Finest Servant

Chapter 70: Who ransoms whom? (1)


Lin Wanrong summed up his previous life experience and said with a smile: "There is no one else, only bold, careful, thick-skinned, seven-character motto."

"Bold, careful, thick-skinned?" Luo Yuan frowned and said, "What's the explanation? Brother Lin, can you explain it?"

"Bold, as the name suggests, is to be bold. If you fancy a lady, you must bravely go up and talk to her. If you make a mistake, don't let it go."

There was a killing mistake, did you not let it go? On this day, this move was so cruel that Luo Yuan and Master Biao gave a thumbs up together.

"Be careful, that is, pay attention to the girl's emotions, pay attention to when she is happy and when she is angry, when is her birthday, and when is her aunt—"

Seeing the puzzled eyes of the two, Lin Wanrong hurriedly explained: "Oh, my aunt is a relative of her family. In short, at different times, you have to choose different ways to appear in front of her. Either gentle, or domineering, or haggard, To arouse her dominance, motherhood, and softness. Let her have you, and she can't feel your existence, and she can't do it without you."

This is too esoteric, and the brains of the two of them are not enough. These can only be experienced slowly in actual combat, and Lin Wanrong can't explain it more clearly.

"As for being thick-skinned, it goes without saying. If you encounter setbacks in pursuing a girl, don't give up easily. You must persevere and fight harder until she is moved."

After Lin Wanrong finished speaking in one breath, Guo Luo and the two were dumbfounded. Such a way of chasing women is really unimaginable, but when you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

Lin Wanrong chatted with Luo Yuan for a few more words, and the more they talked, the more speculative they became. Although this Luo Yuan was born in an official, he didn't have that arrogance. You know, I have some hobbies for all kinds of weird things. The reason why he lingered around the country was because of his youthful heart, in order to compete with that Cheng Ruinian.

Luo Yuan's several hobbies are all to Lin Wanrong's appetite, and he is the best among them. When talking about astronomy, geography and various weird things, Luo Yuan has not only never seen it, but has never even heard it.

For a while, Luo Yuan held Lin Wanrong and asked non-stop. The more he listened, the more frightened he became, and his admiration for Lin Wanrong increased. Even Guo Wuchang, the cousin, was attracted by all kinds of novelty, and interrupted to ask questions from time to time. The three of them talked nonsense like a mountain, and the time passed quite quickly.

Not a moment later, a maid came to Guo Wuchang's side and said, "Master Guo, my young lady is here to invite you."

Guo Wuchang was listening to Lin Wanrong's talk happily, when he heard this, his head short-circuited, he was stunned for a moment and asked, "Who is your young lady?"

Lin Wanrong was defeated by this young master, and hurriedly got up and said, "Please tell Ms. Qin, my young master will be here soon."

"Yes, yes," Guo Wuchang remembered the appointment with Ms. Qin, and hurriedly got up and said, "Sister, I'll go with you."

Lin Wanrong smiled helplessly, it was really embarrassing for this young cousin to be so impatient, and he didn't know when he could improve.

The maid said again: "My lady told me that Mr. Lin and Mr. Guo must be invited to go there together. The lady said that today I must repay the kindness of the two gentlemen for their guidance."

Thinking of that chick's captivating gaze, Lin Wanrong's heart skipped a few beats, and with a smile on his face, he said, "Sister, I won't go, my son is very knowledgeable, and what I talk about is what he taught you." Give it to me."

The little girl giggled and said, "My lady said that if Mr. Lin doesn't come, she will pack up her bed and go to Mr. Lin tonight."

"What—" Lin Wanrong and the three stood up and exclaimed together, a big egg could be stuffed in their mouths.

Day, this chick wanted to smear me, this was Lin Wanrong's first thought, if others heard this, they would have rushed to him and hacked him to death.

In order to get rid of the relationship, Lin Wanrong hurriedly said: "Miss Qin likes to tell jokes. Since Miss Qin's kindness is hard to come by, if I don't go, I will be too ignorant of practical matters. Young master, I will go with you."

Let Guo Wuchang face Qin Xian'er alone, although he is very willing in his heart, but he is very clear about his own weight, and he is afraid that Miss Qin will see through it in a short time and kick him out, followed by Lin San, He was naturally more relieved, nodded immediately and said: "Since Ms. Qin kindly invites you, Lin San, you can go with me."

Luo Yuan gave Lin Wanrong an ambiguous look, and said with a smile on his face: "In that case, Brother Lin, Brother Guo, you can go at ease, my little brother will bring you some autumn wind, haha."

Luo Yuan, whom he just met, has a good character. Lin Wanrong and him are really destined, so he also smiled and said: "Then Brother Luo, we will talk about it later when we are free."

Luo Yuan clasped his fists and said, "Brother Lin is talented, Luo Yuan will definitely come to visit in the future."

I am a little servant, where are you going to visit me, Lin Wanrong is very happy, this Luo Yuan is also very interesting.

Lin Wanrong and Guo Wuchang followed behind the maid, walked through the hall, and went upstairs.

The men in the hall knew that these two were favored by Ms. Qin, and they were here to visit. Maybe one of them would become the guest of honor for this pure and pure oiran, and they were envious for a while.

