Finding Glowing Beauty in Books

Chapter 40


The Confucian words made the atmosphere suddenly ambiguous, and Lan Ning's expression was no longer as natural as before.

I thought that everyone would tacitly not mention this matter, but now Yan Confucianism's behavior made her feel a little overwhelmed.

After she was stunned for a moment, she quickly picked up the bag on the sofa, and as soon as she stood up, Yan Ruyu grabbed her wrist: "Do you want to run away again? What are you afraid of?"

"I..." She didn't know how to answer Yan Ruyu's question, she paused for a moment, then jerked her wrist back, "I just suddenly remembered that I still have a courier downstairs with the security guard! I'm going to get the courier first!"

After she finished speaking, like last time, she rushed to the door, opened it and left.

Yan Ruyu put the plate with the cake back on the table, leaned back, and lay down on the sofa again.

Lanning returned home, threw the bag aside, and fell on the bed herself.

Yan Confucianism's words suddenly echoed in her ears, what was she afraid of? Is she afraid of something

Lan Ning's brows gradually tightened, she just didn't know how to face it? Having said that, does the teacher really mean that he likes her? The assumption itself was scary enough, and why would he like her

She...does she like him

All night Lanning tossed and turned in the torture of who liked whom, and not long after closing his eyes, he got up and went to work again.

The back cover of this issue of "Mistry" magazine used an entire page to advertise the launch of the new book "Message of Death", and the link for the online pre-sale was also made immediately. The 10,000 copies with stamps were sold out a few hours before the pre-sale, and the website urgently made a pre-sale link for the regular version.

Although this result has little to do with Lan Ning, as the editor in charge of this book, Lan Ning is still very happy. Logically speaking, she should have actively reported the results to Yan Ruyu and congratulated him by the way, but she has not contacted him for a long time.

Don't talk about contacting, these two days, she even got nervous when she saw Yan Ruyu's QQ profile picture, and she was always worried what would happen if he suddenly talked to her

Lan Ning felt that such a self was a bit ridiculous. After all, she was an adult, and she even became absent-minded at work because of this kind of thing. Obviously when she was in college, she didn't care about her studies because of love.

The beeping sound of QQ came over again suddenly, and Lan Ning followed closely again. She glanced at the beating head in the blue sky, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The blue sky is like washing: blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah! So happy!

The blue sky is like washing: I wonder if you are free tomorrow? I treat you to dinner [shy]

Cauliflower: Congratulations! You don’t need to invite me to dinner, save the money to buy something you like~

The blue sky is like washing: I just like to ask the editor to eat (*/w\*) This is the first manuscript fee in my life, and I want to use it to thank the editor for his appreciation [shy]

Cauliflower: 2333 You are too kind

The blue sky is like washing: so eddy, are you free [poor][poor][poor]

Cauliflower: ... ok, but I might be late from get off work.

The blue sky is like washing: It doesn't matter! That's great! ~(≧▽≦)/~What do you want to eat

Cauliflower: It’s up to you to decide what to eat~

The blue sky is like washing: Good! At that time, I will contact the editor again (*/w\*)

Lan Ning smiled, sent an ok gesture, and closed the dialog box.

After get off work the next day, Lanning went to the subway station while checking the messages sent by Ye Cheng.

"Dream? Western restaurant?" Lan Ning frowned slightly. She thought that students like Ye Cheng would usually make dinner appointments at barbecue restaurants or buffets. She didn't expect that he would actually book a western restaurant, and it was a restaurant. A relatively high-end western restaurant.

Although his manuscript fee also includes extra rewards, it's still not enough to spend in such a western restaurant...

She thought for a while, and replied Ye Cheng with a message: "Do you want to eat at a western restaurant? It seems quite expensive there [Khan]"

Ye Cheng: Editor, don’t worry, I usually don’t have a lot of expenses, and most of my living expenses are saved~(≧▽≦)/~And I also made money from part-time jobs~

Lan Ning thinks that Ye Cheng is a really good classmate, now college boys like him are definitely a rare breed.

Lan Ning: That’s what I said, but if you eat at a western restaurant, you’ll be back before liberation_(:3」∠)_

Ye Cheng: 2333 is okay, I will pay for the manuscript once the book is published! I will earn a lot of money in the future, please edit and eat better~(≧▽≦)/~

Lanning: "..."

