Finding Glowing Beauty in Books

Chapter 30


It didn't take long for Yan Ruyu to find him according to the house number, and he brought a lot of ingredients when he came.

"Teacher, why did you buy so many things?" Lan Ning took the shopping bag in his hand and took a look inside. There were a lot of beef, thousand-layer tripe, ribs, and balls in it.

Yan Ruyu said: "I bought it by the way when I was familiar with the supermarket environment."

Lanning: "..."

Familiar with the supermarket environment... Taurus is worthy of being the foodie of the twelve constellations.

She carried her pocket to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and looked at it: "There are still a lot of vegetables at home, so I don't think I need to buy any more vegetables."

"Yeah." Yan Ruyu was also watching in the room, and after looking around, he said to Lan Ning, "The environment here is not bad, but does your landlord live alone?"

"Well, her parents are abroad, and she is studying here alone."

"I see." Yan Ruyu nodded and didn't ask any more questions. Lan Ning took out all the vegetables and said to Yan Ruyu, "Then let's chop the vegetables first, and Qu Tong will be ready to eat when he gets up."

Yan Ruyu raised his eyebrows after hearing this: "Living with you, your landlord is really lucky."

Lan Ning leaned in his direction and said in a low voice, "Because she charges very little rent!"

Yan Ruyu chuckled and walked into the kitchen to help her chop vegetables.

After Qu Tong came out of the bedroom, he immediately saw the handsome mature man chopping vegetables in his kitchen. She rubbed her eyes, thinking that she hadn't woken up yet.

Seeing her getting up, Lan Ning put the sliced melaleuca tripe into a large plate, and said to her, "Are you awake, it's just about ready to eat."

"This is...?" Qu Tong blinked in the direction of Yan Ruyu.

"Oh, I'm going to cook hot pot tonight, so I invited the teacher to come over with me, and celebrate his moving."

"That's it, teacher, hello!" Qu Tong smiled and bowed to Yan Ruyu.

"Hello." Yan Ruyu nodded to her, and continued to cut the cauliflower in his hand.

He bought this cauliflower specially.

Qu Tong looked at the pots and pans on the glazed table for a while, then looked at Lan Ning in disbelief: "Sister Lan Ning, you only had buffet at noon, can you still have hot pot at night?"

"Why not?" Lanning looked at her strangely, "I did it all afternoon, do you think I slept all afternoon like you? And this teacher is very good at eating."

Yan Ruyu's knife was heavy, and a cauliflower was chopped off: "You are too modest."

"Where is it?" Lanning looked at the cauliflower that flew out, and felt his vest feel cold inexplicably.

Qu Tong picked up the vegetables that flew to his feet, and handed them to Lan Ning to wash: "Speaking of which, what is the teacher's last name, and what should I call him?"

Lan Ning said, "Just call him Uncle Yan."

With a "pop", another cauliflower flew out.

Lanning: "..."

Yan Ruyu stopped the knife in his hand and looked sideways at Lanning: "Why does she call you sister and me uncle?"

Lan Ning said: "Because I am not more than ten years older than her, and you are more than ten years older than her."

Confucianism: "..."

Who stipulated that if you are over ten years old, you have to go up a generation

"Teacher Yan is so young, of course it's my brother!" Qu Tong laughed dryly, and went to pick up another cauliflower.

"Hehe." Lanning rinsed the cauliflower that fell on the ground again, and threw it into the plate.

When the dishes were almost ready, Lan Ning started to stir-fry the bottom of the hot pot. After the aroma of the hot pot rose, even Qu Tong, who had slept all afternoon, felt that he could fight again.

Lan Ning and Yan Ruyu had eaten Chinese food and Western food together, but it was the first time they sat around a table to eat hot pot like this.

After the first batch of dishes in the pot were cooked, she picked up a chopstick and put Melaleuca belly into Qu Tong's bowl, and Qu Tong thanked her happily.

Yan Ruyu sat aside and watched her quietly.

Feeling his gaze, Lan Ning silently twitched the corner of his mouth, picked up another chopstick and put it in the bowl of Yan Ruyu: "Teacher, you can eat too."

"Yeah." Yan Ruyu wrapped the thousand-layer belly in his red seasoning bowl.

"Teacher, is it really okay for you to eat so spicy?" Lan Ning looked at the color in his bowl and felt that it was spicy. Now that he eats so spicy, will he delay the manuscript because of eating too spicy and making his stomach upset

"I like spicy food since I was a child." He said and glanced at Lanning's bowl, "It's unreasonable for people like you to eat hot pot with sesame sauce."

Lan Ning pouted, and picked up a chopstick dish for himself: "It tastes good with sesame sauce."

"That's not pure hot pot anymore, that's pagan in hot pot."

Lanning: "..."

Do they Taurus people talk about food like this

She picked up another spare rib and put it into Yan Ruyu's bowl: "Teacher, eat more."

She doesn't believe that food can't stop him anymore.

Yan Ruyu looked down at the spare ribs she gave him, and started to eat silently.

