want to tell others who killed you? Usually it's the murderer's name, right? Moreover, this message has only one horizontal line, and the amount of information is too small. If the deceased writes a few more words, I can still think of more possibilities.

Xingxin: Do you know what is the most commonly used technique when setting up suspense

Lan Ning thought for a while, then knocked: "Misleading?"

Misleading is the most common technique, and it is also the technique used by most authors. It can be said that in every novel, there is no escape from the author's deliberate misleading of readers. It's just that the more this technique is used, the more readers will see it, and it has become a point that everyone is eager to laugh at—

The person most like a murderer must not be a murderer.

Lan Ning typed this sentence to Xing Xin, and Xing Xin quickly sent a reply.

Xing Xin: Today's readers have a wider horizon than previous readers, which has indeed formed the phenomenon you mentioned. But there is no problem with this technique, the key lies in how the writer uses it.

Cauliflower: Oh, you mean that misleading can be divided into high-level misleading and low-level misleading

Xing Xin: I suggest you read my "Symbiosis" again, maybe you can get some inspiration. :)

Lanning: "..."

Xing Xin: So you really are my bookmaker, right

Cauliflower: ... Teacher, when will the next manuscript be handed in o(n_n)o~

Xing Xin really did not speak.

Lanning knocked again: "Teacher, where are you now?"

Xing Xin: →_→

Xing Xin: I went home yesterday, but you'd better not come to me, I'm tired, I haven't recovered yet, and I won't open the door for you when you come.

Lan Ning curled her lips, thinking that his spring outing for so long was really exhausting, so she decided to give him a day off.

Cauliflower: Then I will come to you tomorrow. o(n_n)o~

Xingxin: ...

As it was approaching work time, colleagues came one after another. The editor-in-chief saw Lanning's message last night, and came here today to ask her when the remaining manuscripts will be handed in.

Lan Ning could only show her the screenshots of Xingxin's words, waited anxiously for a while, and finally received a reply from the editor-in-chief: "I will give you another week at most, and you must collect all the manuscripts next Monday, otherwise no matter what It’s too late to go on the market in May. After reading this half of the manuscript, I will send it out for proofreading and start proofreading.”

Cauliflower: OK_(:3」∠)_

Cauliflower: By the way, have you read the manuscript of Ruxi Bikong

The editor-in-chief may have gone to read Xingxin's manuscript, and it took a long time to reply to her: "I haven't read it yet, I have piled up several manuscripts on hand, and I will take some time this week to read them together.

Cauliflower: OK.

After a busy day at work, Lanning didn't want to move much when he got home. She casually ordered a bowl of noodles, carried them to the bedroom, and pulled out "Symbiosis" from the bookcase.

This book was written by Xing Xin three years ago. It is because he has been writing a single novel in the past three years, so the fourth book in the An Ran Detective series, which he started to write this time, has attracted more attention.

She opened the book and read it while eating noodles.

Su Hanqing, the heroine of "Symbiosis", is an important suspect in a murder case, but she is a patient with multiple personality disorder. She has four personalities, one is quiet and timid, the other is thoughtful, the other is violent, and the other is silent but strong in execution. The police believed that she deliberately pretended to have multiple personalities, so as to escape legal sanctions under the pretext of mental illness, but they couldn't find any evidence. In the end, Wu Yang spent a lot of thought, and finally helped them find the flaw, and proved that Su Hanqing did not have a quadruple personality, and Su Hanqing himself admitted it.

The development of the plot to this point is already a very complete story, and it is exciting enough, but this is not the story Xing Xin wants to tell.

Su Hanqing does not have a quadruple personality, she just has a dual personality. The main character is gentle and timid, while the second personality is thoughtful and strong in execution. The other violence and silence are all pretended by the first personality. She knew that she had killed someone, and she could feel the strong killing of the second personality. But she couldn't control it. The second personality appeared more and more times, and she was afraid that the last body would become a murderer.

So she wants to send herself to prison.

She had thought about this method for a long time. She disguised herself as a quadruple personality and entered the police's field of vision. She knew that in front of Wu Yang, she would definitely show her flaws. As long as she denied her two forged personalities, her real second personality would also have a high chance of being denied together.

In the end, she succeeded. As for whether Wu Yang discovered that she actually had a dual personality, Xing Xin did not give a clear answer in the article.

Lanning sat on the bedside with a book in his hands, lost in thought.

Is this the misleading teacher Xing Xin said? The misleading of "Symbiosis" started from the beginning of the story, misleading from the root.

So "Death Message" also misled readers from the root

After thinking about it for a long time, Lan Ning still didn't have much idea, and finally went to wash and sleep. She had been dreaming about various murders throughout the night, and when the alarm clock rang, she woke up with a start.

Touching the cold sweat on his forehead, Lanning sat up from the bed.

She thinks it's better not to read Xingxin's book before going to bed in the future.

As soon as she put on her clothes, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in her mind, as if a light bulb had actually turned on.

She took out her phone and began to WeChat editor Yan Ruyu. She forced him to add Yan Ruyu's WeChat before, although she later realized that adding it was useless.

Lanning: I thought of it! The misleading of this book is that the horizontal line was not left by the deceased at all, but was written by the murderer! I think the details have been revealed here before, starting to...

Lanning Balabala made a lot of analysis and sent it to Yan Ruyu.

Not long after, Yan Ruyu sent a reply: "There are 653 characters in total. At your hand speed, did you start editing at 5:30 in the morning?"

Lanning: "..."

Then you counted how many words there are, isn't it even more boring!