Finest Servant

Chapter 110: Fighting wits and fighting fiercely


The place where he was taken was a few steps away from the cell. Lin Wanrong followed behind the thief, constantly looking left and right, looking at the surrounding situation.

At this time, it was dusk, and there seemed to be no other gangsters around. Lin Wanrong thought, maybe he went down to work again. This White Lotus cultivator made a living by robbing houses, and the robbed were all big families in Jinling, so their income should be pretty good.

While thinking about it, he saw that the thief leading the way in front was tall and thin, and seemed to have little strength, so he couldn't help thinking about it. Damn it, I can't see other bandits at this moment. If there is only this one guy, it's not like I won't have a chance to escape if I rush up to kill him.

He has some confidence in his fighting ability. Although those Bailian gangsters were high-spirited and high-spirited yesterday, it may not be that this gatekeeper has all the skills. I dealt with Li Ergou that day, and that guy will never die again. Say a word, today may not be without that luck.

The idea kept seducing him like a candy full of temptation. Lin Wanrong now has a full understanding of the situation. This kidnapping incident is definitely not as simple as imagined. If it is not good, I will have to confess my life here. Instead of sitting still and waiting to die, it is better to fight hard.

He has a bit of a gambler's nature in his character, and he saw that there was no one around, so he gritted his teeth and walked up a few steps to follow behind him. Before he could make a move, he heard the gangster yell, "Damn it. Who threw stones here again."

It turned out that standing in front of him was a big stone that reached one-third of the height between his legs. After the bandit finished speaking, he kicked at the stone with his kick. With a muffled crash, the stone shattered into several pieces.

Oh my god, Lin Wanrong was taken aback and immediately stopped moving. Damn it, I thought I was already good at pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. But I didn't expect that a random Bailian gangster is also ten thousand times stronger than Lao Tzu. It's no wonder that they only let one person come to invite me so carelessly. Even ten Lin Wanrongs couldn't stop me.

Lin Wanrong was dripping with cold sweat, he lost his previous thoughts, took a few steps, ran up to the man and said, "This brother is a master of kung fu, he is truly unprecedented. Little brother Lin San, I am lucky to meet a master today. , I am really lucky to have three lives. I am lucky to have three lives. But I don’t know the name of this big brother Gao? I really admire the younger brother.”

The man glanced at him, and said proudly: "Why do you ask my name, I have no friendship with you."

Lin Wanrong smiled and said, "My little brother would like to ask my big brother if there is any elixir that can allow me to quickly and quickly acquire such a superb martial arts like this big brother. My little brother is willing to pay a high price for it."

The man laughed and said: "You are really ridiculous. There is no quick way to practice martial arts. I started practicing boy kungfu when I was five years old, and now it has been more than thirty years since I achieved this. You actually want to accomplish it in one day. It's ridiculous."

Lin Wanrong chuckled and said, "Brother is very skilled in martial arts. I have never seen it before. He is much better than those chivalrous men. I admire him so much, that's why I ask this question. I call this brother a joke." gone."

There were three figures standing in the distance, watching their every move.

Standing in the middle is a young man in fine clothes, graceful and luxurious, with elegant temperament and extraordinary demeanor. You can tell at a glance that he is not an ordinary person. He looked at Lin Wanrong's back and said with a smile, "Is this the Lin San you mentioned. He speaks interestingly and has some courage."

A young man standing on the left side of the young master said: "Young master, this person is Lin San, the family member of the Xiao family. According to the investigation of the subordinates, it is this person who gave advice to the Xiao family to suddenly change the way of doing business recently and start a new business." This person has thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a dignified appearance. To paraphrase Lin Wanrong, he looks like Zhu Shimao.

Mr. Huafu nodded and smiled: "This Lin San is really interesting. Although the cheongsam and women's underwear he made are a bit bold, they are also quite gimmicky. The women in my mansion like them very much."

The young man on the left said: "Young Master, what you said is very true. This Lin San does have some brains. I underestimated him before. But when I first met him, even Miss Xiao didn't have a good impression of him."

Mr. Huafu nodded and said: "Speaking of which, it should be Lin San who spoiled your good deed. If he hadn't been a hindrance this time, your plan has already succeeded, and Miss Xiao has already fallen into your arms."

The young man on the left hurriedly said: "This subordinate is not effective, please punish me, sir."

