Finding Glowing Beauty in Books

Chapter 8


Seeing that Lan Ning hung up the phone, Qu Tong's face was very dark, and he asked her cautiously, "Sister Lan Ning, what's the matter?"

I just heard what she said about the teacher and the submission of manuscripts. It should be a problem at work, right

Lan Ning stuffed the phone back into the bag and looked at her with despair: "I may not be able to go out to eat, or you can go alone."

Now Qu Tong looked desperate: "Why?"

"I want to work overtime..." It's still the kind of overtime work without overtime pay.

Qu Tong heard that she had to work overtime, so he couldn't say anything more, but went back to the room with some disappointment: "Oh, then I won't go out, I'll eat instant noodles."

"Sorry, sorry." Lanning put on her shoes, and made an apologetic gesture to Qu Tong, "Next week, I will invite you to Tangxinmiyi for dessert."

"Really?" Qu Tong came back to life when he heard the words "sugar sweetness", "I really like the desserts there! I went there when she first opened, and I even took photos there Look! I'm going to wear a new little dress next week!"

"... Well, good." Lanning heard from Qu Tong that she had posted some private pictures of Lolita on Weibo, and she seemed to be quite famous, but she didn't pay much attention, "Then I'll go first, remember have dinner."

Leaving home in a hurry, Lan Ning took the subway to Yan Ruyu's high-end apartment. But after ringing the doorbell for a long time, the people inside still didn't respond.

… hehe.

With a sneer, she took out her cell phone and called Yan Ruyu. This time the other party did not ignore her number as a nuisance call, and answered it after a few rings: "What's the matter?"

"What else do you ask me? You called me to come over. What does it mean that you are not at home?"

The person on the other end of the phone paused for a moment before saying, "You've already arrived? I didn't expect you to be very active when you see me."

"..." Lanning didn't want to argue with him, "Where are you?"

"Supermarket, there's nothing in the refrigerator."

Lan Ning hung up the phone with a bang, and looked for it with a sigh of relief. Yan Ruyu was really strolling around the supermarket leisurely.

"Teacher." She walked over to greet him with a half-smile. Yan Ruyu pushed a shopping cart, and glanced at her indifferently: "Yes."

Lanning: "..."

Branning must not have deliberately tricked you, you have to believe that people's hearts are not that bad!

After convincing herself in this way, she smiled at Yan Ruyu: "Teacher, you must have written a lot of manuscripts today, and you are too tired to make dinner."

Yan Ruyu thought about it for a moment, and answered her: "There are probably a few hundred words."

Lanning: "..."

Can she swear

"Your expression seems to dislike these hundreds of words?" Yan Ruyu glanced at her sideways, and turned a corner with the shopping cart, "Then I'll delete those hundreds of words when I go back."

Lanning: "..."

Do you dare to be any more cheap!

She couldn't bear to swear, but Yan Ruyu continued to ask: "But then again, you came to see me and dressed up?"

"... Hehe, I just planned to go out for dinner and shopping." She specially emphasized the pronunciation of the words "dining and shopping".

"Dining and shopping?" As if hearing something surprising, Yan Ruyu looked at her with slight surprise, "You travel alone in Japan, you probably don't have a boyfriend."

You should not have a boyfriend, which means you are a single dog.

Lanning: "..."

Hehe, it's as if he's not single.

"Teacher, boyfriends are not the only ones who can accompany you to eat and go shopping. Don't you usually socialize?" Lan Ning suppressed the rushing beast in his heart, and said with a peaceful smile.

Yan Ruyu picked a few tomatoes and put them in the shopping cart: "I also really want to socialize, but someone is urging me to write a manuscript."

Lanning: "..."

Then you wrote it!

While he was not paying attention, she took a tomato that looked very tasteless, threw it into his shopping cart, and then had a face-to-face meeting with the oncoming neighbor and aunt.

That's right, it was the neighbor aunt she met when she went to Teacher Xingxin's house on the first day.

