Finest Servant

Chapter 682: Miss Darling


When I woke up the next morning, it was already five o'clock. The sky is full of stars outside the window. Silver autumn frost sprinkled the beams of the house. Extraordinarily cool.

The Xiao family is transparent. Everyone was busy, Mrs. Xiao and the eldest lady had already woken up, and were busy directing the servants to load all kinds of goods into the carriage. Cloth and silk. Soap perfume. Loaded a car full.

Lin Wanrong came out yawning. The eldest lady put down the things in her hands, walked to him in a hurry and said distressedly: "It's not yet time. Why don't you sleep for a while?"

From Miao Township to grassland, from desert to seaside. He has been on the road these days, it can be described as non-stop, day and night. Hard work can be imagined.

Lin Wanrong smiled and shook his head: "In the past, you always woke me up. I'm used to it. Last night I fell asleep again. When the time came, I woke up subconsciously. I couldn't fall asleep anymore—"

He glanced around. While everyone was not paying attention, he lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "—for some reason, as soon as I lay on the bed, I remembered our past time, alas. I don't know what is wrong with this. Please help me Zhizhi!"

"Cure your head!" The eldest lady was ashamed and happy. Gaze at him a few times. Angrily said: "Aren't you going to help mother?"

Mrs. Xiao was instructing a group of people to load the goods into the carriage and count them one by one. It was a cold morning. The silvery autumn frost condensed on her hair, like a shining crystal. Beautiful and moving.

Lin Wanrong walked over in a hurry: "Madam, you should rest quickly, let me do these things."

The lady looked at him a few times. Shaking his head and smiling: "You have been running around from beginning to end this year, and you have traveled tens of thousands of miles. In terms of fatigue, you are far more tired than me! You have to do all the big things, so you can take a rest right now." .I can still handle these little things."

She bowed down, counted the goods herself, and recorded them one by one. Look extremely stable.

Lin Wanrong felt warm in his heart. She shook her head and said, "Ma'am, you're being polite. You shouldn't have meddled in these matters, it's a man's job!"

He can't help but say. Grab Mrs. Xiao's sleeve. Gently pulled her down, then jumped into the carriage and tidied her up.

Mrs. Xiao stared blankly, her eyes were empty. There was a long silence. Just now he sighed lightly.

"Ma'am, you are well-prepared. You have all the basic necessities, food, housing and transportation." Lin Wanrong made an inventory. In addition to the samples brought over, nearly half of them were dry food, snacks, clothing and medicines, and even dozens of sets of bedding, obviously prepared for their life on the ship.

Mrs. Xiao smiled and nodded: "Sailing at sea. The goods are in short supply. It is harmless to prepare more. You will know when it is useful."

Lin Wanrong nodded slightly. Seeing that the eldest lady's counting was almost done, he jumped out of the car and whispered: "It's almost time, we should set off."

Madam sighed lightly and nodded helplessly. Xiao Yuruo's eyes were red, and he held his wife's hand tightly: "Mother, don't worry. We are going to Koryo here on an iron-clad boat. There will be an escort from the Dahua Navy, there will be no mistakes, and it will take less than two months. Will be back!"

The lady responded slightly, and silently brushed off the crystal dew on her daughter's hair: "Goryeo is far away from here. You have to travel across the ocean, and it's a foreign country. You don't know the place well. You can't speak well. You go here. Be careful yourself."

Lin Wanrong hurried to their side. Hee hee said: "Ma'am, don't worry, there is me too! Don't you know my skills? I will never let the eldest miss be wronged!"

"I'm worried about you!" Madam smiled and looked at him a few times: "I know what Yuruo is capable of. No matter how cunning a Korean is, she can't fool her. Only when she meets you, she will lose her composure. If my daughter Being bullied must be a good thing you did!"

The madam looks down on me! Lin Wanrong laughed happily, and the eldest lady gave him a few helpless glances. Whispered: "Mother said the words. You can remember, don't bully me on the way!"

"How can it be called bullying?" He secretly blinked. The thief smiled and said, "Don't forget. We have a marriage certificate now, hehe!"