Was she being molested by a little boy? Damn, I'm a little shy...

She put away her phone and chose the subway in the direction of Dream.

After half an hour, she arrived at the entrance of the western restaurant. She was afraid that Ye Cheng would wait too long, so she trotted over. The waiter at the door bowed to her and asked politely, "Madam, do you have an appointment?"

"Yes." She looked into the restaurant, trying to find Ye Cheng. Before she saw Ye Cheng, the other party saw her first. He stood up from the chair and waved to Lanning who was at the door: "Brother, here."

"Ah, I saw my friend."

"Please follow me." The waiter led Lan Ning towards Ye Cheng.

After arriving at the seat, Lan Ning looked at Ye Cheng apologetically, "I'm sorry, the meeting took a long time today."

"It's okay." Ye Cheng smiled and picked up a bouquet of flowers on the table, and handed it to Lan Ning, "This is for you."

Lan Ning was stunned, it was a bouquet of bright roses, as passionate as a flame.

"This..." Lan Ning tilted his head, eating western food and giving roses, why did he feel that the rhythm was a bit wrong.

Ye Cheng frowned slightly and said to her, "I saw it when I passed by the flower shop just now, and I thought it was very pretty, so I bought it, don't you like it?"

"Uh..." The waiter was still standing and watching, Lan Ning smiled and took Ye Cheng's flowers, "It's very beautiful, thank you."

She sat down, and the acclimation student handed her the menu. Lanning ordered the cheap one and returned the menu to the waiter.

Ye Cheng sat across from her, looking at her with a helpless smile: "Bianbian, you don't need to save me money, I can afford a meal."

"Well... I'm really embarrassed to ask students to invite me."

Ye Cheng pursed his lips slightly, looked at her and said, "Don't always treat me as a student."

"Uh..." But you were originally a student.

Lan Ning didn't know how to answer him, Ye Cheng looked at her at a loss, smiled at her comfortingly, and handed the menu back to the waiter.

During the meal, Ye Cheng would tell Lan Ning about some interesting things in school from time to time, the atmosphere at the dinner table was always good, Lan Ning took a sip of the white water in the glass, and heard the notification tone of the mobile phone message.

"A lot of meaning." She smiled at Ye Cheng, and took out the phone from her bag. On the notification bar, there is a recent message from WeChat.

Confucianism: Where are you

Seeing the name Yan Ruyu without warning, Lan Ning's heart almost skipped a beat. She took a sigh of relief before unlocking the phone, and replied to a message: "I'm eating out, what's the matter, teacher?"

Confucianism: With whom

Lan Ning's eyebrows moved slightly, what did he want to ask in such detail? But by coincidence, she didn't want to tell the truth.

Lanning: One of my girlfriends, you haven't seen her before.

After she sent this message, Yan Ruyu remained silent. Ye Cheng, who was on the opposite side, looked at her and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Lan Ning looked up at him slightly, shook his head and said, "It's nothing, it's about work."

"Oh." Ye Cheng nodded, without further questioning.

Lan Ning stared at the phone for a few more seconds, Yan Ruyu replied, but this time he sent a voice message, and Lan Ning was inconvenient to listen to it now, so he had to put the phone back.

After eating the western food, Lan Ning saw that it was getting late, so she said to Ye Cheng beside her, "I have to go to work tomorrow, so I'll go back today, thank you for your hospitality."

"You're welcome." Ye Cheng looked at her, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, "Are you going back by subway? Let's go together."


Probably because Lan Ning was still holding a bouquet of flowers in his arms, so walking on the road was particularly eye-catching. Although Ye Cheng was younger than her, he was a head taller than her. When they walked together, they could easily be misunderstood as a couple.

After finally walking to the subway entrance, Lanning felt relieved: "Then I'll go first, and you should go back to school early, and don't run around outside."

Ye Cheng smiled at her helplessly and said, "Bian, I'm an adult too, don't treat me like a child."

"Well..." Who told you to be so cute online. She waved to Ye Cheng and walked towards the ticket gate. Ye Cheng watched her pass through the ticket gate before turning around and walking in the opposite direction.

