Finest Servant

Chapter 106: deep feeling


That Xiao Yushuang didn't seem to see him, she just stared blankly at the moonlight in the sky, with a sad expression, which made people feel sympathetic.

Lin Wanrong hurriedly grabbed the maid next to her and said, "What's wrong with Second Miss?"

The servant girl shook her head and said, "I don't know what's wrong. A few days ago, oh, it was also the day when the eldest lady was in charge of the meeting, and the second lady didn't know what happened, and her face was very haggard. The lady sent someone to take her to the uncle's house in Suzhou, and she just came back today."

So that's the case, Lin Wanrong sighed softly, since that day, he has never seen Second Miss again, nor asked about her, and he felt somewhat guilty. Seeing her dazed look at this moment, compared with the quick-witted and lively little girl before, she seemed to be a different person.

Lin Wanrong didn't know what it was like in his heart. In his eyes, Second Miss was just a sixteen or seventeen-year-old child. He never thought that this girl would have a crush on him, but Xiao Yushuang in front of him was so emaciated. She is no longer that lively and lovely little girl.

Damn it, it should be nice to be crushed by someone, but I don't feel well anyway. He sighed helplessly, hesitating for a moment.

It's not that he's worried about his identity, identity isn't even a piece of shit in his eyes. He has some liking for Xiao Yushuang, but it's not about the relationship between a man and a woman. After all, his mental age is ten years older than hers, let alone his experience. If she gets involved with men and women, it feels like an old cow gnawing tender grass, which always feels weird.

This is really difficult. If this girl was two or three years older, I would definitely refuse anyone who came. Lin Wanrong felt that there was a hurdle in her heart, and she always couldn't get past it.

He had a ghost in his heart, and he didn't want Xiao Yushuang to see him. Then he hurried to his residence.

It was early winter, Xiao Yushuang didn't seem to notice a gust of wind, but her body shivered slightly, showing that she was extremely cold.

Lin Wanrong frowned, and said to the maid: "Hurry up and send some clothes to Second Miss."

The maid said aggrievedly: "Third brother, I have been there a few times, and the second young lady doesn't let anyone follow her, and she doesn't want anything. She said she doesn't want people to disturb her. If anyone dares to disturb her thinking, she will let Zhenyuan go." The general bit."

Lin Wanrong was annoyed and funny when she heard that, this girl is already like this, and she still wants to let the dog do bad things. Also really a little girl temper. It was this kind of feeling that made him feel kind, as if seeing that pungent little girl with her hands on her hips again, she waved her fingers and said, "Mighty General, go—"

The Second Miss now is really different from that time, he shook his head and said: "What about the Eldest Miss and Madam, don't they care about the Second Miss?"

The servant girl said: "When the Second Miss came out, the Eldest Miss and Madam were discussing matters in the room, and there were many female stewards present. They didn't even know that the Second Miss came out."

Lin Wanrong nodded. He didn't go to the "clothes conference" that day, but he had a talk with him once when he came back from the eldest lady. The press conference was very successful, the cheongsam and women's underwear were very popular with the ladies, even the "models" couldn't put it down. This is not only the mother and daughter of the eldest lady, but even Lin Wanrong was quite surprised. I heard that no less than a hundred orders were received on the spot. Lin Wanrong lamented that in this world, there are only things that can't be imagined, and nothing can't be done. Women in this era also pursue beauty and comfort, but I don't know if this young lady has made that sanitary belt, it should be a lot of money. Profitable business too.

Of course, the most popular is the perfume. The three different types of perfume brought by the eldest lady were sought after by all the female guests present. They had never seen such a pleasant fragrance of gouache, and naturally the audience went crazy. At that time, the price of this perfume had not yet been set. The eldest lady tried to offer a price of 80 taels of silver per bottle, and unexpectedly received an order for 200 bottles at once, and then received an additional order for 300 bottles, which is really a good start. .

These eighty taels of silver can be said to be very expensive for this era, but perfume, as a luxury that has just appeared, is not something that everyone can afford.

Lin Wanrong, a complete profiteer, was very dissatisfied with the low price of eighty taels quoted by the eldest lady. According to him, this thing is a huge profit, and it can cost hundreds of taels of silver.

Miss Xiao has a clearer understanding of the shamelessness of this villain. It was already a terrible thing to report eighty taels, but I didn't expect this profiteer to be even higher. The result of course was to provoke Miss Xiao. Roll eyes.

In fact, the cost of this perfume itself is very expensive. A large amount of flower petals are consumed every day. Even a big family like the Xiao family with a dedicated garden outside the city cannot afford it. In addition, it is late autumn and early winter, and it is the depression of the petals. During the period, Rao Fubo purchased and mobilized flower petals from other companies through various means, and the output was still very tight.

