Finest Servant

Chapter 89: Sad


What? Although the second lady's voice was low, Lin Wanrong and the eldest lady, Mrs. Xiao, could hear clearly.

Not only the eldest lady and Mrs. Xiao were stunned, but even Lin Wanrong couldn't believe her ears. Isn't this chick crazy? He understood Xiao Yushuang's painstaking efforts. She said this to get rid of Lin Wanrong's crime, but would she deserve to lose her reputation

Lin Wanrong sighed, that's all, that's all, Xiao Yushuang's painstaking efforts are nothing more than to help the Xiao family get out of the predicament. For the sake of her sincerity, I will help them.

Seeing Miss Xiao and his wife's expressions of disbelief, Lin Wanrong completely calmed down, and he said to Xiao Yushuang: "I know that the second lady said this on purpose to save me, but a woman's chastity is as important as life. , don't talk nonsense."

"That's right, Yushuang, you can't talk nonsense. You are young, and you haven't reached the time to choose a son-in-law. How can you have a private life?" Mrs. Xiao hurriedly grabbed Xiao Yushuang's hand and said.

Xiao Yuruo didn't speak, just looked at Lin Wanrong coldly, and didn't know what he was thinking.

For the sake of this affectionate little girl, she might have to help the Xiao family, Lin Wanrong sighed: "Miss, madam, please take a step to speak."

Mrs. Xiao glanced at him, and thought to herself, if Lin San doesn't spread this matter, she has to find a place to speak. "Lin San, come with me." Xiao Yuruo said.

"No, I'm going too." Second Miss hurriedly grabbed her elder sister, looked at Lin Wanrong with concern, and said.

"You girl, haven't you messed around enough?" Mrs. Xiao put on a straight face, Xiao Yushuang didn't dare to resist her mother, so she could only watch helplessly as the three walked into the next room.

This is a small, quiet room. Once inside the room, the atmosphere became a bit oppressive. The mother and daughter of the Xiao family did not speak.

Lin Wanrong said thoughtfully, it seems that I need to speak up about this matter first, lest people think that I have kidnapped the little girl from her family, so he said directly: "Madam, eldest lady, what the second lady said just now is just to protect me. Don’t choose what you say, don’t take it seriously.”

Xiao Yuruo glanced at him and snorted, "Why, do you still think we can't do it?"

Mrs. Xiao sighed and said, "Lin San, I've heard about you. Yushuang is still young, and sometimes her temperament is unavoidable. Don't misunderstand her."

Lin Wanrong said: "Ma'am, don't worry, I won't misunderstand. The second lady is still young, and some things are just for fun, so she becomes curious for a while. Once she thinks about it, everything will be as usual."

"Then you make an oath that you will never have any thoughts about Yushuang—" Xiao Yuruo said.

Damn, you still have to push your limits. Although he understands the mother and daughter's love for their daughter (sister), it still makes him feel uncomfortable that they look down on him like this. What a shit excuse, isn't it just looking down on my status as a servant? ? If it wasn't for that little girl begging so hard, I wouldn't be bothered to suffer from your uselessness.

Thinking of Xiao Yushuang, Lin Wanrong felt better. In any case, the little girl's trust in him moved him very much. He snorted coldly and said, "Miss, if you trust me, I won't swear, and you will I can see that if you don't trust me, even if I swear a thousand words, it will be useless."

Xiao Yuruo said: "You are right in what you said. Since this is the case, I hope you can do what you say."

"Second Miss is innocent and lively, she is very affectionate and sexual. I like her very much, but it doesn't involve the relationship between men and women. She is young, and I just regard her as a little sister. I don't care how Madam and Eldest Miss look at me, but Don't doubt Second Miss." Lin Wanrong said with a clear conscience.

With a bang, the door was pushed open, and Xiao Yushuang stood outside the door with a pale face, staring blankly at Lin Wanrong, her eyes were empty, as if without any color.

Xiao Yuruo was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Yushuang, why are you here?" She has a deep understanding of her sister's temper, this is a girl who accepts death, and it is difficult for her to turn back when she has made up her mind.

Xiao Yushuang looked at Lin Wanrong as if she didn't hear her sister's words, and said slowly: "Lin San, what you just said is the truth? Do you really not like me?"

"Presumptuous." Mrs. Xiao said angrily, how decent is it for this girl to have an affair with this servant.

Xiao Yushuang didn't seem to hear her mother's words, her face was pale, her eyes were wide open, she bit her lips tightly, and looked at Lin Wanrong nervously, expecting his answer.

Lin Wanrong didn't expect Xiao Yushuang to be eavesdropping on the conversations of the others outside. Seeing her miserable expression, she couldn't say that anymore. Such a good little girl, it's not bad if she wants it. After a few years, she was very decapitated. The thought that rose in his heart made him startled.

Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, Xiao Yushuang understood in her heart, she gritted her silver teeth lightly, desperately trying not to let the tears fall, she took a deep look at Lin Wanrong and said: "Lin San, no matter what, you have to remember what you promised me , must help mother and sister, otherwise, I, I—"

She couldn't go on anymore, twisted her body, rushed out of the door, and quickly ran to the yard. The crystal teardrops gushing out of her eyes were as bright as pearls in the late autumn sunshine.

The three people in the room were all in a daze. Mrs. Xiao and the eldest lady knew Xiao Yushuang's temperament very well, and they could all see that the second girl did have some affection for Lin San.

Lin Wanrong was also stunned for a while, if he couldn't see Xiao Yushuang's thoughts, he would be a fool. This little girl has a very strong temper, and I don't know if something will happen? He was a little worried about Xiao Yushuang, but he saw that the eldest lady was looking at him angrily, as if he was the culprit in this matter.

Lin Wanrong shook his head helplessly, this incident was so sudden that he was caught off guard, and he didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse. Charm really kills people, he didn't know whether it was self-deprecating or narcissistic thought.

Lin Wanrong shook her head, don't think about these things, it's more important to do the things that the little girl told her first, so that she has not let her down.

He glanced at Xiao Yuruo, and went straight to the point: "Miss, I heard from Miss Er that Tao Dongcheng wants to join forces with the Xiao family, but I don't know how Miss Er and Madam think about it."

He said this naturally, and he didn't remember that he was just a servant of the Xiao family. In the eyes of the young lady, he was not even an onion.

Xiao Yuruo was deeply dissatisfied with him beguiling her sister, and said coldly: "Lin San, you'd better go back and take care of your own affairs, these things are not your turn to worry about."

Lin Wanrong is also used to this defiant chick, and was too lazy to get angry with her, so she just snorted and said: "Miss, there is no absolute, maybe in your eyes, I am just a servant, but in my own eyes , I am unique and no one can replace me. Different angles of looking at the problem lead to different conclusions. Just like doing business, you may only see the benefits, but not the hidden risks. "

There was something in Lin Wanrong's words, Xiao Yuruo could hear it naturally, a strange look flashed across her face, she looked at him and said, "You have some eyesight."

Lin Wanrong didn't bother with her, and said in a deep voice: "Miss, the Tao family and the Xiao family joined forces, but what attractive conditions did they put forward? Let me guess, is it because he gave the Xiao family a large stake?" ?”

"How do you know?" Xiao Yuruo was really surprised, this matter is extremely confidential, only she and her mother know about it, even Xiao Yushuang has never heard of it, but where did this servant hear about it

"Don't be surprised, these are just my guesses." Lin Wanrong said. He was a sales manager, with a careful mind and a quick mind, and he was no stranger to these tricks. "How much stock did the Tao family give you?" Lin Wanrong continued.

Xiao Yuruo was a little curious in her heart, this servant seemed to have some skills, she snorted in her heart, but for some reason, when she thought about his spanking her butt that night, the anger in her heart came up again, listening to his questioning, After a long silence, he said, "Forty percent."

"Forty percent dry stock. Forty percent." Lin Wanrong stomped a few steps and said with a sneer, "I would think about such an attractive condition if it were me."

"But miss—" Lin Wanrong turned around and said, "Have you ever thought about why he would offer you such generous terms? You are a joint venture of three companies, and you own 40% of the shares. Their Tao family With the other He family, it is only 60% together, why is that?"

Miss Xiao blushed a bit, but she didn't speak, but Madam Xiao, who hadn't spoken for a long time, spoke up: "I discussed it with Yu Ruo, and it's very likely that Mr. Tao is interested in Yu Ruo, so he deliberately offered such generous terms. .”

When Mrs. Xiao heard Lin San's words, she remembered the praises of Lin San by the maids in the house, and also remembered his unique contractual employee contract. She wondered if Lin San really has some skills? It would be nice to hear what he had to say.

"Oh—" Lin Wanrong suddenly realized: "Pretending to be generous, I gave 40% of the shares to the Xiao family. As long as I win the favor of the young lady, I will get 10% of the good things in the future. But the 40% of the shares can be taken back without any effort. This Mr. Tao really has a good plan." Lin Wanrong said with a smile, it is no wonder that Xiao Yuruo and his wife made such a guess, that Tao Dongcheng tried his best to please Miss Xiao, and they would inevitably take this into consideration.

Xiao Yuruo blushed a little, and glared at him angrily, thinking what happened to me and Mr. Tao has nothing to do with you.

"Then Miss Xiao, do you have a crush on Mr. Tao? You must know that this issue is related to the future fate of the Xiao family, so don't be careless." Lin Wanrong teased Xiao Yuruo.