Fireworks On Earth

Chapter 22: Blending (two in one)


The news that Su Weichu had a girlfriend spread quickly in the business circle, but most people just heard it from others. It was unclear whether it was true or not, and it was even less clear what his girlfriend looked like. Those who could add Su Weichu on WeChat were either his relatives and friends or business partners with whom he had a vested interest, so he knew everything very well.

The rich girls and socialites who were especially keeping an eye on Su Weichu also soon learned about this. They heard it overintentionally from their parents or elders. They had not seen the photo and did not know who the woman was, but they at least knew better than the onlookers that this was true and Su Weichu really had a girlfriend.

On the other hand, Ying Yanluo, who was pushed into the bathroom by Su Weichu to take a hot bath after returning home, had no idea that she had become the "public enemy" in the socialite circle.

Su Weichu's WeChat was also quite busy at this time. In addition to the likes and blessings from the friends circle, he also received many private blessing messages, especially from the WeChat group he and Wei Jingyi and a few friends. A series of love and happiness emoticons were sent out, and many red envelopes were sent out.

Su Weichu was very patient and climbed the stairs to receive all the red envelopes.

When they saw that he had received all the red envelopes, they began to tease him without restraint.

Qin Shun: Chu Ge, you see, it’s been a while since you and your sister-in-law got married. Don’t you really plan to introduce her to us formally

Su Weichu did not hide the fact of his marriage from us. When he announced his marriage news in the group, their first reaction was to think that he was joking. Everyone knew that he was the second worker robot after Wei Jingyi, and the bride was eight years younger than him. This was impossible no matter how you thought about it.

Lu Shuyi: +10086

Su Weichu looked at the two of them singing the same tune and thought, he didn't introduce them at that time because he felt that they were not familiar enough. Neither he nor she should have any intention in that direction. Taking her to meet them suddenly might scare her, but now, he can be sure of his feelings. As for her, he has also felt her pretty much, he likes her, so he also wants her to integrate into his circle.

Su Weichu: I need to discuss this with her. I will let you know when we have discussed it.

Qin Shun: Shit! I feel like I’ve been shown off again!

Qin Shun: I seriously suspect that Chu Ge is feeding us dog food and I have evidence!

You Chaowen: If you don't want to be fed dog food, you should also consider your own life events

There are five people in our group, three are married, and only he and Lu Shuyi are still single. Anyway, he is not considering marriage for the time being. He is a few years younger than us, and at his prime age, he doesn't want to step into the grave of marriage.

Qin Shun: I am still young, you should urge Lu Shuyi, he is older than me.

Lu Shuyi: …

You Chaowen sent an eyes-rolling emoticon to the group.

Su Weichu paused, and Ying Yanluo just came out of the shower.

Ying Yanluo: "I'm done washing, you should go wash too."

Su Weichu thought he would tell her about this after he came out of the shower, so he agreed.

When she came out, Ying Yanluo was already curled up in the quilt, drowsy, but after hearing the voice, she still muttered, "Are you done washing?"

Su Weichu nodded, turned off the lights, and pulled her into his arms. They had been sleeping like this for some time. At first, when he held her in his arms, Ying Yanluo's body would stiffen briefly, but as they hugged each other day after day, she seemed to have become more and more accustomed to it.

"Yan Yan?" Su Weichu's voice rang in his ears.

Ying Yanluo closed her eyes and nodded in response.

"I want to take you to meet some of my friends. Are you willing?"

Ying Yanluo was already feeling sleepy, but when she heard this, she opened her eyes immediately and asked, "What, when?"

"Anytime if you want." He said.

Ying Yanluo didn't speak for a few seconds, and Su Weichu waited patiently. After a while, he felt the head leaning against his chest nod slightly. Su Weichu smiled, "You agree, don't you?"

Ying Yanluo hummed, "Just take your time."

Su Weichu took a little more strength from the palm he had placed on her back, and pressed her firmly into his arms, "Okay."