According to preliminary calculations by Lin Wanrong, after large-scale production, the cost of each bottle will be about five taels of silver. He had already negotiated with Fu Bo that the area of the garden in the south of the city would be expanded and expanded, and new flowers should be planted according to different seasons, so as to expand the production capacity next year.

As for the current production of perfume in his perfume factory is very limited. According to preliminary estimates, even if the petals are fully supplied, the production will be less than 500 bottles a month. Compared with the huge market demand, it is really a drop in the bucket.

At the same time, Lin Wanrong also felt that perfume, as a new thing, must maintain its mystery and nobility in the early stage, so as to mobilize the appetite of consumers. You can't swarm up all at once, it will be beautiful for a while. But it is difficult to last. Therefore, he proposed the strategy of limited supply to Miss Xiao, which was actually a means of hype.

Xiao Yuruo strongly agrees with his idea. She herself is also a master of this, and the two of them found common ground for the first time.

The Xiao family's perfume is limited to 500 bottles per month, but it was sold out a few days ago this month. This perfume has become a new luxury item among the upper-class ladies in Jinling. It is said that each bottle has been fried to one hundred and fifty taels of silver, but there is still a price but no market. With the help of the perfume, the promotion of cheongsam and underwear went smoothly, and the future of the Xiao family was bright.

The eldest lady and Mrs. Xiao are very busy these days, and they have to spread out the cheongsam and women's underwear. Perfume is also available in limited quantities, and they are under a lot of pressure. Especially Miss Xiao, I heard that she has been busy for two consecutive days and nights without rest. While Lin Wanrong lamented her desperate efforts, she also thought helplessly, whether this girl has dark circles under her eyes. All of a sudden, the female shop assistants in the shops of the Xiao family became more and more popular. Seeing that, they were very motivated to develop into a specialty store for women's products.

After thinking so much, Lin Wanrong knew. This must be because Mrs. Xiao and the eldest lady have too many things to spare to take care of the second lady. Thinking about this girl, she is really pitiful.

He sighed, took the jacket from the girl's hand and said, "Sister, you go down first. I'll go talk to the second young lady."

These days, Mrs. Xiao and Missy have summoned Lin San quite a lot. The maid naturally knew that Brother Lin was highly valued by Mrs. and Missy, so she gave him the clothes, blessed her, turned and left.

The closer she got to the little girl, the more uncomfortable Lin Wanrong felt, and she didn't see her for a few days. This girl really lost a lot of weight, her plump face was also sunken, and her thin shoulders were shivering in the cold wind.

Xiao Yushuang heard the sound of footsteps behind her, and couldn't help sighing softly: "Who told you to come? Didn't I tell you, don't disturb me, aren't you afraid of General Zhenyuan?"

"I'm not afraid of the mighty general, but what about your Zhenyuan general?" Lin Wanrong smiled.

Xiao Yushuang's body trembled for a while, as if she couldn't believe her ears, she turned around slowly, but she saw that standing in front of her, wasn't it the annoying person

"Lin San—" her eyes turned red, and she bit her lips tightly to prevent herself from crying, then her expression gradually faded, and she said softly, "What are you doing here? Are you kidding me?"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lin Wanrong felt that the second young lady in front of her seemed to be much more mature than before. Although her face was still a little childish, she felt that she was already a real big girl.

Lin Wanrong said: "I came back from the outside just now. I saw Miss Er, so I came over to say hello."

Xiao Yushuang snorted and said, "How can a child like me be worthy of greetings from a big man like you?"

Lin Wanrong knew that she heard what he said that day, and she was complaining that she regarded her as a child, so she couldn't help but smiled slightly: "Immature is not based on words, it depends on actions. I see you Being so vindictive and abusing yourself doesn't necessarily mean you're mature."

The second lady snorted, but couldn't find anything to refute him. Hearing his words seemed to be concerned, her heart was both sweet and sour, and a little sad. He always treated me like a child, even if it was me Caring about me is probably just me, a little child, who is too pitiful. For a moment, she got into a dead end and couldn't extricate herself.

Seeing her changing expression, Lin Wanrong couldn't figure out what this girl was thinking even though she had all kinds of abilities, so she stepped forward and said, "The night is cold and the dew is heavy, Second Miss should add more clothes."

He walked over and handed the clothes to Xiao Yushuang, Xiao Yushuang snorted, twisted her body, and ignored him.

This girl seems to have grown up, but she doesn't seem to have grown up. This feeling is really strange. Seeing her temper, Lin Wanrong secretly laughed in her heart, so she ignored her and put the shirt on her body .

Xiao Yushuang couldn't dodge him, but felt her body warmed up, a long gown was draped over her shoulders, her nose was sore, she turned her head away from him and said, "You villain, you only care so much about what I do, don't you think so?" Tricking me enough?"

