Finding Glowing Beauty in Books

Chapter 4


Lan Ning was stunned by the editor's words, and a row of exclamation marks flashed in her head.

What, handed Teacher Xingxin to her! A new editor like her, who has just arrived, can be assigned such a great writer! How could such a good thing happen!

"Mr. Xingxin has a manuscript that is due for publication, but I can't poke him alive on all social software, so I leave this task to you."


Wait, did you mean by handing it over to her just to remind her

Before she could sort out her thoughts, the editor-in-chief had already tore off a sticky note and quickly wrote on the table beside her: "Here is all his contact information. Before the fifth, please collect his manuscript for me, come on."

After she finished speaking, she stuffed the note into Lanning's hand, waved at her and went back to her office.

Lanning: "..."

Everything happened so fast, like a tornado.

She walked to her seat a little stiffly, and greeted Apple. Probably because the editor-in-chief threw Teacher Xingxin to her, Apple first introduced Teacher Xingxin's situation to her, and the first sentence was: "Do you know what the nickname of Teacher Xingxin is here?"


"East Asia's procrastination king."

Lanning: "..."

Is there any relationship between the King of Drafts and the King of Tota

In the next ten minutes, she smiled and listened to Apple's talk about Teacher Xingxin's various and endless ways of dragging manuscripts. In Apple's words, it would be no problem to publish a "Drafting Cheats".

"The most shameless thing is that he also created an author group, and brought many authors into it, and shared with them the experience of dragging manuscripts in the group." When Apple spoke of his anger, he slapped the table down.

Lanning: "..."

She was also an editor before, so she had naturally seen authors dragging manuscripts, but this was the first time she had encountered such a dragging teacher who not only dragged manuscripts by herself, but also led everyone to drag manuscripts together.

…Damn it, did she get tricked! She said how could such a good thing happen. It turned out that the editor-in-chief's mysterious smile was a smile of relief after shaking off the hot potato!

"The editor-in-chief of Teacher Xingxin resigned. The editor-in-chief originally planned to take over him, but he didn't respond no matter how much he poked him, and he didn't answer the phone." Apple picked up an apple on the table, took a bite, and said to Lanning, "Anyway, you Concentrate on urging Teacher Xingxin's manuscript when you have time, I will ask you to help me if I have something to do here."

"Okay, thank you..." Lanning felt gloomy on the first day of work, and the most basic trust between people was gone.

She tidied the table a little, pulled out the chair and sat down. After turning on the computer, she picked up the note that the editor-in-chief gave her just now and looked at it.

Teacher Xingxin’s Penguin WeChat account, Weibo account, phone number and even address are all on it, only the bank card account number is missing. She was amazed to see it, and after going through all the information, her eyes fell back to the three words in the first row.


This should be Teacher Xingxin's real name, which sounds quite stylish, but how should I put it... Yan Ruyu

puff. She laughed and clicked on the penguin icon on the desktop.

The Penguin accounts of the editors of "Mistri" all belong to the company, which means that after the editors leave, they will leave and stay on QQ. Lanning first changed the password according to what Apple said, and then logged in again.

There are many authors on this account, but she didn't dare to poke around. She found Xingxin in the group and sent a message: "Hello, Teacher Xingxin, I am cauliflower, the new editor of "Mistry", may I ask you?" When will the manuscript be handed in?"

It was the first time that Lanning sent a message to such a big writer, and Lanning was still a little nervous, even his fingers were trembling slightly. But after the news was sent out, the sadness disappeared.

She pursed her lips, planning to find another way to contact her. You have to use your own WeChat ID, and she and Xing Xin are not friends, so this can be PASS. She climbed onto her Weibo, sent the exact same private message to Xing Xin, and then the exact same thing disappeared.

Well, I can only harass by phone.

This time, Lan Ning was trembling a little, but after the call was made, it was clearly connected, but the other party just refused to answer. Penguin Didi called, and Lanning thought it was Xingxin who replied to her, so excited that she almost threw the phone, but after she clicked on it, she found that it was Apple who asked her to read the manuscript in the magazine's submission mailbox.

In addition to publishing the works of well-known writers, "Mistry" is also committed to discovering newcomers. For this reason, it has also set up a newcomer section, and the manuscript that Apple asked her to review is in this section.

There were seven or eight pages of manuscripts in the mailbox that she hadn't read yet, so Lan Ning had to put aside her worries and concentrate on reading the manuscripts.

Reviewing manuscripts is actually a very boring job. If the manuscript is good for you, if you are not interested, it is really a torture. Moreover, the quality of the manuscripts submitted by the newcomers was uneven. After reading it all morning, Lan Ning was already dizzy and his eyes were sore.

"Okay, don't work so hard on the first day of work. In order to welcome you to join, I will treat everyone to dinner at noon." The editor-in-chief stood behind Lanning at some point and patted her on the shoulder.

When everyone heard what she said, they all stood up with coaxing. Lanning locked the computer, took his coat and went out with everyone. There is a Chinese restaurant near the company, and everyone found a place to sit down and started introducing each other.