Ying Yanluo could smell the scent of shower gel on his body. At the same time, she could also hear the joy in his voice. She pursed her lips and felt that he was actually very easy to satisfy.

Su Weichu made an appointment with the others for Friday. You Chaowen even asked if they could bring family members. Su Weichu naturally knew who this family member was. She and Duan Tingle were both girls, so they always had more topics to talk about than a few grown men like us.

Ying Yanluo didn't have a car that morning, so Su Weichu took her to the studio, and then came to pick her up for dinner after get off work in the evening.

Ying Yanluo watched the car drive into the driveway before walking into the building. When she turned around, she saw Zhao Ranran, who was holding a cup of coffee with a smile on her face. Zhao Ranran handed her another cup of coffee in her hand, "Morning, senior sister."

Ying Yanluo replied, "Good morning," and took the coffee. "Thank you."

Zhao Ranran glanced at the car that had already driven away, "My boyfriend! So sweet!"

Ying Yanluo: "... Speak properly."

Zhao Ranran: "I spoke nicely."

Ying Yanluo smiled helplessly.

Zhao Ranran also smiled and stopped teasing her.

It was dark outside before six o'clock in the afternoon in the cold winter. Ying Yanluo received a WeChat message from Su Weichu more than half an hour ago. At that time, she had just left the company. When she was packing her things, she happened to receive a call from Su Weichu, saying that she had already arrived.

Zhao Ranran said sympathetically: "Senior sister, please stop it. I'll clean it up later. You go quickly."

Ying Yanluo smiled at her excitedly, "Thank you for your help. I'll bring you coffee tomorrow morning."

Zhao Ranran made an OK gesture to her, "Bye bye bye."

Ying Yanluo waved at her, picked up her bag and went downstairs. After going downstairs, she discovered that Su Weichu actually held a bouquet of flowers in his arms.

Su Weichu handed her the bouquet of flowers and said, "I saw it on the street and thought you might like it."

There were many people coming and going at the door. He probably attracted many people's attention when he stood here holding the flowers. She took the flowers a little embarrassedly and said, "Thank you, I like it very much."

Su Weichu carefully took her hand that was not holding the flower and skillfully put it into his coat pocket.

We had booked a private restaurant. As soon as we entered, the waiter at the front desk came over and called out "Mr. Su". His eyes fell on Ying Yanluo, and he nodded politely. Then he said to us, "Mr. Wei, we are already in the private room."

Su Weichu took her upstairs and explained to her, "We are familiar with the owner of this store."

Ying Yanluo nodded, no wonder.

When they were approaching the door of the box, Su Weichu felt that the little hand in his palm curled up slightly, which was a small movement when she was nervous. He chuckled and comforted her: "Don't be nervous, there are only a few of you who are a little noisy, but you are all easy to get along with."

Ying Yanluo looked up and saw his deep and gentle eyes, and the tension in her heart dissipated a lot.

Su Weichu knocked lightly on the door of the box, then held her hand and pushed the door open.

After the two of them entered, several people in the box cast their eyes over. There were many good-looking people around Ying Yanluo, but when she first glanced over, she was still struck by the looks of four men and one lady in the box. At the same time, she also took a closer look at a man and a woman who were wearing couple outfits. They looked vaguely familiar to her, but she couldn't remember who they were for a moment.

When Ying Yanluo looked at them, they felt the same way. After all, she was Su Weichu's newlywed wife. They had been married for such a long time, and he had always kept her hidden. Today was the first time they met, so how could they not be curious

"This must be my sister-in-law, right? Hello, my name is Qin Shun." The most familiar one was Qin Shun. Although this sister-in-law was four or five years younger than me, I still felt no pressure to call her that.

Ying Yanluo was stunned for a moment when he called her sister-in-law, then she smiled and nodded at him, "Hello."

