Finest Servant

Chapter 8: Three No Products (1)


Although Lin Wanrong was a little annoyed, he didn't regret what he did just now. Killing a beautiful woman is obviously not a pleasant thing. If it is "dry" death, it can be considered. Lin Wanrong gave full play to the spirit of Ah Q, and flirted with Xiao Qingxuan in his heart to comfort his wounded heart.

It's just that his whole body is wet right now, his body is hot like fire, he is seriously injured, and he is poisoned. Even if he wants to kill her, he probably only has that heart and no strength.

Fortunately, the place where Lin Wanrong lived temporarily was not far away, and it was getting dark, so there was no need to worry about anyone finding his whereabouts.

Lin Wanrong looked around and saw nothing unusual, so he gritted his teeth, dodged all the way, and insisted on walking towards the residence. Along the way, no one paid attention to him at all, and the little girl surnamed Xiao didn't seem to have come to the city to search for him, so Lin Wanrong felt relieved.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the house, Lin Wanrong couldn't hold his breath any longer, and collapsed limply on the ground, panting heavily.

An old black figure walked slowly in front of Lin Wanrong, and said hoarsely, "You are back."

His pupils were empty, as if he had been dug out by life, revealing two empty nipples, which looked a little scary.

Lin Wanrong had been with him for nearly a month, and she was not as scared as she was at the beginning, so she nodded and said, "Yes, Uncle Wei, I just went for a walk, but I almost lost my life."

Since he got along with Uncle Wei, he has always been honest with each other. Of course, his real origin is excluded, because that is too unacceptable and unimaginable.

Uncle Wei didn't speak, he squatted down slowly, put two fingers on Lin Wanrong's pulse, lowered his eyebrows for a while, then withdrew his wrist and replied: "You are poisoned, it is chronic soft tendon powder, although it will not kill you, but two Within two hours, his whole body was black and purple, his body was weak and weak, and it took twelve hours to return to his original state."

Lin Wanrong heard that the poison was not fatal, so he let out a long breath, thinking that your chick hasn't done everything yet. But think about the situation in the water just now, if the toxicity had occurred at that time, wouldn't he be dead? Thinking of this, I also feel a little scared.

"As for your internal and external injuries, you only need a few days of recuperation before you can recover." Uncle Wei continued. Although he couldn't see, he knew Lin Wanrong's trauma after touching it a few times.

Hearing that he was able to save his life, Lin Wanrong felt a lot better. Those external injuries were less serious, and the pain seemed to be reduced a bit. Of course, this is most likely due to psychological effects.

Uncle Wei held Lin Wanrong down and said, "Hold on, I'll pull out the little arrow on your body."

Lin Wanrong froze for a moment, and said with a bitter face: "Uncle Wei, don't you have anesthesia? Such a rude way is not suitable for civilized people like us."

Uncle Wei was stunned for a moment and said, "What is an anesthetic?"

I didn't expect that the world's technology is still so backward. Could it be that the great gods like Li Shizhen and Hua Tuo haven't appeared yet? It seems that the pain is over. Lin Wanrong asked unwillingly: "It is to make my shoulder temporarily lose consciousness, and then you pull out the arrow, so that I will not feel pain."

Uncle Wei shook his head and said, "I've never heard of such a medicine. Menghan medicine does exist, do you want to try it?"

Lin Wanrong hurriedly shook her head, taking the Mongolian medicine with her eyes open? Just kidding, if you are not sick, you will get sick.

Uncle Wei handed over one of his stinky shoes and said, "Bite on this."

Lin Wanrong hurriedly said: "No need, no need." He looked around, found two small thread-bound books and bit them into his mouth, then looked at Uncle Wei and said vaguely, "Come on."

Uncle Wei was about to make a move, but Lin Wanrong called out: "Wait a minute—" Seeing Uncle Wei "looking" at him with doubts on his face, Lin Wanrong smiled shyly and said, "Uncle, be gentle, it's my flesh and blood." ah."

Uncle Wei nodded, and Lin Wanrong was so angry when he thought of the little girl who harmed him, he had already greeted the eighteenth generation of the little girl's ancestors.

