Finding Glowing Beauty in Books

Chapter 61


At first glance, this Weibo post looks fine, but in the eyes of the sensitive Mi Fensi, it is a shining show of love and affection.

Everyone began to speculate about his relationship with the editor in charge, and the topic became more popular instead of falling.

Of course, this is definitely not the original intention of Confucianism—at least that's what Lanning insisted when he questioned him.

After a few days of buzzing about the editor-in-charge topic on Weibo, it was finally replaced by other news. Yan Ruyu finally revised the final version of the movie script, and began to concentrate on writing a new book.

The hot and unbearable summer is passing by little by little.

Lan Ning knew that Yan Ruyu was writing manuscripts in retreat, so she rarely went to see him during this time, until the makeup photos of the characters in "The Actor" came out, and she finally couldn't help it.

Cauliflower: Teacher, have you seen Mo Tianwang's fixed makeup photo? Simply handsome! It looks like Wu Yang in my imagination!

She sent this message to Yan Ruyu in the morning, but did not receive a reply from him in the afternoon. But she felt very relieved instead, which shows that the teacher is really retreating!

Although he knew that Yan Ruyu was not online, Lan Ning still harassed him tirelessly.

Cauliflower: [image]

Cauliflower: Isn't it handsome! ~(≧▽≦)/~ Does it look like Wu Yang in your heart

Cauliflower: Mo Tianwang's version of Wu Yang compares the cosplay of various versions. Sure enough, the best actor is not for nothing!

Xing Xin: Are you very excited today? I obviously haven't submitted the manuscript yet. :)

Cauliflower: ... Teacher, you actually cheated. [Awkward]

Xing Xin: Being bombarded by you all the time, it's hard not to cheat :)

Xing Xin: Shouldn't he have won as a cosplayer as an actor? Is this still worthy of praise


Cauliflower: I just want to express that Mo Tianwang's version of Wu Yang is very handsome^_^Teacher, what do you think

Xingxin: It’s okay.

Lanning: "..."

Then why don't you act it yourself

Cauliflower: What kind of person is Mo Tianwang in private? [doubt]

Xing Xin: It's difficult to get along with a small belly who likes to play big names.

brocoli:… :)

Cauliflower: Teacher, the smearing is too obvious. :)

Xing Xin: It seems that compared to Mo Zhen, you don't care about the progress of the manuscript at all. [goodbye]

Cauliflower: So, sir, are you ready to hand in your manuscript

Xing Xin: It should be handed in at the end of the month.

Lan Ning was really surprised that the manuscript could be delivered at the end of the month? So fast? !

... So what he could finish writing in a month, but it took a year and a half before, right? :)

Cauliflower: Okay, I will use this time as a reference for future submissions.

Confucianism: "..."

After Lan Ning finished posting that sentence, Teacher Xingxin's QQ was as dead as dead again, and there was no more bubble.

The end of August was Yan Ruyu's agreed delivery date. Lan Ning was not in a hurry this time, just waiting for the other party to take the initiative to poke him.

When she came back from the meeting that day, she was about to clean up and turn off the computer when Yan Ruyu's QQ profile picture suddenly jumped up.

Xingxin: I finished writing. :)

Lan Ning opened his eyes slightly, and sat down in front of the computer again: "Is it true? Send the manuscript to have a look."

Xing Xin: Come and get it yourself at my house.

Cauliflower: ... Teacher, did you write it by hand

Xingxin: It was typed by the computer.

Cauliflower: So why not just pass it on to me

Xingxin: Because I don’t want to. :)

Lanning: "..."

Cauliflower: Well, you are handsome and you have the final say. [hehe]

She packed up her things, picked up her bag, and clocked off work.

Yan Ruyu had given her the spare key of his house before, and Lan Ning didn't knock on the door after arriving, but directly opened the door with the key.

There was no one in the living room, Lan Ning put on his slippers suspiciously, and called into the room: "Teacher?"

The voice fell in the spacious room, but there was no response.

Lan Ning frowned, and called again as he walked in: "Teacher, aren't you here?"

Still no one answered her, but the computer on the coffee table in the living room was turned on.

Lanning put the bag on the sofa behind him, and sat cross-legged in front of the coffee table.

There was a word document open on the computer, and on the first page were written a few big characters in bold boldface—"Secret", Xing Xin thought.

Lan Ning raised his eyebrows, covered the mouse with his right hand, and slid down a page.

On it was written a short preface.

"I would like to dedicate this book to my favorite editor, thank you for teaching me what love is, and letting me know that there is more than indifference and ugliness in this world."

Lan Ning was taken aback for a moment, and looked at this line of words with some touch.

Yan Ruyu came out from nowhere, wearing a formal suit and holding a bouquet of roses in his hand. When he came into Lanning's sight, Lanning looked at him blankly.

Yan Ruyu only smiled slightly, knelt down on one knee, and handed over the rose in his hand: "Marry me, will you?"

Lan Ning's gaze was like an unpredictable sea, which changed several times in an instant, and finally calmed down gradually: "Wait, wait..."