Lin Wanrong was sweating profusely, this girl is only sixteen or seventeen years old, she is at the age of a flower, why does she speak more and more like a grieving woman in a boudoir? Besides, when did I make fun of you, I'm afraid it was you who made fun of me.

He didn't answer her, but said: "It's late at night. Second Miss, you are tired from the journey today, go back early and rest."

Xiao Yushuang gently wiped away the teardrops. Sighing: "Lin San, you haven't talked with me for a long time, let's chat like before, okay?"

like before? I'm afraid it won't work, you girl is "having an evil heart" towards me now, and if you are not careful, you may fall into your trap. Lin Wanrong thought shamelessly.

But seeing the little girl's softness, he couldn't hold back his face no matter what, so he could only sigh and said: "In that case, let's talk. Second Miss, I heard that you went to Suzhou to play?"

"Yes. I'm going to play." Xiao Yushuang looked at him and said quietly, pronouncing the word "play" very emphatically.

This girl, there is a thorn in her words, Lin Wanrong has a ghost in her heart, so she is naturally more sensitive. Seeing that Xiao Yushuang's eyes are burning, staring at him closely, makes him feel very uncomfortable.

He smiled sarcastically and said, "Suzhou is so much fun. There are Suzhou gardens, Pingtan ditties, and the beautiful scenery of Suzhou River. When I have time, I will also go shopping."

He said a few words, but Xiao Yushuang looked up at her without saying a word. But seeing her face sinking like water, she actually looked at him without saying a word.

This little girl, when did she learn to play deep, Lin Wanrong was uncomfortable seeing her, so she wanted to turn her head, but Xiao Yushuang said: "Is this the only thing you want to talk to me?"

Lin Wanrong was taken aback for a moment, not knowing how to answer her. It's strange to say, it's obvious that I'm much older than this little girl, but why I'm always asked by her? In the past when the two got along, it was Lin Wanrong who took the lead. It would be nice for this girl to intervene once in a while, but today the situation is completely reversed. Lin Wanrong's eloquence is useless in front of this little girl. Day, is there really something wrong with me

Xiao Yushuang sighed, and said softly: "Lin San, do you already have a woman you like?"

"Yes." Lin Wanrong didn't want to attack her at all.

When Xiao Yushuang saw that he really had someone he liked, she felt indescribably sad, she bit her lip tightly and said, "Isn't she very gentle, isn't she very beautiful?"

Seeing her strange expression, Lin Wanrong nodded and said, "She is very beautiful and gentle."

"Lin San, do you think I'm pretty?" Xiao Yushuang summoned up all her courage, slowly approached him, and said softly, her pretty face was dyed a faint blush under the moonlight.

Lin Wanrong was stunned for a moment, this Xiao Yushuang was already an extremely outstanding beauty, in time, his appearance would definitely surpass that of Missy and Madam Xiao. At this time under the moonlight, she was very pitiful, with tears on her face, her expression was haggard, she was not childish, but she was like a Xizi holding her heart, which made people feel a little more love and sympathy.

"Second Miss, you are also very good-looking." Lin Wanrong struggled to look away from her, and said truthfully.

"Then why don't you like me?" Xiao Yushuang was overjoyed, and couldn't restrain her emotions any longer. She hugged him violently and said tremblingly, "Do you really think I'm small? But I will grow up The older one, my mother said, she is already married at my age. Why don't you like me, why?"

Xiao Yushuang hugged his waist tightly, buried her head in his arms, and burst into tears.

Lin Wanrong felt a soft body trembling gently in his arms, and the second lady's fully developed breasts were pressed tightly against his chest, and the delicate jade rabbit trembled slowly as she cried, slowly rubbed against his chest.

Feeling the infinite heat brought by this hot and moving female body, Lin Wanrong repeatedly warned himself that the second lady was still a child, so she must not have any evil thoughts, but the fiery but loyal body under her body betrayed him, gently pushing her back. It landed on Miss Er's smooth belly.

Beast, beast, Lin Wanrong scolded herself secretly, but the second lady hugged him even tighter, and gently rubbed her moving body against him.

Sitting in his arms is a mess, Lin Wanrong is well aware of his own nature, feeling that the delicate body of the second young lady is soft and soft and trembling slightly, his heart suddenly itch like a cat scratching, and he hugged her tightly in his arms, The lower body was rubbed gently between the two, but her hands were slowly stroking her newly developed buttocks.

Xiao Yushuang snorted, hiding in his arms, her whole body was limp and weak, and her body became hot.

Hearing her soft cry, Lin Wanrong woke up a little bit. Day, what am I doing, things can't develop like this-if you want to do it, you have to go back to the room to do it. Playing field battles for the first time is a bit too advanced.

