Finding Glowing Beauty in Books

Chapter 35


Lanning struggled until eleven o'clock in the evening, and only built about a thousand sheets, and the rest can only be continued tomorrow. She stretched her waist, and said to Yan Ruyu who was sitting on the sofa reading a book: "Why don't I carry some back, lest I have to run to you every day."

Yan Ruyu turned a page of the book and looked up at her: "I'm worried about giving you the seal, what if you accidentally drop it? Or do you use it to cover something strange?"

Lanning: "..."

Just throw it away, what is the strange thing!

"Okay then, I'll come back tomorrow night." She put on her coat, picked up her bag and left. After returning home, she didn't even bother to do stretching exercises, and went to bed directly after washing. Before six o'clock the next day, she got up from the bed and went to the kitchen to start making soup.

Because she didn't have enough time, she just made a simple stew. After the soup was cooked, she took a taxi to the Central Hospital with the Warming Soup Gu.

When she left yesterday, she told Uncle Yan that she would visit him again today, but she really didn't have time during the day, and she had to work as a coolie for Teacher Yan at night, so she had to choose the early morning to bring him some soup.

Fortunately, Yan's father was already up when she arrived, she knocked on the door and shouted inside: "Uncle Yan, good morning."

Father Yan was reading the newspaper, and looked up at her in surprise after hearing her voice: "You are so early?"

"Yes." Lan Ning walked in with a smile, "Yesterday we agreed to come to see you today, but I have to go to work during the day, so I can only come in the morning. Oh, by the way, I made some soup, and I hope you don't dislike it. "

Father Yan saw a soup Gu in her hand, took it and put it on the table next to him: "Thank you, I'm sorry to trouble you." He said and looked towards the door, "Are you here alone?"

"Well, teacher, he should... be busy writing the manuscript." Lan Ning swallowed back the "I haven't woken up yet".

Yan's father chuckled twice, and said, "It's better to raise a daughter, it's caring."

Lanning was a little embarrassed by what he said: "Uncle Yan, don't say that, the teacher is actually very worried about you. He heard that you were hospitalized yesterday, so he rushed over here in a hurry." I felt much better yesterday, so I asked, "How do you feel today?"

"It's much better." Yan's father looked at her, and a smile slowly formed on the corner of his mouth, "To be honest, I'm quite surprised that Ruyu can make friends like you."

Lan Ning chuckled in her heart, but she was actually quite surprised.

"Since his mother left, he has become withdrawn." Yan's father looked out of the window, and his eyes fell on the chirping birds on the tree branches, "Ru Yu liked to be close to people when he was young, and his personality is much cuter than now , His mother's matter has a great impact on him, I watched him become silent day by day, and I couldn't enlighten him."

Lan Ning pursed her lips slightly, she had heard him mention the matter of Yan Ruyu's family before, her mother suddenly disappeared, leaving only a divorce agreement, not only a big blow to him, but also a big blow to Uncle Yan.

She was silent for a while, and asked cautiously: "Since then, hasn't the teacher seen his mother again?"

Yan's father shook his head: "I only met her once when I signed the agreement. She must have a new family now."

Lan Ning suddenly feels sorry for Yan Ruyu. Although his mother can have new children, he will always have only one mother.

"Hey, why did I just tell you this?" Father Yan looked at her and smiled, "Maybe you are really old, don't take it to heart."

Lan Ning shook his head and said, "Drink the soup while it's hot, I'll get the soup Gu another day."


"Goodbye, Uncle Yan. I'm going to work first." She said goodbye to Yan's father with a smile, and walked out of the ward.

After a busy day at the company, after get off work in the afternoon, she had to rush to Yan Ruyu's house to get her seal stamped. She felt that if this went on like this, she might die from overwork.

She stood at the door of Yan Confucianism's house, and weakly rang the doorbell.

After the door opened, Yan Ruyu stood at the door wearing an apron. Lan Ning smiled perfunctorily at him, and said, "Teacher, I'm here to stamp."

Yan Ruyu let her in sideways, and seemed to chuckle slightly: "If I knew today, why bother?"

Lanning twitched the corner of his mouth, but did not reply.

Yan Ruyu walked to the kitchen, raised a soup Gu and shook it at her twice: "Is this yours?"