Besides Qin Shun and Lu Shuyi who had to call her sister-in-law, there was another person present, Wei Jingyi. After all, he was Su Weichu's brother-in-law. Otherwise, just because he was one year older than Su Weichu, it would be appropriate for him to call her sister-in-law.

After introducing each other, everyone sat down one after another. Su Weichu ordered wine for them and ordered drinks for Ying Yanluo and the others. Duan Tingle originally wanted to drink, but after being looked at by You Chaowen, he silently picked up the drink and took a sip.

As the only two women in the entire box, she and Ying Yanluo sat on the same side of the sofa. She also noticed Ying Yanluo's gaze, put down her cup and smiled at her. She had seen too many good-looking people in the entertainment industry over the years. Ying Yanluo was different from her in terms of bright and flamboyant appearance. Her beauty was gentle and non-aggressive, the kind of appearance that would be more popular with the same sex. She also sensed the scholarly aura emanating from her, giving people the feeling that she was an artist.

"What's your occupation?" she asked curiously. She only knew that she was a top student at the Beijing Academy of Fine Arts. She only knew that she had her own studio and that her work should be related to art design. But Yoyo was not very clear about what she did specifically, let alone her.

When she heard the name Duan Tingle, Ying Yanluo actually already knew why she felt that they looked familiar when she entered the door. They were a famous celebrity couple in the entertainment industry. When they announced their marriage last year, the hot searches were very popular for a long time. Ye Shutong also talked to her about it with great interest.

Ying Yanluo rarely talked about her work in comics with her real-life friends. To them, the identity of a cartoonist actually belonged to the two-dimensional industry. But after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that most of the friends she knew now were from the two-dimensional industry. She could sense Duan Tingle's curiosity and kindness towards her, and replied to her in a low voice: "I guess she is a cartoonist."

Duan Tingle was surprised. She had thought of many jobs involving art, but she had never thought of being a cartoonist. "Cartoonist? Do you know Teacher Luo Yan?"

Ying Yanluo paused while drinking her drink. "Luo, Luo Yan?"

"Yes, the famous teacher Luo Yan, I like her very much..." Duan Tingle paused and said, "Luo Yan, Yan Luo, hey, your names are quite similar, what a fate."

Ying Yanluo smiled at her but said nothing.

Duan Tingle blinked, as if she had thought of a possibility. She looked closely at Ying Yanluo, "Sister Yanluo, please don't tell me that you are Luo Yan?"

After receiving Ying Yanluo's affirmative look, Duan Ting suddenly shouted, "Woc!!!"

Several men who were originally drinking and chatting cast curious looks at Duan Tingle because of his extreme reaction.

Su Weichu also looked over and asked her softly, "What's wrong?"

Duan Tingle spoke before Ying Yanluo could finish her sentence, "It's okay, I'm chatting with Sister Yanluo, you guys continue your conversation." He also took Ying Yanluo's arm and leaned towards him, "Master, can you sign an autograph for me? Can I sign it?"

Ying Yanluo: “…”

Later, after receiving the signed "Awakening" sent to her by Ying Yanluo, Duan Tingle immediately took a photo and posted it on Weibo and tagged Luo Yan. Ying Yanluo only found out about the Weibo post after Zhao Ranran reminded her, so she went on Weibo to interact with Duan Tingle, and the two also followed each other on Weibo.

Duan Tingle's fans also knew that their idol was a fan of Luo Yan's books. After seeing her showing off Luo Yan's autograph and the friendly interaction between the two, they all congratulated their idol on her success in chasing stars.

As a popular cartoonist, Luo Yan also has a large and loyal group of readers and fans. She has published quite a few film and television works in recent years, and many actors have starred in scripts adapted from her comics. But both old and new fans know that she is famous for her Buddhist attitude. She never updates her life on Weibo, nor does she participate in any public events. Sometimes, if they want to see the updates of their own idol, they can only follow the Weibo of actress Ye Shutong. After all, it is no secret in the circle that Luo Yan and Ye Shutong's friendship began with "Awakening".

