First-Class Lawyer

Chapter 113: Law firm reception (3)


Only one floor lamp was turned on in Joe's room, and the not-so-bright light made the whole floor-to-ceiling window of the balcony set off with a water color.

It is enough for the two to see the sake bottle and glass without affecting the interest of chatting.

Young Master Qiao took some ice cubes and threw it into the glass. The clack was very clear, which made the night very quiet.

He poured the wine, put one of the cups in front of Gu Yan, took a sip from the other, and let the cold wine turn his tongue twice before swallowing it slowly.

Gu Yan didn't rush him either, he drank a little with the cup on his lips, and his eyes fell on the blurry night scene outside the floor-to-ceiling window.

This is the advantage of Gu Yan as a friend. He has enough patience to wait for you to sort out your emotions and speak. If you really don't know where to start, he will help you to start your head lightly at the right time.

"Because of Manson?" Gu Yan didn't even look at Qiao's face, so he just mentioned it.

Joe raised his eyebrows: "Can you see that?"

After he was surprised, he nodded again, and said clearly: "That's right, you can't see it. There is indeed a reason for this, maybe because I went to the hospital yesterday and saw Manson's appearance. Later I I contacted the police again, and when I met Zhao Zemu once, I remembered a lot of things from my childhood."

"As I told you, our relationship was actually very good when we were young, much better than now. Maybe there are many interest chains in the interaction between our parents, but we played very pure, and we were together for tempers. If you don't have a good temper, get out. Zhao Zemu is older than us. In the past, Manson and I were always on the rampage. He helped save our lives at critical moments. Manson's fool did the most stupid things. He helped Manson clean up the mess About twice as many times as I do…”

"Do you think people are very interesting? A life-long friendship, if you say that you are distanced slowly, it will be really distanced. Now one is lying in the hospital and the other is sitting in the detention center, and it is estimated that there will be no chance for communication in the future. The most ironic thing is that my relationship with Manson is slowly getting better because of this incident."

"... I don't really want to believe that Zhao Zemu would do such a thing for the reasons he said. Manson should also be unwilling to believe it."

Qiao took another sip of wine, frowned and asked half-truth: "Why? You see that I don't have these problems with you, and the friends I know later don't have these problems either."

Gu Yan said, "I met too early."

Joe froze for a moment, "Huh?"

"It's too early to know, the concept and consciousness have not yet formed, and it has not gone through the stage of the biggest change. You are changing, and the other party is also changing, and it is easy to run in the opposite direction."

Qiao nodded, "That's right, we've already known each other in college, and we're almost finished. If we get along well, we get along well, and no matter how we change it, it's just fine-tuning."

Gu Yan gave a "hmm".

Joe looked at the garden downstairs, the shadows of the trees mottled by the lights.

I don't know what he was thinking. After a while, he mumbled again, "We may be influenced by our family. If Zhao Zemu is not the Zhao family who depends on others, if Manson and the old family are not I live far away from my grandmother when I was a child…”

Gu Yan thought for a while and said, "Then you may not know each other at all."

Joe: "… "

The young master was blocked and suffocated half a glass of wine pretending to be dissatisfied, and then he laughed again.

Gu Yan glanced at him: "Drinking too much?"

Young Master Qiao waved his hand, "No, it's interesting to be demolished so coldly by you."

"Hey, you know, when I was very young, there were often afternoon tea parties between several families, and my parents would invite a lot of people who had business dealings. Most of the people who came to the party would bring their children with them. Adults are in the circle of adults, and little ghosts are in the circle of little ghosts, which is equivalent to making contacts in advance. Few people will miss this opportunity. But I remember that there are a few families that never bring children. Not only do they not bring them, but they are well hidden. ." Master Qiao slumped back in the chair, recalling many things relaxedly.

"Can you hide it?" Gu Yan asked casually.

Joe nodded: "If you have the heart, you can protect it very strictly. Of course, it is very difficult to hide if it really develops into my family and the Manson family. There are ways to hide those who don't reach this size. I remember seeing you when I was a child. I used to have a very low-key and kind couple, I can't remember the specific appearance, but I remember that both of them are the same as the picture, they seem to be surnamed Lin? I've never seen it before. Not only have I never seen it, but no one even knows what my surname is. I thought it was a pity at first, but later... I'm very lucky."

Gu Yan felt that something was wrong, he looked at Qiao, "Thank you?"

Joe didn't answer right away.

He drank the wine in the glass, took another half glass of ice, and got some for himself. The golden-brown liquor penetrated down the ice cubes, and soon rounded the edges and corners of the ice cubes, and a thin layer of water vapor covered the wall of the glass.

Qiao wiped the layer of water vapor with her thumb and said, "somehow I had a dream a few days ago when I was a child. At that time, I had a good relationship with the old fox..."

The topic came up suddenly, and he actually took the initiative to talk about his father.

