Finest Servant

Chapter 19: Sitting on the floor (2)


Lin Wanrong was also extremely tired that day, so she went to bed when she got home. In this era, the sky is blue, the water is green, the air is fresh, and the vegetables are non-toxic. Under such a rare environment, sleeping is naturally comfortable.

As for those things that are full of warmth and desire, it's not that I don't want to, but I haven't decided who to do with them yet.

Lin Wanrong woke up early in the morning the next day, rushed to the first group of people on the street, ate two pancakes, drank a bowl of freshly baked tofu nao, green food is good, and now he is full of energy and arrogant He went to the old Dong's house in high spirits.

When I arrived at Lao Dong's house, Lao Dong was drinking porridge and had just taken half a bite of the freshly steamed white flour bun.

"Brother Lin, you haven't eaten breakfast yet. Try my newly steamed white flour buns." Dong Qiaoqiao brought Lin Wanrong a bowl of porridge, and picked out two of the largest white flour steamed buns for him.

Ever since she learned that Lin Wanrong was a loner at dinner last night, and she didn't look like a son in any way, Dong Qiaoqiao directly "downgraded" Lin Wanrong from son to elder brother Lin, and kindly invited Lin Wanrong to come to her house for three meals a day.

Alas, what an embarrassment, Lin Wanrong is a shy person, and it is enough to eat ten meals in five days.

Looking at the two white-faced steamed buns in front of him, he suddenly remembered a joke he had seen before.

After a man in love touched his girlfriend's tits for the first time, he said with emotion: "Wow, it looks like a steamed bun."

The girl shyly said: "No, they're not as big as steamed buns."

The boy said, "I'm talking about Wangzai's little mantou."

It's a pity that if Lin Wanrong wanted to tell this joke to Old Dong's father and daughter, he would probably be kicked out immediately by the broom.

The white flour steamed buns made Lin Wanrong's appetite whet. Anyway, he is shameless by nature, so it's okay to have more, so he shouted: "It's just right, coincidence, I'm not full yet, thank you."

Old Dong's eyes were red, apparently he had stayed up all night last night, but Lin Wanrong was sleeping soundly last night, Lin Wanrong was really embarrassed to disrespect the old man so much. But it is also his responsibility to do his job well.

"Uncle Dong, how's the photocopy over there?" Lin Wanrong asked quickly when he saw that Old Dong was only drinking porridge.

Old Dong wiped his mouth, pointed at his back and said, "Well, behind your back, there are five hundred copies, all of them are there."

Lin Wanrong jumped up, swallowed half of a white flour steamed bun, and turned around to see, sure enough, five hundred booklets were neatly piled up, still exuding the smell of oil.

Lin Wanrong picked up the top one and looked through it carefully. The photocopying effect was just as good as before, and Miss Xiao's portrait was clearly visible. This chick should have never heard of the concept of portrait rights, this money is earned by me. Anyway, I'm going in to serve her soon, so let's take it as her compensation.

Looking at these 500 pamphlets, Lin Wanrong felt secretly happy. It feels really good to be the boss of the third page tabloid.

"Mr. Lin, how much should we price this brochure?"

Ever since he found out about Lin Wanrong's status as a half-talented genius, the old Dong's respect for Lin Wanrong hasn't changed at all, but when he called him son again, even Lin Wanrong himself didn't taste the same way.

"One piece of five taels of silver." Lin Wanrong fondled the booklet and said without looking back.

With a sound of "click", half of the steamed bun that Uncle Dong was holding in his mouth fell straight down.

Lin Wanrong turned around and saw the unbelievable eyes of their father and daughter, he felt amused, and said, "Why, you don't believe it, do you?" Dong Qiaoqiao hesitated and said, "Brother Lin, you really want to sell a book for five taels of silver. Is this, isn’t it too expensive?” Five taels of silver is half a year’s living expenses for an ordinary family. This price is really expensive, so it’s no wonder that the father and daughter are speechless.

"Don't you believe it, five taels of silver, without a counter-offer. Do you know the word rare goods?" Lin Wanrong smiled mysteriously, without blushing or heartbeat, and said boldly.

Although Lin Wanrong couldn't see the expression on his face now, he knew that his current appearance must be like a complete profiteer, and he was the most shameless kind. It was his nature to be shameless, and Lin Wanrong didn't need to hide anything about this.

"You have to grasp the mentality of those talented people. Those who are willing to pay for this booklet don't care if you buy one or two copies or twelve copies. What they want is information, and what they want is first-hand information. For them, there is no difference between one tael and ten taels. Their principle is not to seek the best, but to seek the most expensive, which is a very strange psychology.”

Dong Qiaoqiao's father and daughter were taken aback by Lin Wanrong's words. Obviously, their understanding of human nature is not deep enough, and they still need Lin Wanrong's continued teaching.

"Think about it, as long as one person buys it now, who wants to fall behind others? Who doesn't want to get first-hand information about Miss Xiao? This is the comparison effect, like a domino. , and the rest collapsed with a bang.”

Lin Wanrong made a slip of the tongue for a while, and dominoes appeared, and quickly explained: "In short, it is the mentality that no one can let others be better than the former, which makes our booklet a big seller. Think about it, as long as Flying up a branch and turning into a phoenix one day, this little money is nothing." Lin Wanrong bragged about it with a three-inch tongue.

Dong Qiaoqiao was quick-witted, and immediately thought of the problem: "But even if Miss Xiao wants to choose a husband-in-law, she can only choose one. We have four or five hundred brochures."

Lin Wanrong chuckled and said, "Only one person will be selected for the number one prize, but the Analects, The Book of Songs, The Tao Te Ching, and Mencius aren't just as popular? Before the results come out, everything is possible."

Dong Qiaoqiao is obviously a good girl with a kind heart, and she is very good at planning for Miss Xiao: "But I heard that Caimen produces talented people, and many talented people from poor families can't afford our booklet. Wouldn't that delay Miss Xiao? beautiful marriage."

Lin Wanrong fainted on the spot, and this lady took them all too seriously. If Miss Xiao's marriage could be captured in a booklet, then the rich family of the Xiao family would be nothing.

Facing Dong Qiaoqiao's eager eyes for knowledge, Lin Wanrong once again acted as an instructor helplessly. He sneered and said, "Since the talented people from poor families are here, they must be mentally prepared. If they are really capable, they should marry them according to their real ability. Miss Xiao, go. What’s the matter with buying our tabloids? If you want to use this to climb high, I can only feel sorry. Climbing the dragon and the phoenix are not without costs. Clear. I didn’t force them to buy it. It’s because of their own ulterior motives. Those real talents will never buy our books, but how many of these so-called high-spirited talents are there in this world? We are As a businessman, what matters is profit. Whoever pays, we will sell to whom. As for the important matter of marriage, that is something Miss Xiao should consider. We want to exert influence, but there is no way."

Dong Qiaoqiao also secretly nodded to Lin Wanrong's theory. Although he still had doubts about setting such a high price for him, he obviously accepted it.