Cheng Ruinian looked at the backs of these two people, feeling annoyed in his heart, but his opponent Luo Yuan seemed to be on good terms with them, so there was nothing he could do for a while.

"Miss, what should we do?" Xiuhe asked her son.

Young Master Jue Se lightly bit his jade lips and said, "Follow up and find out about this Qin Xian'er."

Lin Wanrong and Young Master Biao followed the girl into a room on the second floor. The room was very large, clean and quiet, and the sandalwood incense wafted inside the room, which lifted people's spirits.

There are some calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall. From Lin Wanrong's eyes, he can't tell whose masterpieces they are, but Young Master Biao is surprised. These calligraphy and paintings are all handwritings of famous talents in the world. Although he doesn't read often, but I still remember the names of these people. I knew that this Qin Xian'er was famous all over the world, but I never imagined that I would associate with so many celebrities. Young Master Biao felt somewhat ashamed of himself.

Lin Wanrong saw that Young Master Biao looked sad, and hurriedly said, "Master, what's wrong?"

Young Master Biao sighed and said, "These calligraphy and paintings are all made by famous artists today. Compared with that Miss Qin, the gap between me and Miss Qin is really big."

Lin Wanrong thought to himself, you still have some self-knowledge, but this young master treats him well, so he will not do things that make things worse, he smiled and said: "Master, the fate of people is different, there is no need to envy them I see that although the room is full of famous paintings, I don't see Miss Qin attaching much importance to them, and my association with them is only superficial. I know all the people in the world, and I don't have any acquaintances. This Miss Qin is pitiful."

These words immediately showed the difference between Guo Wuchang and Lin Wanrong, the same thing, both of them did not understand calligraphy and painting, Master Biao first complained about himself, but Lin Wanrong saw the master's mind from it, the gap was really obvious.

The two of them sat in the room for a while, then a maid came to invite Guo Wuchang and said, "Young Master Guo, this way please."

Lin Wanrong also wanted to follow, but the maid stopped him and said, "My lady said, please wait here for a while, Mr. Lin." Although Lin Wanrong intended to pull the strings for Guo Wuchang, but seeing Qin Xian'er being so disrespectful, I was also a little upset in my heart, thinking, what are you dragging, I will let you sing Shibamo later.

When Guo Wuchang was around, the two of them could still have a conversation. Now that he was gone, Lin Wanrong would be bored sitting here by himself.

I drank a few sips of the fragrant pine nut tea brought by the maid, and was about to take a walk when I heard a woman's voice coming from the back room: "I know everyone in the world, and I have no acquaintances. Mr. Lin, is that how you look at me? ?”

The bead curtain was lifted, and a slender figure came out from the back room, it was the beautiful Qin Xian'er.

She seemed to have just taken a bath, her hair was drooping, her face was flushed, and there was a slight smile in her eyes. Her body exuded a faint fragrance of jasmine. This simple and elegant dress reflected her extraordinary beauty.

"It turned out that the lady hid in the room and listened to me. I was really flattered." Lin Wanrong smiled.

"Where is my eavesdropping, I live in this room. Mr. Lin's voice is too loud, so I heard such a sentence." Qin Xian'er smiled delicately.

"Then can I be regarded as Miss Qin's guest of honor?" Lin Wanrong teased.

"Barely count." Qin Xian'er's smile became brighter and brighter.

It turns out that the house here is Qin Xianer's boudoir, no wonder the outside room is so elegantly furnished.

Lin Wanrong suddenly remembered something, just now the maid took the young master outside the door, didn't she go to see Qin Xian'er. Today, this young cousin's brain is not working well, so don't let those girls sell it together.

Qin Xian'er's eyes flickered, as if she knew what he was thinking, she covered her lips and smiled lightly, "You're a smooth-tongued person, but you didn't expect to be somewhat loyal. Don't worry, your young master will naturally be served by someone."

Now that she said so, Lin Wanrong felt relieved and said with a smile: "He is my young master, of course I have to care. But Miss Qin, you didn't go to see my young master, but came to me instead, why is that? "

Qin Xian'er glanced at him, and snorted softly: "Hmph, don't think I don't know, you wanted to make up those words for me, and you still want to smear him on the head of Mr. Guo, I can't be fooled by you. "

She frowned slightly, showing a bit of anger, but also a bit of a smile. She seemed like an innocent little girl who was loved by others. These few words seem to be angry or resentful, and I don't know which one is true and which one is false.

Lin Wanrong couldn't be fooled by her, he laughed and said, "Miss Qin, don't care who said it, just say it's true or not."

Qin Xian'er said coquettishly: "There is some truth to it, but you are in front of so many people, how can I get off the stage, Xian'er is a woman."

Qin Xian'er pouted her small mouth, glanced at her beautiful eyes, with a bit of anger and a bit of shame on her face, she was really a charming stunner.

Lin Wanrong is self-aware, this Qin Xian'er's pretentiousness in front of her is definitely not because she has a crush on her, but because she must have an intention. Having grasped this point, Lin Wanrong had no scruples and said with a laugh: "Don't say anything else, Miss Xian'er came to me, but you learned the little song I want to listen to?"