When things came to an end, it was useless to be afraid, and Lin Wanrong's face showed a look of determination.

Uncle Wei gently held the little golden arrow with both hands, and with a little force, the little arrow fell into his hand. Lin Wanrong clenched the book tightly, her face was pale, beads of sweat rolled down, but she didn't make a sound.

Uncle Wei nodded, his face was full of admiration, as if he didn't expect Lin Wanrong to have such tough bones.

Lin Wanrong was born in a mountain village by the Han River since he was a child. He has the fortitude and perseverance of a rural child in his character, otherwise he would not have been admitted to Peking University as the number one in the city. He still can't do the bone scraping to cure the poison, but he endured the pain and pulled out the arrow, gritted his teeth, and survived.

Uncle Wei handed the small golden arrow he pulled out to Lin Wanrong, and Lin Wanrong checked it over and over again.

This small arrow is made of pure gold, exquisitely crafted, with a beautiful seal character "Xuan" engraved on the body of the arrow.

Reminiscing that the Xibei guy called himself Xiao Qingxuan earlier, Lin Wanrong understood that this chick's name was Qingxuan, and as for Qingxuan, it was just a homonym.

"Xiao Qingxuan, Xiao Qingxuan—" Lin Wanrong murmured softly. This name is indeed very elegant. Just by hearing his name, one can already see the person.

This chick made me see blood, and I will definitely let her see blood. If you are jealous, you must pay for it, and you must do it to this chick. A sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Wanrong's mouth.

When Uncle Wei heard Lin Wanrong chanting the name, a strange look flashed across his face: "Xiao Qingxuan? Are you sure her surname is Xiao?"

What is her last name, Lin Wanrong can't confirm it, but there should be no false Qingxuan is her name.

Uncle Wei said again: "Wan Rong, tell me the story of meeting her today, back and forth."

Uncle Wei was the first person Lin Wanrong saw after he came to this world. He personally rescued Lin Wanrong from Xuanwu Lake. Needless to say, his gratitude. Lin Wanrong told him what happened by the lake today and the conversation between himself and Xiao Qingxuan.

As Uncle Wei listened, he also showed some surprise on his face, obviously admiring Lin Wanrong's high opinion.

When he read that line of the poem, Uncle Wei's face became more astonished: "Wan Rong, is this poem really written by you?"

On that day, I went to Mount Tai with my colleagues during the annual vacation. The nasty girl forced Lin Wanrong to carry the luggage of three or four people. After the rain, Lin Wanrong slipped and fell into the sea of clouds. Came to this completely different world, landed in Xuanwu Lake.

If Uncle Wei hadn't rescued Lin Wanrong by accident, Lin Wanrong would have died long ago. Therefore, Lin Wanrong has deep gratitude and respect for Uncle Wei. Logically speaking, this matter should not lie to him.

But Lin Wanrong also knows that people in this place have a crazy pursuit of ancient Chinese poetry. In order to avoid unbearable troubles, Lin Wanrong had no choice but to bite the bullet and say: "Yes, Uncle Wei, this is what I got by accident when I was swimming in the lake. It made your old man laugh."

Uncle Wei sighed and said, "Wan Rong, I have been with you for more than a month. During this month, you have been sitting around all day, talking about travel, company and so on. I have never seen you read a book of poems." Books, I didn’t go out for a walk until the last few days. I thought you didn’t like poetry and books, but I didn’t expect that there was a gap in your chest. But based on these few sentences, none of the so-called gifted scholars and beauties in the world today can match You compare."

Lin Wanrong blushed, Xiao Qingxuan also mentioned this to him once, and she accepted it calmly at the time, but now she is really embarrassed to face her benefactor's praise.

But Lin Wanrong didn't feel shameless at all. I came to this place inexplicably, so I must have something close to me, and these are regarded as God's compensation for myself.

In terms of being shameless, the chairman's daughter who caused Lin Wanrong to be so miserable is the most shameless.

Thinking of that nasty chick, Lin Wanrong suddenly had the tendency to run away again. He hurriedly controlled his emotions, tightened his stomach, lifted his hips, and calmed down. Compared with this nasty chick, Xiao Qingxuan is considered cute.