Finding Glowing Beauty in Books

Chapter 31


Lan Ning was extremely ashamed by Yan Ruyu's words, she didn't stay at his house for long, and ran out in a hurry. When she got home, Qu Tong still kept the posture she had left, sitting motionless on the chair.

While changing her shoes, Lan Ning said to her, "Stop sitting still, get up and move around."

Qu Tong turned his head slowly, looked at her and asked, "Sister Lanning, what is your relationship with that teacher Yan?"

"What's the relationship? It's the editor and the author."

"Oh..." Why doesn't she look like it. She stretched and stood up from the chair, and said quietly: "It seems that brother Ye Cheng is out of luck."

"What are you talking about?" Lan Ning looked at her inexplicably. Seeing her walking back, she frowned and said, "You're going back to your room again? Didn't I ask you to move around a bit." Lazy like this, Could she also be a Taurus

Qu Tong sighed: "I'm in a bad mood right now, I don't want to move."

"What’s wrong with you?"

"Break in love."

Lanning: "..."

I don't really understand them young people.

Qu Tong stood at the door of his room and looked back at Lan Ning: "I guess Mr. Yan is a famous writer, right? If you buy a house, you can buy a house. The income must be considerable."

"Well, uh..."

"Could it be Teacher Xingxin?!"

Lanning: "..."

Qu Tong looked at her in surprise: "Is it really Teacher Xingxin? I saw your Weibo before, saying that he had submitted the manuscript." Ning, she saw it all on the homepage.

"I didn't expect Teacher Xingxin to be so handsome! If he prints his photo on the book, the sales will definitely double!"

Lan Ning looked at her warningly: "Without the teacher's permission, you can't disclose his personal information, let alone post it on the Internet."

"Don't worry, I still know this common sense." Qu Tong jumped on the spot twice, "Ah, I really like Teacher Xingxin's book! Wu Yang is so handsome!"

Alas, Brother Ye Cheng, with such a strong opponent, I can only help you so far.

After Qu Tong returned to the room, Lan Ning also returned to her bedroom. She browsed around the Internet for a while, and suddenly remembered what Qu Tong said just now, and she was also a little curious about the teacher's income. She searched the domestic rich list of writers and found last year's ranking. Teacher Xing Xin ranked third, with royalties... 21 million.

"Cough cough." Lanning choked on himself, and coughed twice violently.

God is so unfair, why can a lazy person like Teacher Xingxin earn so much money, while a hard-working editor like her can only live on a meager salary every month!

She boarded the penguin aggrieved and complained to Dai Qing.

Dai Qing: You are less unbalanced. All you see are writers at the top of the pyramid, and how many small authors who are starved to death have not been seen.

Lanning: =. = Are you talking about you

Dai Qing: ... [Goodbye]

Dai Qing: People like Teacher Xingxin who became popular at the age of 17 are regarded as patriarchs who enjoy food. Those who do not have this kind of talent will either write with their lives, or write with their lives until they die, and then reincarnate.

Lanning: "..."

She sank down on the bed with a heavy heart, staring at the ceiling in thought. She has also met many authors in the past few years, most of them are unknown, and many of them finally disappeared because they couldn't persevere. For teachers like Xing Xin, it is rare in the entire literary world for her first novel to shine.

Maybe it's really like what Dai Qing said, this is the patriarch's meal.

She rolled around on the quilt, bounced it up again and posted a Weibo.

Cauliflower v: God rewards work! ! Authors, please keep writing, there will always be rewards for your hard work!

Many authors commented and liked this Weibo, and then Lanning received a new private message.

Xing Xin: You're so hot-blooded at night, you're really full from eating too much, right

Lanning: "..."

Cauliflower: How can a person like you standing at the top of the pyramid understand how hard it is for the little author who is suppressed below!

Xing Xin: Oh, I really don’t understand, after all, my first novel became popular. :)

Lanning: "..."

Sometimes I really want to kill him!

Cauliflower: [bye]

After posting this, she quit Weibo, turned off her phone and went to sleep.

In the next week, I will still be fully preparing for Teacher Xingxin's new book, and the end of March will soon pass. With April approaching, the magazine's launch date is approaching, and the editorial department is almost too busy.

It wasn't until the magazine was successfully printed that the entire editorial department breathed a sigh of relief.

Lan Ning's breath was very small, because she still had Teacher Xingxin's new book in her hand, and the cover of the artist had not been delivered for a long time, so she had to rush it once a day. The artist did not hand in the first draft until the day the magazine went public.

Lan Ning immediately poked Ruyu, and showed him the first draft of the cover: "Teacher, the artist has finally delivered the manuscript! t^tThis is the first draft, can you see if there is anything you are not satisfied with?"

Xing Xin: Not bad.

Cauliflower: ok. The painter will deal with the details, and I will hand it over to the designer. The cover will be ready this month.

Xingxin: Yes.

Cauliflower: I also want to do a small interview for you on the inside page, do you think it is okay

Xingxin: Is it another interview

Cauliflower: The more relaxed kind, it’s better to be a small theater!

Xing Xin: The kind that asks a hundred questions about the relationship between husband and wife

Lanning: "..."

Teacher, what books are you usually reading

Cauliflower: When are you free? o(n_n)o~

Xing Xin: Tonight.