But looking at the entertainment industry, apart from Ye Shutong, she really hasn't had any interaction with other artists. Duan Tingle is the first person besides Ye Shutong in recent years. Both of them are very famous in their respective circles, and the comics circle is closely related to the entertainment circle, so this interaction between the two directly became a hot search.

The two of them just got off the hot search list, and they became the hot search again right after. The reason was that their previous dinner was photographed by paparazzi. There were seven people in the video, five men and two women, six of whom were not unfamiliar to netizens. They were people from Shen Xingyao's circle, and netizens all knew that they had a good relationship. In recent years, they were often photographed having dinner together.

The focus today is not on the wonderful friendship dinner, but on another woman who appeared among them. This woman's face was blurred by the paparazzi who broke the news. She has been leaning against Su Weichu since she went out, and if you look closely, you can see that the two of them are holding hands. They are obviously a couple!

There were rumors some time ago that the CEO of Su’s company was already in a relationship, and it was even officially announced on WeChat Moments, but the onlookers had never seen the photos and were just watching the news, not knowing whether it was true or not.

This trending search was extremely lively, and the term "Su Wei's first love" immediately topped the trending search list.

—Fuck! I believed the official announcement on WeChat Moments!!

—Ahhhhh, the young master is really in love! !

—It’s over! My husband is gone again!

—Today is another day that makes me so envious that I shed lemon tears!

—Hahahahaha but I really want to laugh. Lao Ba's desire to survive is too strong. He even mosaiced the young master's girlfriend. This is not his style.

—Hahahahaha xswl, just now I realized that there are people that Lao Ba doesn't dare to mess with

—Laob, let me ask you, do you dare to release the uncensored version

This time, Ying Yanluo, who was on the hot search, also received condolences from Ye Shutong.

Ye Shutong: It’s great, sister. It’s only been a few days and you’ve become a trending search again.

Ying Yanluo: ... Just shoot your scene well

Ye Shutong: My scenes today ended early, so I can go back to the hotel and enjoy the melons.

Ying Yanluo sent her an emoticon pack that read "you are eating rotten melon" and asked her when she would finish filming this drama.

Ye Shutong: It’s almost the end of the Chinese New Year

This means that she will have to spend the New Year on the set again this year, but she is not worried about her at all, because she knows that Xie Zhun will definitely go to accompany her, and Xie Zhun will not let her spend the New Year alone. Over the years, she has really eaten too much dog food from them.

As the year draws to a close, Su Weichu's work becomes increasingly busy. Before, he could still get off work normally and at most bring his work home. But during this period, he was almost too busy to do anything, and his get off work time became later and later. Later on, he would not get back from the company until one or two in the morning.

After twelve o'clock, Su Weichu received a WeChat message from Ying Yanluo.

Wife: What time will you be back tonight

Su Weichu: It must be past one o'clock now. Why aren't you sleeping yet

Wife: I can't sleep, please come back early

Su Weichu looked at this sentence, lowered his head and replied to her with a voice message.

Su Weichu: "Okay."

It was a little after one in the morning when I got home. As soon as I entered the door, I noticed something was wrong because the lights in the living room were still on and there was a faint fragrance in the air. After changing my shoes, I subconsciously walked towards the kitchen and saw a figure busy inside.

Ying Yanluo had her back to him, her long hair tied in a simple low ponytail, and she was wearing pajamas that were two levels lower than hers. Her exposed ankles were fair and slender. She was holding chopsticks in one hand and a bowl in the other, putting noodles into the bowl. She was probably too focused, so she didn't notice his arrival. The warm light from the kitchen ceiling fell on her head, and the scene was indescribably warm.

Su Weichu just stood behind her and looked at her quietly.

The reason why she hadn't slept yet and was cooking noodles for him in the kitchen today was probably because he had dinner early last night, so he made himself a simple bowl of noodles in the kitchen after coming back. He didn't expect to be caught by her. He also thought of the WeChat message she sent to him more than an hour ago, probably because she wanted to cook noodles for him according to the time.

