Finding Glowing Beauty in Books

Chapter 23


Lan Ning cooked three dishes and one soup. After she put the dishes on the table, Yan Ruyu didn't respond.

She glanced in the direction of the sofa, and it was quiet there. Frowning slightly, Lan Ning walked over and found that Yan Ruyu was lying on it and fell asleep.

The bangs on his forehead hung down softly, slightly covering the eyelids, and under the thick eyelashes, there were two shallow projections.

Although they are the same person, Yan Ruyu who is asleep is definitely a hundred times more beautiful than Yan Ruyu who is awake.

He won't taunt you, let alone play tricks on you. He is as quiet as a painting when he is asleep, and the painting is a prince in a dream.

Lan Ning looked aside for a while, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder twice: "Hi."

She called him, her tone not very gentle.

Yan Ruyu was not a deep sleeper, but when she called her, he also woke up leisurely. His eyelashes fluttered slightly, and he opened his eyes to look at Lanning in front of him.

It seems that because he just woke up, his eyes were a little hazy, and Lan Ning felt a little flustered when he saw him like this: "The meal is ready."

"Hmm..." Yan Ruyu responded softly, his lazy voice sounding more magnetic than usual.

"Let's eat." Lanning dropped this sentence, turned around and left quickly.

Yan Ruyu sat up from the sofa, looked at her back and smiled silently.

After washing his hands, he went to sit down opposite Lanning. The two of them didn't talk much at the dinner table, they just concentrated on eating the food in front of them. Although Lan Ning didn't ask, she felt that this vegetable was better than what she usually ate. Could it be that the vegetables here are special

Thinking of this, she decided to take a few more bites.

After eating, Lan Ning was determined not to wash the dishes. Since she cooked the meal, the work of washing the dishes should naturally be undertaken by Confucianism.

Yan Ruyu didn't say no to washing, but walked upstairs while yawning: "I drove for a few hours in the morning, and I'm a little tired. I'll go up and take a nap first, and put the bowl there."

Lanning: "..."

Well, let's put it there, it's not her house anyway.

She picked up her luggage and walked upstairs: "Where is my room?"

Yan Ruyu looked at her sideways: "You can choose whatever you like."

Lanning snorted, and opened a door casually, which was the study room.

As the Confucian saying goes, the study room also has a lot of bookshelves, but it is much more low-key than the living room.

She looked around inside and closed the study door. After walking a few steps, she stopped in front of another door, and was about to open it when Yan Ruyu's casual voice came from behind: "This is my room, if you want to live with me It doesn't matter to me if you want a room."

Lanning: "..."

"Shameless." She cursed in a low voice, and went to open the opposite door. This time it's the bedroom, yes.

"I will live in this room." Lanning looked at the door for a while, then went in with her luggage. The room is large, with plenty of light, and there is a big bed that looks super soft inside. Lanning walked to the window and looked out.

The trees all over the mountain stretch into the distance, and there is a piece of fresh green as far as the eye can see.

"It's really nice here." She walked back from the window and began to pack her things. Someone should clean here regularly, the furniture is clean and there is no dust.

She simply packed her luggage and lay down on the bed a little tiredly. I got up too early in the morning. Although I slept in the car for a while when I came here, I was still a little sleepy.

Let's take a nap first, and come to urge the teacher to write the manuscript in the afternoon.

When I woke up this time, it was almost four o'clock, and Lan Ning jumped up in a panic. What does four o'clock mean? It means that you will be able to have dinner in a while, after dinner, you can go to bed after a short rest, so this day is so wasted!

She ran down the stairs with a thud, the sound of her footsteps sounded a bit piercing in the overly spacious room.

When she arrived at the living room, the first thing she saw was the clean dining table. The bowls piled up there at noon have been washed, and the unfinished dishes have also been taken away.

It seems Confucianism has risen

She descended the last flight of stairs and looked around.

Yan Ruyu sat at the table in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, with a laptop in front of him. Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows was a well-manicured lawn, and his shadow was lightly reflected on the window glass.

Lan Ning's eyes widened in disbelief, he was actively writing? Could it be that he really came here to find inspiration

She walked over lightly, stood behind Yan Ruyu and glanced at his computer screen twice.

"Standing behind me like this, do you want to peek at my manuscript, or attack me?" Yan Ruyu didn't turn his head, but it was obvious that he had noticed Lanning behind him.

Lan Ning twitched her lips and said, "I just don't want to disturb you." She glanced at his computer again, and after confirming that it was a word document, she said with a curled mouth, "Then write slowly, I'll call you at dinner."