Seeing them, the neighbor's aunt froze for a moment, then said with a smile on her face, "Mr. Yan, are you going to the supermarket with your girlfriend?"

As she spoke, she glanced at their shopping cart and picked out the tomato that Lanning had just thrown in: "You can't choose tomatoes like this. Look at this, it doesn't taste good at first glance."

Lanning: "..."

Thank you, auntie.

After the neighbor's aunt pushed the shopping cart away, Lan Ning realized that she hadn't explained that she and Mr. Yan were not boyfriend and girlfriend at all!

"I didn't pick that tomato." Yan Ruyu who was walking beside her suddenly said.

Lanning: "..."

People really can't do bad things at all.

After queuing up to pay the bill, Yan Ruyu shoved everything into Lanning's hands very unceremoniously. Lan Ning was holding two shopping bags, and looked at him in disbelief: "Teacher, you are a big man, and you have the nerve to let me carry things for you? I blush for you."

Yan Ruyu glanced at her indifferently: "First, as I said, I'm very tired from writing manuscripts today, and I don't have the strength to lift heavy objects; second, this thing is completely stress-free for you."

... You also said that you only wrote a few hundred words today, did you forget! How delicate you are! Lan Ning took a deep breath and looked at him sarcastically: "Why do you think I have no pressure to mention this thing?"

Yan Ruyu said: "I found out when I was on the mountain that your physical fitness is better than many women and even some men. You should have walked on the mountain for a long time before you met me, but you still have physical strength in the end Keep up with my speed. I guess you should go to the gym to exercise regularly, and judging from the muscle lines of your arms, your arm strength is good, you should have exercised specially, such as playing sandbags and the like."

Lanning: "..."

Although she didn't play sandbags to exercise her arm strength, but simply to vent her pressure, but in terms of the results, his guesses were all right.


"How did you see the lines of my arms?" He can still see the muscle lines when she wears such thick clothes? Does he have clairvoyance

"When you were at my house, you took off your coat. The sleeveless dress you wore last time was a white lace bottoming shirt, and the lines could barely be seen."

Lanning: "..."

" what? I focus on exercise, not to help you lift things."

Yan Ruyu turned his head and met her gaze: "Don't you like exercising? Lifting things is also a form of exercise. And don't mention carrying things, I don't think it will be a problem for you to subdue a few hooligans."

Lanning: "..."

"Hehe, teacher, you think highly of me too. I just pay more attention to exercise, and I haven't learned fighting."

"Don't underestimate yourself so much, you have to believe that great efforts can produce miracles."

Lanning: "..."

Then do you think I can crush you to death with my bare hands

While calming down the anger in her heart, she followed Yan Ruyu to the exit. As if feeling her emotions, Yan Ruyu smiled happily: "It's just a reminder, don't be so angry, and I also specially bought the cauliflower you like."

Lanning twitched the corner of his mouth: "Who told you that I like cauliflower? It's your reasoning again?"

Yan Ruyu slightly raised his eyebrows, and walked out of the supermarket with her: "When people name themselves, they usually choose something that they like or that has special meaning to them. For example, Nineteen, he I was nineteen years old when I started writing magazine manuscripts, and there is a 'zai' in his name, so I named myself Nineteen Zai; another example is Yun Qing, she especially likes the song 'Dark Clouds and Breezy Near Noon' The artistic conception depicted in the poem, so I took two characters from the poem to form a pen name; and Mubai, he formed a pen name after splitting his surname. I can only think of a name as simple and straightforward as cauliflower You like cauliflower."

After listening to a long section of his analysis, Lanning suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled: "Your analysis makes sense, but I am called cauliflower because when I took over this Q, it was called cauliflower, and I am too lazy to change it."

Generally speaking, when a replacement takes over the editorial account, the editorial name should also be changed accordingly, but "Cauliflower" is not an editorial name in the first place, but was typed in as a joke when Apple organized the account before she came. She told Lanning to change her name, but Lanning never changed it.