Cauliflower: ...I don't work at night.

Xingxin: Face-to-face interviews are better. You can come to my house directly.

brocoli:… :)

Cauliflower: All right.

She went to post a Weibo to solicit questions from everyone, and got a positive response. Before leaving get off work, she printed out the questions and sent a message to Yan Ruyu to confirm: "Teacher, are you at home? I'll come over now."

Xingxin: Yes.

Lan Ning was about to quit Penguin when he saw Ruxi Bikong sent him a message: "Editor, I saw that the magazine was launched~(≧▽≦)/~so nervous and excited~"


The blue sky is like washing: And I saw that my name and the editor's name were written together, so shy (*/w\*)

Lanning: "..."

Cauliflower: We will collect feedback information from the reader survey form, and the most popular short story in the current issue will be rewarded with an additional contribution fee.

The blue sky is like washing: w(Д)w I am even more nervous when you say that.

Cauliflower: [laughs]

Cauliflower: I'm off work here, let's talk later.

The blue sky is like washing: Alright~ I am happy to get off work~

Lan Ning thought she was not happy at all, and she had to go to teacher Xingxin's house to work overtime.

When she left the company, Yan Ruyu was about to go downstairs to buy groceries. When I came back, I passed by a bookstore, and the latest issue of "Mistry" happened to be displayed outside. After thinking about it, Yan Ruyu went up and bought a copy to take home.

When he got home, he was not busy cooking, but opened the magazine first and read it. In the catalog of the magazine, there are many writers he is familiar with, and of course, there are also newcomers.

Like this one, Clear Sky, Prayer.

He slightly raised his eyebrows, turned to the page indicated by the table of contents, and finished reading the short story in five minutes.

The story is well written, the plot is very exciting, and the emotions are also very delicate. It is rare to meet a newcomer with great potential in recent years.

It seems that it is not unreasonable for Lanning to appreciate this peanut so much.

But after reading this short story, he knew that the other party must also read his novel. The handling of some details and techniques are very similar to him, maybe not deliberately imitating, but this is even worse.

He went to the desk and turned on the computer, and searched for the blue sky on Weibo, and he really found it. Click on the other party's homepage to confirm. After confirming that it was the blue sky he was looking for, he sent a private message to the other party: "Hello, I am Xing Xin, the author of "Mistry". I saw it in a magazine today. I think your short story is pretty good, and I want to get to know you. I have a group of authors, would you like to join in?"

Ye Cheng was stunned for three minutes when he saw this private message. He poked and poked the person who sent him a private message, confirmed that he was a well-known certified reasoning writer Xing Xin with v on Weibo, and then yelled in the dormitory.

"What are you crazy about?" The roommate Jianjian who was playing the game shook his hand and almost hacked his teammate to death. Ye Cheng ignored him, and replied to Xing Xin's private message with great excitement.

The blue sky is like washing: Oh my god! It's really Teacher Xingxin! It's like I'm dreaming! No, I need to calm down first!

The blue sky is like washing: Teacher, I am your super Mifensi! I've been reading your novels since I was in middle school, and I'm in my junior year now!

Confucianism: "..."

What is he trying to explain

Xingxin: Thank you. I will send you the group number of the author group, if you want to add it.

The blue sky is like washing: I would like to! Ten thousand willing!

The corner of Yan Ruyu's eyes twitched, and he sent him the group number. After Ye Cheng received the group number, he quickly searched the group and applied to join, for fear that Teacher Xingxin would regret it later.

After clicking Send Request, he waited nervously for two seconds, and then received a message that the other party's application was approved.

Nineteen: Who

Xing Xin: A new author.

Bikongruxi: Hello everyone, I am Bikongruxi! (^o^)/~

Yun Qing: Hey, isn't this little fresh meat in the same magazine issue as me? I think the author's introduction is only in his junior year!

Mu Bai: ... Xingxin is getting sicker and sicker, even newcomers are not spared.

The blue sky is like washing: My God! So many big! t^t

The blue sky is like washing: I feel like I'm dreaming, and I'm moved to tears! qaq

Ye Cheng felt that he was in heaven. Mr. Xingxin’s group included not only the authors of “Mistry”, but also many other magazine authors, and the authors here were not all speculative novels, but also romance, writing For fairy tales, for adventure novels...

This simply includes the top writers in the country!

Ye Cheng was so excited that tears were about to fall, he called Lan Ning and said to her excitedly: "Editor, Mr. Xingxin has pulled me into his author group!!!"

Lanning: "..."

Why did she have to hear such bad news even when she was sitting on the subway!

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from him!" Lan Ning angrily wanted to tear down the subway, "What's the name of that group?"

"Did you delay the draft today?"

"..." Lan Ning took a deep breath and said to him with a smile on his face, "Can you quit the group?"

"Why?!" It's hard to get back in if you think about it!

Lan Ning was heartbroken: "The one who is close to the ink is black!"

"Teacher Xingxin is not Mo, he is Zhu!"

Lanning nodded: "Yes, he is a pig!"

Ye Cheng: "..."

Before he hung up the phone, he saw Xing Xin in the group: "You must abide by the group rules when you join the group."

"What group rules?"

"The first rule of the group, delay the draft."

Ye Cheng: "..."
