First-Class Lawyer

Chapter 42: Water Ghost (2)


Qiao bent down and said a few words to Ke Jin, then said hello to Yan Suizhi and the others, and took Ke Jin back to the villa first. The two paramedics also left. In addition to Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan on this beach, only Uncle Chang, who was sorting out excess diving suits, and a girl who came to deliver new refreshments.

"Just received—" Gu Yan just started talking, and found that Yan Suizhi was a little absent-minded, and kept turning his eyes and scanning around, "What are you looking at?"

Yan Suizhi looked at the calm sea and said "tsk", "I'm still a little worried."

"What are you worried about?" Gu Yan asked.

"Charles' condition didn't look very good just now." Yan Suizhi said, "It took a lot of effort before going into the water, it's really not suitable for going into the water like that."

"Has the coach followed?" Gu Yan also frowned.

"Follow, but it's always hard to say underwater."

"If he encounters a situation, he should turn on the signal light." Gu Yan just finished speaking, his eyes swept across the soft sand not far away, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a black thing, "What is that?"

The two walked over to take a look, and their faces suddenly changed.

Whatever you say, the one lying in the soft sand is really a diving signal.

Whether it's Jason Charles's or not, it's heartbreaking.

Yan Suizhi raised her eyes and looked at Gu Yan in dismay.

"Uncle Chang!"

"What do you need?" Uncle Chang raised his head.

"Can you dive?" Yan Suizhi looked serious.

Uncle Chang shook his head dumbfoundedly, "I didn't say I wanted to learn this skill."

"Okay." Yan Suizhi pinched the bridge of her nose and nodded her chin, "Don't put away the diving suit."

He checked the O-ring seals of the regulators of several sets of diving suits in Uncle Chang's hands very carefully, and then threw one set to Gu Yan and took one for himself.

Jason Charles struggles in the water.

In fact, it wasn't originally so. The wetsuit is slightly tighter and looser, and it doesn't have such a big impact. But he has gained a lot of weight in the past year, and his body type is easy to have some reactions during diving. The two added together, causing him to panic when he was in trouble.

Even though I've heard a lot of dos and don'ts before diving, I know how to respond to certain situations. But when he was really in danger, he couldn't think so much at all, and all his actions followed instinct.

So he subconsciously wanted to float up quickly so he could get out of the water. However, the rapid ascent made the air in his lungs expand rapidly...

The signal light seemed to be lost in the process, and the coach didn't even see a shadow!

I'm probably about to blow up.

I'm going to die here.

Jason Charles was thinking wildly in utter despair.

At the last moment before he pulled out of consciousness, he felt that the equipment strap on his body had been caught, and it was more than one hand.

It was as if several hands were grabbing at him.

What the fuck is this? hallucinations? Octopus? Or did someone finally find out that he was dying

That was Jason Charles' last thought before he nearly fainted.

Before 4 p.m., the beaches of Yaba Island were busy.

The people who went diving before came ashore one after another. Laura and the others have changed into normal clothes, and they followed the ambulance stretcher regardless of the large water marks and wet hair on their bodies.

Joe pulled a donkey face, grabbed his hair and arranged for the island's medical staff to get the stretcher into the ambulance center.

"What's going on?" Elena found that the world had changed after she came out of the shower. She was a little stunned for a while and couldn't figure out the situation. "Wasn't it fine when I went ashore?"

Laura explained quickly, "Jason, I didn't know what went wrong when I was diving, I almost died in the sea, and this guy went down without a signal. The speed of the ascent is too fast, thank goodness, Fortunately, there are Gu and his interns, they realized the problem in time, maybe their intuition on the shore is more acute

"Then why are there three stretchers?"

"And that Mr. Zhao and the coach were entangled by a sea snake underwater. The doctor is still looking for the wound. I hope it's all right, but I heard from Joe that there is anti-venom on the island."

Elena was terrified: "My God, how could such a thing happen."

The one with the worst face was George Manson. After all, all the three people who went into the water with him fell down, and he was the only one who came ashore. Although the probability is not calculated like this, he still has the illusion that he will almost die underwater.

He sat on a lounge chair by the beach for people to rest, took a glass of ice wine and put his face on the ice, trying to calm himself down.

Not far from him, Yan Suizhi was also sitting on the reclining chair, looking down and taking off the special black gloves for rescue.

When he and Gu Yan pulled Jason Charles ashore earlier, the medical staff wanted to put him on a stretcher to check him, but he rejected them all.

After confirming again and again that he was indeed all right, the medical staff left with confidence.

In fact he was so tired that he didn't even want to stand up.

He hadn't dived in a long time, and Jason Charles, the unlucky bastard, was a fat man, and he was about half his size. Fortunately, there is Gu Yan who can help, otherwise the result of going to catch Jason alone will be folded in the sea together.

When other people were tired, their faces would turn red and panting, but Yan Suizhi's face became whiter the more tired he was, and the black diving suit made the whiteness even more conspicuous.

He habitually restrained his breathing within a certain frequency, which made him look extremely calm and a little bit cold.

Yan Suizhi rolled up the gloves he took off with his eyes down.

There was a slight rustling sound on the beach in front of him, and it sounded like someone was walking towards him.

Excessive fatigue made Yan Suizhi too lazy to even smile, so he raised his eyes so coldly. I saw Gu Yan holding the diving mask and regulator in one hand, and biting off the glove in the other hand with his eyelids down.

His wet hair was raked back, not a single one fell, and his meticulousness showed a slightly different arrogance than usual, like a gentleman in ancient times.

"All sent to the ambulance center?"


"That's good." Yan Suizhi responded lazily.

"Let's go, go and change your diving suit." Gu Yan walked up to Yan Suizhi and pointed with his gloves to the villa building not far away for people to shower.

Professor Yan Da said lazily: "You go first, I don't want to get up for the time being, I will go later."

Gu Yan looked down at him for a while, concentrated his gloves and equipment on his left hand, and then stretched out his right hand, "Are you going to go in a diving suit and feel stuffy?"

The fingers he took off the gloves were not stained with water or sweat, and they looked slender, dry, and very clean.

Yan Suizhi glanced at it, and slapped his hand into that palm angrily, Gu Yan tightened his fingers.

He stood up condescendingly with the help of Li Xun, and said angrily, "If it's really boring, I will definitely go to your room and sit for an hour to be an aromatherapy."

"You can try it and see what the consequences will be." Gu Yan waited for him to stand firm, then let go of his hand and replied coldly.