Lan Ning turned around when he heard the sound, and what he was holding in his hand was the soup Gu that he had sent to Uncle Yan in the morning: "You went to the hospital today?"

"Yeah." He put the soup Gu on the table, motioning for Lanning to get it. Lan Ning went over to check, the soup gu had been washed clean, she looked up at him, and said: "If you have time, go to the hospital to accompany Uncle Yan, the old man tends to be lonely."

Yan Ruyu raised his head, his eyes were a little playful: "I'm surprised, why are you so active in running to the hospital to deliver soup?"

"I..." Lan Ning was stunned for a moment, and said, "I'm afraid that Uncle Yan will be hospitalized all the time, and you will have another excuse for delaying the manuscript!"

Yan Ruyu said: "You think too much, even if he is not hospitalized, I can still say that I was hospitalized."

Lanning: "..."

She turned around, walked to the table without saying a word and began to stamp.

Yan Ruyu continued to cook in the kitchen, and there was a moment of silence between the two of them. After Lan Ning wrote the chapter for a while, he couldn't help but look up at Ruyu in the kitchen. He was chopping vegetables, and the bangs on his forehead quietly covered his slightly drooping eyes, occasionally swaying with his movements.

She just looked at him like this for a while, and couldn't help asking softly: "Did you not have a good relationship with your classmates when you were studying?"

Yan Ruyu's subordinates stopped for a moment, and looked up at her: "Did my father tell you anything?"

"No..." Lanning thought for a while, and then added, "He just said that your personality was not so annoying when you were young."

Yan Ruyu laughed, "You're the one who hates people, right?"

Lan Ning slightly raised his eyebrows, and said, "You said before that you would write and kill people you dislike in novels. I thought of your first short story, where the main character kills his roommate..."

I didn't know it before and I didn't think it, but now that I think about it, I just feel that Teacher Xingxin is too dark... The roommate should also thank him for not killing him.

Yan Ruyu cut the vegetables in silence for a while, and then said: "After my mother left, I really don't like to be in contact with people, maybe it's because of this, they can't understand me, they often make small moves in the dormitory. , thought I didn’t even know.”

Lan Ning was a little surprised: "Do boys do this too? I thought it was only in girls' dormitories."

Yan Ruyu smiled mockingly: "I've said it a long time ago, I think women are more mature and calm than men in many cases, especially the boys who are still on campus, they may be so childish that you can hardly imagine."

Lan Ning blinked his eyes twice quickly, pondered for a moment and said, "Then you wrote them into the novel?"

Yan Ruyu looked at her and said, "Of course it's more than that. Some people won't learn to be good if you don't educate them earnestly."

"so… "

"I educated them a little bit, of course, within the limits of the law."

Lanning: "..."

I don't know how his roommate is doing now, and whether there is any psychological shadow left.

She smiled at Ruyu twice, and began to stamp quietly again. Today's record is better than yesterday's. There are 2,000 sheets built. At 10:30, she was so sleepy that she packed her things in advance and prepared to go home. Before leaving, she seemed to think of something, and asked Yan Ruyu, "Tomorrow is Friday, are you really going to help Qu Tong attend the parent meeting?"

"Of course, adults can't take what they say."

Lanning: "..."

Don't you just ignore the delivery date written in black and white in the contract

She left with the bag and soup Gu, a little worried about the parent meeting.

Yan Ruyu put on formal clothes and appeared at the gate of Qu Tong's school on time. When Qu Tong, who was waiting at the school gate, saw him, he ran up in surprise: "Mr. Yan, you look so handsome in a formal suit!"

Yan Ruyu straightened the cuffs of his suit and said to her, "You still call me Teacher Yan? What is my identity today?"

Qu Tong thought for a while and said, "Brother-in-law!"

Yan Ruyu twitched his eyebrows, nodded and walked in.

Today, the entire second grade of high school holds a parent meeting, and there are many parents in the school, but Confucianism is definitely the most conspicuous one. Qu Tong followed him, walking all the way to the door of the classroom like walking a red carpet.

"Oh my god, Tongtong! This is your father? Impossible!" A classmate of Qutong ran over and covered his mouth in surprise.

After hearing this, Qu Tong was not happy: "What do you mean, I look ugly, don't I?"

"No, no, I just think your father is too young, ha ha."