After Lan Ning said these words, she felt very relieved. She was looking forward to seeing Teacher Xingxin being slapped in the face with a smile on her face. Unexpectedly, Yan Ruyu was only slightly stunned, and then sighed indifferently: "It's really interesting. Women really can't explain it with logic."

… that's all

Lanning felt so lost.

She clicked her tongue and asked him, "What about you, what is the meaning of naming yourself 'Xingxin'?"

Yan Ruyu laughed mockingly: "As the editor who urges me to write the manuscript, you haven't even done this homework?"

Yan Ruyu has accepted many written interviews, which of course include questions such as "Why did you choose this pen name". Lan Ning has seen it, but she doesn't understand it very well: "The 'lucky heart' you mentioned, I can't get your point at all, okay?"

"Is luck hard to understand?"

Lanning imitated his disdainful look and raised his eyebrows.

Yan Ruyu turned his head, the smile in his eyes was fleeting: "Have you read "Shan Hai Jing"?"

Lanning blinked, and deliberately asked, "Which version is it?"

Yan Ruyu lowered his eyes slightly, and said with a low laugh: "The "Shan Hai Jing" records a kind of beast named 狌狌, they know the past but cannot predict the future, and they are very greedy. Because they like wine and straw sandals, The natives placed wine and straw sandals on the road to tempt them. At first they would not be fooled, because they could know who put them and the purpose of those people when they walked past, but after repeated several times, they still endured. He kept getting drunk and was finally captured by the natives."

Lan Ning once read "Shan Hai Jing" in the library of the university, but now he is still attracted by the description in Confucianism. She looked up at him and asked aloud, "So Xingxin is a homonym for 狌狌?"

Yan Ruyu smiled lightly: "Don't you think that you are very similar to people? Because of greed, you know that there are some things you can't do, but you can't resist the temptation in the end." He looked sideways at this point. Lan Ning, no one seems to be able to see through the emotions hidden in the dark eyes, "The intent to kill is also a temptation."

Lan Ning couldn't even explain the coldness behind Lan Ning's back at this moment. She gathered the coat on her body, looked at him and said, "Teacher, don't be scary at night, please."

Yan Ruyu curled the corner of his mouth, and the emotion in his eyes quickly disappeared without a trace: "I'm talking about the characters in my writing." He seemed to be recalling something, and asked Lanning in a very slow tone , "Do you remember Zhao Yue?"

Zhao Yue, the heroine in "The Player". She is a well-known actress and has very strict requirements for her work. This kind of strictness is mainly reflected in the fact that every time she plays a role, she must personally experience the life of this role. If she wants to portray a doctor, she will go to the hospital to experience the life of a doctor; if she wants to portray a teacher, she will also go to the school to experience the life of a teacher; if she is just an ordinary worker, she will also go to the factory Experience the life of a worker. The media said that there is no more dedicated actor than Zhao Yue in China. Later she took on a criminal investigation film in which the character killed someone.

"Zhao Yue knows her own eccentricities better than anyone else, but she still accepted the movie "Chasing the Wind". Why do you think so?"

Lanning froze, not only because of his question, but also because he didn't use the word "dedication" but the word "eccentricity".

Zhao Yue's paranoid persistence is indeed a quirk.

"When Zhao Yue was arrested, Wu Yang found the script of "For My Dear You" in her study. Have you noticed this detail?"

Lan Ning thought about it hard, and said with an embarrassed smile: "It seems that there is such a thing."

Then she triggered Yan Ruyu's "smile of contempt": ""For My Dear You" is also a movie about crime, I mentioned it in another short story of mine."

"... You mean, Zhao Yue rejected a movie with this theme once before, but when "Chasing the Wind" approached her, she didn't refuse again?"

Should she read the novel again

"That's what I said. Killing intent is a kind of temptation." Yan Ruyu looked at Lan Ning, his eyes were a little unpredictable, "Have you ever wished someone to die for a moment?"

Lan Ning frowned slightly, was silent for a while, looked at him and said, "Every time you delay the manuscript, I wish I could kill you."