This made Gu Yan a little surprised, and at the same time, he also vaguely realized... Qiao's so-called mind should be referring to this.

"I remember that every time I went back to the racecourse, when I couldn't get on the stirrups and clamored for a ride, he would carry me on his shoulders and walk around watching the horses. He was actually quite old at that time, and my sister graduated from college and started studying. It's time to get in touch with company affairs."

He recalled it for a while, and then said, "Really... it's pretty good."

"He's actually been really nice to the family," Joe said, "but then I found out...he's not so sure about outsiders. I've heard him on the phone a few times, talking to old Manson or someone about something. .I can't remember the specific content clearly, it's like destroying someone's resource line or forcing someone or something like that..."

He was very reluctant to recall these, and his tone did not consciously become agitated.

"Anyway, I was young at the time, and the tone made me very uncomfortable. After that, I suddenly became suspicious. Once I heard that something had happened to someone, I began to unconsciously think about the old fox, even though there was no basis for speculation. nothing."

Joe took a sip of wine and suppressed the emotion.

After a long delay, he shrugged and said to Gu Yan, "You know what happened next, maybe it's because of my mood. I've been sick for a long time, and I've been having a fever on and off. Now my mind is so stupid, I guess it's a blessing. It was given in the first place."

Gu Yan knew about Qiao's intermittent illness. His so-called repeating grades was during that time.

But he didn't know the reason for his illness.

Maybe it was because of a complete falling out with his father, and after that, Joe took a completely opposite path—

His father paid attention to making friends and looking at interests, but he just looked at his mood. Except for the childhood friends who played with each other when we were young, the rest are friends when they are angry, and get out of the way when they are not.

His father was scheming, and he was heartless and did everything at will.

His father was good at taking advantage of his own hands, so he sent it out and took care of all his friends.

"Actually, the old fox has been quiet for many years." Joe said, "I asked my sister to drag him, so that he would not get too close to the Mansons. It has been quite effective these years. So I have not wanted to mention this, saying It's not interesting except to add to the crowd. But recently, the old Manson family was almost completely taken over by those two brothers, and they danced fiercely. I heard my sister complain that the Manson family has recently started to get involved with the old fox again."

Master Qiao looked bad, "The devil knows what crazy things they can do. I haven't slept well in the past few days."

Gu Yan: "No wonder."

"What's no wonder?"

"I heard from Milo Manson that your father will arrive tomorrow. Usually, you can avoid it if you can." Gu Yan said, "This time it is so abnormal. I was going to ask you what happened."

Joe was in a very bad mood at first. He had been pressing these things for a long time. If it weren't for the fact that the Manson Brothers had re-linked to his father recently, he might not have found the urge and opportunity to talk to others.

It would have been easier to say it, but when he heard Gu Yan's worry, his mood turned from cloudy to sunny.

The environment in which he lived should have been full of suspicion, fighting, emptiness, and incredulity. But because of a friend like Gu Yan, everything is different. Because their first reaction when they hear something is never suspicion, but "Are you okay?" "Are you okay?"

"Never mind, take one step at a time. My sister is staring at the company, and I'm staring here. I've hated it for so many years, and I don't want that old fox to become more annoying to me," Joe said.

He drank the last bit of wine in one gulp, then slammed the full glass, and said to Gu Yan, "I don't seem to have ever given you a toast."

Gu Yan: "What?"

"What's the matter, make it up!" Joe slapped his glass with a smile, "To my best friend."

Gu Yan raised his eyebrows in response, and simply finished the wine in the glass.

Young Master Qiao was so excited that he took the wine bottle and tried to shove it into his glass.

Gu Yan held down the mouth of his cup, "No. You can keep the rest for yourself. My intern has a very pointed nose."

Joe was very puzzled: "What if you smell it? I'm afraid he'll be thirsty and drink it secretly."

He said, and "hiss" again, "I've been wondering for a long time, why do you care about what he eats and what he drinks? It's not allowed to touch, and it's not allowed to move. It's too strange, isn't it?"

Gu Yan stood up, put the wine glass down, rubbed his neck, and said, "Don't you care about Ke Jin like that?"

"That's different!" said Joe.

Gu Yan: "Why is it different?"

Young Master Qiao glanced at Ke Jin's door, "I like him."

Gu Yan nodded, looked at the night scene outside for a while through the floor-to-ceiling window, and said calmly, "That's the same."

Qiao stood there for a minute and digested it. He didn't understand it, and asked in a daze: "No, wait, what is the same?"

Gu Yan glanced at him lightly, "I like him so I control him in certain matters, is there a problem?"

Because his tone was so natural, Joe nodded subconsciously and said, "No problem."

Gu Yan didn't stay any longer, he said hello and went out of the room. He had just passed half of the living room when the door of Young Master Qiao was slammed open again behind him.

The exclamation came through the mold: "Who do you say you like?"

Maybe because I was too excited, the end sound was split.