"It's okay, it's okay." A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of Mr. Huafu: "It's just that it took a lot of trouble this time. I can't go wrong, but I have gained a little more. By the way, you confirm the perfume formula, right here In Lin San's hands?"

"Yes." The young man on the left replied affirmatively: "The subordinates have been investigating for many days. It turns out that Xiao's family, like mine, is a cloth shop. Recently, they suddenly launched underwear, cheongsam and perfume. Let's not talk about other things, this perfume The workshop and the perfume formula are all planned by Lin San, and the subordinates are sure that the preparation is in the hands of Lin San."

Master Huafu nodded and sighed: "This perfume is really a good thing. A bottle costs hundreds of taels of silver. If it falls into our hands, it will be a great help. This perfume and the Xiao family, we All of them, not one less." He turned to the young man on the side and said, "This Xiao family must be taken down, Lu Zhongping, if you two cooperate in this matter, I will reward you heavily."

Lu Zhongping was tall and thin, he was the elder brother of the White Lotus Sect, he hurriedly said: "Please don't worry, my lord. We will definitely get things done."

Mr. Huafu laughed, then turned to the young man on the left and said, "You should do this well. Next year, there will be a vacancy in the Jinling Mansion. I will give you a good word for your father. It is made in Suzhou, so let others go."

"Thank you, Young Master." The young man on the left said hastily. The three laughed together again.

Lin Wanrong was sparing no effort to strike up a conversation with the gangster at this time: "Brother, is your sect called the White Lotus Sect?"

The gangster said impatiently, "Exactly."

"This name sounds nice, did your leader give it to you?" Lin Wanrong said.

"The word "white lotus" means nobleness. It was established by the first leader of my sect." The bandit said proudly.

Damn Gao Jie, you old boy has been practicing boy kung fu since you were a child, so I'm afraid you don't even know how to write these two characters. Lin Wanrong said in a long voice: "Your religion really has a long history and a long history. I really admire it."

"That's natural." The gangster said.

"Oh, yes, I would like to ask. Where did you buy the fireworks that you set off every time before you teach? I see that the fireworks are very beautiful. I want to buy two for fun even if I have nothing to do."

"It was specially made by my brothers in my teaching, where can I buy it in ordinary places?"

"Oh—" Lin Wanrong said with a long tone: "Then what is the name of your leader?"

"Our leader's name is Su—" The big man was startled suddenly, he gave him a look and said, "Why are you asking this? Don't try to get something out of my mouth."

Lin Wanrong secretly thought it was a pity, this idiot suddenly came to his senses, and hurriedly said: "Brother, I misunderstood. To tell you the truth, brother, I saw that your fireworks are very interesting, so I wanted to do business with you. You also You know, our Xiao family is specialized in business. Brothers in your school are responsible for the supply of goods, and I am in charge of sales, and I will share it with you on June 4th, and I will give you 10% of the commission, what do you think?" The big man was stunned for a moment, thinking this The business was done, and soon he realized that it was a sect secret, how could it be handed over to others. He glared at Lin Wanrong and said, "You have a good idea, but you also treat us as fools."

Saying that you are not fucking stupid, no one will believe you, Lin Wanrong chuckled and said, "Brother, are you still recruiting members of the White Lotus Sect?"

"Under the bodhi tree proves that there is no way, and in front of the Guanyin Hall talks about all living beings. Brothers and sisters who are suffering all over the world are all disciples under the protection of my white lotus. As long as you have the heart, I, Bailian, can take care of you." The gangster said loudly.

My god, the incision is so familiar, the political commissar of the White Lotus Sect is quite strong. I have done so much ideological work. All cults have a set of methods to deceive people, this White Lotus Sect is not simple.

"Then how much is the monthly membership fee?"

"Two taels of silver per month."

"It's so cheap." Lin Wanrong yelled: "Then I'll pay you twenty taels of silver for a yearly contract. By the way, where is your chief rudder?"

"Our main rudder is in Jining—hey, what's the purpose of asking me?" The big man woke up startled.

"Oh, I admire your teaching very much, and I just want to visit it when I have time." Lin Wanrong said flickeringly. It's just what this man said, but it made him very frightened. Jining is the border of Shandong, thousands of miles away from Jinling, it is absolutely impossible for the White Lotus Sect to run rampant in this land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River, without any support behind it.