"Second Miss—" Lin Wanrong pushed her away with great perseverance, but saw that her eyes were red, and tears were rolling in her eyes, and fell down in an instant.

"Lin San, why don't you like me? Is it because I am not gentle? But I have changed a lot." Xiao Yushuang murmured. Weeping softly on his chest, tears wet his clothes.

Lin Wanrong is a mature man. Being hugged and rubbed by a little girl like this made his lower body feel even more uncomfortable. He smiled wryly. Xindao, even if I don't like you, my little brother will like you.

"Second Miss, can we talk about this matter another day?" Lin Wanrong tried her best to speak softly so as not to frighten the poor little girl.

Xiao Yushuang raised her head, hummed lightly, her face blushed, as if she was also shy about her bold action just now.

Lin Wanrong let out a deep breath secretly, and suppressed that desire, if it continues like this. He couldn't guarantee what would happen-damn, it's not like he hasn't fought a field battle before.

After saying something and crying and making noise like this again, Xiao Yushuang's expression has improved a lot. She hadn't spoken to Lin San these days, she was really worried about her, but she couldn't come to him, the pain in her heart can be imagined.

"Second Miss, it's so late, go back and rest quickly." Seeing her shivering in the night wind, Lin Wanrong hurriedly put the long gown that had fallen off on her again.

Second Miss obediently responded, but did not leave. She just looked at him and said, "Lin San, can you come and tell me some stories today? I'm very interested—" She blushed, but didn't continue.

Lin Wanrong's head grew big again. Just now, the little girl was affectionate and mature, but in a blink of an eye, she wanted to tell a story again. Isn't this obviously trying to arouse my guilt

"Second Miss, it's late tonight, and you're a little tired, let's talk again when I'm free." Lin Wanrong persuaded.

The second lady nodded slightly, but saw the sticker in his hand, and said, "Is this Qin Xian'er again? It's really kind of good for you that she came to send you a sticker at such a late hour."

Her tone was annoyed and a little sour, and Lin Wanrong remembered that Qin Xian'er has been looking for her many times today, is there really something urgent

He hurriedly opened the post and read it by the moonlight, only to see a few small words scrawled on it with eyebrow pencil: "Leave Xiao's house quickly!"

Leave Xiao's house quickly? Lin Wanrong was puzzled, and opened the remaining few posts, but they all contained these four words. While he was wondering, he heard a servant yelling: "The water is gone, the water is gone."

Lin Wanrong was taken aback and said, "Where did the water go?"

When the two looked up, they saw that the attic of Xiao's house was blazing, and it was already on fire.

Xiao Yushuang said in surprise, "It's the meeting hall."

Lin Wanrong hurriedly comforted her: "Second Miss, don't panic, we have a lot of people, the fire doesn't matter—"

Before the words were finished, there was a light brushing sound, and a bright firework rose into the sky. From a distance, it looked like a white lotus flower blooming.

Lin Wanrong clearly remembered seeing the white lotus when talking with Qin Xian'er that day. Damn, who's child is this, what kind of fireworks are set off in the middle of the night.

Before he finished thinking, he heard a long shout not far away: "A white lotus flower, the auspicious cloud of ten thousand dao is coming. In front of the Guanyin hall, the lotus sits at the gate of the thousand dao. The white lotus messenger respectfully invites Miss Xiao to take her seat."

Standing up from the outer wall were more than 20 black shadows, all of them in black clothes, black trousers and black scarves, holding bright swords and steel knives in their hands. Those thieves are extremely angry, and they are coming very fast, and they will be there in a blink of an eye.

Xiao Yushuang trembled all over and said, "Lin San, what should I do, the thief is here."

Oh my god, where is this thief? Before he robs, he has to read a rap. It's a pity not to sing R&B.

Lin Wanrong has only seen such high-level looting in movies, but who would have thought that today he would encounter it in person. He didn't believe in martial arts in the past, but after meeting Xiao Qingxuan, he changed his view. It's a pity that he is too old to learn martial arts.

Seeing these robbers today, he was naturally a little scared, but seeing Xiao Yushuang's pitiful appearance, he hurriedly turned his head to comfort her and said, "Second Miss, don't be afraid, let's run—"

Before she finished speaking, she felt a gust of wind coming from behind her. A flash of panic flashed in Xiao Yushuang's eyes, and then she was extremely firm. At the critical moment, this little girl didn't know where the strength came from, but she suddenly dodged and blocked Lin Wanrong. forward.

Lin Wanrong looked back, and suddenly his mind was shattered, and he saw a white sword light, fast and fast, with a light whistling, going straight to Xiao Yushuang's chest.