There is really no way to meet such a thick-skinned person! Xiao Yuruo's cheeks became dizzy, and she silently lowered her head. Reluctantly, he scratched his palm twice, which made his heart itch more and more.

The two got into the car and flicked the whip. The carriage started slowly. Go straight to Long Street.

"Yu Ruo—" Before they took a few steps, they heard Mrs. Xiao calling softly behind them, and the two of them turned their heads hastily.

Mrs. Xiao's beautiful eyes sparkled. She was waving her hands vigorously at them, tears falling silently down her jade-like cheeks.

"Mother!" The young lady cried bitterly. Standing on tiptoe, she was about to jump out of the car. Lin Wanrong hurriedly hugged her.

The eldest lady struggled hard. She stopped suddenly, and slammed into his broad embrace. burst into tears.

Lin Wanrong sighed deeply, parting is the most difficult thing, let alone going to Korea. It is a place that very few people have been to in the whole of Dahua. He can naturally understand the mood of the madam and the young lady.

"Don't worry, we will come back sooner." He patted Yuruo's shoulder lightly, and comforted him softly: "After finishing this trip, I will be completely safe. I will bring my wife to the capital together." , when the time comes, our family will be together and will never be separated, do you agree?"

The eldest lady nodded slightly, and snuggled into his arms. Said softly: "Mother said. Tell you not to bully me. Do you remember?"

"Remember. Of course I remember!" He giggled. He hugged her tightly: "Even if Madam doesn't say anything, how can I be willing to bully you? Then don't you want my life?"

Xiao Yuruo brows dizzy. She glanced at him shyly, and said angrily, "You are the one who can deceive people! All my life, I have only been fooled by you."

Lin Wanrong laughed out loud. Able to deceive the intelligent young lady. It's not easy for me either.

"Do you know," the eldest lady said softly, "in front of you. My mother kept telling you not to bully me. But in front of me, she told me to take good care of you."

"Take care of me?" Lin Wanrong asked puzzled, "What can I take care of?"

Xiao Yuruo shook her head slowly: "You came back yesterday. My mother was very happy, so she talked to me all night about family affairs. She said that you are away all year round. It seems that the scenery is boundless, but in reality, you live in the wind and sleep in the open, and you are miserable. I lost my life, the pain in it. Only I know, the more you don’t say anything, the more I will show consideration for you. Let you eat enough, wear warm clothes, and when you walk outside, think about things at home, etc. You love your people. Then you will have the energy to do a good job. This trip to Korea. She told me not to be petty. Don't bully you!"

The eldest lady smiled and glanced at him. He hastily said seriously: "How could it be? How could such a beautiful and kind-hearted young miss bully such a good person? Ma'am, don't worry too much!"

"You!" Yu Ruo snuggled into his arms silently, with tenderness in her eyes: "Even my mother defends you like this. I really can't mess with you in the future. Hmph!"

Lin Wanrong smiled and sighed: "When it's time to bully, you should bully. That's my eldest lady. I also accept my fate. Who told me to tie the red thread for you by myself?"

Xiao Yuruo was ashamed and happy. She bit him hard and smiled softly.

He leans out of the car. look back. On the long street far away, Mrs. Xiao stood quietly. Looking silently, the slim figure looks like a blooming crabapple. Faint frost flowers condensed on her hair, shining colorful light in the faint yellow hair.

After leaving Jinling City, head all the way to the northeast. After passing Yangzhou and Huai'an, we went straight to the sea.

Lianyungang is connected to Qilu in the north and Jianghuai in the south. It faces the Yellow Sea to the east and faces Koryo, Ryukyu and other islands across the sea. It is the largest sea port in Jiangsu. On the opposite side are the two provinces of Gwangju and Jeju in Korea.

Can't do it for two days. The air is getting humid. There was a faint fishy smell in the wind, and the whistling of sea water beating against the rocky shore could be faintly heard, indicating that the sea was quietly approaching.

Looking at the vast ocean in the distance, the water and the sky converge into the same color, which is so vast and majestic that you can't see the edge at a glance. Countless seagulls were flying freely in the blue sea, and there was an endless stream of cheers.