Such a formal proposal suddenly caught her off guard!

"Wait any longer?" Yan Ruyu frowned slightly, and the black eyes looking at Lanning were much darker than before.

"No, I mean, I'm a bit overwhelmed..."

"Just accept it."

Lanning: "..."

Yan Ruyu was still kneeling on the ground, and the bouquet of fiery roses seemed to stain his usually cold eyes with an indelible enthusiasm: "Didn't it be agreed, we will get married as soon as we submit the manuscript."

Lanning: "..."

It's not good...

But facing the current Confucianism, she felt that if she denied his statement, she would be an unscrupulous liar.

Yan Ruyu seemed to have thought of something, put the flowers aside temporarily, took out a beautiful box from his suit pocket, opened it, and there was a diamond ring lying inside.

"The manuscript, the rose, the diamond ring, and me are all ready." Yan Ruyu looked at her with burning eyes.

Lanning's heart was beating wildly, and she admitted that she was moved, not because of the manuscript rose or the diamond ring, but because of him.

just him.

She has never been so nervous in her life. She is so nervous to be proposed to. What about the teacher? Is it more nervous than her

She felt that she was a little out of breath, and even her palms were covered with a dense layer of sweat. Yan Ruyu was waiting for an important answer from her, and she also had to make an important decision for herself.

"Marry me, will you?" Yan Ruyu asked again, his tone no longer had the usual arrogance and sarcasm, Lanning even heard a trace of humility.

Love can really make a proud person let go of his identity and go down to the dust.

Lan Ning's heart was beating fast out of her chest, it wasn't that she didn't want to speak now, but she found that she seemed unable to speak. After finally finding his voice, Lan Ning stammered: "Yes, is it a little, too fast?"

"Is it fast? Life is only a few decades in a hurry. Compared with the time we waste, this is already very slow."

Lan Ning's throat and mouth are dry now, she looked at Yan Ruyu, as if mustering up the courage of her life, she nodded and said: "Okay."

Yan Ruyu's tense nerves, which were about to break, finally relaxed in the word "her". After Lan Ning said these two words, he also let out a breath of relief.

He put the ring on Lanning's slender finger, picked up the rose and handed it to her, and kissed the corner of her eye: "You are crying."

"...?" Lanning looked at him inexplicably, when did she cry

Yan Ruyu smiled at her: "The corners of the eyes are wet."

"...I might, just be too nervous."

Yan Ruyu smiled and kissed her other eye again, stroked her hair and said, "Since the proposal is successful, let's pick a date to get the certificate, and the wedding preparations are about to begin." Oh, by the way, remember to invite your classmate from last time."

Lanning: "..."

The teacher still remembers his gift money.

"I think National Day is good, but there are too many people holding weddings at that time, so I don't know if I can jump in the queue."

Yan Ruyu was seriously thinking about this issue, and after Lan Ning recovered from the intense stimulation just now, she suddenly realized that she had only read two pages of the so-called manuscript!

"Wait!" She hurriedly stopped, "In view of your previous bad record, I need to confirm whether your manuscript is really finished."

Confucianism: "..."

Still holding the flower in her hand, Lan Ning sat back in front of the computer and skipped the word to the last page. Lan Ning quickly scanned the page and checked the number of words. Lanning was finally relieved.

Well, he was honest this time and didn't play tricks.

"Is the inspection finished?" Yan Ruyu looked at her with the corner of his mouth curled up, "Can we discuss when to go to get the certificate?"

"I just agreed to propose, and you're in such a hurry to get the certificate?"

"Then what do you think we should do now?" After Yan Ruyu finished speaking, he suddenly leaned over to her, his eyes full of teasing, "Do you want to take advantage of the atmosphere and do something?"

"... Let's discuss the issue of obtaining the certificate."

Yan Ruyu's opinion is that the sooner the better, anyway, you don't need to check the calendar to pick a good day to get the certificate, but Lanning doesn't want to get the marriage certificate too much in advance, if possible, she really hopes to hold the wedding Received the certificate that day.

In the end, Confucianism was still used to accommodate Lan Ning, and it was scheduled to receive the certificate the day before the wedding.

Although this problem has been solved, there is still a problem that has been bothering Lan Ning, that is, what should Qu Tong do

After she gets married, she will definitely move to He Yan Ruyu, so Qu Tong will have to find another tenant. Now that she has just entered her third year of high school, she is really worried about finding anyone to live with her.

Because the time for the wedding has not yet been set, she has promised Yan Ruyu to propose, but she has never mentioned it to anyone other than her family, and Qu Tong still doesn't know about it.

"Oh." She sighed at the computer, thinking about how to solve this problem.

"Ah." Apple sitting next to her also sighed.

Lan Ning turned his head to look at her and asked, "Why are you sighing?"

Apple said lazily: "My landlord wants to rent the house to his relatives, so he wants me to move out." Apple almost shed two lines of tears when he said this, "He drove me away, just like Tang Monk Just as decisive as when driving away Monkey King."

Lanning: "..."

She grabbed Apple's hand and looked at her with bright eyes: "Then you can move to where I live now!"