First-Class Lawyer

Chapter 1: Intern (1)


At the end of November, in the early winter of Decama, the routine morning bell came from the central square, and the gray pigeons fluttered across the same gray sky.

Gloomy, cold, dejected. What a good day, suitable for robbing someone to send someone to the end, which fits Yan Suizhi's mood at the moment.

A few months ago, he was still holding the title of first-class lawyer, serving as the dean of the law school of Interstellar Metz University, and he was well-dressed at the garden reception where the famous celebrities gathered...

After a long time, he became impoverished.

It was 8 a.m., and he was walking through the most chaotic dark district in West Decama, sipping his coffee slowly and scanning the crowded signs of street shops.

His face was plain white and good-looking, but his expression was full of unhappiness and disgust, as if he wasn't drinking finely ground coffee, but pure cat shit.

He wandered here for a long time, just to find a suitable store - to help you find things, preferably a fake certificate.

Five minutes later, Yan Suizhi stopped in front of a small store.

The electronic sign outside this store shows two lines of words—

blackstone repair shop

Do anything!

very good.

Yan Suizhi squeezed the coffee cup, threw it into the electronic recycling bin on the street, and walked into the store.

"Good morning—" The boss stuck his head out from behind the counter, holding his chicken coop head. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

The store is full of heating, even Yan Suizhi, who is a little afraid of the cold, feels the warmth. He took off his black gloves, took out a metal ring from his coat pocket and placed it on the counter, "Check this for me."

This is a plastic smart phone that can be deformed at will. Most people are more accustomed to the ring shape, which is convenient to carry. Bracelets, rings, earrings...even ankle rings, waist rings.

Yan Suizhi's taste is not so pure, so this ring in his hand is a very plain ring.

"Check what?"

"Everything that can be checked."


The boss matched the tool, tapped twice, and the smartphone popped up a holographic interface.

The interface is pitiful, as clean as if it had just left the factory.

There are four things in total: an identity certificate, an asset card, a shuttle ticket to the neighboring star, and a purely electronically synthesized audio file.

Out of professional ethics, the boss would not flip through the documents casually, but Yan Suizhi knew the contents of these four things.

The identity certificate is a temporary fake identity, the name is Ruan Ye, he has just graduated from college, and he can't do shit;

The asset card is an anonymous virtual card from the black market, and the balance is not enough for him to live for two months;

The shuttle ticket is only for the outgoing journey, not the return journey, to the effect that he can roll as far as he can.

"That's all?" the boss asked.

Yan Suizhi sneered in his heart: "Yes, that's all."

More than that in the smartphone, this is probably all of his current possessions.

You say this world is not exciting

He just attended a cocktail party over the weekend in May...

The temperature of the wine that day was a little low, and just after half of the tour, he felt sick to his stomach, so he said hello to everyone and left first, and found a nearby hotel to rest.

Who would have thought that he "slept" for half a year, from summer to winter, and when he opened his eyes again, it was already November, that is, two days ago.

He woke up in an apartment in a dark city, and when he woke up, he had this smartphone next to his pillow, and nothing else.

Fortunately, there was a lot of information on the Internet, and he didn't have much effort to figure out the surface truth. On the day of the reception, the hotel where he was staying just happened to have an attack and explosion, and he was one of the unlucky people who suffered an accident.

It's just that he is a well-known unlucky guy. The major news front pages regret his untimely death with fancy shocking headlines. After walking like a dog for more than two months, it slowly subsided, and then slowly forgotten.

Of course, the truth is obviously not that simple.

The electronically synthesized audio in the smartphone explained part of him—

In fact, someone rescued him from that explosion and used the six months to give him short-term genetic surgery, fine-tuning his appearance and biological age, allowing him to maintain a fresh graduate for a period of time. of students. And gave him a fake identity, money, and plane tickets to keep him away from Decama...

In short, all kinds of information show that the explosion was deliberately seeking revenge. He was not some unlucky person who was implicated, but he was the target of the explosion.

But it's a bit too much to ask a top litigator who he has offended in his life.

Because there are so many that ghosts can't remember.

Therefore, Yan Suizhi could only come to the black market to find someone to investigate. Even if the culprit could not be found, it would be fine if he could find out who rescued him.

Who would have thought that more than half an hour later, the boss raised his head and rubbed his eyelids, saying that he had found nothing.

Yan Suizhi frowned, "No trace at all?"

"No, it's clean."

"What about the smartphone itself?"

"The anonymous machine bought on the black market is too difficult to check. The base number covers so many galaxies. It's like finding a needle in the universe."

Yan Suizhi fiddled with the ring-shaped smartphone twice, and finally said, "Okay, then, can you help me sell this shuttle ticket to Neighbor Star by the way?"

The boss glanced at the ticket and shook his head: "I can't help."

"Do everything?" Yan Suizhi raised his chin at the sign outside the door.


Yan Suizhi did not argue, nodded and said, "There is one last thing."

"What? Let's talk." The boss said politely, "I have to do the same for you today, otherwise the sign outside the door can really be removed."

"Get me a registration card." Yan Suizhi said, "Metz University Law School, went to Southern Cross Law Firm."

As one of the oldest law schools in Decama and the entire Emerald Galaxy, Metz University Law School has internship agreements with top law firms around it, and students can choose any law firm for an internship with their registration card. Of course, whether you can officially enter the law firm in the end depends on the assessment.

