Finest Servant

Chapter 687: King Goryeo


Odd person? Li Shunchen hurriedly said, "May I ask who Marshal Lin is asking?"

"When Mr. Gu Shunzhang, my emperor's teacher, traveled to Korea, I met a strange man. It is said that this man is erudite and knowledgeable. He knows five hundred years before and five hundred years after. In front of him, there is no advantage."

Lin Wanrong looked at him with a smile: "I wonder if General Li has heard of this person?"

Li Shunchen thought for a long time, then shook his head helplessly and said, "There are such talents in Korea? Marshal please forgive me, Shunchen has never heard of this person's name."

Gu Shunzhang once said that that strange man was a low-key person, even when he met him, he was passed on through the curtain.

Lin Wanrong nodded silently: "Then let me ask another person, there is a little maid named Xu Changjin in the Goryeo Palace, has General Li heard of it?"

Li Shunchen's expression changed, he hesitated for a long time, and then said cautiously: "You mean Doctor Xu?"

"That's right, that's right, she is the one who can cook medicinal food!" Lin Wanrong was overjoyed: "Does General Li know where to find Miss Xu?"

General Li sighed: "Ms. Xu has a kind heart and excellent medical skills. During the Anti-Japanese War, she went to the front line regardless of the danger of her life, and saved many wounded people. I am very grateful to her from all over Korea! You want to find her , the only way is to go to Seoul Mansion!"

This is not unexpected, Lin Wanrong hummed, and made a round shape with his hands on his stomach: "General Li, when you saw this medical lady Xu last time, was there anything special about her?"

Li Shunchen looked at him puzzled: "What is a special place?"

The eldest lady stood aside. Lin Wanrong was too embarrassed to say too much, so she had to draw a few more gestures on her stomach and wink at Li Shunchen.

Xiao Yuruo could not help but snort when he saw his faltering and uneasy look, and said with a smile: "What he means is, is this Miss Xu pregnant?"

"Oh—" Li Shunchen suddenly realized, thought about it carefully, and then slowly shook his head: "At that time, the fierce battle was in full swing. The wounded kept coming for treatment, and the general only looked at Doctor Xu from a distance. As for whether she I was pregnant, and I didn't know about it! Besides, I haven't heard any news about Dr. Xu's marriage!"

Can't you get pregnant without getting married? The eldest lady gave her husband and son-in-law a few glances with a half-smile.

Lin Wanrong chuckled a few times, his old face was a little hot. In his two lifetimes, Xu Changjin was the only one who was picked flowers upside down.

Li Shunchen looked at him. After hesitating for a while, he whispered: "May I ask about Dr. Xu's affairs, are you going to see her?"

There is no need to deny this, Lin Wanrong nodded and hummed: "General Li. If I guessed right, this Miss Xu's status in Korea is probably more than just a palace maid!"

Li Shunchen's expression changed suddenly. He lowered his head and said, "What are you talking about? Shunchen can't understand!"

Lin Wanrong smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Korea is such a big place. Is there anything you can hide from others? Doctor Xu's true identity. There are not a few people in Korea who know it. I am the commander of the Zhongyong Army. No You don't even have the patience for that!"

His face was flat, and his eyes were unpredictable, as if he had already penetrated everything.

Li Shunchen looked at him in horror, and after a long time he had no choice but to lower his head: "This is a secret history of my Korea. Since the adults already know it, I hope you don't want to spread it! Your excellency is right, Doctor Xu is indeed my Korea. His Majesty's bloodline!"

"Oh?" Although he had a premonition, he couldn't help being surprised when Li Shunchen said it himself.

"Doctor Xu's mother was the youngest lady in the palace in the past. She was gentle, generous, virtuous and beautiful, and she got along with the king all day long, and gradually developed a love for her. Afterwards, the queen found out about this matter, and the queen was furious. Taking advantage of the opportunity when the king went out to inspect, he drove the pregnant lady Shanggong out of the palace and ordered people to murder her. At the same time, she lied to the king that the empress Shanggong had fallen into the river and died."

The eldest lady's expression became tense, and she hurriedly said, "What happened later? What happened later?"

