Finest Servant

Chapter 97: Seduction? (2)


Xiao Yuruo was startled, she didn't mean it originally, but she didn't know that this villain would be so filthy, she said in shock, "Lin San, you, don't get me wrong."

"Really?" Lin Wanrong laughed and said, "I might be wrong? So what does Missy think I want?"

"You, you—" the eldest lady said angrily, "Even if I die, I won't obey you."

"Hahahaha—" Lin Wanrong looked up to the sky and said with a long smile: "Miss, you may not feel too good about yourself. Even if you really want to follow me, I still have to think about it."

"You, you—" Embarrassed and angry, the eldest lady actually took off the embroidered shoes on her feet and threw them towards him.

Lin Wanrong caught her embroidered shoe, and said with a frivolous smile, "The red rope is thirty thousand feet long, and the jade foot is half a foot long. Miss, your way of expressing love is really unique."

Xiao Yuruo said angrily: "You shameless villain, I can't spare you—"

Lin Wanrong's complexion changed, she put away her smile and snorted coldly: "Miss, don't think that everyone in the world is as dirty as you think. Although you are good-looking, in my eyes, there are countless women who are prettier than you Count, you may not be able to take advantage of it. I will not make it difficult for you, I changed my clothes yesterday, if you wash it for me with your own hands, the two of us will sit down and talk."

"Lin San, you, what you said is true?" Xiao Yuruo said in disbelief.

Lin Wanrong snorted expressionlessly, and said, "Second Miss is a thousand times better than you in terms of trusting me."

Xiao Yuruo thought, it's because my sister was deceived by you, so she obeyed you. She nodded and said to herself, just wash it, it's no big deal.

It's just that Miss Xiao, who is in charge of the Xiao family, has never done such rough work. She has been busy for a long time, but she doesn't know where to start with the laundry. She carried the wooden bucket to fetch water, but she was out of breath after carrying only half the bucket. Lin Wanrong sighed as she watched, these young ladies, they only ate half of a meal, where did they get their strength

He took the wooden barrel in her hand, shook his head helplessly, and said, "You don't work hard, you don't know the five grains, you young ladies, how do you understand the hardships of the world?"

Xiao Yuruo felt wronged when he heard him taunting her, and hummed, "If I do laundry and cooking, then who will take care of the Xiao family's great business."

That's true, Lin Wanrong said in his heart, there is no distinction between high and low in work, it's just that the division of labor is different, all of which are needed by the revolution. Seeing her aggrieved expression, her eye circles were red, she was about to cry. Lin Wanrong couldn't see the woman's tears, so he said, "Okay, I made a mistake in this sentence, and I'll make it up to you."

It's good not to say, when he opened his mouth, Xiao Yuruo felt like falling down, and tears fell down. She has a strong personality and doesn't speak. She just holds Lin Wanrong's gown and rubs it desperately. It seemed that the gown in front of him was that hateful person.

"Miss, in this world, there is something called saponins. If you scrub with bare hands like this, even if the collar is rubbed by you, you won't be able to wash it clean." Lin Wanrong smiled wryly, took some saponins and threw them in.

"I want you to take care of it." Xiao Yuruo snorted, but her face turned red.

Lin Wanrong desperately held back his laughter, and Xiao Yuruo couldn't help feeling extremely shy when he saw his strange expression. He slapped his hands in the water suddenly, and the water droplets splashed Lin Wanrong all over his face.

"You villain, I hate you to death." Xiao Yuruo said softly, and tears fell down.

Seeing a woman take off, but not seeing a woman cry, all men in the world have this problem, Lin Wanrong saw her charming face, pear blossoms with rain, thought. That's all, I am still a person who loves fragrance and cherishes jade after all, so he sighed and said: "Okay, don't cry anymore, and you don't need to wash these clothes, let's have a good talk."

Xiao Yuruo had suffered such grievances, and what he had been waiting for was his words. Hearing this, he raised his head happily and said, "Really?"

Lin Wanrong smiled and said: "You look at the thatched cottage so often, and you don't look at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha. I must give the second lady some face."

Xiao Yuruo bit her lip and stood up, but saw that the long gown was still soaked in the water, her face was a little hot, and said: "I promise you, I will do it, I will take this gown back and wash it before I return it to you." is you."

Lin Wanrong smiled and said, "Obviously I'm looking for a maid to wash it, but you still speak plausibly."

Xiao Yuruo snorted, and was about to refute, but saw him playfully smiling, not taking herself seriously, she sighed and said: "You villain, I don't know what magic power you have, but when I saw you, I lost my sense of proportion. "

It's just a loss of proportion, but not a loss of body. What are you worried about? Lin Wanrong laughed and said, "Okay, let's talk about what we should talk about."

Hearing that he wanted to talk about business, Xiao Yuruo put away his thoughts, looked at him earnestly and said, "Lin San, do you have a way to deal with this so-called alliance?"