"Cough cough." Qu Tong coughed twice artificially, holding Yan Ruyu by the corner of his clothes and said, "Let me introduce you, this is my brother-in-law."


While the two were talking, the head teacher walked over with a stack of test papers. After seeing Ruyu Yan standing at the door of the classroom, she subconsciously stopped: "Hi, are you Qu Tong's parent?"

The homeroom teacher knows about Qu Tong's family. Her parents are abroad all year round. Her uncle usually comes to school for anything. Why... a different person today

Qu Tong said: "Mr. Zhang, my uncle is out of town for the past two days. This is my brother-in-law. He came to help me attend the parent-teacher meeting."

Brother-in-law...? Teacher Zhang frowned. Although the relationship was a bit far-fetched, she accepted it because he was so handsome.

She smiled at Yan Ruyu, and stretched out a hand: "Hi, I am Qu Tong's head teacher, and my name is Zhang."

Yan Ruyu also reached out his hand, and shook her politely: "My surname is Yan."

"Mr. Yan." Teacher Zhang's heart fluttered a little, and even the voice was so nice, "Let's go into the classroom, the parent-teacher meeting will start soon."

Yan Ruyu nodded and followed her into the classroom.

Although this is Yan Ruyu's first time participating in a parent-teacher meeting as a parent, the content of the parent-teacher meeting is basically the same as when he was studying. At the meeting, Teacher Zhang announced the results and rankings of the quiz, and specially picked this time to hand out the math test papers that everyone did not do well in.

Yan Ruyu looked at Qu Tong's math test paper, and felt that she was a bit modest when she said that she didn't do well in the test.

This is clearly a very bad test.

"I really can't understand how you got it wrong with this kind of question." After the parents' meeting, Yan Ruyu was still studying Qu Tong's math test paper.

"Hehe." Qu Tong turned his eyes away and picked his face.

After chatting with a parent in the classroom, Teacher Zhang came out and said to Yan Ruyu: "Mr. Yan, I wonder if I can chat with you? Qu Tong's grades have dropped a lot this time. I know her family's situation is relatively poor. It's special, but now that she's about to go up to the third grade, I hope that the parents can still communicate with her more and urge her to study."

Yan Ruyu nodded: "I understand..." As soon as he said this, he saw Lan Ning trotting over here.

"Ah... is the parent meeting over?" Panting slightly, Lan Ning ran to Yan Ruyu and Qu Tong. She has been worrying about the parent meeting all day today, and finally she couldn't hold back and rushed over to have a look after get off work.

Teacher Zhang sized her up and asked Yan Ruyu, "Is this Mrs. Yan?"


Lan Ning was still out of the situation, Yan Ruyu had already nodded and admitted: "Well, she has a job today, that's why she asked me to come."

Qu Tong also called out very sweetly: "Cousin!"

Lanning: "..."

Her eyes wandered around the people in front of her, and she probably understood that Yan Ruyu's identity today was Qu Tong's brother-in-law. But, why is her sister

In front of the class teacher, Lan Ning had no choice but to play the role of cousin to the end: "Hello, teacher."

Teacher Zhang greeted her with a smile: "Hello, Mrs. Yan, I'm talking to Mr. Yan, I hope parents can pay more attention to Qu Tong's study and life."

A word from Mrs. Yan almost shocked Lan Ning to internal injuries. She took a look at the indifferent Yan Confucianism, and could only apologize with a smile: "What the teacher said is true, we are indeed negligent."

Teacher Zhang said sincerely: "The third year of high school is a crucial year for children. I understand that you are all busy at work, but no matter how busy you are, you can't ignore your children. Children's growth is not just a school problem."

"Well, I know..." Lan Ning was very helpless, she was just a tenant...

After Mr. Zhang educated their "parents", he finally communicated with other parents.

Lan Ning looked sideways at Qu Tong beside him, and Qu Tong laughed twice: "You guys have worked hard."

"I don't think this is the point." Yan Ruyu handed the math paper in his hand to Lan Ning, "Can you see how she made such a mistake? I can't understand it."

Although Lan Ning has graduated for many years, as a former academic master, she has not returned all her knowledge to the teacher. She looked at the mistake Yan Ruyu pointed out, and she also had an expression of incomprehension: "How can this kind of question be done wrong? If I were in the past, I would kneel on the washboard by myself."

Qu Tong: "..."

