Finding Glowing Beauty in Books

Chapter 38


After Lanning's Weibo was posted, he soon received concern from all directions.

"What stimulated the editor? (⊙v⊙)?"

"Front row selling torches and gasoline."

"Visual guess is broken love [doge]"

Lan Ning's eyebrows twitched, she was broken in love? hehe.

She pursed her lips and sent a reply to the other party: "I've never been in love, why did I lose [goodbye]"

"Unrequited love is also love [doge]"

Lanning: "..."

"It's enough to have a crush. I haven't even had a crush for many years [goodbye]"

Lanning: "..."

She twitched her mouth and commented on Weibo: "I don't have a crush on anyone, and I haven't lost my love, thank you :)"

Xingxin replied to Cauliflower: Today is not Valentine's Day, what kind of couple are you burning? :)

Cauliflower replied to Xingxin: Do you still have to pick a date when you are burning a couple? :)

Bikongruxi replied to Cauliflower: Edit, do you want a boyfriend~ the one who can warm the bed~(≧▽≦)/~

Xing Xin replied: Can you send me a picture of yours

Lanning: "..."

Did he really intend to give Ye Cheng's photo to Teacher Yun Qing

She originally wanted to send a private message to remind the blue sky to be clean, but she saw an author who was watching commented: "What a messy relationship, it's like a Shura field [doge]"

Lanning: "..."

She forked off Weibo silently.

On Thursday, the designer finally made the final draft of the cover of "Death Message". Lan Ning sent it to the editor-in-chief and Yan Ruyu, and they were quite satisfied. Lan Ning finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Cauliflower: Teacher, the cover has been finalized in this way. We have confirmed with the printing factory that the printing will start after the May Day holiday.

Xingxin: Yes.

Cauliflower: Then I'm off work!

Xingxin: Let's buy some food when you get off work.


Xing Xin: I was so absorbed in writing today that I forgot the time :) There is nothing in the refrigerator.

... Then you go down and buy it yourself!

Lan Ning turned off the computer viciously, but who will tell her why she couldn't help but go in to help him buy things when she passed the supermarket!

Lan Ning stood in front of Yan Ruyu's house depressedly, carrying a shopping bag.

Could it be that after being enslaved for a long time, will one become servile? It's just horrible!

"You're pretty fast." Yan Ruyu opened the door, the corners of his mouth slightly raised. Lan Ning smiled perfunctorily, changed his slippers and walked in: "Teacher, you'd better be too devoted to writing."

"Of course, will I lie to you?"

"... Hehe." She brought the dishes to the kitchen and took them out one by one. Yan Ruyu walked to the side, turned on the faucet and started pouring water into the vegetable sink: "By the way, my father was discharged from the hospital this morning, so you don't have to go to the hospital anymore."

Lan Ning soaked the green peppers in the water, looked up at him: "Is Uncle Yan already in good health?"

"Well, the doctor said that there is no need to be hospitalized, and he would rather go home."

"That's true." After all, no one is used to living in the hospital, "But Uncle Yan lives so far away, you should visit him more often, otherwise, like this time, you won't even know he's in the hospital."

Yan Ruyu laughed: "There is my second uncle over there, and their lives are much more comfortable than mine."

Lan Ning thought about the luxury villa his second uncle gave him, and felt that it made sense: "Anyway, the old man should spend more time with him."

"Okay, I see. Why do you talk so much? Take care of yourself first."

"What's wrong with me?" Lanning looked at him unconvinced.

Yan Ruyu lowered his head slightly and met her gaze: "When was the last time you went home?"

Lanning: "..."

"I, I'm going back on May Day!" Lan Ning answered too forcefully, after all, she hadn't been back home for more than a year.

"Didn't you go back during the Chinese New Year?"

Lan Ning twitched her lips: "At that time I just lost my job, and I didn't have a boyfriend, so I was still nagged to death when I went back."

"So that's how it is." Yan Ruyu raised his brows lightly while speaking, "You have a boyfriend now?"

Lan Ning was hit by an arrow in the knee. This kind of person who starts to despise single dogs after falling in love is really annoying. She raised her head and smiled at him: "But then again, didn't you tell your marriage partner to come after cooking, why are you looking for me?"

Yan Ruyu looked at her, his rarely serious eyes seemed to be bewitched: "Yes, why do you think so?"

This sentence was read in a low and magnetic voice in Confucianism, as if it had become a spell, and Lan Ning's heart trembled.

She opened her eyes slightly, and looked at the person in front of her in a daze.

Did she get it wrong? Or is that what he means? Her nerves tensed unconsciously, and she felt that it was becoming difficult to breathe.

But he was still looking at her. Lan Ning wanted to look away, but found that his gaze seemed to be magnetic, and she couldn't look away at all.

A slight blush slowly climbed up her face, Yan Ruyu leaned slightly towards her, Lan Ning screamed as if she had seen a ghost, and stepped back abruptly: "I suddenly remembered that I have something to do, just I'm leaving!"

After she finished speaking, she left Yan Ruyu's house as fast as lightning.

Yan Ruyu looked at the closed door, stood there silently for a while, bent down and picked up a few green peppers that fell on the ground.

After Lan Ning escaped from Yan Ruyu's house, he still didn't calm down at all.

