Finest Servant

Chapter 35: Contract employees (2)


Since Lin Wanrong came very late, today's recruitment is almost over, so the two old men had the time to start a conversation with him.

It turned out that the arrival of these talented scholars was also Miss Xiao's idea. She intentionally let out the news, telling the officials in the south of the Yangtze River that the eldest lady of the Xiao family was going to choose a husband, which caused a sensation and attracted these talented scholars.

The arrival of the officials not only greatly improved the reputation of the Xiao family, but even the business of the Xiao family suddenly increased a lot. This is actually a free advertisement for the Xiao family. From the current point of view , the effect is still very good.

As for how to deal with these gathered talents, the two old men don't seem to be very clear. In fact, thanks to the fact that they are the elders of the Xiao family, they are able to know so much inside information. If it were someone else, they would never understand that it was all Miss Xiao's careful calculation.

This Miss Xiao dared to use her reputation to advertise, so her mind was naturally unmatched by ordinary women, and the two old men were even more admirable when they talked about it.

However, Lin Wanrong felt a little disdainful in his heart. It's too small to make fun of people in the world. If you are found out by someone with a heart, let's see how you end up, you little girl.

It was rare for these two old men to see such a shameless person like Lin Wanrong, chatting with him, the time passed quickly.

Seeing Uncle Fu walk in from the outside, Lin Wanrong hurriedly stood up and said, "Uncle Fu, how is the conversation going?"

Uncle Fu sighed and said, "Oh, after my arduous and arduous ideological work, the higher-ups finally reluctantly agreed to give you a chance."

The other two old men obviously understood Fuber's ability to turn small things into big things, so they naturally didn't believe what he said about "hard and arduous ideological work".

In this game, Lin Wanrong is the best. For Uncle Fu's previous words, this kid directly filtered out.

"It's so lucky to be Mr. Lao Fu, and I will thank you all for your help in the future." Lin Wanrong pretended to bow to the three old men, and hung up the book bag politely.

Now Lin Wanrong dictated it, Fu Bo wrote it, and the world's first labor contract with epoch-making significance was born. It stipulates the rights and obligations of both parties, and puts the two civil subjects on an equal footing for the first time.

Of course, Uncle Fu directly ignored the eight-hour working system proposed by Lin Wanrong. If you don’t ask you to sell yourself, it’s already cheap enough for you. If you want to work only four hours a day, what will happen to the other servants.

Lin Wanrong is not so harsh on this point, anyway, for him, working overtime is already commonplace.

At this point, the two worlds he experienced were so alike—there was never overtime pay.

Looking at the crooked "Lin San" written by himself, Lin Wanrong was very satisfied. This unintentionally designed signature is very individual, and no one can fake it.

After writing the contract, Lin Wanrong signed it, Uncle Fu went out for a trip, and when he came back, there was already a beautiful signature on the contract——Xiao Yushuang.

Who is Xiao Yushuang? Lin Wanrong was puzzled, but did not ask. The three Fu Bos were entrusted by the Xiao family, and as guarantors, they also signed and pledged on the contract.

The moment the brush fell, Lin Wanrong still frowned. Old man Wei, don't let me see you again, or you will look good to me.

Lin Wanrong sighed in his heart. From this moment on, he became a glorious servant in the Xiao family mansion.

His heart is higher than the sky, and his life is thinner than paper, which has become the best portrayal of his mood at this time.

Fortunately, there is only one year. In order to be an honest and noble person, I will bear it!

It was already sunset when we went out the door, there were not many people outside the door, but there were bursts of noise from the genius camp, accompanied by some crying.

Lin Wanrong is a master who fears the world will not be chaotic. At this time, he heard that there was a lot of noise on the side of the gifted scholars, so he simply had nothing to do, so he might as well go and have a look.

He stepped forward and took a closer look, and it turned out that it was a shabby young man in his twenties who was crying, and there was a person beside him who was constantly persuading him.

"Forget it, brother Ji Chang, where there is no grass in the world, why do you have to ask the Xiao family to look for it. Since you are not shortlisted, it can only mean that you and Miss Xiao are not destined, just take it easy." The man persuaded.

The weeping young master snorted twice and said, "Brother Qin Guan, you are shortlisted. Of course, I said it lightly. I have studied poetry and books for so many years, and I am proficient in everything. Eliminated. Why is Miss Xiao so blind?"

"Brother Ji Chang, this doesn't seem to have anything to do with Ms. Xiao. You and I have never met her face. How can you blame her on her. In my opinion, this Ms. Xiao is really talented and knowledgeable. You are so talented, you are born with a beautiful body, and you can't let a woman out of her eyebrows." Brother Qin Guan sighed in admiration, and when he saw the eyes of the people next to him shooting at him, he showed a look of satisfaction. Today's talent interview, not many pass the test, Qin Guan certainly has reason to be proud.

"Brother Qin Guan, you were lucky this afternoon. You got such an easy question to be shortlisted. Why do I have to memorize it so badly? Could it be that the sky is really destroying me, Ji Chang? Huh—"

After listening for a while, Lin Wanrong probably understood that one of the two young masters was named Ji Chang and the other Qin Guan, which meant that Qin Guan passed the test, while Ji Chang was eliminated, which is why he was so depressed.

However, for a senior man to cry so bitterly after being eliminated, this person is really a bit delicate. Seeing that he is also from a poor family, why can't he stand the blow

Lin Wanrong thought he was an unbeatable tiger, and he really despised Ji Chang's weakness in his heart. This guy named Qin Guan has a thick skin and should be relatively strong in resisting blows.

Lin Wanrong stepped forward and said, "You two brothers are invited."

Qin Guan and Ji Chang took a look at Lin Wanrong, seeing that he was dressed in ordinary clothes and had just walked from the family heap. Needless to say, he was also a person who had never read any books, so they all looked down on him. Even the weeping Ji Chang wiped away his tears, obviously not wanting to make a fool of himself in front of this "illiterate".

"What's the matter with you?" Brother Qin Guan snapped open the folding fan in his hand, shook it twice, and said arrogantly.

Qin Guan is dressed in ordinary clothes, facing the hard-working people like Lin Wanrong, but he has the pride of a scholar, and looks down on people who have not read from the bottom of his heart.

Lin Wanrong didn't care about him either, she clasped her fists and said with a smile: "Looking at the two brothers, they are magnificent and have extraordinary personalities. They must be talents who came to the Xiao family to take the exam, right?"

Qin Guan and Ji Chang nodded together, with a smile on their faces, obviously Lin Wanrong's flattery hit the point.

Lin Wanrong showed "excitement" on his face and said: "Great, I haven't read any books, and I envy talented scholars like the two young masters the most. But I don't know that the two young masters went to the Xiao family to take the exam and asked some questions. what is this?"

Ji Chang's face showed frustration, but Qin Guan's eyebrows were beaming, and he pretended to be reserved: "I didn't test anything, but I asked a few challenging questions and wrote a little poem."

Have a challenging question? This should be a brain teaser or something like that. In this regard, there is no difference between servants and wits. However, the aspect of poetry shows the difference in cultural level between the two sides.