Finest Servant

Chapter 34: Contract employees(1)


"Contract employees are not a thing, cough, cough," Lin Wanrong knew he had made a mistake, and quickly pretended to cough twice to cover up: "Contract employees, as the name suggests, means that I sign an employment contract with the Xiao family for a period of one year. During this period, I served the Xiao family and worked eight hours a day, oh, that is four hours. I am still a free person and do not belong to the Xiao family. Of course, I am still a servant of the Xiao family, and the fruits of my labor belong to the Xiao family The advantage of this is that once the Xiao family is not satisfied with me, they can fire me at any time."

"Oh, oh," seeing those three old men staring at him closely, it means that even if you sign a lifelong contract, as long as the Xiao family is not satisfied with you, they can let you pack up and leave at any time. Lin Wanrong hurriedly said again: "And under this kind of spur, I will be more aggressive, more determined, contribute to the construction of the Xiao family, and contribute a meager amount to the establishment of a more powerful Dahua Dynasty. One After 20 years, as long as we are both satisfied, the contract can be renewed, and the salary issue can be negotiated amicably."

The following words are quite interesting. They don’t seek comfort, are not satisfied with the status quo, and have the courage to forge ahead. Now there are not many young people like Lin San who are brave enough to push themselves. The three old men praised him.

Uncle Fu said: "Lin San, it's not that we don't agree to you. In fact, your proposal is very constructive. Abolishing the life tenure of leading cadres is also a topic we have been studying. With you starting this, the next At the next Jiading Congress, we will raise this issue for discussion. Once it is passed, we will report it to the young lady and the eldest lady, and then implement it officially. However, you also know that such reforms will encounter great resistance. We only It can be done step by step. This time, we can only report your suggestion to the young lady and ladies. We don’t know whether it will be successful or not. However, you should think about it. If the above does not agree, you are likely to die. Have you thought about being eliminated?"

This Uncle Fu said one set of things, such as the abolition of the life tenure of leading cadres, the household representative meeting, and the resistance to reform. Lin Wanrong was dizzy, and finally heard the last sentence. Uncle, you should report to the higher authorities immediately."

Killing people is nothing more than a nod, and it's okay to repay the old man Wei's kindness, but Lin Wanrong would never do it if he changed his name and changed his surname to endure humiliation. At worst, he would give his life back to the old man Wei.

The three of Uncle Fu discussed for a while, and then entrusted Uncle Fu to ask for instructions on behalf of him.

Uncle Fu walked out the door, but saw a woman standing outside the door secretly laughing with her mouth covered.

This woman is not very old, but her appearance is extremely beautiful. With time, she must be a great beauty.

"Second Miss, so you are here." Uncle Fu was overjoyed, and hurried over, seeing the woman's smirk, he also said a little amusedly: "Did you also hear about this kid's plan just now?"

Miss Xiao Er snorted and said: "It's too much, I already knew that this kid is not a good thing."

Seeing that she was holding a piece of paper in her hand, Uncle Fu asked strangely, "Second Miss, what are you holding?"

Miss Xiao Er pursed her lips, her fragrant shoulders trembled slightly, and finally she couldn't hold back her laughter and said, "Uncle Fu, look, this is the Three Character Classic written silently by that kid Lin San, hehe—"

It turned out that what she was holding in her hand was Lin Wanrong's answer sheet in the first test. Uncle Fu couldn't laugh or cry when he saw these words.

Literate but not literate, half-literate, just based on the suggestion of the contract employee just now, this kid doesn't look like someone who has never read, how could his writing be so unbearable

Second Miss Xiao took out a booklet from her bosom, pointed to the woman in the album and said to Uncle Fu, "Uncle Fu, look."

Uncle Fu looked at the picture book and couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and said, "This is Missy. Whose handwriting is this?"

Miss Xiao Er shook her head and said: "I don't know who drew this, I bought it from Lin San, and many people bought this booklet from him, hum, that kid actually Taking my sister's portrait to make money is really bad."

Uncle Fu had no doubts about Lin Wanrong's ability to do business. It would be a pity not to do business just because of that kid's face.

Fu Bo said: "Second Miss, have you ever asked him who made this painting? Although I don't know how to paint, this portrait is completely different from the ones we have seen. It is simple and smooth, with vivid expressions. Although it is simple, But even more extraordinary, this master does not know where he is from."

Second Miss Xiao said: "I asked him too, but that kid just refused to tell. Hmph, I can't even write a few words, so I'm sure he's not this bad guy. Besides, my sister rarely shows up a few times a year, almost never People have seen what my sister looks like, but this master can draw it vividly, this master must be a character with extraordinary brushwork."

Uncle Fu nodded and said, "Then what should I do with Lin San?"

Hearing what Second Miss said, he seemed to have a lot of resentment towards this Lin San. It seemed that this Lin San had no fate with the Xiao family.

Second Miss Xiao bit her lip, and said with a smile on her face: "This guy has a lot of tricks, and he has done so many bad things, hmph, how can I let him go so easily."

Fu Bo didn't understand what Second Miss meant: "So, Second Miss, this Lin San, should we sign or not?"

Miss Xiao Er smiled and said: "Sign, of course I have to sign. Uncle Fu, you can give him a contract employee's contract according to his wishes, heh heh, as long as he enters the door of my Xiao's house, I will At once-"

A devilish grin appeared on her face: "—Close the door—Let the dogs—"

Fu Bo ran away like flying, but the sweat dripped down layer by layer. He knew too well the power of the second lady's sentence "-close the door-let the dog-".

The "master" that Second Miss Xiao called was chatting with the two old men left in the room at the moment. Anyway, they were bragging and they didn't pay taxes. The three of them were all experts in it.

From the mouths of these two old men, Lin Wanrong probably learned something about the Xiao family.

The old man of the Xiao family, also Mrs. Xiao's father-in-law, was in the sixth department. He once served as the Minister of Rites and had disciples all over the world. After leaving office, he returned to Jinling City to retire. When he passed away, the current emperor of the Dahua Dynasty personally wrote an elegiac couplet to express his condolences, and bestowed a good name on Mr. Rende.

However, since the old man left, the young master of the Xiao family also couldn't afford to get sick, and after two years of hard work, he let go. The Xiao family has lost its backing, and the situation is not as good as before. Thanks to the care of Mrs. Xiao’s disciples, Mrs. Xiao’s hard work, and Miss Xiao’s talent, the mother and daughter worked hard to maintain the Xiao family’s property. to today.

However, the old man of the Xiao family passed away for many years, and his influence has gradually weakened. Coupled with the fact that there are more and more competitors, the business of the Xiao family has become more and more difficult in the past two years. In order to maintain the Xiao family's business, Miss Xiao traveled around Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces all year round, and was rarely at home, so few people in Jinling City saw her.

Lin Wanrong also got an important piece of information from the two old men about the recruitment of servants this year. Although the scale seems to be quite large, and the number of applicants is similar to that of previous years, the number of newly recruited servants of the Xiao family this year is extremely limited, and it is absolutely confidential to the outside world.

Lin Wanrong can understand this point. When he does business, he always likes to exaggerate the company's turnover. As for the actual content, only a few people know it.

"Then what's going on with these talented scholars?" Lin Wanrong recalled a question that had always been in his heart, and asked the two old men directly.