Finding Glowing Beauty in Books

Chapter 3


"Mistry" is a magazine under Skyworth Culture that focuses on suspense reasoning. It has a history of more than ten years since its inception and has good reader resources.

In addition to reasoning, Skyworth Culture also has two other categories of magazines, namely children's literature and romance novels, and these magazines have maintained a certain sales volume in the market.

Today, when the traditional publishing industry is suffering, the magazines under Skyworth can still stand tall. In addition to the high quality and marketing methods of the magazine itself, it also relies on the backer behind Skyworth culture, Guangrong Group.

Guangrong Group can be said to be the largest private publishing company in China at present. It has been established for many years and has strong financial resources. It runs a total of three media companies, and Skyworth Culture is one of them.

If I can enter Skyworth, my mother will no longer have to worry about the company going bankrupt!

Lan Ning carefully read the recruitment conditions twice, and after confirming that he was qualified, he submitted his resume piously.

Please be sure to bless her resume to pass the screening! Lanning clasped his hands together in front of the computer.

Maybe God felt her sincerity, and Skyworth Culture really sent her an interview notice the next day. Lan Ning was so excited that he jumped on the spot three times, and immediately began to prepare for the interview. She familiarized herself with the company's history again, and even memorized the works of every master on "Mistry" over and over again.

On the day of the interview, the editor-in-chief of "Mistry" magazine was one of the interviewers and asked her a question: "You used to work in girls' literature, and we are a reasoning magazine. Do you think you are competent?"

Although Lanning has three years of work experience, he doesn't have much interview experience. Before she came here, she also read a lot of experience posts, which said that she must first show confidence in front of the interviewer, so she smiled very confidently: "I think literature has something in common, and I am a loyal reader of your magazine , I am very familiar with the sections and styles of Mistry."

The editor-in-chief raised his eyebrows with interest: "Oh? Then which author of our magazine do you like the most?"

"Teacher Xing Xin." Lan Ning was a little excited when she said this. A large part of her yearning for "Mistry" was due to Xing Xin, "I bought every one of his books."

Xing Xin's earliest short mystery story was published in "Mistry", when he was only 17 years old. Later, he submitted several short stories to the magazine, and the then editor-in-chief liked him very much, so he was directly invited to come to the magazine to write a long series.

This serialization is the first part of An Ran Detective series, "The Player".

"The Player" was extremely popular when it was serialized in the magazine, and it was no surprise that it became the best-selling mystery novel of the year after it was published. Because of this work, Xingxin himself won the Best Newcomer Award in the Mystery Fiction Contest that year, and won the current Mistry Award in the annual selection of "Mistry" magazine.

It is worth mentioning that Xing Xin, who has just turned 20, is the youngest winner of these two awards.

After hearing Lan Ning's name of Xing Xin, the editor-in-chief raised the corners of his mouth and smiled: "Oh, Teacher Xing Xin."

Lanning didn't quite understand the meaning of her smile, so she had to laugh along with her twice.

"I read your resume. You were fired from your last job because the magazine stopped publishing, right?"


"What do you think is the reason why the magazine ceased publication?"

"On the one hand, because the popularization of the Internet has changed people's traditional reading habits, the entire publishing industry is in a downturn. On the other hand, there are also areas that need to be improved in the magazine itself. For example, our target readership is..."

Lanning had already considered that the other party might ask this question, so he made preparations in advance, and now he can answer it fluently. After an interview, the interviewer did not directly tell her the result, but just asked her to go home and wait for the notification.

She came out of the company, put on her coat over her formal attire, and walked towards the subway entrance.

She performed better in the interview just now, right? With a perfect score of 100, it shouldn't be a problem to get 80 points

She was thinking about her performance in the interview, and she arrived home without knowing it. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Qu Tong in a Lolita dress standing at the door.

Lan Ning was habitually dazed, Qu Tong opened his hands and circled in front of her: "This is the new series launched by BabyHouse, Disney fairy tale suits, isn't it pretty!"

Qu Tong likes to collect all kinds of small skirts, and has been spared no effort to recommend them to Lan Ning. After Lan Ning got to know the prices, she was not interested in learning more.

But these skirts are really cute, she laughed twice, and said to Qu Tong: "Very beautiful, is this Sleeping Beauty?"

"That's right, that's right, the Little Red Riding Hood set is also very cute! Do you want to try it too!"

"No, I'll forget it..." Lan Ning hurriedly stopped her.

She went back to the room and changed her clothes, Qu Tong also changed back to her daily clothes, and ran to her room: "Sister Lanning, how was your interview in the morning?"

"Well, I haven't answered yet."

"I have confidence in you and will definitely pass!"

With Qu Tong's auspicious words, Lan Ning really received a reply letter from "Mistry" on the evening of the second day, asking her to go to the company to apply for employment the next day.

Lan Ning was so excited that she almost cried out. She called Dai Qing's number and called her immediately: "You may not believe me, but I was admitted by "Mistry"!"

