Finest Servant

Chapter 20: made money


After tidying up, Lin Wanrong and Lao Dong carried dozens of brochures in their arms, and arrived at the recruitment site to observe the wind direction. Lin Wanrong gave it a good name, tentative marketing. Of course, it took a while to explain the concept of marketing to the studious Qiaoqiao.

Today is the last day for the members of the Xiao family to sign up, and tomorrow is the day when the official recruitment begins, so talented scholars from all over the country, both literate and illiterate, have rushed here.

Not only Jinling natives, but also talents from Hangzhou, Suzhou, Yangzhou, Zhenjiang and other places came one after another, enclosing the registration site with three floors inside and three floors outside, it was really tight.

Still the same as yesterday's scene, the prospective servants and talented scholars were divided into two teams, and they signed up separately. The order here is good, and there is no random jumping in the queue, probably because everyone is a civilized person.

Attracting so many talented people, this young lady of the Xiao family is very charming. However, what is more attractive is the huge industry behind her.

The Xiao family must have noticed that so many talented people came here, but they neither supported nor opposed them. Or is it both

But the bigger their commotion, the more Lin Wanrong likes it. Anyway, he just wants to take advantage of the troubled waters and make a fortune.

Lin Wanrong's target is these flamboyant talents. Seeing that they are all well-dressed and look like dogs, Lin Wanrong feels that the price is too low for five taels of silver.

As for those prospective servants, brothers, it's not that I look down on you, it's the reality of society that if you want to have sex, you must first earn more money.

Lin Wanrong found a fair-skinned genius, leaned over and said softly, "Brother, do you want a good book?"

Lin Wanrong took out the brochure from his bosom, quickly shook it in front of him, let him see the beautiful face of Miss Xiao on the cover, and then quickly put it into his bosom.

Sure enough, the white-faced talent's eyes lit up, and he looked around vigilantly, before he lowered his head and said to Lin Wanrong, "Brother, is there a colored version?"

Color version? Lin Wanrong was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this guy regarded him as a pornographer.

Lin Wanrong was furious at the moment, your grandma's, I'm handsome and handsome, how could he be selling that thing. Although I have a lot of playboy dragons, tigers and leopards, sir, but I don't have to make a living by selling them. This white-faced bastard doesn't know what kind of eyes he looks in, and it doesn't look like it's a good thing.

But to be honest, Lin Wanrong is bulging in his arms now, really like those colleagues who sell discs in the Zhongguancun computer market.

Lin Wanrong was really depressed, and just wanted to give this dead face a punch, but remembering that Old Dong was watching him from a distance, learning how he marketed, the first shot had to be fired no matter what.

Lin Wanrong gritted his teeth and said, "Brother, let's talk about the things you said in private. There are not only colorful treasures handed down from the court, but also treasured versions imported from Japan, father and daughter, mother and son, three generations, that posture, That look, tsk tsk, I guarantee you haven't seen it before."

Immediately, Baimian blushed and rubbed his hands together. The light in his eyes said that he was not a pervert, and there would be no perverts in this world.

"However, the most important thing right now is that I would like to solemnly recommend to you this peerless solitary book handed down from within the Xiao family, please read—"

Lin Wanrong took out the booklet again, and the head portrait of Miss Xiao immediately attracted the gaze of the white-faced pervert: "This is—" he said in surprise, looked around, and immediately stopped talking, with a flash of light in his eyes. Surprise, even the blind can see it.

"That's right, this is Miss Xiao. This is bought by a middle-level servant brother Ding in my company at a high price. Look—" Lin Wanrong shook the cover, and amidst the clattering, Bai Mian finally turned his gaze away from Miss Xiao. Moved to the lines above that.

The five characters of "Secret History of Missy" are concise and concise, the next two lines are "XX Printing Company Sponsored by the Xiao Family Committee", and the two small black characters in the upper right corner - "Top Secret".

Seeing the light in this guy's eyes, Lin Wanrong knew there was something to be done, and hurriedly hit the rails while it was hot: "Look at this portrait, how delicate it is, I can tell you responsibly that this is the first time that Miss Xiao's portrait has been released. The first person other than me to see this portrait, if you look at the content inside, it is absolutely true color and material, no deception. Today we two brothers are destined, brother, I am anxious for money, and I am willing to pay the lowest price Transfer this rare book to you."

That guy took a hasty glance, and his eyes glowed green when he saw the "Miss Xiao's View on Choosing a Spouse" inside. Lin Wanrong quickly closed the booklet, preventing him from reading any further.

The white-faced genius could only say: "You bid."

"Ten taels of silver, I can't afford to sell it for less than a penny." Lin Wanrong felt relieved when he saw that the bait had been hooked. In addition, this guy just made the uncle unhappy, so I raised the price on the ground, and the price doubled.

Not as shocked as expected, this guy just frowned and said: "It's a bit expensive, can it be less?"

Lin Wanrong was overjoyed, it really was a rare commodity to live in, and he was sure to eat him.

Lin Wanrong shook his head firmly and said: "Brother, this is a good thing that has been handed down from within the Xiao family. It is a priceless thing. I also spent a lot of money to get it. Ten taels of silver is already the lowest price. You I also know that once this item is sold to others, everyone will grab it.”

The guy looked a little hesitant, Lin Wanrong pretended to shake his head helplessly, turned around and left without talking to him.

"Brother, please stop." Dong Qiaoqiao, dressed as a gifted scholar, stopped Lin Wanrong "properly" and stared at the booklet in Lin Wanrong's hand with "light in his eyes", obviously also a "person of knowledge".

How did the white-faced genius know that this was a cage, and when he saw someone robbing him, he panicked and rushed to Lin Wanrong and said, "I came first, I came first, brother, I want your booklet. It's ten taels of silver, please keep it."

Lin Wanrong and Dong Qiaoqiao looked at each other with smiles in their eyes. Lin Wanrong accepted the ten taels of silver, and Dong Qiaoqiao secretly gave him a thumbs up.

Dong Qiaoqiao left with "regret" and a plump talented man who had been paying attention to Lin Wanrong and Baimian hurriedly stopped Lin Wanrong: "Brother, what good things did you bring to Brother Li just now?"

Lin Wanrong said suspiciously: "You are—"

The fat genius hurriedly said: "Brother Li and I are classmates and friends—"

Lin Wanrong suddenly understood in his heart that these two guys are classmates, and now they have become competitors for Miss Xiao, and they will definitely not let the other one specialize in the former.

Lin Wanrong relayed what he said just now, and the fat talent was naturally moved, but the price of this product was rather ruthless, Lin Wanrong reported ten taels of silver, and he even opened his mouth and cut it down to five taels.

Day, if I can't sell it to you for twelve taels, I will give you your last name. Lin Wanrong didn't talk to him at all, turned around and left.

Sure enough, this guy hurriedly stopped Lin Wanrong: "Brother—"

Ever since, ten taels were sold.

Seeing that several talented people noticed his movement, Lin Wanrong was secretly happy, and ran to Lao Dong to wipe off his sweat and said, "***, I underestimated the purchasing power of the market too much. Uncle Dong, let's increase the price by ten taels." Silver is on sale."