First-Class Lawyer

Chapter 100: guess (1)


After working in this line for a long time, it will be a bit occupational, and it is very taboo to make inferences without evidence.

Ordinary people see certain things and then think of other things. If there is evidence to prove the connection, it will be called follow-through, and if there is no evidence, it will be called intuition. When encountering intuition, some people say it half-truth, and it is regarded as a joke, and some people think about it in their hearts.

Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan are different. When these two occupational disease patients have the same lineage, when their intuition comes, they will always subconsciously look for some confirmation. If you can find it, keep the guess, if you can't find it, ignore it rationally.

I don't know if this is the everyday version of the "presumption of innocence".

But this time it was an exception. They always thought of Ke Jin when they got the initial documents of the case in the morning. Until they saw Horace Ji, this unsubstantiated association still did not fade.

It was ten o'clock in the morning when the two came out of the ward, exactly one hour before they entered, no more than one minute.

This is not in the detention center. It really takes five minutes and ten minutes, but there is no problem.

But for them, there is really no need to procrastinate at all.

Because Horace Ji had been beeping for an entire hour, he had made up for them a rhetoric that couldn't be more fake. Yan Suizhi's simplified version of the record page, how to open and how to close, did not remember a word.

But this situation is not unexpected to them.

A person who can't pry open his mouth always has something he wants to hide. How can he tell the truth as soon as he comes up

They have seen this situation a lot, and they didn't even change their faces, and listened calmly throughout the whole process. Yan Suizhi even asked a few questions casually, as if he believed it. So Horace Ji made up more vigorously, drinking two sips of water until the last minute.

Before leaving, Horace Ji pointed to Yan Suizhi's record page and asked, "You don't need to memorize anything?"

Yan Suizhi held the door frame, glanced back at him, and said with a smile, "That's not necessary, even in the non-alliance period, the history books don't need to write down all the details of the emperor's leaks."

After saying that, he waved his hand and closed the door.

Leaving Horace Ji sitting by the bed alone, he was stunned for two seconds and then scolded, "Fuck—"

What does the air leak together with De Gongfang mean, doesn't it just mean "fart"!

The police officer outside the door was stunned when they saw them coming out, "Is this the end?"

Gu Yan nodded: "Well."

Immediately afterwards, Horace Ji's long scolding came out vaguely.

Police officer: "… "

It was the first time that the parties met like this, and they were a little confused.

The two lawyers didn't care much.

Yan Suizhi even raised his hand to greet the police officers, "Let's go first, it's hard work."

They have no grudge against the police officers. Although they have to face each other in court, they are not confrontational in court, so their attitude is relaxed and polite.

As a result, several police officers were a little embarrassed, after all, they were stared at for a while before the two entered the ward.

They made an "oh", thinking about it and adding, "Walk slowly."

When they passed the nurse's station, they met the little nurse in the previous ward. The other party hurriedly ran over and stuffed a list: "It's just an hour, this is the list, you can go and test again. The testing center is on the 3rd floor. In case... I mean if there is really a problem, our hospital will take care of it. ."

"Thank you." Gu Yan said: "The monitoring of the ward can be turned on."

There were only the two of them in the elevator, and Yan Suizhi leaned on the handrail, "This Horace Ji is very interesting. He seems to be short-tempered, but he doesn't."

Just a word or two can easily make him angry, but he can always suppress his temper quickly, and he will not talk nonsense just because he is angry.

His lies were so badly made that they could be deciphered at a glance. In fact, this will give people a feeling of "clumsy", as if he can find a loophole to refute him and let his defense line collapse, he will not be able to tell the truth.

But Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan were very tacit, and no one refuted.

Because they know it's just "as if".

"Have you met such a party before?" Yan Suizhi asked.

"Occasionally." Gu Yan said, "but you seem to have encountered a lot."

Yan Suizhi was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyebrows again.

The elevator went down quickly.

He glanced at the number that jumped to "3", and asked slightly narrowly, "Didn't you cut off your relationship with me after graduation? Why do you know so clearly what I have dealt with in any case?"

Gu Yan: "..."


The elevator door opened in response, and lawyer Gu was upright and walked away.

Yan Suizhi wanted to laugh a little.

Some classmates open and close their mouths to irrelevant people, saying "my intern". They say it calmly and seriously, as if it is normal to get used to it.

Oh, except when you have a fever, and when it's dead at night.

A full demonstration of what it means to be bored.

Testing centers are very busy, after all, there are now batches of infected people.

