Finest Servant

Chapter 81: Miss Misunderstanding (1)


The little girl is really obsessed, Lin Wanrong hurriedly changed the topic and said: "Let's talk about this later. Second Miss, I will ask you a question now. You can choose not to answer, but if you answer, you must tell the truth. "

Xiao Yushuang nodded and said: "Lin San, don't worry, as long as I'm facing you, I won't tell lies."

Lin Wanrong nodded and asked with a smile, "In this story about the Condor Heroes, do you like Guo Jing or Yang Kang?"

This is a very interesting question. Most of the boys in the previous life liked Guo Jing, probably because he was honest and not a threat to boys. As for the girls, most of them like Yang Kang, probably because he is more handsome and good at coaxing girls.

Xiao Yushuang lowered her head with a blushing face, thinking, how could he ask such an embarrassing question

She thought for a while, her face was full of peach blossoms, she glanced at him, and replied in a voice as thin as a mosquito gnat: "I like Yang Kang a little bit."

"Why?" Lin Wanrong said inwardly, as I expected, the girls all like this tune.

"Because he is very similar to you." Xiao Yushuang said softly.

I think, Lin Wanrong is completely depressed, is this a compliment or a detriment to me. "Am I as bad as him?" Lin Wanrong asked with a bitter face.

"How can he be worse than you, you don't know how good at deceiving girls." Xiao Yushuang said with a blushing face.

Lin Wanrong was speechless. It turned out that I was such a big bad wolf in the heart of the second young lady, but I never lied to girls—at most, I just lied to that little girl Qiaoqiao.

"Lin San, do you like Huang Rong or Mu Nianci?" The little girl asked nervously after thinking for a while.

Day, I really haven't thought about this question, because no one has asked it like this before. Lin Wanrong thought for a while, and said frankly: "I seem to like both."

"Then which one do you like more?" Xiao Yushuang pouted.

"Well, Mu Nianci is suitable to take home as a wife, Huang Rong is suitable to be a confidante, and I can't tell which one I like." Lin Wanrong said awkwardly.

"Fantasy." Second Miss snorted, turned her head away and stopped talking, not knowing what she was thinking.

Seeing that there was something wrong with her face, Lin Wanrong hurriedly said goodbye and went downstairs, Xiao Yushuang didn't even look at him.

Just as he walked downstairs, he heard Second Miss' voice coming from behind: "Lin San, you still have to tell me a story tomorrow, otherwise, I won't make you Huang Rong and Mu Nianci like you."

Khan, is this also a threat

Lin Wanrong came out of the building, thinking of what the little girl said, she couldn't help but shake her head, feeling a little funny.

He had just walked a few steps when he heard a cold snort, and a figure stopped in front of him.

"Go away, don't get in the way." Lin Wanrong said impatiently.

"Hmph." This time I heard it clearly, but it was a female voice. Lin Wanrong looked up, but it was the young lady of the Xiao family who was 70% similar to Mrs. Xiao.

"So it's Missy, Lin San has met Missy before." Lin Wanrong said haha, there was something wrong between him and Missy, he was almost hit by a board last night, although he was not really beaten, but he broke out in a cold sweat. For this "sturdy" young lady, he respects ghosts and gods and stays away.

"You just came out of Yushuang?" Xiao Yuruo said coldly with an angry light in his eyes.

She had seen it all, and there was nothing to deny, not to mention that she had done nothing wrong. Lin Wanrong had a clear conscience, so she replied loudly, "Yes."

"Lin San, don't you think that Yushuang is young and you can speak eloquently, so my sister can be bullied by you? You are delusional." Miss Xiao said angrily.

"Miss, what do you mean? When did I bully Miss Second?" Lin Wanrong was confused, why did this chick suddenly appear, and she was so aggressive, could it be that her aunt came

"You still dare to quibble? Let me ask you, what did you do in Yushuang's house just now?" Xiao Yuruo gritted her teeth with hatred. How could she tolerate this servant being so bold as to have her own sister's idea.

When this Xiao Yuruo was angry, a little blush appeared on her pretty face, she bit her jade lips lightly, her breasts rose and fell, she was extremely gorgeous, compared to her usual unsmiling and strong woman demeanor, it was a different taste.

Lin Wanrong stared blankly, thinking, the three women of the Xiao family, from the old to the young, are really not bad. But at the moment, the eldest lady's complexion is not good, Lin Wanrong didn't want to make her suffer, so she said righteously, "I'll go and tell the second lady a story."