Having a pair of schoolmaster parents is too scary, whoever will be your child in the future will be unlucky.

She snatched her math test paper back from Yan Ruyu's hands and stuffed it into her schoolbag: "Do you have any plans for the future?"

Lan Ning said: "I still have to go to the teacher's house to get a stamp."

Qu Tong rolled his eyes, and smiled at them ambiguously: "Then I won't bother my sister and brother-in-law, I asked my classmates out for dinner, you two are free..."

Lan Ning blushed a little at what she said, she grabbed Qu Tong's schoolbag and refused to let her go: "You are so bad in the exam, can you go back and reflect on yourself, are you still in the mood to go out to dinner with your classmates?"

Qu Tong: "..."

You are too into the role!

"Brother-in-law..." She looked at Yan Ruyu as if asking for help. Yan Ruyu said: "I think what your cousin said is very reasonable. If I get this score, I will be ashamed to see others."

Qu Tong: "..."

You two really make a good match. :)

"I'll go back after dinner and reflect on myself, you two don't stay too busy." Qu Tong said this sentence with deep meaning, and left with his schoolbag on his back.

"You really blush easily." Yan Ruyu looked at Lan Ning's slightly red ears, and smiled a little at the corner of his mouth.

Lan Ning frowned, then turned and walked out: "Okay, let's go!"

Back in the car driven by Yan Ruyu, Lan Ning sat in the passenger seat, as if he was sulking with someone, without saying a word. Yan Ruyu didn't take the initiative to talk to her. After the two arrived home, Lan Ning picked up the seal and started the work that she had repeated for two days.

Before asking Yan Ruyu to sign it, she really felt that 10,000 copies were not too many, but now that it was her turn to seal, she felt... 10,000 copies was a lot. Orz looked at the rings that were still piled up like a hill, and she felt that the future was dark. But fortunately, today is Friday, and she doesn't have to go to work tomorrow, so she wants to take advantage of tonight to work overtime and print more.

She didn't delay for a moment during dinner, and it was settled in less than five minutes. Yan Ruyu took a look at her who was sitting in the living room to seal, silently looked away, and continued to eat her meal.

In the evening, Yan Ruyu moved the computer out of the study and prepared to write in the living room. He made himself a pot of coffee and poured Lanning a cup by the way.

"Ah, thank you." Lanning picked up the coffee cup he put on the table, took a sip, and continued to seal.

Yan Ruyu looked down at her for a while, walked to the other side and sat down, turned on the computer and started writing.

Lanning drank three cups of coffee one night, but she still couldn't resist the raging drowsiness. After twelve o'clock, she fell asleep lying on the table in a daze.

Seeing that she was asleep, Yan Ruyu turned off the computer in front of him, went to the bedroom to get a blanket, and helped her to wrap it around her body.

Lan Ning still slept peacefully, Yan Ruyu sat down beside her, stared at her sleeping face for a while, and unconsciously smiled. He raised his hand and stroked her hair lightly. Her hair is very soft and feels very good to the touch. Yan Ruyu caressed it gently as if she were smoothing the fur of a cat.

Lan Ning muttered indistinctly twice, Yan Ruyu withdrew his hand, and looked at the lining of the table. He sighed, picked up the seal and stamped it.

When Lanning woke up this time, it was already daylight. The sunlight outside the window fell on the floor of the living room through the cracks in the curtains. Lan Ning rubbed her eyes, stretched herself and sat up, and the blanket on her body fell to the ground following her movement.

She glanced back, only to realize that it was already dawn.

"...I actually fell asleep here?!" She suddenly woke up from her doze, and looked around in a panic. There was no figure of Ruyu Yan around, but there were several piles of ring pages neatly stacked on the table!

"No way, when did I build it?" She flipped through it and found that it was all built!

She was still in shock, Yan Ruyu pushed open the bedroom door and walked out. He should have just woken up, his normally docile hair was curled up several times, and there was still sleepiness in his eyes.

He yawned and looked at Lanning in the living room: "You're still here."

"Uh." Lanning was also a little embarrassed for a moment, she got up from the cushion, and pointed to the ring lining on the table incoherently, "I actually covered these while I was sleeping!"

Yan Ruyu glanced at her with sleepy eyes, as if looking at a mentally retarded: "Don't be stupid, I finished it."