After Ying Yanluo served all the noodles, she suddenly felt something approaching from behind. Before she could turn around, a thick blanket covered her body. Then she was hugged from behind. A familiar voice came from behind, "Is this cooked for me?"

Ying Yanluo turned her head and saw his smooth jawline. She hummed, "When did you come back? I didn't even notice."

Su Weichu: "I just came back a while ago."

"I cooked noodles for you. It's my first time cooking, so I don't know if they're delicious." She had said before that she wanted to learn how to cook from him, which meant that she would watch him in the kitchen when he cooked. But she had never done it more than three times, and all of those times were with Su Weichu by her side, guiding her.

"It must be delicious." Su Weichu said.

"You haven't eaten yet."

Su Weichu rested his chin on her shoulder and said, "As long as you make it, it's delicious."

Ying Yanluo's heart skipped a beat and she struggled in his arms, "I'll pour the soup over for you." Before she touched the handle, someone suddenly grabbed her from behind, and then turned her around to face him. She subconsciously looked up at him.

Su Weichu hugged her tightly in his arms, their bodies pressed closely together. He looked at her beautiful and gentle face under the light, her eyes moving, her lips full and rosy, her eyes gradually becoming deeper. He slowly placed his palm on the side of her face and lifted it up gently.

Ying Yanluo opened her lips slightly and watched him slowly lower his head. The breath they exhaled gradually blended and sprayed on each other's faces. His warm lips soon covered her. Her lips passively accepted his squeezing and licking, and his flexible tongue explored every corner of her mouth one by one.

As the kiss went on, even breathing became a luxury, and Ying Yanluo had no choice but to reach out and push his shoulder.

Su Weichu sensed her struggle, so he suppressed his impulse and withdrew from her lips.

Ying Yanluo's originally fair cheeks were now slightly red. She was almost breathless from the kiss just now. Now she couldn't help but breathe deeply, and her chest rose and fell slightly due to her movements.

Su Weichu watched her gasp, and when her breathing gradually stabilized, he suddenly pinched her chin and kissed her again.

They kissed twice in a row. After letting go this time, Ying Yanluo pushed away the blanket wrapped in her hand and ran away, not even mentioning pouring soup on her noodles. Su Weichu reached out and touched her lips, which were still warm, and decided to do it himself.

The noodles were not fully cooked and the eggs were a little mushy, but Su Weichu still felt satisfied.

Going downstairs and into the bedroom, the person lying on the bed was wrapped in a quilt with her back to the room. Su Weichu took off his coat and originally planned to take a shower first, but after thinking about it, he walked towards the head of her bed. Just as he walked to the end of the bed on her side, he saw her lift up the quilt and then bury her head in the quilt.

Su Weichu laughed, squatted down at the head of her bed, stretched out his hand and gently pulled her quilt down. He felt a relative force, but it was not intense, so he still pulled her out of the quilt. Ying Yanluo met his pair of eyes with intention, and dodged, "What are you doing? Aren't you going to take a shower?"

Su Weichu leaned his elbows on the edge of the bed, tilted his head to look at her, and asked softly, "Are you angry?"

Ying Yanluo opened her lips. Was she angry? Of course not... As for why she ran away, she didn't know. She just felt that if she didn't run away, she would definitely be pressed down and kissed again.

"Are you really angry?" he continued to ask.

"I don't… "

Su Weichu's eyes slightly curved, and he reached out to touch the top of her head, "That's good. I was worried that you would get angry and not care about me."

"How come?" she murmured.

Su Weichu's mouth curved into a beautiful arc, "Then can I ask you a question?"

Ying Yanluo grabbed the corner of the quilt: "Well, ask."

"Did you hate the kiss just now?"

Ying Yanluo blinked several times helplessly. His kisses became more and more predatory, making her feel confused and weak all over, but she didn't hate it.