Damn, did he mean what she understood? No no no, she must be thinking too much! Don't be so sentimental, Lanning!

She reminded herself over and over again, but Yan Ruyu's eyes and words just now couldn't stop coming to mind, becoming clearer and clearer over and over again.

"Fucking teacher is poisonous!" Lan Ning ran around the walking path in the community, hoping that the cold wind would calm him down.

Lan Ning's steps were getting faster and faster, but his mind was still full of Confucianism. She felt strange, since she was often with him during this time, if he really had a marriage partner, she couldn't have been unaware, even if they weren't dating, they still had to make calls!

If he replaced the person he was talking about with himself, then everything would make sense!

No! This is too spooky! How could the teacher like her, his attitude towards her was so bad!

But the teacher is a psychopath, maybe this is the pattern of a neuropathy falling in love...

... Lanning felt that he was going crazy too.

After running around, she didn't calm down at all, so she decided to give up running around and took the elevator back home.

Lying on the big sofa in the living room, Lanning stared at the ceiling and thought about life.

Is it better to ask the teacher directly? But... If he wasn't talking about himself, how embarrassing it would be, if he was talking about himself... It would be even more embarrassing.

"Ah, why do I have to worry about love issues like a little girl at this age!" Lan Ning rolled on the sofa in despair.

What's worse is that she has no idea how to face the teacher in the future... She still has a book of his in her hand, it is impossible for them not to contact each other.

The cell phone rang from the bag, and it sounded muffled. Lan Ning's heart tightened. Could it be the teacher calling? !

She jumped up from the sofa with a vigorous carp, took a deep breath, and took out the phone from her bag.

... It's Mom calling.

"Mom, what is it?" Lanning's nerves relaxed in an instant, and he lay down on the sofa again.

Lan Ning's mother said on the other end of the phone: "Ning Ning, are you going home tomorrow?"

"Well, I've bought all my tickets."

"Oh, that's good, mom will make you your favorite taro roast chicken tomorrow."

"Okay!" Lan Ning finished speaking, feeling a bit sleepy again, "But I won't go home until after get off work in the afternoon, and it may be evening when I arrive."

"It's okay, mom is waiting for you."

Lan Ning's heart was sour, and his eyes were red: "I will try to leave as soon as possible."

"Okay, then mom won't bother you anymore, you go to bed early."

"Okay." Lanning heard the call was hung up, and put the phone on the sofa. Forget it, she'd better not think about it too much, it just happened to be May Day, and maybe when they came back from the May Day holiday, they would all forget about it.

Lan Ning did not contact Yan Ruyu on the last day of work, and went straight to the station from the company after get off work.

Back in her hometown, she felt a lot more relaxed. Although the holiday was only three days, she wanted to relax.

In the past three days, she didn't take the initiative to contact anyone. She only occasionally checked Moments and read the May 1st special chapter of the photo contest. She doesn't need to do housework at home, and her mother cooks delicious food for her every day. She feels that she really wants to forget about Confucianism.

But every time she went to Weibo, she couldn't help but check to see if Teacher Xingxin had any updates. Confucianism is rarely posted on Moments, and even May Day is quiet.

Lan Ning was eating the fruit her mother peeled, and as soon as she logged onto Weibo with her mobile phone, she saw today's hot headlines.

Universal Pictures v: Special! big! happiness! News! Our company has successfully signed the film copyright of "The Player" by Mr. Xing Xin! [Circle] In terms of actors, Mo Zhen has been confirmed to play the lead role of Wu Yang! In addition, teacher Xing Xin will be the screenwriter of the film, and Qiao Yichen, the producer of Qiao Yichen, will be responsible for all the music of the film! I heard that the theme song will be sung by Ding Meng! [Fa] Are you looking forward to it? Anyway, the editor is looking forward to death! !

Lanning: "!!!!"

Has the film copyright of "The Player" been sold? And such a luxurious lineup! Aww, she is looking forward to it too!

She hurriedly clicked on Confucianism's Weibo, and saw that he had also reposted the Weibo of the film and television company. She clicked on the comment, intending to leave him a message of congratulations, but found that the comment was torn up.

"It's great! I'm looking forward to it! Release it soon!"

"Hazel hazel hazel hazel hazel hazel! Wu Yang Wu Yang Wu Yang Wu Yang! Love you so much!"

"[Goodbye] You finally sold Wu Yang for money, so you won't ruin the agreement?"

"Some people, don't be so sour, who told you that [picking the nose] other authors buy their own novels to make money, isn't that enough?"

"Sell it if it's sold, why do you want to find Mo Zhen [bye] does he have acting skills?"

"... You can see Mo Zhenhei everywhere :)."

"It's good to hear and see, anyway, every time a novel is adapted for film and television, the actor Mi Fen and the book Mi Fen can tear up [doge]"

"This movie is very conscientious! Such a luxurious lineup! I'm super looking forward to it! If you don't watch it, get lost!"

Lan Ning looked at it, and inexplicably thought of what Yan Ruyu said before, he wanted to make more money because he wanted to make his wife's life better after marriage...

She pressed the forward button hard.

Cauliflower v: super looking forward to it! [Cute] People who don't want to watch leave mellowly by themselves, don't be blind bb. [Smile]