Finding Glowing Beauty in Books

Chapter 49


After a happy meal, Lanning's father asked Yan Ruyu's personal information one by one.

"What? You are Xingxin?!" Lanning's father was so surprised that the taro fell into the bowl, "Did you recently publish a new book, what is it called? I have a colleague who recommends it to me every day."

Lanning's mother was also very surprised: "Our family rather likes your books, there are many of your novels on the bookshelf in her room."

Lanning: "..."

Mom doesn't need to talk about things like this...

"Mom, you should eat more too." Lanning grabbed a chicken leg for her mother, trying to divert her attention. Lanning's mother didn't agree with her approach: "Why, you want to shut my mouth? I gave you less living expenses when you were in college, and you would rather eat plain rice in the cafeteria than buy his books. "

Lanning: "..."

The strength pits the daughter. :)

"So you're so passionate about me." Yan Ruyu looked sideways at her with a half-smile.

Lan Ning wanted to smear him with rice, but thinking that his parents were here, he finally endured it: "Just listen to my mother, a novel is only a few dozen yuan, and you didn't have it when I was in college. How many books have been published, and I'm just sitting in the cafeteria eating plain rice?"

Lanning's mother said: "Yes, it would be fine if you only bought one copy, but you bought all the regular editions, deluxe editions, and collector's editions, and I don't understand why."

Lanning: "..."

Yan Ruyu chuckled beside him: "Actually, the content of each version is the same, but the book cover and gift are different."

... How do you understand Mifensi's desire to collect all versions! How do you understand!

Lan Ning silently took a bite of the meal. In fact, now that she is an editor herself, she also felt a little stupid at the time. Those so-called deluxe editions and collector's editions are just a few cents of money with different tricks.

"But speaking of it, the fate is really wonderful. Our family Ning Ning actually became your editor. She must have never dreamed of it?"

Lanning: "..."

This is the only thing she never dreamed of? May I ask, who would have thought that Teacher Xingxin was a mentally ill person who procrastinated, shameless and sloppy

Yan Ruyu laughed beside him, and said, "By the way, I brought some small gifts today, I hope my uncles and aunts will accept it." He opened his bag and took out the contents, "This health care product It’s for aunts, it can detoxify and nourish the skin, and it can fight aging, and this tea is for uncles.”

Lanning: "..."

Seeing that Ruyu was carrying his bag all the time, she thought it contained some valuables, such as a computer with manuscripts, but she didn't expect...

"Hehe, Mr. Yan is too polite." Lan Ning's mother said polite words, but at the same time she couldn't put it down to the health care products written in foreign languages. Lanning's father also said pleasantly: "How do you know that this kind of tea is my favorite?"

Yan Ruyu said, "I asked about it before I came here."

Lanning: "..."

Don't think about it, it must be Dai Qing, these two people are fighting together, what are they trying to do

"Mr. Yan really has a heart." Lan Ning's father was even more satisfied with Yan Ruyu. Lan Ning looked at his parents and Yan Ruyu happily, pursed his lips and did not speak.

After the meal, Ruyu didn't know what to do with Lanning's mother in the kitchen. Lanning finally found a gap and asked Master Dai Qingxing: "You scum who treats girlfriends like dung, I really want to talk to you this time. Break up. [Goodbye]”

Dai Qing: [picking nose] Lanning, you just say whether you will do it or not, you obviously like Teacher Xingxin, why don't you agree

Lanning: I admit that I like him a little bit, but that doesn't mean I have to fall in love with him, right? Can't I silently like my own? I don't want to be in love, okay

Dai Qing: Okay, just be an ostrich. If you get hurt once, you will never come out.

Lanning: What qualifications do you have to say? If the needle is not stuck in your body, you will never feel pain.

It took a long time for the Daiqing to send her a reply: "Since you have said so, then I apologize to you, and I will not participate in the affairs of the two of you in the future. But you really plan to do it because of Yu Muyuan. Scum, never fall in love again? Is it worth it?"

Lanning: I didn't say that I would never fall in love again, but can you give me some time to sort out my emotions? You have been pressing so hard, I feel a lot of pressure.

Dai Qing: Okay, I understand, do you need me to tell the teacher what you mean

Lanning: No, I'll tell him myself.

She put the phone back in her bag and went to the kitchen to take a look. Her mother was talking to Yan Ruyu, and Yan Ruyu lowered his head slightly, listening carefully. Lan Ning exhaled lightly, and shouted inside: "Teacher, do you want to book a hotel first?"

Lanning's mother said, "There's no need to be in such a hurry, right?"

"I'm afraid I won't have a good room if I'm late, so I'd better go early."

Yan Ruyu looked at her for a while, then turned to Lanning's mother and said, "Auntie, then I'll go to the hotel first."

"Okay." Lanning's mother watched the two of them go out, and said to Lanning's father, "Can't the hotel make a reservation by phone?"

Lanning's father laughed a few times: "You still don't understand this? Young people just want to go out for a walk alone."

Mother Lanning: "..."

It's rare for him to say such a reasonable thing.

Outside the community, Lan Ning and Yan Ruyu walked side by side on a small road. As Confucianism said, this city is just a small town, and the roads are not as spacious as City A, but it is cleaned very clean.

Yan Ruyu looked sideways at Lanning, and asked her, "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Lan Ning smiled softly: "As expected, you can't hide anything from the teacher." She stopped at the same spot, looked at the person in front of her, "Teacher, maybe you and Dai Qing did this for my own good, and I know that I It’s not right to be afraid to start a new relationship because of the previous failed relationship, but that’s how people are sometimes…”

The more you face the person you like, the more timid you will be.