The man snorted and said: "I'm not afraid to tell you that I know. My White Lotus Sect is the largest religion in the world. It saves all sentient beings. There are countless believers. There are more than ten provinces in Dahua, and we are at the helm."

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "Damn it, don't care what white lotus and black lotus you are, you tortured me so much today, I won't kill you, I swear I won't be a human being."

Leading Lin Wanrong into an empty room, the gangster opened the door and said, "Lin San, we've arrived, let's go in."

Lin Wanrong nodded to him and smiled, "Thank you so much, brother, let's talk next time when we have time."

The man was stunned for a moment, what is the background of this boy, he was caught by Lao Tzu and he still treats it like this, why is he so arrogant.

How did he know that this was Lin Wanrong's thick-skinned mental decompression method.

Lin Wanrong walked in, but saw a lean young man standing inside, judging from the figure and outline, it was the elder brother who captured him yesterday. At this time, the senior brother had already removed his mask, and his appearance was quite attractive.

Thinking that he almost died under the sword of this person yesterday, Lin Wanrong was very annoyed. Seeing the sneer on his lips, he felt even more unhappy, and said grinningly: "It's you, why, there is no more advanced point?" Will someone come out and talk to me?"

While talking, he actually sat down on the stool, and didn't bother to look at him.

That senior brother was sent to win him over, so he could only hold back his anger and said: "Brother Lin, I'm going down to Lu Zhongping. I was forced to disrespect Brother Lin yesterday, so please forgive me."

I fucked your mother, I was going to kill my father yesterday, and today I came to apologize, if you didn't see that I still have some value, would you talk to me so calmly? Lin Wanrong snorted, and said contemptuously: "Don't dare, I'm your prisoner, so you don't have to put on an air, just speak up if you have anything to say."

Lu Zhongping saw that he was very contemptuous of himself in his eyes, and couldn't help being angry. He said in a louder voice: "Since Brother Lin, you are so forthright, then I won't talk nonsense. I invited Brother Lin here today because I want to talk to Brother Lin. Discuss something."

Lin Wanrong glanced at him and said, "Are you fucking qualified to discuss things with me?"

Damn it, this guy surnamed Lin is more rude and barbaric than us bandits, Lu Zhongping couldn't stand it anymore, stood up abruptly, with black lines looming between his brows, and said sharply, "Your surname Lin, don't You don’t have to drink a toast, but if I talk to you like this, I respect you. Do you really think that I dare not do anything to you? Let me tell you, I have 18 tricks to make you die.”

Lu Zhongping was already enraged when he heard that he hadn't said anything serious. The young man in Huafu, who was listening to the conversation outside the window, sighed and said, "This Lin San does seem to be difficult to deal with. Lu Zhongping is not his opponent."

The man next to him said: "Young master's words are very true. This Lin San's sharp tongue has already been taught by his subordinates."

Lin Wanrong slammed the table and stood up: "You fucking think I was scared? If you have the means, use it. If I yell, you are my grandson."

Then Lu Zhongping was also confused, he didn't understand the meaning of his words, he also slapped the table and said: "Okay, if you call out, you are my grandfather."

Lin Wanrong was so happy, it was like eating a peeing beef ball, boy, you are fucking fighting with me, you are too tender. Having said that, his back was covered in cold sweat. He was gambling that there would be masters behind Lu Zhongping, and the gambling ground was that they would definitely want him. He intentionally provoked Lu Zhongping, so that before he even brought up the topic, the two started fighting, just to meet his willing master. With this brave and foolhardy Lu Zhongping, negotiating conditions with him is useless.

As soon as Lu Zhongping said that, he realized that he had been fooled by Lin San, and his hair stood on end with anger, but he was really angry. Even if I put my best efforts to be blamed by that young master today, I will definitely do it. Out of this bad breath.

Lin Wanrong saw that he was furious and approached him step by step, and knew that he was really angry. Damn, if this guy really wants to attack me, I'm not a hard worker, of course he will yell, and his grandson won't yell.

Lin Wanrong's face was calm, but beads of sweat were already appearing on his forehead, and he had already been counting silently in his heart.



Before he could say the three words, he heard a clear voice from outside the window saying: "Zhongping, come back."

My day, Lin Wanrong felt relieved as if hearing the sound of nature, and leaned lazily on the chair.