Finest Servant

Chapter 50: visit (1)


I didn't expect that the chicks of this era would be so bold and pungent when they were in love. Lin Wanrong couldn't help sighing, this kid belongs to the typical type who just sits in a mess. These girls are young and young. Although they are not very beautiful, they are all attractive apples. It is really embarrassing for him to just look at them and not eat them. .

Fortunately, he often thought of Dong Qiaoqiao who worked hard to renovate the restaurant outside. Although she hadn't spoken so clearly, her true feelings for Lin Wanrong had already been revealed. Thinking about the girl's obedient and obedient appearance, Lin Wanrong showed firm determination , very hard to suppress that evil fire.

Lin Wanrong has been here for the past few days. Although he is relaxed and happy everywhere, he still misses Dong's father and daughter very much, and has long wanted to go out of the house to visit them. However, he is now a housekeeper and a servant, and he has to ask the housekeeper for leave every time he leaves the house, and the Xiao house has extremely strict control over the housekeeper's departure from the house, and there is something wrong with the housekeeper Wang, so he wants to go out It's really not that easy.

This day, Lin Wanrong entangled Uncle Fu and managed to get through his upper-level route. After a half-day vacation, he went to see how the restaurant was decorated, so he went directly to Xuanwu Lake.

When I arrived at the restaurant, I saw that the signboard of Meimeixuan had been taken down, and dozens of craftsmen were repairing and decorating it. The decoration plan was predetermined by Lin Wanrong in advance, and he wanted to run the restaurant according to his own ideas.

"Brother Lin." When Dong Qiaoqiao saw him, her eyes turned red and she rushed forward.

Lin Wanrong has been in the Xiao Mansion for dozens of days, and there has been no news of him during this period. Of course, Dong Qiaoqiao is extremely anxious.

"Qiaoqiao, you've lost weight." Lin Wanrong looked at Dong Qiaoqiao and said.

"Brother, you seem to have lost some weight." Dong Qiaoqiao said with her nose sour, looking at Lin Wanrong's face.

I lost weight? Drinking chicken soup every day to supplement bird's nest will make you lose weight

"Qiaoqiao, how is the decoration of our restaurant?" Lin Wanrong saw the girl's affectionate style, with tears in her eyes, so she hurriedly changed the topic.

"It's going very well, brother, and everything is going according to your prior arrangement." She took Lin Wanrong's hand and looked around the scene: "According to your plan, the first floor will be used as a public restaurant, the second floor will be used as a private room, and the third floor will be used as a public restaurant." VIP room, but brother hasn't said what the fourth and fifth floors will be used for?"

Lin Wanrong smiled mysteriously: "The fourth and fifth floors are called wealth and talent."

"Wealth and talent?" Dong Qiaoqiao frowned, "What does this mean?"

"The fourth and fifth floors must have a sense of mystery, be magnificently decorated, and become the most high-end banquet venue in Jinling City. Let's put on some gimmicks, such as gold banquet, shark's fin banquet, in short, the higher the specification, the better it will be. Well, as for the price, naturally the higher the better, we must raise our reputation and let everyone feel that it is the most honorable thing to be able to dine on the fourth and fifth floors."

Dong Qiaoqiao understood a little bit, this is the advertising effect: "Then who can go to the fourth and fifth floors?"

"Wealth and talent, as the name suggests, not only rich, but also expensive, that is to say, not only rich, but also powerful, such a person can go to the fourth floor and the fifth floor, as for who goes to the fourth floor and who goes to the fifth floor, Naturally, the richer you are, the higher the floor."

"Then what is the explanation for the word talent?" Dong Qiaoqiao asked, wrinkling her pretty little nose.

"Talent is even easier. Don't we have many talented people in Jiangnan? I will hang two upper couplets there. As long as any talented person can match this second couplet, we will invite him to go upstairs for free. The more floors you can go to for free. Gao, doesn’t this mean that his talents are greater? In this way, our reputation will increase, and all scholars will be proud of being able to go up to the fourth and fifth floors, but not all of them can go up, so they have to take care of our upstairs. This is called taking care of both top and bottom, without delay.”

"Brother, then you must make a more difficult couplet, and don't let everyone go up." Dong Qiaoqiao covered her small mouth and smiled coquettishly.

"That's natural, I have ink in my stomach." Lin Wanrong boasted brazenly.

"By the way, Qiaoqiao, what happened to those promotional coupons I asked you to get last time?"

"It's all done according to what you said. Our seal is stamped on each chapter coupon, so that it can take effect. But, brother, is this promotion really as effective as you said?"

"Qiaoqiao, don't underestimate this promotion. It's a very successful marketing method. Take the promotional coupons I asked you to do for example. A bowl of Yangchun noodles is worth three copper coins, and a stewed egg is also Three copper coins, the combination of the two is six copper coins. But if you use our coupons, you only need five copper coins if you buy these two together. On the surface, we have earned a little less. In fact, it is not the case. If he wants to buy Yangchun noodles, he must also buy braised eggs. If he only buys braised eggs, he must also buy Yangchun noodles. That is to say, they only wanted to spend three pennies, but now they have to spend five pennies. , In this way, our unit price seems to be lowered, but the sales volume has increased, and the profit will only be more than before. Everyone thinks that they have bought a bargain, but in fact, it is us who take advantage of the bargain.”

Lin Wanrong explained this typical case of sales promotion to Dong Qiaoqiao in detail. She will be the shopkeeper here in the future, and these reasons must be clarified.

"Qiaoqiao understands, big brother, you know a lot." Dong Qiaoqiao nodded, with a light in his eyes, unconsciously held Lin Wanrong's hand, and said affectionately.

"These are the usual tricks of the businessmen in my hometown. I will teach you slowly in the future, and you will gradually understand it in the future." Lin Wanrong said with a smile.

"Well. Brother, how are you doing in Xiao's house these few days?" Qiaoqiao asked in a low voice.

"It's not bad. I eat, drink and play. I almost miss leaving." Lin Wanrong joked.

"Really?" Dong Qiaoqiao's face was a little sad, her white teeth bit her bright red lips and said softly: "Then have you seen Miss Xiao? Is she pretty?"

Lin Wanrong was stunned for a moment, he stayed at Xiao's house for dozens of days, and only saw Mrs. Xiao once, but he didn't remember that there were two young ladies in Xiao's house, failure, failure.

"If I say that I have never seen Miss Xiao, Qiaoqiao, you believe it or not." Lin Wanrong smiled wryly.

"Believe," Dong Qiaoqiao took a deep look at him, her cheeks were smoky red, but a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes: "No matter what elder brother says, I will believe it. Brother, you are the most capable person in the world. Will always support you."

Seeing Qiaoqiao's heartbroken look, Lin Wanrong shook his head helplessly and smiled, "I'm serious, I've been in the mansion for ten days, but I've never seen the eldest lady. Besides, what do I see her for? I'm just Xiao Xiao. One of the servants in the mansion, she is the aloof lady Qianjin, don't say you didn't see her, even if you did, she wouldn't be able to say anything. You girl, you can think wildly."

The expression on Qiaoqiao's face suddenly became brighter. She glanced at Lin Wanrong and said affectionately: "Brother, actually, I, I miss you very much."