The three of them ate around the table for more than an hour, and all the dishes on the table were wiped out. Qu Tong was swollen and paralyzed on the chair, as if he had nothing to love: "I can't do it, I'm already a useless cat, and I don't need to eat for the whole day tomorrow."

Lanning scooped the pot with a spoon, scooped up another caught shrimp dumpling, and put it into Yan Ruyu's bowl: "That's great, I won't have to cook for the rest of the day."

Qu Tong looked at the ceiling weakly and didn't speak. Yan Ruyu ate the shrimp dumpling and wiped his mouth with a napkin: "Do you need me to clean it up for you?"

"Of course!" Lanning stood up from the chair, pointing to the pile of dishes, "These empty dishes and dishes will be handed over to you."

After she finished speaking, she was ready to take the pot on the table, and Yan Ruyu took the hot pot before her: "I'll do it, you go and clear away the empty bowls and dishes."

"Ah, oh..." Lan Ning withdrew her hand and hugged the stacked plates, not forgetting to tell her, "Teacher, be careful."

"Don't compare me to you."

Lanning: "..."

Qu Tong, who was still in the air, looked up at them, and then stared at the ceiling.

In the kitchen, Lan Ning and Yan Ruyu stood washing the dishes together, the sink was full of white bubbles. Lan Ning brushed his hair, looked at Yan Ruyu tentatively and said, "Teacher, which building do you live in?"

Yan Ruyu asked without raising his head, "Why are you asking this?"

"I don't do anything, I just want to drop by when I have time."

"I think you want to come to urge the manuscript when you have time."

"Hehe, why not? Didn't you just hand in the manuscript?"

"I'm working on a new book."

Lan Ning was taken aback, and even stopped washing the dishes: "New book? So fast?" When did that teacher Xing Xin, who is known for being lazy and lazy, become so diligent


Lanning blinked and asked, "What kind of book is the new one?"

"The style may be different from what I wrote before, and you will know when you finish writing."

"Oh..." Lanning didn't ask any further, after all, she might not be in charge of the new book, and...she didn't want to go through such an unforgettable reminder again.

After she washed two bowls, she suddenly remembered her original purpose: "Teacher, you haven't said which building you live in yet."

Yan Ruyu smiled, raised his head to look at her: "Why don't you try reasoning?"

Lanning: "..."

Why don't you try Baidu

She wrinkled her nose, but Yan Ruyu suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Lanning glanced at him.

Yan Ruyu washed his hands with water and touched her hair: "The bubbles are all on the hair."

Lan Ning looked at the white foam on his hands, and buried his head with an oh.

Yan Ruyu looked at her side face, smiled a little at the corner of his mouth, then lowered his head to wash the dishes.

After the two of them washed the pots and pans, Yan Ruyu left directly. Lan Ning lay on the door and listened for a while, then quietly opened the crack of the door and looked out from the inside.

Yan Ruyu just got into the elevator.

"I'll go out for a while." She said quickly, opened the door and went out. Taking another elevator downstairs, Lan Ning followed Yan Ruyu furtively.

The editor-in-chief told her to ask her for Yan Ruyu's new address, but she still didn't believe that the meat of her mouth could fly like this.

Yan Ruyu walked neither fast nor slow, the street lights in the neighborhood stretched his shadow very long, occasionally a car would pass by, he would stop, and Lan Ning would quickly hide by a wall or a street light.

Ah, why do I feel so perverted.

She sighed silently in her heart, and saw Yan Ruyu turning left in front. Lan Ning quickly chased after him, but after turning the corner, he didn't see Yan Ruyu's shadow.

Hey, go so fast? Lan Ning frowned and looked around. He might have entered the apartment. There is a building just around the corner, and he probably lives in this building.

Thinking of this, she walked towards the apartment in front of her. The door downstairs was closed. She tried to enter the password of their building, but she couldn't open it.

"Do you need me to help you?" Yan Ruyu's voice suddenly came from behind, Lan Ning was so frightened that he almost didn't cry out.

She turned her head stiffly, and Yan Ruyu was standing behind her looking at herself with a half-smile.

"Haha." Lanning laughed dryly, "I ate too much just now, so I came down for a walk."

Yan Ruyu smiled, stepped forward and entered six numbers on the keypad lock, and the door opened with a "click": "Would you like to come up and have a seat?"

"… OK."

After following Yan Ruyu to the elevator, Lan Ning was still a little embarrassed. Yan Ruyu looked at the keyboard in the elevator and said, "You should stop following people, it's too dangerous."

Lanning: "..."

She watched silently as the elevator stopped on the 21st floor, and followed Yan Ruyu out.

Yan Ruyu lives in the first room out of the elevator. The layout inside is very similar to Qu Tong's house, but the decoration style is completely different.

"Is this place already decorated when you bought it?" Lanning asked Ruyu after looking around inside.

"Well, if you decorate it yourself, you'll have to wait a long time. It just so happens that there is a house here that has been renovated, and the style is acceptable to me."

"Oh... I thought..."

"What do you think?" Yan Ruyu looked at her suddenly, with a slight smile on his lips, "You thought I moved here because of you?"

Lanning: "..."

Although she really thought about it, but... do you want to say it like that! I feel like I lost my face!