Under the red sun, small sails, like raindrops from the sky, silently fell on the sea. Slowly floating towards the shore, it is indescribably peaceful and beautiful.

He turned over the snow-capped mountains and meadows. Cross the desert plateau. Only this vast and boundless sea. It was the first time I saw it after coming to this world. A moment of indescribable excitement. He jumped out of the carriage suddenly, and roared loudly towards the blue water.

The eldest lady is in charge of the Xiao family and is busy every day. There are frequent exchanges between the nearby provinces. I don't know how many times Dahai has seen him. Seeing his flushed face with excitement, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, and tenderness suddenly appeared in his heart.

Standing on the shore, Lin Wanrong looked at the roaring sea, and suddenly stretched out her powerful arms. Facing the sea breeze, he waved vigorously: "Miss, you know. What is the widest thing in the world?"

Watching his hair fluttering and the corners of his clothes fluttering in the sea breeze. He seemed to be coming from the sea, extremely chic, and the eldest lady was standing beside him. Smiling: "The widest place in the world. It's the sea!"

"What is wider than the sea?" he asked with a wink.

Xiao Yuruo pondered for a while, then slowly said: "What is wider than the sea is the sky!"

"What is wider than the sky?" he asked seriously.

"Broader than the sky—" the eldest lady frowned slightly. After contemplating for a long time but with no results, he couldn't help but angrily said: "Then what are you talking about?"

Lin San stared at her plump breasts, and said with a grin: "It's wider than the sky. Naturally, it's the breasts of the young lady!"

The eldest lady was overjoyed when she heard it: "You don't know where you learned these pleasing poems. It's wider than the sky. It's really a human heart—"

She was excited and happy, seeing Lin San's wretched eyes staring at her chest, her saliva was about to flow down. The eldest lady was slightly taken aback. I suddenly realized that what this person said was a pun.

Her cheeks were red. Pounced on him and punched him twice in embarrassment: "You bastard!"

Lin Wanrong laughed loudly, feeling her fists land on her body. But it's so light and fluffy, it's not even as good as scratching an itch.

"Mystorian, Mystorian. Hello, hello—"

The two were laughing and joking, when they suddenly heard a few blunt shouts from the distant harbor, their voices were quite loud. But it's a barbarian accent.

Lin Wanrong hurriedly looked up. I saw two iron-clad ships docking slowly at the pier, and a few blond and blue-eyed Westerners jumped off the first ship. The leader is an old acquaintance from France.

Lin Wanrong laughed and went forward: "Oh, dear Tavone, hello to you too!"

A warm hug with the Frenchman. Tavoni looked at the eldest lady beside him. Surprised: "Lin, isn't this the beautiful lady from the past? I heard that she is already your wife?"

"That's right. She is my Darling!" Mistorin said without shame, without blushing.

Tavoni came to Dahua for several months. There are very few Chinese learned. But he likes to show off these poor words very much. When the two of them talk, English is interspersed with Chinese. The eldest lady half understood, and said strangely: "I am your Darling? What is Darling?"

"Oh. This is Western dialect. Translated into Dahua, it means dear baby, little sweetheart, little darling—"

He said whatever was nasty, and the eldest lady blushed when she heard it. Hastily bowed his head and poohed. Shyly said: "What a mess. It's so ugly!"

"Is it hard to hear?" Lin Wanrong frowned bitterly and sighed: "Then I won't talk about it in the future!"

"How dare you?!" The eldest lady raised her eyebrows slightly. He hummed softly. Suddenly grabbed his hand tightly and looked at Tavoni. The voice was as thin as a gnat and said: "Mr. Ta, Lin San. He, he is my Darling—,,

The words are not finished. She yelled softly. He hastily covered his fiery cheeks, and even his slender fingers. Also dyed a layer of light pink.

"That's right. I'm the eldest lady's Darling!" Lin Wanrong laughed loudly, and kissed her smooth and jade-like face suddenly, with indescribable tenderness.

Tavoni exclaimed: "The master married the servant? Lin, you are such a great genius!"