Finest Servant

Chapter 37: community


Dong Qingshan got advice from Lin Wanrong yesterday, took him twenty taels of silver, and added that he won the battle today and established his position as the No. 1 elder brother in the south of the city. , waiting for the arrival of the boss.

As soon as Lin Wanrong appeared in the tavern, Dong Qingshan and his younger brothers stood up straight together, and called out respectfully: "Boss—"

Obviously it had been rehearsed in advance, and Lin Wanrong's eardrums hurt from the shock of the uniform voice. He glanced at these younger brothers who looked at him with reverence, and smiled bitterly in his heart. It seems that the position of the boss is settled for him. How to laugh at yourself.

Dong Qingshan rented a large room on the second floor of the tavern, and there was a lot of bleeding. Originally, if the underworld was done well, they would not have to pay for food. But Dong Qingshan obviously hasn't realized this yet, and since he owns this place, he is also embarrassed to ask the boss to waive the order.

Lin Wanrong looked at Dong Qingshan's younger brother, there were less than twenty people at the time of the fight, why did the number double after a few hours? Don't you all be drunkards

Lin Wanrong looked at these people and was very worried for Dong Qingshan. It seems that it is necessary to maintain the purity of the association. He feels a bit like a godfather now, and guiding Dong Qingshan to become bigger and stronger is also a very exciting thing.

Lin Wanrong pulled Dong Qingshan aside, and asked in a low voice, "Qingshan, what's going on, there are so many people all of a sudden."

A gleam flashed in Dong Qingshan's eyes and said: "Brother, we ransacked Li Ergou's lair in the afternoon, my boy, we found hundreds of taels of silver. Some of these people were former subordinates of Li Ergou, and some were The new ones came in, they saw that we had defeated Li Ergou, so they took the initiative to join in, and I thought we need to expand our strength now, so I accepted them all."

Lin Wanrong frowned and said, "Qingshan, expanding your strength is a good thing, but how can you guarantee that they are of one mind with you? Although your current strength is not strong, your current actions must have attracted the attention of others. How can you guarantee this?" Are there no undercover agents sent by other bosses?"

After all, Dong Qingshan is young and has little experience in the underworld, how could he think of Infernal Affairs? Hearing Lin Wanrong's words, he suddenly became sober-minded, and he turned his head from the joy of victory, covered in cold sweat.

Lin Wanrong knew that Dong Qingshan's real age was only sixteen years old, so naturally there was still a lot to beat. It seemed that he was determined to be the godfather.

"Brother, what do you think we should do?" Dong Qingshan looked at Lin Wanrong, full of hope.

For this big brother, he has almost worship-like trust, has schemes, means, and is ruthless. Only by working with such a big brother can he have a bright future.

"Office-society-group-" Lin Wanrong said word by word.

"Society?" Dong Qingshan didn't understand the term.

"To put it simply, a club is an organization similar to a gang. We need to build a skeleton first. These skeletons are the brothers we trusted and the most elite part of our club. For example, follow us today and Li Ergou The brothers who go to war are the skeleton of our community. Just like a big tree, you must have a trunk first before you can have branches. You pick out prestigious brothers from among them and form different halls, each of which leads the way. In one class, the number of subordinates will be expanded slowly. Attention, the value of soldiers is in the quality rather than the number. We can't patronize the blind development, we must pay attention to the cultivation of the backbone. The stronger we get, the enemy will not be able to kill us."

Lin Wanrong finished speaking in one breath, took a sip of tea, and left some time for Dong Qingshan to think slowly.

Dong Qingshan let out a long breath, with a firm light in his eyes and said: "Brother, I understand what you mean. But these hall masters, we must choose the right ones. They may be incompetent, but they must be absolutely loyal. Strength, It must be in our own hands.”

Lin Wanrong gave him an appreciative look, and Dong Qingshan finally began to use his brain to think about the problem.

Lin Wanrong dipped his fingers in the tea, and drew Dong Qingshan's organization chart on the table. Lin Wanrong's original intention was to make the society as flat as possible, and Dong Qingshan would manage it vertically. However, considering that if there are too many halls, it will be difficult to coordinate with each other. Therefore, we set three halls first, and then gradually expand them later.

When Lin Wanrong and Dong Qingshan returned to the younger brothers, Li Beidou was discussing something with the younger brothers in full swing. Seeing Lin Wanrong came back, he immediately pulled him and said, "Boss, what do you call our club?"

Seeing everyone's eyes shooting at him together, Lin Wanrong stood up, looked at all the people present, and his eyes pierced the hearts of others like substance.

A few guys lowered their heads secretly. Dong Qingshan, who had been silent all this time, also noticed the abnormality of these people, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"That's right, we are called an association, but does anyone know why we are called an association?" Lin Wanrong looked around and saw that everyone was listening to him attentively. It seems that being the boss of the underworld is quite prestigious, hehe .

"Maybe your family is poor, maybe you are an orphan. Maybe you are a little beggar, but these are not important, as long as you dare to fight, as long as you are loyal, the community is the strongest backing for everyone. The community is to make us All the brothers are united and hugged tightly so that others dare not bully us. But we can bully others at will, and we will beat anyone who refuses to accept, until he is called father and mother, and he is even father Mother doesn't even know us but wants to know us, our goal is to walk sideways in this Jinling City." Lin Wanrong evilly instigated.

The younger brothers laughed loudly, but their eyes were full of fiery passion, which was the yearning for "beautiful prospects".

"We will not take the initiative to bully others, but if someone dares to provoke us, we will do it, we will cut him, we will cut off his penis, we will rob him of money, rob his woman, Grab the 18th generation of our ancestors." The sinister smile on Lin Wanrong's face infected everyone.

"Steal his silver, his woman, and the eighteenth generation of his ancestors." With the strength of wine, the younger brothers finally started to get mad, and Lin Wanrong's few words made these quasi-young and Dangerous guys completely into the business .

"Brother, what is the name of our society?" Dong Qingshan asked.

"Let's call it Hong Xing—" Lin Wanrong paused, a strange expression appeared on his face, as if he was trying his best to suppress his smile.

In Dong Qingshan's eyes, he just felt that the elder brother's expression was so weird, as if, as proud as stealing someone else's things.

After drinking a lot of wine, Lin Wanrong felt a burning pain on his back when he walked to the door of the house. The scar from the fight in the afternoon is still swollen and has never been treated.

Lin Wanrong entered the courtyard gate, but saw a figure sitting motionless in front of his house.

"Who?" Lin Wanrong shouted loudly. In this Jinling City, he could count the people he knew with a single slap.

"Brother Lin, you're back." A crisp voice came, with a little bit of surprise.