The waiting area outside was already full of people with orders. Yan Suizhi glanced at their numbers and didn't go to crowd with people. Instead, he and Gu Yan stood far away by the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Indoor potted plants in pots a few meters apart are placed in a row along the floor-to-ceiling windows. Each plant is one person tall. They are not affected by people at all, and they are lush in an environment full of "infection viruses".

The two potted plants were like a natural compartment. Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan supported the half-human-high hoop and looked out the window.

"No poison residues can be detected in the sink or the food trough. If the old Auden was found a little later, the inspectors would not be able to detect any reaction in his body." Yan Suizhi said, "Then... the so-called hallucinogenic poison. It's perfectly hidden."

Gu Yan nodded, "Whether it's the police or the public, if they can't find any other evidence, I'm afraid they all think that the mental disorders of those old people are caused by excessive panic and fear."

"When Ke Jin's accident happened, I was not in Decama." Yan Suizhi said, "I only heard a few words from you later. He stayed in the residence alone for a few days?"

Gu Yan recalled for a moment, "It should be."

When Lee Connor, who was at large, sent Ke Jin an email, Gu Yan went to see him and drank a few times with him. At that time, Ke Jin's state was very negative, but not to the point where he couldn't take care of himself, and with Qiao following him, Gu Yan was still relieved.

Later, because of some matters to be dealt with in the case, he traveled for ten days, and received a message from Qiao on the shuttle when he came back, saying that Ke Jin was in the hospital.

When he rushed to the hospital, he found that Joe's face was uglier than the wall covering, sitting on the bench outside the ward, pulling his hair in silence.

When Ke Jin was in a negative state for a while, Qiao was not like what he is now, there is no reason to keep looking at Ke Jin, no matter how good the relationship is, you can't stare at him from morning to night, and give him no personal space at all. Joe didn't rest much in those days, and he had a fever in the middle. In those two days, Ke Jin took care of him. I don't know if it was because there was something to distract him, or if he pretended to do it on purpose. In those days, Ke Jin seemed to have almost returned to normal, and even because of the embarrassment that Qiao deliberately made Laugh out.

After the fever subsided, Joe received two very important investment notices. He originally planned to go straight up, but was stopped by Ke Jin again, saying that he was much better, and that it would be fine to leave for a few days.

At first, Qiao was worried about life and death, but later he was afraid of disturbing Ke Jin's mood. In addition, a psychiatrist advised him not to deny his request or put pressure on him, so Qiao reluctantly agreed.

Ke Jin was afraid that Qiao would be worried, so he agreed to send Qiao a message every night.

In fact, Ke Jin didn't just send a message before going to bed. In the first two days, he would have a brief chat with Qiao from time to time, saying that he had woken up, that he was making simple food, that the sun was good, that he was leaning on After reading a book on the balcony, he fell asleep, saying that he had a lot of strange dreams, and that he really didn't want to work if he was so idle.

It is actually difficult to tell whether he is in good condition from the information alone, because the information is too easy to disguise emotions.

But Joe at that time was very deceiving.

And he hopes that Ke Jin will recover too much, so he always thinks in a good direction subconsciously.

After that, Ke Jin's information suddenly dropped a lot, and he only said a few words before going to bed.

Joe began to worry again, so that the next day's investment would stare at the smartphone all the way, like sleepwalking. During the whole day, he didn't wait for Ke Jin's information, and at night he couldn't hold back his investment and went straight to the port.

From the planet where he was meeting to Decama, even the fastest shuttle took two days, and those two days were probably the hardest for him.

Only when Ke Jin sent "good night" before going to bed could he relax a little.

When Joe arrived at Dekama, it was 3:10 in the morning that day. As soon as he landed from the port, he drove the shuttle straight to Ke Jin's apartment, and halfway, received a communication that he would never forget in his life.

Ke Jin's voice sounded very low in the communication, which made people feel unspeakable sadness.

He said, "Joe, I don't seem to be well... Could you come and see me?"

Joe almost collected all the fines for half his life that day, and the shuttle had the effect of a shuttle. Even so, it took an hour and a half to get to Ke Jin's apartment. By the time he arrived, Ke Jin had already fallen asleep curled up in the corner of the bedroom carpet.

And when he woke up again, it was the state he was in later.

The communication at 3:10 in the morning became his last normal sentence.

For all these years, Joe's been eager to hear him complain in that slouchy tone he wakes up early in the morning that his bones are falling asleep, or that it's a sunny day again but he's on vacation and doesn't want to go out, or that he's got some food but he looks good. It's not delicious, if you really don't mind, you can go for a bite.

The worst, a simple "sleep, good night" will do.

But not anymore.