Finding Glowing Beauty in Books

Chapter 33


In the end, Lan Ning rejected Yan Ruyu's request on the grounds that the layout of the inner page was already being designed. If he were asked to change it again, she didn't know what kind of flower Yu Muyuan would die.

But having said that, when did the feud between him and Yu Muyuan end? Was it that time in the supermarket, or was it later in the cake shop that Yu Muyuan snatched his manuscript

Lanning tilted her head, put on her pajamas and went to take a shower.

After a busy week at work, Lanning finally took time to go to the gym on the weekend. During this period of time, because she was preparing a new book on Confucianism, she also had a lot of things on hand, so she didn't come to exercise, and the trainer in the gym sent her WeChat several times to urge her.

She came out of the dressing room with her hair tied back in a high ponytail as she had done at work, with a towel around her neck. At this time, there were quite a lot of people in the gym. She originally wanted to dance with the coach for a while, but it was too crowded, so she had to go for a run first.

There were still several treadmills empty in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, so she picked one at random, set the data, and started running slowly. After a while, another man came beside Lanning. He stopped beside Lanning, stood on the machine next to her and started running.

Lan Ning subconsciously turned his head to take a look, and almost fell off the treadmill.

"Teacher, why are you here?" Lan Ning held on to the armrest of the treadmill and looked at him in surprise.

Compared with hers, Yan Ruyu was quite indifferent. He glanced sideways at Lan Ning, and the corner of his mouth slightly curled up: "Is this place contracted by you, and I can't come?"

"No..." Lan Ning pursed her lips and ran for a while in silence, still feeling a little strange, "How do you know I'm here?"

Yan Ruyu snorted: "After I moved to that community because of you, do you now think that I came here to exercise because of you?"

Lanning: "..."

Although such a guess is a bit narcissistic, but if it is a coincidence, it would be too coincidental...

"With the community as the center, there is only this gym within your possible range of action. It is quite simple to push you here."

Lanning: "..."

"But most importantly, I've seen your gym card before."

" you admit it's because of me that you're here?"

"You may not understand what I just said, there is only one gym nearby."

Lan Ning clicked his tongue and readjusted his breathing: "Why do you suddenly think about fitness?"

"For exercise, of course."

Lan Ning looked at him sideways. Although he had been running for so long, his speed was still relatively fast, but his breathing was still very steady, and he seemed to be able to do his job with ease, not at all like those writers who were lax in exercise.

"You look fine physically," she said.

Yan Ruyu turned his head, looked at her and smiled: "Are you talking about the body or the figure?"

Lanning: "..."

Why was her speech so unclear just now? :)

Her eyes wandered around him. His shoulders were broad, his waist was thin, his legs were long, and his muscles were very smooth and beautiful, making him look extremely tense.

Well, the figure is also quite good.

"How do you usually exercise? Just do that stretching exercise?" Impossible, she is also doing that exercise, although it can play a role in self-cultivation, but the effect is not so obvious, it can only be regarded as an auxiliary, and it takes a long time Insist on doing.

Yan Ru said: "Some things are not just about exercise, but also related to genes."

Lanning: "..."


She looked away, not wanting to talk to him anymore.

She stopped talking, Yan Ruyu took the initiative to chat with her: "Who is the coach in charge of you?"

"The surname is Fan." Lan Ning said, looking in the direction of the dancing crowd behind him, "That's the big guy."

Yan Ruyu also took a look, then smiled lightly and said, "It's really fate, my coach is also him."

Lanning: "..."

"Have you added him on WeChat?" Lanning asked, "He likes to show off his muscles in Moments."

Yan Ruyu seemed to frowned: "Really? I'll block him later."

Lan Ning laughed, and seemed to remember something, and said to Yan Ruyu: "I asked about the design, and she said that the first edition of the cover will be ready next week, and the typesetting of the inner pages will be finished soon, and it should be completed by the end of this month. You can go to the printing field."

"En." Yan Ruyu responded lightly, as if he lacked interest.

Lan Ning pursed her lips, this person really doesn't care about her own book, but she, the editor, is worried: "Oh, by the way, when the printing room finishes printing the ring lining, can you sign it?" ?”

Yan Ruyu frowned: "Do you want to sign a book?"

"Well, you don't need too many, 10,000 is enough."

Confucianism: "..."

Ten thousand is not much? are you kidding me

He looked at Lan Ning, with a mocking smile on his lips: "It's fine to sign 10,000 copies, but after signing, I can't write manuscripts for at least a year."

Lanning: "..."

Is there such an exaggeration!

"Teacher, your book has never been signed. If you don't attend the signing event, can't you give readers some benefits?" I really don't know how his book can still sell so well.

Yan Ru said: "Same as before, can't you just sign one and print the rest? It's convenient and easy."

"What's wrong with the printed ones? This time it's the Enron Detective series that has been in existence for three years. Just sign one. It's only 10,000 copies, not many!"

"You really don't think much?"


"Then you go and sign."

Lanning: "..."

She wanted to sign it, but someone wanted it!

She thought about it, and decided to settle for the next best thing: "You must have the seal, you should stamp it."

"A seal is not much faster than a signature." He pondered for a while, and said to her, "But if you really want a seal, you can. I'll give you the seal, and you can print it."

Lanning: "..."

