Finest Servant

Chapter 123: great invention


Lin Wanrong still cared about Qin Xian'er's words. Now that Xiao Qingxuan was his closest person in this world, he didn't want her to be in any danger.

You have to think of a way to do this, if it doesn't work, just take advantage of the chaos and get Qin Xian'er done, I don't believe it, you little girl can defeat me with two golden spears even if you are supernatural? hey-hey.

Back in Xiao's own den, he couldn't fall asleep for a long time, Xiao Qingxuan's shadow kept lingering in his mind. Looking at it now, Xiao Qingxuan's family must be either rich or expensive. To have less resistance with her, he must further strengthen his own strength.

Martial arts are not bad, with the addition of poisonous needles and muskets, even if I meet Dongfang Bubai, I can fight hard. At present, Shiweixian's business is very good, making money every day, and the underwear and perfume business of Xiao's family is also very smooth, especially the perfume business, which is simply huge profits.

It's a pity that due to the production capacity problem, the production of perfume cannot be increased for the time being, and there is no money to be made, so I am anxious to see. What's more, the perfume business alone seems to be too thin. They should find other related businesses to gradually improve the product line. With more varieties, there will be more opportunities to make money.

In fact, since the birth of perfume, he had a plan in mind. Since he made perfume, why not make other daily necessities? With perfume, you can also make soap.

The ingredients for soap are very simple. They have learned it in middle school chemistry textbooks. Lin Wanrong even did a classroom experiment at that time. Adding caustic soda to oil and heating at high temperature can be done, and the process is not complicated, which is conducive to mass production.

Soap is also divided into two types, laundry soap and toilet soap. Laundry soap has a rough process and can be extracted directly with animal fat and caustic soda. In order to save costs, you can also add 10 to 20 percent rosin to it. Soap, the principle is the same. It’s just that the process is a little more complicated. It needs to be made with vegetable oil and caustic soda, then purified and added with essence.

Fragrance is naturally not a problem. Anyway, when perfume is brewed, there are many braid residues left, which can be used as waste.

With the experience of perfume, Lin Wanrong has a lot of confidence, as long as this soap is made. It has become a profiteering product comparable to perfume. A perfume and a restaurant alone are enough, and with the addition of the soap industry, he has three golden roosters that can lay eggs at once, two of which are exclusively owned by him, and it is difficult to think about it.

With this thought, he became excited, and his heart was itchy. These two skills of Lao Tzu are purely exclusive inventions. If there was a Chinese Academy of Sciences in this era, I would have been the fucking dean long ago.

He also wanted to get some shampoo and facial cleanser, but unfortunately he didn't know much about these things. What I regret even more is that I didn't study the ingredients of Viagra carefully at the beginning, if I had the patent of Viagra in my hand. ***, make hundreds of small blue pills for him, and sell them exclusively to the emperor and princes and ministers.

That night, he was very excited, cheering for his great invention, but he didn't close his eyes all night. Woke up early the next morning and hurried to the layman.

Walking to the middle of the courtyard, I saw the eldest lady coming in gracefully from the outside. It turned out that she and the second lady stayed at Qixia Temple yesterday, the two sisters talked all night, and they just came back this morning.

Seeing Lin San walking out with a smirk on his face, without even looking at himself, Xiao Yuruo stopped him and said, "Lin San, what are you doing here?"

Lin Wanrong stopped in her tracks. Seeing the person coming, he smiled and said, "So it's Missy, I'm going to buy lard."

Xiao Yuruo glanced at him, and wondered, "You're not a cook, why are you buying that thing?"

Lin Wanrong chuckled and said, "The heavenly secret must not be leaked."

Seeing his mysterious appearance, the eldest lady said in her heart, this guy. Maybe there is some other ghost idea, after seeing the power of that perfume, she also became very curious about him, and said: "I wake up in the morning, I have nothing to do, so I will go with you."

Isn't that right, miss, accompany me to buy lard? This matter is easy to say or not. Lin Wanrong said with a bitter face: "Miss, don't kill me. You are a big shot, how can you fool around with me, how is the progress of the perfume sales?"

Xiao Yuruo nodded and said: "The sales are very good. By the way, we are going to the Jinling Poetry Club the day after tomorrow, so you can go with me, and see a lot of the big scene, maybe it will come in handy in the future."

Lin Wanrong understood, this is the eldest lady training me, probably trying to turn me into a white-collar backbone and elite of the Xiao family, hehe, it's a bit interesting.

He smiled modestly once in a while and said: "Since it was the eldest lady who gave the order, I naturally followed suit. But I don't know where the Jinling Poetry Club is?"

The eldest lady nodded, and said in her heart, if you have this humble attitude every day, I won't always show you my face.

"The Jinling Poetry Club is the largest reading place in Jinling, and there are many famous talented scholars and talented women gathered there. If this perfume can be sold among them, it will be a great success."

Lin Wanrong nodded, he understands this truth, isn't it the star effect, the talented women of this era are equivalent to those female stars who went abroad to show their heads and pose in his previous life. If you find a beautiful and talented woman and say "washing is healthier", it will be too difficult not to become popular in Dahua.