"Tell a story? Who will believe your reason? You are so ambitious, do you think no one can see it? You want to take advantage of Yushuang's youth and ignorance to deceive her. You, how can you do such a thing?" Seeing this person's denial, Xiao Yuruo became more and more angry. If such villains with malicious intentions cannot be eliminated in time, it is unknown what will happen.

Lin Wanrong finally understood the meaning in her tone, she thought she wanted to pick up on her sister. Day, this chick feels so good about herself. From Lin Wanrong's perspective and experience, at the age of Second Miss, in his previous life, she was a little girl who had just entered high school. He didn't have a problem with abusing Luo Li, so how could he have anything to do with this second lady. Lin Wanrong didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

But Miss Xiao's tone really made him extremely unhappy. Damn, what's the matter with low status, you are high status, and you are about to be annexed by others, I'm afraid that even my family's status will not be as good as that of time.

"Miss, I think you made a mistake. There is nothing wrong between me and Miss 2. She is only sixteen years old, and she is still a child. It doesn't matter if you doubt me, but you doubt your sister like this, you Don't you feel ashamed?" Lin Wanrong said coldly. His arrogance came up, even the Heavenly King and I were not afraid, let alone a chick.

"You, you villain, dare to call me shameless?" Xiao Yuruo tightly clenched her fists, if not for her status, she wished she could rush up and beat this villain hard.

"Isn't it? You don't even believe in your own sister, and you still want me to say that you are of high moral character?" Lin Wanrong said with a smile: "You pollute people for no reason, and use the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman. Today, your slander If it gets out, I don't care, Second Miss is a pure and pure woman, how do you let her deal with her? How will she treat you as a sister? It would be an understatement to say that you are shameless."

"You—" Xiao Yuruo felt that she was about to explode. In order to take care of her sister's reputation, she sent away all the servants. She thought that this problem could be easily solved, but she didn't expect this servant to be so cunning and fickle. She even said But him. Listening to this servant's sophistry, she gritted her teeth and her beautiful cheeks were full of anger.

"Eldest Miss, Second Miss is still a child, she needs your love and care. No matter how busy you are with your wife, you should spend more time caring for her. No matter how much money you have, you can't buy these affections. When you lose , by the time you want to cherish it, it will be too late." Lin Wanrong said earnestly.

He felt it. After coming to this world, he was separated from his parents and sister forever. Thinking of their heartbroken appearance, his eyes were a little moist.

Xiao Yuruo has been in charge of the Xiao family for many years. Needless to say, she is shrewd and capable, but she has made too many independent decisions, which has also caused her to be a bit stubborn. She preconceived that Lin San must have plots against Xiao Yushuang, plus she had a very bad impression of him last night. , this impression will be difficult to change for a while.

She didn't listen to what Lin Wanrong said at all, she gritted her teeth and said, "You slave, do you really think I dare not do anything to you?"

Lin Wanrong became furious: "Miss Xiao, I am a contract employee of the Xiao family. I am not a slave. I have a contract as proof, so you can see clearly. I don't live on your breath. Maybe one day, you will have to Living on my breath."

"You—" Miss Xiao exploded completely, unexpectedly picked up a stone from nowhere, and threw it viciously.

One day, if you can't say it, just hit it. Lin Wanrong was startled, and hurriedly avoided her and said, "You little girl, are you crazy?"

Miss Xiao was so angry that she had already forgotten to call the servants. She rushed forward and punched Lin Wanrong with a small fist. It seemed that the posture was still somewhat practiced, but it seemed that she hadn't done it yet. getting Started.

Lin Wanrong dodged and said, "Are you really crazy?"

"I'll beat you to death, you evil slave!" Miss Xiao punched Lin Wanrong one after another.

One day, she was afraid that you would fail, Lin Wanrong was furious, grabbed her palm with both hands, crossed her leg to block her kicked calf, and pressed her hard on the rockery, and said loudly: "Wake up, Wake up."

Miss Xiao gasped for breath, looked at him angrily and said, "You slave, let me go, I will tell you to die."

Lin Wanrong was completely angry, raised her slap, and slammed the eldest lady's delicate buttocks hard. With a crisp sound, Miss Xiao let out a soft cry of "ah", and both of them were stunned.

What Lin Wanrong thought was, this chick has a plump butt. What Xiao Yuruo thought was, I have been defiled by this servant, and I am dead.

"I'll fight with you." She screamed, struggling desperately, waving her hands indiscriminately, and grabbed Lin Wanrong. Seeing that she looked crazy, Lin Wanrong thought, Damn, what is going on, I have never tried being beaten by a woman.

Anyway, one hit was enough, ten times was enough, and Liang Zi was finally done. Seeing the eldest lady struggling and writhing, Lin Wanrong slapped her plump buttocks hard again.