After Lan Ning got on the subway, he remembered the voice message Yan Ruyu had sent before, so he took out his phone and plugged in his earphones.

After finding the voice message, she touched it lightly with her fingertips, and the red dot disappeared.

Yan Ruyu first laughed at himself like a self-deprecating, and then said in his magnetic and pleasant voice: "I believe what you said now. When people are in love, even if they know that the other party is lying, they will subconsciously want to believe it." .”

Lanning's heart thumped for a moment, and then beat fast.

What do you mean, he knew she was lying to him just now? How does he know? If it was said in person, he might still be able to judge it from her tone and expression, but the text message she sent just now, could it be deduced from her reply speed!

For some unknown reason, Lan Ning's heart suddenly became flustered, just like lying to his parents when he was a child, only to be exposed in person.

She held her phone and thought for a while, then climbed onto Weibo and looked around. As she expected, Bikong Ruxi posted a Weibo in the afternoon: "I received my first draft fee in my life, and I asked the editor to have dinner. ~(≧▽≦)/~"

Lanning: "..."

She felt instantly stupid.

Ye Cheng's Weibo was distributed in the past ten past six o'clock, and the time when Yan Ruyu sent her WeChat was around 7:30... So he only sent a WeChat to ask after seeing Ye Cheng's Weibo. own? But at that time she told him that she was with her best friend...

Lanning leaned back, leaning back on the chair like a salted fish.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could just glance at the phone screen, and in the upper right corner of the screen was a bouquet of eye-catching red roses. Ye Cheng also took a photo, which was taken in the new restaurant.

The screen of the phone slowly went black, and it was locked again. Lanning stared at the rose in his hand in a daze.

She just made a harmless little lie, why is her heart so heavy? Originally, she had no obligation to report to Yan Ruyu who she was with and what she was doing.

She clicked out the voice again and listened to it again. What is "when people are in love"? And he has a hurt tone, as if she is a betrayer...

She frowned and stuffed the phone back into her bag.

After returning to the community, she took a look at the apartment where Yan Ruyu lived. The sky was pitch black, and the windows of the apartment were lit every now and then, and she couldn't tell which one belonged to Yan Ruyu.

She stood there for a moment, then walked back to her apartment. When she got home, she found a vase and put the roses in it, then lay down on the bed.

The words spoken by Yan Ruyu have been lingering in his mind, tormenting people like Tang Seng's magic spell. Lanning rolled around a few times indiscriminately, finally got up, picked up the bag and went out the door.

Rushing to the door of Yan Ruyu's house in one breath, she rang the doorbell impatiently as if she was afraid of repenting.

It seemed like a long time, and it seemed like only a moment, the door opened without a sound.

Yan Ruyu stood inside, looking down at her slightly.

The corner of Lanning's mouth moved, and he didn't know what to say for a long time. Yan Ruyu looked at her for a while, then turned and walked inside without saying a word.

Lan Ning hesitated at the door, but followed in. She closed the door, looked at Yan Ruyu's back and said, "Teacher..."

Yan Ruyu stopped on the spot, but still turned his back to her. After Lanning called him, he didn't know what to say again.

The room was so quiet that it seemed that they could hear each other's breathing. Lan Ning bit the corner of her mouth and said to him, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lied to you before."

Yan Ruyu was silent for a while, then turned to look at her: "Why did you lie to me?"

Lan Ning frowned slightly, she didn't know why she lied to him. Yes, why on earth did she lie to him, even if she just told him that she and Ye Cheng had dinner together, so what

"Uh, I just think you don't like Ye Cheng very much..."

Lan Ning's voice was a little soft, but Confucian words could still be heard clearly. He smiled and looked at her: "Is that so?"

"Yeah... Speaking of which, there's no need to explain to you who I'm with, right?"

"It's not necessary? You think I didn't express it clearly enough before, don't you?"

"What...?" Lan Ning was a little guilty, she felt that she might not be able to escape this time from what she had been avoiding before.

Yan Ruyu twitched the corner of his mouth and walked towards her: "Then let me express it clearly this time."

Lanning retreated almost instinctively, but there was a door behind her, blocking her retreat.

Yan Ruyu put one hand on the door, leaned over slowly, and kissed her on the lips.