Dai Qing was stunned for a moment, but he really didn't believe it: "What? My dear, are you under too much pressure?"

"No! I went to the interview yesterday, and they replied to me, asking me to apply for employment tomorrow!"

"Really?" Dai Qing finally came to his senses at this moment, and was also happy for Lan Ning, "Congratulations, Lan Ningning! I said that if you don't go to the old one, you won't come to the new one, you are now in a big company! When are you going to invite me to dinner?"

" is too late, let's do it tomorrow, cook hot pot at my place tonight."

"Good! I'll bring you your favorite tofu skin!"

"Bring some meat, thanks..."

After sharing the good news with Qu Tong again, Lan Ning started to apply the mask early and planned to take a beauty sleep today.

Even though she had prepared her clothes for work well in advance, the next morning was as chaotic as a war.

She put on a simple office makeup, took off the hair tie, and started combing her hair as if fast-forwarded. When Lan Ning goes to work, she likes to tie her hair into a high ponytail, which makes her look more energetic. Some of the shorter ones in the front cannot be combed up, so I just wait for it to stay there, and it can also modify the shape of the face by the way.

When she was done, she put her bag on her boots and went out.

It took 40 minutes to take the subway. After exiting the subway, the company building is across the road. A special staff member from the company's personnel department received her, helped her complete the formalities, and took her to visit the company.

"This is the Children's Literature Department, which is full of jokers who suffer from the second illness. Thinking of handing over the children of the motherland to them, it is easy for me to worry about the country and the people."

"Pfft." Lanning was amused by the staff's statement, and looked inside curiously. Immediately, a sharp-eyed male colleague saw her and shouted enthusiastically: "Oh girl, are you new here? Come to our department! Now you will get a boyfriend as soon as you join the department!"

"Come on, as long as you have the quality, it's better to be an internal CP. If you can make a pair, it's a pair." The staff member who led Lanning gave all the male colleagues a look, and continued to walk forward with Lanning, "This is a romance novel. The department is also the department with the most female employees in our company."

Lan Ning just nodded, when he heard a heart-piercing roar from inside: "My God! Can you stop giving me the manuscript of the leader of the Demon Cult! Now I see these words! Think! Spit! !"

Lan Ning nodded with sympathy. She is also a person who has done girls' literature, and she knows very well that being a leader, prince, and president is a popular job that will last forever.

"The female colleagues in the romance department have been mentally abused for a long time, and they may be a little emotionally unstable." The staff laughed dryly, and led Lanning to turn a corner, "This is the reasoning department where you are."

Lan Ning looked up, and there was a golden nameplate hanging on the door of the office in front, with the words "Suspenseful Reasoning" written on it, and on the wall next to the nameplate, there was also a large poster of the same style as the cover of Teacher Xingxin's last book.

Lanning's eyes lit up instantly.

"Our company has a total of three reasoning magazines, and the work area of "Mistry" is by the window." The staff took her to the door and pointed her in the direction, "Go and find your editor-in-chief , she will arrange work for you."

"Okay, thank you." She watched the staff leave and walked into the office a little nervously. Everyone seemed so busy that no one noticed her.

"This manuscript is such a big bug that no one has seen it? Let the author revise it!"

"But I'm going to print soon, QAQ"

"Then change to another manuscript! How did you review the manuscript, don't you want to do it!"


"It's useless to be cute, I'm not the group of nerds in the children's department!"

Hearing the sound of the dispute, Lan Ning looked over subconsciously, and finally met the eyes of that fierce man. The other party was stunned for a moment, and said to her, "Are you the new editor of "Mistry"? Their office area is over there."

"Oh, thank you." Lan Ning nodded to him with a smile, and walked away quickly, and the fierce roar sounded again behind him.

Lanning looked around. Although the office is relatively large, there are crystal plaques hanging in the area of each magazine. She walked towards the direction where "Mistry" was written, and was attracted by a large bookshelf against the wall.

This bookshelf is densely packed with books, and all the works of the masters that she has memorized before can be found on the bookshelf.

"Wow." Lan Ning couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart, it was really a "dream book shelf".

"Have you completed the entry procedures?"

Hearing this voice, Lan Ning quickly turned around, and it turned out to be the editor-in-chief who interviewed her yesterday.

"Yes, the formalities have been completed," she said respectfully.

The editor-in-chief looked at the work card hanging around her neck, and pointed to an empty seat with the pen in his hand: "Your seat is there, and it's a bit messy. You can tidy it up yourself, and the computer can be used."

"OK, thanks."

"Apple is on the left of your seat. She is responsible for taking you. If you have any questions, just ask." The editor-in-chief paused here, and looked at her secretly, "I remember you said during the interview that your favorite writer Is it Teacher Xingxin?"

"Yes." Lanning felt a little subtle, just like the editor's inexplicable smile during the interview.

The editor-in-chief clapped his hands, and a bewildered smile appeared on his face again: "Then I'll leave him to you."