Just as she was talking, the eldest lady continued: "The Jinling Poetry Club gathers the biggest connections in Jinling, not only the number one talented person in Jinling Hou Yuebai, the number one talent in Yangzhou Yu Wenpo, but also the number one talented girl in Jinling Luo Miss Ning and her subordinates are many ladies, if we can find opportunities among them, then our perfume will have a firm foothold in Jinling."

The eldest lady seems to be in a good mood today, she changed her previous impatience and spared no effort to introduce the business to him, it seems that she really wants to train him to be the backbone of the Xiao family.

Lin Wanrong curled her lips in disdain, and said for a long time, it turned out that Luo Ning and the others were there to support the Jinling Poetry Club. However, the upper-level route of the eldest lady was chosen very well. It is a gathering place for some talented official ladies, so it should be the focus of research.

After talking for a while, the eldest lady saw that he looked relaxed, and didn't know how much he had listened to, so she snorted to herself, waved her hand and let him go.

Lin Wanrong is notoriously lazy. There is no need for him to do things like buying lard. He is now Gao Ji's family member of the Xiao family. He is a big celebrity in front of the ladies, even the two managers are compared by him. Now that his value has skyrocketed, if he doesn't know how to take advantage of it, he won't be the omnipotent Brother Lin in Xiao Zhai.

He went and picked a chap. It was the one that he went to the kiln with the young master and flattered the young master that day and got a tael of silver as a reward. He was called San De.

"I said three virtues—" Lin Wanrong said.

The little fellow hastily cupped his fists and said: "Third Brother, don't kill me. You are Third Brother, I dare not use your name. From now on, I will be called Si De."

Day, look at this flatterer, who knows how to avoid taboos, or how can this kid have a future. Feeling like a fox pretending to be a tiger, he was very comfortable, so he nodded and said: "I said Si De, go to the butcher shop and buy me four catties of lard and come back, and help me get some pure caustic soda by the way. Uncle Fore called back. He said that I had something to discuss with him."

It's cool to have errands, three things in one breath, Lin Wanrong only moved his mouth, and these four virtues were done neatly. When Uncle Fu came back, he saw Lin Wanrong directing Si De to light a fierce fire in the stove. The white lard was rolling in the boiling water, and there was still a faint fishy smell in the air.

"Uncle Fu, it's just in time for you to come back." Seeing that there is another labor force joining, Lin Wanrong will not be polite, no matter how old or young you are, as long as you can do things.

He took a large piece of fine emery cloth that had been prepared from the side. Commanded in an orderly manner: "Fu Bo, you have old experience. After Si De removes the dirt on the surface, you can use this filter cloth to filter the grease and clean it again."

Fu Bo asked strangely: "Lin San, what are you going to do again?" To say that Fu Bo and Chang Bo Er still really admire Lin San, although this kid is only half-hearted about flower art and machinery, he is often a bit biased. The whimsy and whimsy made the two of them overwhelmed.

Lin Wanrong naturally wouldn't tell the truth. He laughed and said, "Uncle Fu, we are old friends, don't you believe me?"

Uncle Fu snorted, you kid, you don't have any thoughts of respecting the old and loving the young, but he still trusts Lin San very much, and he doesn't seem to be joking. So he did as he said.

Lin Wanrong took his special pencil and kept writing and scratching on the paper, but they were all symbols that the two of them could not understand. After a long time, he dropped the pencil and called out: "Dear chemistry teacher, I love you forever."

He was so excited that he asked Forber to pour all the washed fat into the pot, and boiled it again.

The temperature of the fire was getting higher and higher, and Side followed Lin Wanrong's instructions and kept stirring. Lin Wanrong took caustic soda that was one third of the weight of the fat and threw it into the pot.

After continuing to boil for about half an hour, he asked Side to pour a large amount of coarse salt into the pot and stir evenly. Anyone who has studied chemistry knows that the term for this stuff is "salting out".

After about half an hour, Fu Bo and Side saw in amazement that in the cauldron where lard was boiling, a layer of light yellow ointment-like substance gradually floated on the surface of the water.

Lin Wanrong was overjoyed, this is soap, I am really a genius, dear chemistry teacher, please be proud of me, I will always remember your teaching: learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and you will not be afraid anywhere in the world.

This is actually a very simple chemical experiment. Under the condition of high temperature in the presence of alkali, oil is hydrolyzed to produce higher fatty acid salt and glycerol. Fatty acid salts are our commonly used soaps, and glycerin, together with nitric acid, can be used to make glyceryl trinitrate, which is dynamite. Because soap is insoluble in concentrated salt water, and glycerin is highly soluble in salt water, soap and glycerin can be separated by adding salt.

Lin Wanrong was delighted for a while, and asked Side to scrape the light yellow paste into a large wooden box with a scraper, and when it cooled slowly, it became a large piece of soap.

For the glycerin by-product, Lin Wanrong was still itchy in his heart. With this thing, it would be great to make a few bombs for fun. But he is also well aware of the danger, the ammonium nitrate explosive is extremely unstable, and it is easy to explode when it is slightly shaken. He hesitated for a long time in his heart, and temporarily gave up this plan. It was too dangerous, and my life was more important.

