Finest Servant

Chapter 30: Servant selection contest (1)


The fight just now was in full swing, and he forgot about the business for a moment. It wasn't until Dong Qingshan mentioned the Xiao family that Lin Wanrong realized that he still had to "see a job". This job has an extraordinary meaning to him, and it is to repay old man Wei's kindness, so it cannot be messed up.

He rushed to Xiao's house in a hurry, but he was still a step late. After asking a few people nearby, he found out that Lin San's name had already been called.

"Do you think this guy named Lin San is an idiot?" The guy who was held back by Lin Wanrong to inquire about the news said gloatingly: "We all rushed here early for the recruitment of Xiao's family, and we wished that it would come to us sooner. As soon as we entered Xiao's house, we became prosperous, but that Lin San wasted such a great opportunity. Needless to say, it must have gotten into some little woman's vagina last night, maybe she hasn't woken up yet. "

This guy's face was full of smug smiles, the selection of Xiao's family member was fiercely competitive, Lin San voluntarily abstained, and he lost one more competitor, so he was naturally happy in his heart.

Damn you, Lin Wanrong scolded in his heart, it's no wonder the Xiao family picked you with your youthful face fighting "acne".

Lin Wanrong inspected the circle, and sure enough, he did not see any late applicants. He must be regarded as an outlier in this selection contest. Looking at the nervous looks of the servants who applied for the job, Lin Wanrong didn't know whether he should laugh or cry. The joke is that I am late now, if I stop here, I don't have to go to Xiao's house to do some things to serve people, although it is difficult for old man Wei to explain. What I was crying about was that once I entered Xiao's house, I was afraid that I would turn into a bitter face like these quasi-family Ding brothers.

He lingered in his mind for a while before saying, Forget it, just for one year, and it will be over if you straighten your back, but you can't let the blind Uncle Wei look down on you.

After making up his mind, he became a little worried. The current situation is that even if he wants to go in and serve people, they don't necessarily want him. What the hell is this, Lin Wanrong smiled bitterly in his heart, it seems that he still has to find a way.

Lin Wanrong looked around and saw that servants and talented scholars were selected separately. The selection of talents is very slow, but the selection of servants in front of them is very fast. Some guys came out in a disheveled state within less than a minute after entering.

"Brother, what are the exams?" Lin Wanrong asked a defeated candidate.

Candidate Ding said with a bitter face: "I don't know what to test myself, I don't know any of those words, hoot. My poor Xiao family Ding Meng, my dream lover Miss Xiao, Miss Xiao, Miss Xiao Farewell, ma'am, woo-hoo-"

Lin Wanrong watched in astonishment as the alternate family member galloped away, this guy must have too much appetite, the mother and daughter of the Xiao family have all become the lovers of his dreams

Lin Wanrong wandered around for a while, and saw a guy who looked like a housekeeper guarding the door of the servant's application room, supervising the servants who applied for the job to go in one by one, with a haughty and proud expression.

The butler was nearly forty years old, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and a silver light in his eyes. Judging from Lin Wanrong's matchmaking skills, this guy was born to be a man who was good at opportunism.

There is a door! Lin Wanrong chuckled, took out a tael of silver from his pocket and held it in his hand, walked quickly a few steps, and quietly came to the butler and said, "My lord butler, please take a step to speak."

Although this person is called the butler, in fact there is an adverbial in front of it. His immediate boss, the head of the Xiao family's family, Mr. Butler, went to supervise the application of talented scholars. With the experience of this butler, he certainly knows that as long as he bears the name of the Xiao family's big butler, he will definitely be a sought-after item among talented scholars.

Those wits are generous, and in order to win the favor of the eldest lady, don't they all rush to curry favor with the butler? Calculated in this way, Mr. Steward will have at least 80 to 100 taels of money in a day.

The deputy housekeeper hated the adverb in front of it, and the job supervisor was applying for the job. Of course, it was his turn to do this kind of job without oil and water. At the end of the day, I only had five taels of silver in my hands, which was still a lot of broken silver. He hated these poor family members so much, but he couldn't do anything about it. Could it be the rich people who came to apply for the family member examination

"What's the matter with you—" Before he finished speaking, the assistant housekeeper saw a silver light flash in Lin Wanrong's hand.

"Yeah—" the deputy housekeeper's eyes lit up, and he walked a few steps: "If you have anything to say, just tell me, I'm still busy with work."

Lin Wanrong paid one or two taels of silver when he made a move. Although it was still much less than those talented scholars, it was definitely considered generous in this group of applicants.

This kid has a future, for the sake of money, the deputy housekeeper immediately had a "favorable impression" of this kid with healthy skin.

"What's the matter?" The deputy housekeeper said in an official tone, taking advantage of people not paying attention, quietly pocketing a tael of silver.

After collecting the money, it will be easy to handle. Lin Wanrong knew it well, and hurriedly said, "I don't know what the housekeeper is called."

"My surname is Pang, and I am appreciated by the lords and wives as the deputy housekeeper of the Xiao Mansion." Deputy housekeeper Pang said arrogantly, but when he said that adverb, there was still a flash of indignation in his eyes, obviously for this deputy housekeeper. Words are deeply dissatisfied.

"So you are Steward Pang," Lin Wanrong looked at him and said in surprise, as if he hadn't heard the word "Vice" at all: "Oh, your name is really impressive, it's better to be famous than to meet, and meeting is worse than being famous."

Assistant housekeeper Pang gave him a strange look and said, "You know me?"

Lin Wanrong had a charming smile on his face: "Of course. Although I have never met you, in this city of Jinling, who doesn't know your name as a huge butler. You are loyal and loyal, and you are loyal to the sky. Master, serve the country faithfully, and spread your reputation throughout the world.”

Anyway, it doesn't cost money to say a few words, Lin Wanrong boldly and shamelessly praised the Pang deputy housekeeper.

The deputy housekeeper Pang was even more shameless. He smiled and nodded after saying these few words, and he actually accepted it.

Lin Wanrong looked at his face, he said, he is thicker than me, this guy is really hopeless.

Lin Wanrong looked around, and then sneaked into the ear of Deputy Steward Pang and said, "Besides, I heard from friends in the housekeeper circle that the housekeeper of the Xiao Mansion should belong to you. But last time that guy played despicable tricks to deceive I didn't ride on you until I got the lady. That guy is really vile and vile, and I saw him beat him again and again."

In Lin Wanrong's original world, there was a natural contradiction between the principal and the deputy, and he had seen such things countless times. What's more, the Deputy Butler Pang was born with a mean look, saying that he did not covet the position of the butler, absolutely no one would believe it.

"Don't talk nonsense—" Deputy Steward Pang pretended to be righteous and awe-inspiring: "Unity is very important. Steward Wang and I form a team together, and our relationship is very harmonious. In the leadership with Steward Wang and me as the core Under the leadership of the team, the fighting power of the members of the Xiao family is very strong. Steward Wang and I have divided labor and cooperated very well, and we trust us very much in the organization." It was just the slightest surprise that flashed in his eyes, but it exposed his thoughts.

"That's, that's—" Lin Wanrong smiled flatteringly along with his words: "You work together in a team and lead hundreds of servants in the Xiao family, so the relationship is naturally quite deep."