Li Shunchen shook his head and sighed: "Fortunately, the righteous people came to the rescue, so the Queen's plan did not succeed. It's just that the Shang Palace Empress had to hide her name in the mountains in order to prevent the Queen from being persecuted. The King sent people to look for her for many years, but they never visited her." And Empress Shanggong became ill with longing, and died of depression two years after giving birth to Dr. Xu, leaving behind a young girl who was less than three years old."

Unexpectedly, Chang Jinmei would have such a tragic life experience, Lin Wanrong sighed silently: "Then how did this news get out?"

"It's also God's will. Dr. Xu is talented and intelligent. She can read books, memorize poems, and identify medicinal herbs at the age of four. This matter spread to the ears of Shang Gong, who specially selects young palace ladies. She came to inspect and screen in person, and confirmed that it was correct. , and chose Dr. Xu as a little maid to enter the royal palace of Goryeo."

"Doctor Xu is just like her mother. She is beautiful and gentle, diligent and studious. Her knowledge and appearance are the most outstanding among all the little maids. Finally, God's will came. In the tenth year of her entering the palace, the king occasionally visited her. Huayuan, seeing her appearance, was exactly the same as the deceased Shanggong empress. Shocked, the king asked her to ask, and then went to her hometown to investigate in person, and finally saw the tomb of Shanggong empress and their token of love! Only then did the king understand that Dr. Xu's daughter is his own flesh and blood, and the truth about the death of Empress Shanggong finally came to light!"

"It turns out that Ms. Xu's life experience is so rough!" Xiao Yuruo shook her head and sighed, "She was supposed to be the princess of Goryeo, but why didn't I see her name in the roster of Goryeo clan?"

"This is why we Koryo people respect Dr. Xu so much!" Li Shunchen raised his head and said, "After the king learned the inside story, he felt very guilty. He loved this daughter who was wandering since childhood, surpassing all the children. , He tried several times to include Dr. Xu in the clan mansion as a revered princess, but Dr. Xu refused!"

"Refused?" Even Lin Wanrong couldn't help being surprised this time: "Why?"

"Gongnu Xu said that both she and the dead Empress Shanggong came from the common people, and she will never forget that it was the people of Korea who saved her and raised her. She only wishes to be an ordinary citizen and dedicate what she has learned all her life to the children of Korea. Min, she is tall

Son! "

I see! No wonder Xu Changjin was willing to sacrifice anything to save Goryeo when he asked for help in Dahua! This woman's character is indeed extremely strong!

And what Gu Shunzhang said in the past, Dahua and Gaoli's act of getting married, was also referring to Xu Changjin! No wonder the old man kept blinking at me, telling me not to regret it! Lin Wanrong smiled wryly and was speechless, and his opinion of Xu Changjin was greatly changed.

From Li Shunchen's words, he learned that the little maid was safe and sound. The stone in his heart was finally let go, and he had a faint expectation to rush to Hancheng Mansion soon.

On the second day, we set off early in the morning, heading north from Gwangju, passing through Jeonju, Cheongju, and Cheonan counties. Go to Seoul.

Goryeo experienced a great war at the beginning, and the strong men suffered a lot of losses. All the counties passed by along the way were depressed and miserable. The eldest lady originally wanted to sell some cloth perfume from the Xiao family, but she had to put it down temporarily when she saw this.

This situation did not gradually improve until after Cheonan and approaching Suwon. The population is getting denser, the city walls are getting higher and higher, and there are more noisy markets. Faintly revealing some prosperous appearance.

Everyone stopped temporarily in Suwon. Xiao Yuruo set aside part of the goods he brought. Distributed free of charge in downtown.

In post-war Korea, supplies were extremely scarce. The high-quality silk cloth brought by the Xiao family is undoubtedly the top luxury item, not to mention that it is distributed for free! This time, the whole of Suwon was a sensation, the market was densely packed with human heads, the three inner and outer floors were so crowded that even a needle couldn't get in.

The effect of this advertisement is huge. Although many people did not receive free goods, they will always remember the word "Xiao Ji".

There are extraordinary ways in extraordinary times, and even Lin Wanrong couldn't help giving her thumbs up for this idea that the young lady came up with.

