Finest Servant

Chapter 2: Son, son (2)


But as soon as they saw Lin Wanrong's shabby dress, the wits immediately became arrogant again, and their good self-feeling returned to them. The wits completely ignored Lin Wanrong's appearance, but found great self-confidence from his shabby appearance. They all spoke sarcasticly.

Before Lin Wanrong came to this world, he worked as a marketing department manager in a medium-sized company. He graduated from university at the age of 21 and worked hard for four years. At the age of 25, he became the youngest department manager. Such characters are naturally not in the minority.

Seeing the eyes of the people next to him, Lin Wanrong naturally knew what they were thinking, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart. It turns out that dislike of poverty and love of wealth have such a long history, which is the same in every era, and is not a specialty of his world.

Mr. Hou's three painting boats also left slowly, and the crowd of onlookers also gradually dispersed. The women next to Lin Wanrong took a peek at him and left with blushing faces.

Lin Wanrong couldn't help laughing when he saw that the scenery on the lake was still the same, as if everything had never happened. In the college days, I have seen this kind of scene of pursuing girls countless times. Relatively speaking, the young master's confession is really too childish.

A faint nostalgia floated in Lin Wanrong's heart, thinking of the brothers in the dormitory in the past, also thinking of the first girlfriend, and thinking of her painful eyes on the night they broke up.

Although she went to the United States of America, Lin Wanrong knew that she had deep feelings for her. She had asked Lin Wanrong to go out with her countless times, and even prepared a visa and air ticket for him, but Lin Wanrong did not He refused without mercy.

At Peking University and Tsinghua University, it was fashionable to go abroad, but Lin Wanrong was different from them. When he graduated, he didn't even choose those big companies, he just chose a medium-sized company.

He has a deep hometown complex. Lin Wanrong believes that one sentence of his will be unforgettable to his girlfriend: "I don't want to see the world with my black eyes, but in their eyes it is blue."

When she got on the plane, Lin Wanrong didn't go to the airport to see her off at all. It wasn't that he was unfeeling, but that he didn't know what to say when he went. Behave responsibly.

I heard that she was crying so hard that she almost couldn't even get on the plane. Apart from heartache, Lin Wanrong also felt the pleasure of revenge. Who said men can't be narrow-minded

In the next four years, Lin Wanrong worked hard and picked up girls. His career was fruitful, but his girlfriends changed a lot. I am not an infatuated person by nature, Lin Wanrong always likes to answer those friends who care about him with a smile like this.

Originally, he lived comfortably and comfortably by himself, until that girl came to the company, everything changed. That girl had the title of deputy general manager, but she happened to be Lin Wanrong's superior. She didn't know where Lin Wanrong was wrong, but she targeted him everywhere, and she never gave Lin Wanrong a good look.

If it weren't for her father's face, Lin Wanrong would have killed her and then raped her, and then killed and raped her.

By the way, this girl's father is the chairman of the company.

Thinking of that nasty girl, Lin Wanrong gritted his teeth with hatred. If it wasn't for her, how could he come to this wretched place. Thinking of the moment when she fell from the top of Mount Tai, the girl's expression seemed to be very strange, as if she was in pain, um, very painful. Dimly, Lin Wanrong remembered that she pulled herself, as if she wanted to pull herself up, or she pulled her, and then it seemed that she also jumped down after him.

Of course, these are uncertain memories. At that time, Lin Wanrong could no longer tell the difference between southeast and northwest. With these hazy memories, it is impossible to determine what happened at that time.

Lin Wanrong wouldn't believe that the girl would jump off by herself. He stumbled and fell down Mount Tai, and the girl probably didn't have time to be happy.

Lin Wanrong gritted his teeth at this girl for a while, and stopped thinking about her. Since she came, he would be at ease. Lin Wanrong was optimistic by nature, even a little arrogant, but for him, in this brand new, unknown world , who is arrogant if he is not arrogant

Lin Wanrong's mind returned to the current situation, the Xuanwu Lake was sparkling, and countless stories of talents and beauties were being staged here. The beautiful scenery of Jinling in front of you really lives up to the fame of Qinhuai River.

I just heard that the war is raging in the north, but these so-called wits and beauties don't seem to be aware of it at all. They engage in such flirtatious activities all day long, which is also verifying the reputation of "the jackal in the north, the wit in the south".

It has been a while since I came to this place, and the facts cannot be changed. Lin Wanrong began to care about and look at problems from the perspective of a local.

"Tourists are drunk with warm wind, and they regard Hangzhou as Bianzhou." Lin Wanrong chanted softly, feeling this situation, just realized this sentence. As for which sage's poem it is, it does not matter. In this place, What came out of Lin Wanrong's mouth belonged to him, Mr. Lin.

Shameless, invincible!

As a marketing manager who has been fighting in the front line of the market all the year round, he has never seen any shameless things. Compared with those dirty and shameless underground transactions, Lin Wanrong felt pure like a childish virgin after reading a poem.

Seeing another talented person on Xuanwu Lake being invited to the official ship of one of the daughters of a family to have a "sincere talk", thinking about his own down-and-out experience, he felt a little unfair, and Lin Wanrong ruthlessly and disdainfully walked towards the lake. Spit.

Day, spitting, drowning these chick-hunting bastards of yours.

"What a 'warm wind smoked tourists, straight to Hangzhou as Bianzhou', brother, this sentence is really wonderful, wonderful." A crisp voice sounded behind Lin Wanrong, accompanied by a small fan hitting the palm of his hand. The voice was applauding for him.

The crisp voice slowly repeated the poem he just recited, with a bit of admiration in his tone.

Finally a guy admired me, Lin Wanrong smiled and felt a little proud, although I didn't write this poem, but I can recite it, and it's not easy for us to recite it. Lin Wanrong's father was a Chinese teacher in a rural elementary school in the village. In order to exercise his memory ability when he was young, he memorized Tang poetry and Song Ci a lot.

Lin Wanrong turned around slowly, and a handsome young man with a powdered face was standing behind him smiling at him.

The reason why the word stunning is used is because this young master really deserves it.

Thin willow eyebrows, red phoenix eyes, lips like crimson spots, eyes like morning stars, holding a small white fan, wearing a light yellow gown, standing there like thin willows supporting the wind, with an indescribably handsome taste.

Lin Wanrong has never met Song Yu and Pan An, but according to his estimate, those two boys are definitely not as good as the stunning young man in front of him.

Although Lin Wanrong also thinks he is handsome, handsome and suave, but he has only been here for more than a month, and he still has a strong sense of repulsion to this kind of environment. Another reason is that this guy has a powdery smell on his body, which can be seen at a glance. The rich boy who likes to hang out in the curtain all day, and Lin Wanrong's dark horse prince look are completely two styles.

Therefore, in terms of handsomeness, Lin Wanrong really couldn't compare to him, and among all the princes and ladies he had met in the past month, none of them could compare with one-tenth of the stunning young master.

Standing next to Mr. Absolutely Beautiful was a handsome young servant who was also extremely handsome.