Lin Wanrong shook his head and said: "Miss, in fact, most of what I said a few days ago was just my guess. I dare not say whether the person surnamed Tao meant that. However, as far as the Xiao family's business is concerned, , if it goes on like this, not only will it be difficult to develop, but it will also fall into a bottleneck. Even if there is no Tao, there will be other competitors who will pose a serious threat to the Xiao family. To put it bluntly, the business of the Xiao family has no added value , oh, there is nothing special, everyone can do it. If any family grows bigger, it will pose a threat to the Xiao family."

Xiao Yuruo has been thinking about this issue for a long time, and hearing his words, although it sounds harsh, it is true and hits the nail on the head. The eldest lady sighed and said: "Lin San, since you have this insight, I won't hide it from you. Since I took over the affairs of the Xiao family, I have been thinking about this issue and want to make some reforms. Unfortunately, there is no good There are no good ideas. There are hundreds of people in the Xiao family, if it fails, the consequences will be disastrous."

Lin Wanrong said disapprovingly: "Miss, there is a price to pay for the reform. If there is no tricky hands, it will definitely not be successful. The Xiao family's disease is dying. Even without the intervention of the Tao family, I am afraid it will not last for three to five years."

"That's not necessarily the case." Seeing that he looked down on her, the eldest lady said angrily, "If I really join forces with that Tao family, it won't be a problem to support him for three to five years."

Lin Wanrong knew that she was talking ironically, if she wanted to join forces with the Tao family, why would she come here to suffer her own sins and beg herself bitterly, but this chick desperately wanted some face, and she couldn't bear it.

Lin Wanrong laughed and said: "If it is a joint venture, within three years, the Xiao family may have no worries about food and clothing, but after three years, there will be no Xiao family. At that time, your eldest lady can only enter his Tao family obediently and be his Tao family." Housewife, without the backing of the Xiao family, miss, if you enter the Tao family, it will be a problem whether you are a big or a small one."

Xiao Yuruo looked at him with a flushed face, snorted and said nothing, Lin Wanrong sighed and said: "Miss, you look down on us servants, I don't blame you, because you have grown up so much, and the etiquette lessons you have received are not good. That's true. But the second lady is very pertinent to me, even if it's just for her, I might as well help out."

"You, you," the eldest lady said in surprise, "you are not allowed to think of Yushuang."

This lady is really stubborn. Lin Wanrong shook her head helplessly, ignoring her thoughts, and said loudly: "Miss, the Xiao family is facing such a predicament, have you considered transformation? To do other business?"

The eldest lady sighed and said: "Easier said than done? My Xiao family has been running the cloth shop for many years, and the foundation is all here. If I don't do this, what will I do?"

Lin Wanrong smiled and said, "Although there is some profit in selling cloth, the competition is too great and the profit is getting thinner. If you don't want to leave the silk cloth business, you might as well consider the by-products of silk cloth, oh, for example, garment making and processing."

The eldest lady shook her head and said, "I have also considered making ready-made clothes, but now there are so many tailors, we don't have much advantage in this regard."

Lin Wanrong said: "Of course the Xiao family doesn't have much advantage in making ordinary clothes, but if you make some special clothes, clothes that no one else has seen before, what do you think will happen?"

"Special clothes? Clothes that no one else has seen?" Miss Xiao asked in surprise, "What kind of clothes are these?"

Lin Wanrong already had some plans in his mind, but he hadn't organized them in a systematic way. He smiled slightly and said, "Let me think about it carefully, and I will discuss it with Missy tomorrow."

The eldest lady hummed lightly, and said in her heart, if it is really possible to process some special clothes, it is indeed a good idea for the Xiao family to fall to the ground. Without leaving the silk cloth industry, the advantages of the Xiao family can continue to be used. But, what kind of special clothes can have such a great magic power

"Lin San, Mr. Tao invited me to a meeting tomorrow to discuss the joint venture. What should we do?" Xiao Yuruo said. This was the real reason why she was so urgently looking for Lin Wanrong today.

No wonder you, young lady, wronged yourself so much today to please me, but it turns out that Tao Dongcheng is about to start. If it is as expected, Tao Dongcheng will start to force the Xiao family to submit tomorrow.

Lin Wanrong nodded and said: "Miss, you can make up your own mind about these matters. Whether you believe me or Tao Dongcheng, you should have a plan in your heart, and that's all I've said."

Of course, Xiao Yuruo doubted Tao Dongcheng's intentions. Now that he had talked with Lin San, although he had some clues, Lin San only pointed out one point, but did not specify it. In case he had no choice but to anger Tao Dongcheng again , wouldn't it implicate the Xiao family again

Seeing her frowning, Lin Wanrong knew that she had doubts in her heart, so she didn't force her, but said: "Miss, it's right to think about it, but you must know that this step is wrong, and the whole Xiao family will pay. You have to think carefully about it." gone."

After sending Miss Xiao away, it was already dinner time, and after she devoured it, Lin Wanrong took out the pencil she took from Qiaoqiao, found a piece of white paper, and kept writing and drawing on it, and kept revising it, from time to time. His brows were furrowed, and he smiled happily from time to time. The smile on his face was as sexy as it was.