She slowly took a breath, and said desperately: "I like you, and I can't help it if I like you, but I'm really not ready to start a new relationship now, even if you force me like this, I'm not The method promises you now."

After all, liking you doesn't necessarily mean trusting you, or not trusting yourself.

Yan Ruyu's eyebrows twitched: "Do you think we are forcing you?"

"...Isn't it? I came to see my parents directly." Although she didn't make up her mind to throw him on the main road, she was also at fault.

Yan Ruyu was silent for a moment: "I understand what you mean, I may have really thoughtless about this matter." He pursed his lips slightly, and said to Lan Ning, "But I can hear you saying that you like me , I'm still very happy."

Lan Ning turned his head and coughed in embarrassment: "Then I'll take you to the hotel first."

"No need." Yan Ru said, "I'm only here for you, if I can't be with you, there's no point in staying here."

He looked at the watch on his wrist, and said to Lanning, "I'll go directly to the station to see if there are any tickets back to City A."

Lan Ning felt a little uncomfortable seeing him like this. When she said what she just said, she didn't want to drive him away, but just wanted to explain her thoughts clearly to him.

Yan Ruyu slightly curled his lower lip towards her, and said with a slight smile, "Take this half a month as the time I give you to think. I hope I can hear good news when you come back."

After he finished speaking, he stopped a taxi and headed towards the station. Lanning watched the taxi turn a corner in front of it, and then walked back slowly until it disappeared.

When Yan Ruyu arrived at the station, he went to the ticket office to inquire. Today's ticket to return to City A was still available, but it would have to wait until evening. After thinking about it, Yan Ruyu bought the ticket.

Because there was still a long time before the departure, Yan Ruyu found a coffee shop nearby, went in and ordered a cup of coffee. He sat by the window with his luggage next to him. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, logged on to QQ and sent a message to Jiujiuzai: "Isn't the "Goddess Raiders Manual" you gave me really cheating me? :)"

Nineteen: What's wrong? Didn't you say it worked before

Xingxin: Then it said that she announced that she was her boyfriend in public. If she didn't deny it, it means that your relationship can develop further. you sure

Nineteen years: In theory, there is no problem, did you do this

Xingxin: Well, last time at her friend's wedding banquet.

Nineteen: Uh, maybe your timing is too good, she can't deny it...

Xingxin: ...

Xing Xin: When I told her mother today that I was her boyfriend, she denied it.

Nineteen: ... what? You have already run to see other people's mother? [laugh cry]

Xingxin: The book you gave me said that the relationship can be further developed. :)

Nineteen: I think the original author meant a small step forward, your step is a bit big... [laugh cry]

Xing Xin: Shouldn't he highlight such important information? :)

Nineteen years: ... Well, what's your situation now

Xing Xin: I was driven back by her, and I was waiting for the bus back to City A at the station.

After a while, Jiu Jiuzai sent a voice, and as soon as Yan Ruyu opened, there was a burst of hearty laughter: "Hahahahahaha sorry, let me laugh for a while."

Confucianism: "..."

He said to the radio with a sullen face: "You can just type, you don't need to laugh out your voice for me."

Nineteen Zai sent another voice: "I think you pushed her too hard, and you also said that she had a scumbag boyfriend before, so she must be more cautious about her relationship now."

"Then let her stay in her turtle shell all the time?"

"Well, alas, it's mainly because I met you. If I met a trustworthy man like me, she would have walked out long ago."

Confucianism: "..."

He said in a cold voice: "Do you believe that I will send the confession letter written to you by your readers to your wife?"

Nineteen years: ...

Nineteen: Why kill each other, I will buy you a drink when you come back.

When Lanning got home, her mother had finished washing the dishes. Dad was taking a nap in the house, and she quietly walked into the living room.

When her mother saw her coming back, she was a little surprised and said, "You're back so soon?"

"Hmm..." Lanning replied vaguely.

Her mother held her back and said to her with a smile: "I think this Mr. Yan is really good, not to mention handsome, he is also a great writer and cultural person." When she said this, she smiled mysteriously, " He was in the kitchen just now, and asked me how to make taro roast chicken, and said that he could make it for you in the future."

Lan Ning was stunned for a moment. It turned out that he listened so earnestly in the kitchen just now, because he was listening to the recipe of taro roast chicken

This dish is her favorite dish, and she has learned how to make it from her mother several times. But her mother's cooking ingredients are not the ones bought outside, but made by herself. It's too troublesome and complicated, and she doesn't even bother to remember, but he listens so seriously.

"You can seriously think about him." Mom said.

Lan Ning stood up from the sofa and ran out in a panic: "Mom, I still have something to do, I have to go out again!"

Sure enough, I still can't let him just go away, at least I should say goodbye to him.

She stopped a taxi and went straight to the station, and rushed to the waiting room in one breath.

This railway station was built in the last two years, it is very big and beautiful. Because it is a small city, there are not many people in the waiting room, and Lanning walked around inside, but did not see Confucianism.

She went to the ticket office to inquire. The earliest bus to city a was past seven o'clock, so he should not have left yet. Could it be that he felt that he would have to wait too long, so he took the car and then transferred to the plane

She took out her mobile phone and wanted to call him to inquire about the situation, but she put her finger on the dial key but did not press it for a long time. What should I say to him after the call is answered? Bon Voyage? Thank you for teaching me how to cook taro chicken

Lanning sweated a little.

She looked down at the phone in her hand and walked out of the train station unknowingly.


A male voice on the opposite side aroused her attention, she raised her head, stared blankly at the person opposite for a long time, and then said uncertainly: "Squad leader?"