The ratio of men to women in the editorial department is fairly balanced, but half of them are married. Everyone was funnier, and Lanning quickly became acquainted with them. After a short break after eating, she entered the review mode again.

The title of this manuscript is "Prayer", and the author's name is Blue Sky Ruxi. Lan Ning originally clicked in while he was still asleep, but he was unknowingly attracted while reading it.

The author's writing technique and story structure are very heart-warming, but after reading it, it gives people a completely different feeling. Compared with Xingxin who is good at revealing the darkness and ugliness of human nature, although this author is also writing about vicious crimes, there is a warm current surging from the beginning to the end, which is really incredible.

Lan Ning has read a lot of mystery novels. Many authors have written this kind of "crime for love" protagonist, but few of them have handled their emotions so delicately, because everyone has paid more attention to reasoning. itself.

In this way, the author is even more commendable, because his reasoning is also very cleverly set up.

Lan Ning thought that maybe she accidentally discovered a future star.

She clicked on the dialog box and sent a message to Apple: "Look at this article, I think it's well written, but I'm a little worried about who wrote it in a vest."

Apple: OK, I'll see later.

Seeing that she had received the document, Lan Ning continued to read the manuscript again. At three o'clock, she checked her phone first, but she didn't call back, and then clicked on Xingxin's penguin, but she didn't reply to her either.

Lanning: "..."

It seems that Teacher Xingxin's skill of pretending to be dead has reached the point of perfection.

Huh, that's not right, she remembered that Apple had revealed to her that the last time Teacher Xingxin replied to the editor-in-chief was before the company's Spring Festival holiday. He said that he was seriously ill, and the speed might be a bit slow.

Lan Ning blinked quickly, he couldn't be too sick and died silently at home without being discovered, right

It's not that she has a rich imagination, but that she has actually seen similar news on TV.

With this thought in mind, she hesitated and sent a message to Apple: "Teacher Xingxin really can't poke him, I think he won't talk to me if he keeps poking like this, if I want to, I'll go directly to his door to block He_(:з」∠)_”

Apple: ... You are so hardworking.

Cauliflower: I think if he can't hand in the manuscript, the editor-in-chief will open my [tears] and he said he was sick, so I can just show some concern for him.

Apple: Hahahahaha you believe he is sick [laughing cry] Since the editor-in-chief leaked his address to you, you can go boldly. I'll tell the editor to count you out.

Cauliflower: OK [OK].

She turned off the computer, picked up her coat and went out. Teacher Xingxin lives in City A. She heard that the editor-in-chief blocked him at his door before. This address should be true.

... Seriously, if she was Teacher Xingxin, she would have moved out of City A long ago.

She took the subway and then transferred to the bus. It took her more than an hour to arrive at the community at the address. This is a high-end apartment. When she went in, the security guard questioned her for a long time, and finally let her register.

After finding No. 2103, Building 7 according to the address, Lan Ning took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell.

After the ding dong, she stood nervously outside the door and waited.

Thirty seconds passed, and there was no response from the room. She rang the doorbell again and continued to wait nervously outside the door.

Another thirty seconds passed, and there was still no response from the door.

Ding dong ding dong ding dong.

This time she rang the doorbell three times in a row and finally stopped after getting no response.

Well, it seems like there's really no one.

... Damn, why doesn't Teacher Xingxin play cards according to common sense!

She took out her mobile phone from her bag, but still did not receive a call back from Xingxin. It's okay, she can keep fighting!

But the other party can also continue to not answer.

She took a deep breath for herself and put the phone back. Why is she, an editor, urging the author's manuscript like a usury collecting debt

She gathered the coat on her body, and decided to stand here and wait for Xingxin to come back. The teacher taught her when she was a child, difficulties are like springs, if you are weak, they will be strong. Isn't it just procrastination? If she doesn't believe it, she can't cure it!

After waiting for a few minutes, her ambition began to be replaced by boredom. She took out her mobile phone again and played games against the door to pass the time.

After unlocking a new map, she heard slightly approaching footsteps. She looked up and saw a man walking towards her with a shopping bag.

Lan Ning's eyes widened in an instant. Although the man's clothes were changed from mountaineering suits to sweaters and light wool, she recognized that handsome (crossed out) face!

Isn't this the man she met on the mountain when she was in Hokkaido!

The man also seemed to recognize her, and frowned almost invisible: "What are you doing standing in front of my house?"

Lan Ning looked dazed, and even forgot to quit the game, allowing the game music to act as the BGM between the two: "Your house? Do you live here? But I'm here to find Teacher Xingxin."

The man looked at her silently for a while, and asked, "Who are you? What can you do with him?"

"I'm the editor of a magazine... Wait, what does this have to do with you?"

"Are you the editor?" The man slightly raised the corners of his mouth with interest, and stared at her with his long and narrow eyes, "Of course it has something to do with me, because I am Teacher Xingxin."

Lanning: "..."

At this moment, she clearly saw a line of words in his eyes.

—Woman, you have managed to interest me.