Suwon is the capital of Gyeonggi-do, and it is only a hundred miles away from Incheon Port and Seoul.

Everyone hurried for a journey, and before noon, they were only twenty miles away from Hancheng Mansion.

Lin Wanrong and Shi Changsheng were riding horses at the front, and they were leisurely admiring the surrounding scenery of Hancheng Palace. Suddenly they heard "boom" and "boom" salutes, and suddenly a huge team appeared in front of them. The black crowd seemed to be The swarming ants all rushed towards them.

"What's going on?" Lin Wanrong was shocked.

Li Shunchen, who was following behind him, looked up for a while, and said pleasantly, "My lord, it is I, the King of Koryo, who led a hundred officials and went out of the city for twenty miles to personally welcome you!"

As far as the eye could see, two groups of beautiful Korean court ladies and a group of mighty soldiers were at the forefront, followed by hundreds of Korean officials in red and blue robes. In the ranks of hundreds of officials, a yellow Luan ride was erected, pulled by eight big horses at the same time, it should be the ride of King Goryeo.

Behind them, thousands of people held flowers and ribbons, cheering and rushing forward, like the rising tide of sea water, which could not be seen at a glance.

"Hey, so many people are here to welcome us!" Shi Changsheng stuck out his tongue in fright.

Lin Wanrong smiled and said: "What's the use of just looking at the number of people? Such a square formation of ten thousand people, I, Dahua, can form ten thousand!"

While talking and joking, the welcoming crowd stopped in front of them, the maids and guards quickly stepped aside, and all the officials of Korea rushed forward surrounded by that luanjia.

The tent was opened, and an old man in his fifties or sixties walked out quickly, wearing golden felt silk on his head and a yellow robe, and said earnestly to him: "May I ask this Marshal Lin of the Dahua Loyal Army?"

The Chinese he spoke was very blunt, and Marshal Lin finally traveled all over the country, and he could even understand the accent of Turkic people, let alone Goryeo!

"That's right, that's right!" Lin Wanrong got off his horse and clasped his fists with a smile: "Is this the King of Korea? Your Majesty, King Meng, welcomes you in person. Lin is ashamed!"

King Goryeo is Xu Changjin's biological father. Thinking of his relationship with the little palace lady, he always feels weird, as if he is not quite used to it yet!

"Marshal is too polite!" King Gaoli stepped forward a few steps, personally supported him by the shoulders, and said earnestly, "I have heard that Marshal Lin, a young and talented man, broke through the Turkic royal court with thousands of troops, captured the Huren Khan alive, and made the Turks People are frightened by the news. The Dahua Zhongyong Army under your command is even more capable of fighting, brave and loyal, and made great contributions to our Korean War of Defense. Today Marshal Lin personally came to Korea, and he is indeed my thousands of people What a great honor!"

Looking closely at the King of Korea, although his complexion is rosy and he is smiling, the wrinkles on his forehead are deeply rooted in his bones. I think I have been worrying a lot these days!

Lin Wanrong knew it well, and said with a laugh: "Your Majesty is absurd! It's an exaggeration for a young talent to make Turkic people afraid. Just make up the numbers!"

This person is still humble, not the same as in the legend! The King of Koryo was smiling and nodding, but he heard the humble man say, "However, it is what we should do to help Koryo fight against the Japanese. One body, two governance, the frontier of Koryo is our frontier, your country, then Of course it is also my country! How can a family use two dialects, haha!"

King Gaoli flexed his muscles a few times, his smile was a little stiff, and he said awkwardly: "Yes, yes, thank you Dahua for your kindness!"

"Look, isn't your majesty being polite again?" Lin Wanrong held him back and said mysteriously, "To tell you the truth, before I came here, the emperor mentioned you specifically! He said, if you are free, please invite the king of Korea." Come to the capital to have fun, I haven't seen him for many years, I really miss him! You see, the emperor has always missed you!"

He narrowed his eyes, with a half-smile, insinuating that Goryeo is a swaying weed on both sides of the fence, and the king of Goryeo couldn't understand it.

"Yes, yes," King Gaoli clasped his fists in embarrassment: "Marshal Lin, please return to the emperor. In the spring of next year, I will go to the capital to meet my emperor!"