Finding Glowing Beauty in Books

Chapter 56


Sun Yimeng and her father saw what Yan Ruyu wrote to Lan Ning, and consciously went to do what they should do, and left the entire space on the first floor to them.

Lan Ning's face was flushed, and she looked at Yan Ruyu with some reproach: "What kind of nerve do you suddenly have?"

Yan Ru frowned slightly, looked at her and said, "I'm proposing marriage, do you think it's crazy?"

Lanning: "..."

Your marriage proposal is indeed very crazy. :)

She took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and then smiled at Yan Ruyu: "Is it too soon to propose marriage now? Should I start dating first?"

Yan Ruyu asked back, "Haven't I been in love before?"

Lanning: "..."

She hehehe laughed: "The teacher is indeed a creative person, the imagination is really rich."

Confucianism: "..."

Lan Ning wrapped the words he wrote, put them aside, looked at him and said, "Didn't you agree to give me some time before, why are you suddenly so anxious?"

Yan Ruyu put down the writing brush in his hand, and looked back at her: "Before meeting your primary school monitor, I did decide to give you a little more time, and I even relaxed my wish to get married this year until next year. But after meeting him Afterwards, I changed my mind again, and I think we should still get married within this year."

Lanning: "..."

Hasn't the matter of the squad leader been explained clearly? She thought that the little episode of the squad leader had come to a successful conclusion, so how could it still have such a far-reaching influence

"I've already said that I have nothing to do with the monitor, and you also said that he already has someone he likes?" Lan Ning looked at him helplessly.

Yan Ruyu was unmoved and said: "I also said that if there is an elementary school monitor, there might be a junior high school monitor."

"...Should I stress it again, the class presidents at my middle school are all women."

"Then there is also a representative of the study committee class. In short, I feel more at ease when I get married early."

Lan Ning looked at him for a long time, and then said sincerely, "Teacher, I'm not as popular as you think."

Confucianism: "..."

It suddenly occurred to Lan Ning that some people say that a man and a woman in love are both obviously like pigs, but they are always worried that the other party will be snatched away.

In all fairness, she thinks she is much prettier than a pig. It seems understandable for the teacher to be worried... But speaking of looks, the teacher is the one who can kill a male star every minute, so she should be more worried about him being robbed let's go

Thinking of this, she glanced at Yan Ruyu carefully: "Teacher, what about you? Is there any representative of the class monitor and study committee?"

Yan Ruyu was stunned for a moment, and then thought seriously: "Although I have never liked the representatives of the class monitor's study committee, there are quite a few representatives of the class monitor's study committee who like me, so you'd better marry me as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams. "

Lanning: "..."

She's really... suddenly not worried at all. :)

After all, there are not many people who can accept this kind of neurosis.

"By the way, I need to remind you one more thing. Every day under my Weibo, there are tens of thousands of readers clamoring to marry me. Do you feel threatened? If you feel that, marry me quickly." Confucianism supplementary explanation.

Lanning: "..."

She swore that whether it was in novels or TV dramas, this was the first time she had seen such a unique way of proposing marriage.

She snorted and said to Yan Ruyu, "Are you a marriage maniac? I thought only girls would want to get married like that. Are you actually a Cancer? Also, how can you propose marriage like this without any sincerity?" No, do you want me to marry you just by writing with a brush?"

It's too cheap for him.

Yan Ruyu said: "Of course it's more than that. If you have any requirements, you can tell me. As long as I can do it, I will do it for you. Well, there is one more thing. After I moved to your community, my original house It started to be redecorated. Before I came here, the decoration company had already completed the project, and we can take you to have a look when we go back."

Lanning: "..."

Wait, wait, what is this

"Why did you have to redecorate that house? I think it's still very new..." Sometimes Lan Ning really couldn't understand what Yan Ruyu was thinking.

Yan Ruyu said: "I like that house very much. Whether it is the location or the layout, it is very good, so even if I am urged to come home by your draft, I don't want to move."

Lanning: "..."

Then you submit the manuscript on time! Who wants to go to your house!

"However, I have lived in that house for many years. If it is directly used as a wedding room, it would be a bit casual, so I found a decoration company to redesign the decoration plan."

Lan Ning was completely dumbfounded: "Isn't it because of Yu Muyuan that you moved away? So it was to renovate the house?"

"It's mainly for decorating the house, and Yu Muyuan is only a small factor."

"... But what does the wedding room mean?"

"Literally." Yan Ruyu looked at her with some contempt, as if he couldn't understand that she didn't even understand such a simple word as a wedding room, "You and my wedding room."

Lanning: "..."

Now she really wants to count her fingers, when Yan Ruyu moved to her community: "At that time, you started thinking about my wedding room with you?"

She felt that mental patients really had a wide range of thinking.

Yan Ruyu nodded indifferently: "Yes, that's why I said we have been in love for a long time."

Lanning: "..."

The teacher's imagination is simply frighteningly rich. :)

"Teacher, I think your understanding of love is misunderstood." Lan Ning looked at him weakly.

Yan Ruyu raised his eyebrows slightly: "From what you see, what is love?"

Lan Ning said: "At least the two exchanged their hearts, and then held hands and kissed the little mouth... or something."

She blushed herself.

Yan Ruyu thought about it for a while: "Based on your understanding, the time difference from what I think is not too big."

Lan Ning remembered that time at Yan Ruyu's house, and her face flushed a little more: "The last time at your house doesn't count! That's not a kiss, it's a forced kiss."

Yan Ruyu obviously didn't like the word forced kiss very much. He frowned slightly, looked at Lan Ning and said, "My understanding is not as complicated as yours. My calculation of love starts with the heartbeat."