Lin Wanrong looked at the big piece of soap, but was thinking in his heart. How much does it cost to make soap out of this animal oil

The cost of these four catties of lard is about eight qian silver, and the soap made can be made into soap that is about the size of a small fist for thirty or forty yuan. A piece of soap would have to cost eight renminbi, so that would be a profit of thirty or forty taels of silver, which is too fucking impressive. And this lard is just a test product. The cost is high, and other animal oil and vegetable oil can also be used to further reduce the cost.

After waiting for an hour, the soap finally cooled down, so Side took a basin of clean water and soaked the clothes that had been soiled for a few days in the basin, then dug out a small piece of soap, and lightly rubbed it on the clothes After a few brushes and a dip in clean water, the stain disappeared without a trace.

Uncle Fu was dumbfounded: "Lin San, what is this thing? It's so amazing?",

Lin Wanrong laughed and said: "Fu Bo, you have a lucky eye today. This thing is called soap. I invented it myself."

Uncle Fu sighed: "Lin San, with this thing, those big girls and young wives will save a lot of trouble. They really have to thank you very much."

Lin Wanrong laughed loudly: "Uncle Fu, look at what you said, in fact, I have always taken it as my duty to benefit thousands of women and establish a new style of society. But whenever I think that this goal is far from being achieved, I feel ashamed. "

Fu Bo directly ignored his words. He rubbed the newly formed soap carefully, it was thin and slippery, wondering in his heart, why is this thing so miraculous

This soap is only the roughest kind of laundry soap. To make soap, the principle is exactly the same, except that the oil needs to be replaced with vegetable oil, such as coconut oil, tung seed oil, a few more purifications, and some colors and fragrances are added to make soap. Lin Wanrong has always felt a pity for the leftover braids left over from making perfume, but now they can finally come in handy.

He followed this method and conducted another experiment, but this time he used tung seed oil and sprinkled more crushed flower braids. Lin Wancha paid more attention to the soap, so she didn't let Si De handle it, and put the paste into another box by herself.

When the soap cooled down slowly, Fu Bo and Si De's eyes were straightened. I saw that the soap powder was slightly yellowish, the color was really beautiful, and there was a faint fragrance of flower braids in the air, just smelling it, people fell in love with it.

It succeeded, finally succeeded, Lin Wanrong was excited, and finally couldn't help laughing wildly. All the beauties in the world, just wait and use my great invention of Lin Sange, I will definitely make you more beautiful, more fragrant and more beautiful.

These two experiments were done for two full days, but they were much easier and simpler than brewing perfume that day. Both Fu Bo and Si De followed Lin Wanrong and watched the birth of the miracle with their own eyes.

If it is said that Lin Wanrong made the perfume unintentionally, then this soap was made by him on purpose. To benefit the people of the world? Lin Wanrong didn't have this kind of thinking, and it was true that he was ruthlessly fishing for money.

Fragrance soap is a new product, so naturally, if it is an upper-level product, the price must be set high at the beginning, and the profit will definitely not be lower than that of perfume. With underwear, perfume, soap, especially the monopoly position of the latter two, isn't the money in this world rolling in? In the future, I will make medicated soap again, and I will build a one-stop chemical industry. Damn it, let's see who dares to compete with me. At this moment, he had the feeling that he looked down on the world when he became famous.

It's already time to light the lamp, Uncle Fu has really opened his eyes these two days, he sighed for a long time, before he said: "Lin San, look at this thing, do you want the eldest lady to take a look?"

Lin Wanrong is also considering this issue. The reason why the perfume was handed over to the Xiao family was because of Xiao Yushuang's face on the one hand, and because the Xiao family had a very well-established marketing network on the other hand. Although Lin Wanrong has technology and products, marketing is what he lacks the most. If he is asked to spend energy on rebuilding, he doesn't have so much money and energy. It is also a good way to let the Xiao family act as an exclusive agent, and this model has been seen a lot in previous lives.

He thought about it for a while, then said to Uncle Fu: "You can let the young lady take a look, alas, I have failed too much in what I have done, and I will always be exploited by her."

Missy's footsteps came much faster than Lin Wanrong imagined. Probably in her eyes, Uncle Fu was an honest man who would not lie, so she did not hesitate to believe what Uncle Fu had seen with her own eyes. If Lin San went to sue, it would be a good thing for the eldest lady to believe one sentence out of ten.

Xiao Yuruo entered the room and saw Lin Wanrong looking at her with a smile on her face, she blushed and said, "You, do you always behave like this all day long?"

Lin Wanrong laughed and said, "Miss, I have never passed by like this before."

The eldest lady glanced at him, snorted softly, and then her eyes fell on the things behind him.

Is this what is called soap? Xiao Yuruo looked curiously at the two big pieces of soap in front of him. The workmanship was not very fine, and it was a little rough, but it was smooth and smooth to the touch. Especially the soap, which is light pink and has a little fragrance, which made her fall in love with it when she saw it.

"Lin San, you really did all of this?" The eldest lady's excited voice trembled a little