She deliberately made more for lunch, just thinking that she could heat it up and have another meal at night. Although Yan Ruyu was dissatisfied after seeing the dishes on the table, he ate them anyway.

It was still early after cleaning up the dishes, Lan Ning forced Yan Ruyu to continue writing, but he himself was a little idle. Although there was something wrong in the villa, she didn't know if there was a signal, and the TV didn't seem to be interesting.

She browsed the bookshelves in the living room, picked out a book she hadn't finished reading from the dazzling array of books, and took it out to continue reading.

I don't know if the environment here is really suitable for reading. Lan Ning has successfully read the books that Lan Ning has challenged several times. The night had completely fallen, and Lanning looked out through the glass window. In the dark night sky, he could actually see a sky full of stars.

It was hard to see so many stars in the city, so she put the book back on the shelf, opened the door and walked out.

The surrounding woods were pitch black, and looked a little eerie. Lanning stood in front of the French windows of the villa, not daring to step out of the area illuminated by the light.

She lay down on the grass, looking up at the sky full of stars.

When she was in middle school, constellations became very popular among her classmates for a while, and Lan Ning also followed suit and deliberately memorized the patterns of each constellation, but now she thought about it carefully, only to find that only the pattern of the Big Dipper left a strong impression in her memory. a sum.

She was still trying to discern the stars above her head, but Yan Ruyu had unconsciously walked up to her and looked down at her: "Aren't you afraid of being snatched away by wolves if you just lie here like this?"

His sudden voice startled Lan Ning. Lan Ning yelled "Ah!" and sat up from the lawn: "There are still wolves here?"

Yan Ruyu looked at her with a half-smile: "Is it strange that there are wolves in the mountains?"

"But this is a development zone, so it's impossible for there to be wolves!"

With a little smile on his lips, Yan Ruyu also sat down on the lawn, and then lay down.

Lan Ning looked at him leisurely and leisurely, and looked around the surrounding woods vigilantly. The surroundings were very quiet, only the sound of insects and the occasional rustling of the wind, but just now she was told by Yan Ruyu, she always felt that a wolf would rush out of the woods in the next second.

"Is there a wolf?" She bumped Ruyu's arm.

Yan Ruyu looked at the starry sky above his head, and replied with a smile, "Didn't you say that there would be no wolves in the development zone?"

Lanning's brows twitched twice, she felt that Mr. Xingxin was so disgusting that a dog would hate him, and if there was a wolf, he must be the first to pick him up. After reassuring herself in this way, she lay down on the grass again.

Her head was right next to Yan Ruyu's, about two palms apart.

Yan Ruyu turned his head slightly, glanced at her, and then looked away.

"Can you recognize constellations?" Lanning looked at the stars in the night sky and asked Yan Ruyu beside him.

Yan Ruyu asked back: "What constellation do you recognize?"

Lan Ning raised his hand and pointed to several stars: "The Big Dipper."

Yan Ruyu laughed: "The southeast of the Big Dipper is the constellation of Bootes, and the south is the constellation of Leo." Yan Ruyu raised his hand as he spoke, and made two gestures in the air, "The three brightest constellations of Bootes, Leo and Virgo The stars form a triangle, which is the big spring triangle. If you add Chang Chenyi in the constellation Canes Venatic next to it, it will become a big spring diamond."

"Pfft, big diamond." Lan Ning followed him and gestured twice.

Yan Ruyu withdrew his hand and said flatly, "Because the figure after the connection looks like a diamond."

"Oh, it seems a bit." Lan Ning turned his head to look at Yan Ruyu, and Yan Ruyu turned his head just in time, meeting her eyes.

Both of them froze for a moment, Lanning's hand stopped in mid-air, a little stiff.

... Fuck this distance, if you can't hold it in a little bit, you will kiss me!

Lanning withdrew his hand abruptly and sat up from the lawn.

"Cough." She coughed twice, looked down at the watch on her wrist, "It's getting late, I'm going to bed."

Yan Ruyu's eyes slowly fell on her watch, and the corners of his mouth curled up almost invisibly: "Actually, I wanted to ask a long time ago, did you buy this watch for my couple?"

As he spoke, he raised his left hand and shook his cuff slightly.

The same large dial, gold surface, black belt, even the brand is the same. The only difference is that his is a male model and hers is a female model.

Lanning: "..."

This is definitely a coincidence.

"This is a classic model, many people wear it, hehe." Lanning got up and patted the grass clippings on his pants, "I'm going back to my room, good night."

Yan Ruyu heard the sound of the door opening, and said to the starry sky above: "Good night."