But Yan Suizhi didn't care about the follow-up, he only needed to enter the door of Southern Cross Law Firm. Because the bombing that caused his "untimely death" was taken over by Southern Cross Law Firm.

"Registration card?" The boss became serious as soon as he heard it, and said sincerely: "This really can't help."

"Then it seems that the ticket is fake and can't help."

boss:"… "

"Are you really a black market?"

"Xing Xing Xing, the ticket will help you transfer!" The boss muttered and moved his hand, "I can't make much difference in this matter, it is troublesome, and it is easy to be caught..."

With a chicken coop head on his head, he babbled for twenty minutes. Yan Suizhi didn't hear it and waited peacefully.

"Alright, the ticket money will go directly to your asset card?"

Yan Suizhi nodded, "Since that's the case, let's get the registration card together."

The boss's face collapsed: "Since what's the matter, my friend? I really can't do it with the registration card. I'm not kidding."

"Why? The registration card itself doesn't have any special skills. Don't worry, I'll only use it for a short time, and I won't catch you." Yan Suizhi imitated things from his own academy, and his conscience really didn't hurt at all.

But the boss was in pain. "The certificate itself is not very skilled. I can make one for you in two minutes, but the signature can't be done! You know how powerful the handwriting examination technology is now."

Yan Suizhi raised his eyebrows, "What signature?"

"Every college registration card must have the signature of the dean. It is all registered on the record, and the investigation is the most stringent. Where can I get it for you?!"

Until then, Yan Suizhi, who had been upset for two days, finally laughed, "This is not a problem at all."

The boss thinks that this student is 80% crazy.

Five minutes later, however, it was the boss himself who was crazy.

Because he watched the student make a special sign on the registration card he made with the dean's signature, and after uploading it to the self-checking system, the system actually passed!

It wasn't until the student "went away" with a forged successful registration card that the boss came back to his senses, beating his chest and groaning: "Damn, I forgot to ask this student if he would like to work part-time!"

Five days later, Yan Suizhi sat in Decama's most prestigious law firm.

The soft sofa chairs in the reception room were warm and comfortable, but the interns who came to report were sitting very cautiously, except for his long legs crossed, his chin supported, and the smart ring in his hand fiddling in a trance, his posture elegant and relaxed.

It doesn't look like a student under review at all, but more like someone else's.

The blond young man sitting next to him glanced at him for a while, then glanced at him, no less than dozens of times in just ten minutes.

"This classmate, do I look very square and look like an exam screen?" Yan Suizhi suddenly raised his eyes in a trance.

The blonde just took a sip of coffee and spit it out intact.

He hurriedly took out a few quick-drying paper towels, wiped the coffee stains on his chin, and said embarrassingly, "Ah? Of course not."

"Then why do you take a look and shake it like stepping on an electric baton?" Yan Suizhi always likes to smile a little when he is hurt, but his eyebrows and eyes are cold and handsome. A smile, like melting ice, can be especially deceiving. So many people who were damaged actually thought it was a way of showing kindness.

This blond classmate was no exception. Not only did he not feel that he was damaged, but he felt that it was a bit abrupt to sneak a glance just now, "I'm sorry, it's just... You look a bit like our dean."

He paused for a while, then corrected himself, "Former Dean. You know, the famous Professor Yan who is still very young. Of course, it's not very similar. You are much younger than him, just from a certain angle from the side. And the sitting position is a bit... It always reminds me of the annual research review meeting, so I'm a little nervous."

When Jin Jin mentioned the former dean, his expression became regretful, and he sighed, "Originally, he would also participate in this year's review meeting and graduation ceremony. I didn't expect that kind of accident would happen. It's a pity to die so young. isn't it?"

He was trying to find some resonance, but when he looked up, he saw Yan Suizhi's green face.

Blonde: "… "

Before Yan Suizhi had come out of the complicated feeling of being mourned in person, the personnel supervisor who was in charge of arranging the interns had already arrived.

After checking the registration card, the intern was led upstairs by her.

"... We have accepted three batches of interns before, so there are not many trial lawyers who still have internship vacancies. I will take you to meet those few, and after understanding, I will have an assignment for you... "

The HR director was still introducing the law firm's situation and some precautions when he went upstairs, but Yan Suizhi didn't listen to it in the second half.

Because he saw an acquaintance.

When they were halfway up the stairs, several lawyers happened to come down. The lawyer who walked at the end was tall and extremely handsome. Holding the coffee in one hand and pressing the white wireless ear buckle in the other, he seemed to be communicating with someone, and his calm gaze cast inadvertently from the end of his eyes, and swept over the group of interns, showing a strange expression. An unapproachable indifference.

The young lawyer's name is Gu Yan, a former student of Yan Suizhi.

In fact, in this industry, especially in such a well-known law firm, it is very common to meet his students. Half of the lawyers here are probably from Metz University Law School. However, among the tens of thousands of students in the law school every year, Professor Yanda basically forgets it when he turns his head.

Gu Yan is one of the few.


Because this Gu classmate is theoretically half of his direct students.

It was also because this classmate Gu seemed to have a special opinion on him with a cold face all day long.

The author has something to say:

It's all bullshit, don't take it seriously. Gu Yan attacked, Yan Suizhi suffered, don't stand wrong

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