She must have destroyed the universe in her previous life, and she has such an author in this life. :)

"I'll print it on my own." Lan Ning curled her lips and snorted. This book is her first best-selling novel, and she hopes to be perfect in every aspect.

After thirty minutes of running on the treadmill, Lanning gasped for breath. Yan Ruyu got off the machine next to him, took a sip of the mineral water next to him: "Are you lacking in exercise these days? Your physical fitness seems to have declined."

"Hehe, I don't know any writer who doesn't care about anything after finishing the book. Of course I don't have time to exercise."

Yan Ruyu raised his eyebrows: "Are you talking about me?"

"It's rare that you still have self-knowledge."

Yan Ruyu tightened the bottle cap and smiled at her: "I'm very honored."

Lan Ning gave him a blank look, picked up the towel on his shoulders to wipe off his sweat, and turned his head to hit the sandbags.

Yan Ruyu followed her, and after admiring her heroic posture of punching sandbags for a while, he applauded: "The strength is good."

Lanning smiled at him: "As long as you imagine it as your face, it's easy to do it."

Confucianism is still the same sentence: "I am very honored."

After soaking in the gym for two hours, Lanning packed up his things and was ready to go home. When he came out of the locker room, Yan Ruyu was waiting outside. Lan Ning was stunned, and the other party stood up straight and asked her, "Shall we go back together?"

"Well... okay."

The coach who happened to pass by them looked at them gossipingly: "You two live together?"

Lanning smiled at him and said, "I live in a community."

"Oh." The coach smiled meaningfully, "That's not far from living together."

Lanning: "..."

The reasoning ability of the coach gave her a negative score.

She glanced at Yan Ruyu and said to him, "Let's go."

Yan Ruyu nodded and walked out with her.

In the car, Yan Ruyu drove steadily, and asked Lan Ning beside him, "What are you going to have for dinner?"

"Well, I'm a little tired after exercising, and I don't want to do it by myself." She thought for a while, then turned to look at Yan Ruyu, "There is a skewer restaurant near our community, do you go to eat it? Although it hasn't opened for a long time, but people There are so many, ah, I heard that Gu Xin came to cut the ribbon when it opened!"

"Gu Xin? That singer?"

"Haha, the teacher also knows celebrities?"

Yan Ruyu glanced at her: "What's so strange? I don't live in outer space."

"Oh, then do you want to eat skewers? I heard that it tastes very good. I've always wanted to try it."


"Then I'll call Qu Tong and ask her to take a seat first."

Although Qu Tong rushed down to take a seat immediately after receiving Lanning's call, Lanning and the others still waited for a while when they arrived.

"It seems that the taste here is really good." Yan Ruyu sat down on his seat and looked at the surrounding environment. There are so many customers in the store that it is almost full. The environment of the store is also very good, the decoration is antique, not only the clothes of the staff are very elegant, even the tableware is carefully selected.

Qu Tong shook his hand in front of his head, looking a little excited: "I heard that the boss here is super handsome!"

Lan Ning blinked and looked at her amusedly: "Huh? Did you see it?"

"No, the boss seems to be very busy and rarely comes here, but I heard that he lives in Kerry International in front."

"Oh... you know it pretty well."

"Hey." Qu Tong laughed twice, glanced at Yan Ruyu and Lan Ning, and asked curiously, "But why are you two together? Are you dating?"

"Puff cough cough." Lanning who was drinking water was choked, "We met in the gym."

"Oh, and dating at the gym, you guys have pretty unique tastes too."

"...So don't you understand, we're not dating." Lan Ning stared at Qu Tong with a half-smile.

"Hehe, talk slowly, I'll get the food." Qu Tong stood up and ran away quickly.

After she left, there were only Lan Ning and Yan Ruyu at the table. Probably because of what Qu Tong said just now, Lan Ning felt inexplicably embarrassed: "I'm sorry, she talks nonsense as a child, don't take it to heart."

Yan Ruyu looked at her and smiled: "Don't take it to heart, your ears are red."

Lanning: "..."

She silently took a big sip of tea.

When Qu Tong came back, he was holding a few big baskets of vegetables in his hands, Lan Ning took a look and found that they were all his favorite dishes, and couldn't help but raised his eyebrows: "What kind of wind is blowing today, so good-looking? Did you get into trouble again?"

"Where can it be?" Qu Tong laughed dryly, sat down on his seat, and poured the basket of vegetables into the pot, "That's it, um, our quiz results are out, and we have a parent meeting next week."

"Oh, and then?"

"Hehe, I didn't do very well in the math test. If my uncle is allowed to participate, he will definitely tell my parents..." She was not worried that her parents would scold her, she felt that they might not have time to scold her at all, but If they think that no one cares about her in China so she doesn't study, they might force her to go abroad.

"Sister Lanning, can you help me attend the parent-teacher meeting?" Qu Tong looked at her pitifully, "Next Friday."

Lan Ning knew about her family's situation, and she wanted to help her, but... "I have to go to work on Friday." If she told the editor-in-chief that she was going to take time off to attend the parent-teacher meeting...the editor-in-chief would never believe it. And now that she is so busy, she won't be granted leave.

"Ah, what should I do..."

Yan Ruyu sitting next to him thought for a while, and said, "Let me help you participate."