First-Class Lawyer

Chapter 44: Investigation (1)


Kane holds a record book that matches the two detection doors. When someone passes through that door, the relevant data will be automatically reflected in his hand.

If there is an abnormality in the body, such as there have been traces of genetic modification, whether it is dead or alive, the prompt alarm will sound, and the indicator light will turn alert red.

In the public eye, it was revealed that he had undergone genetic modification, and the scene was too exciting to think about. Professor Yan Da is worried that these young people...especially his students' hearts can't stand it.

Besides, he hasn't figured out the origin of the bombing. He is out in the open and the enemy is in the dark. It's not appropriate to declare "I have a secret situation and unknown identity" so quickly. He is not afraid, but there is no need to cause trouble for himself too early.

But the door has been raised in front of him, and Kane is a thorn in his face, what should he do to avoid embarrassment...

Yan Suizhi propped his chin, his knuckles rhythmically beat the rhythm, and there was a slight polite smile on the corner of his mouth. Among the people standing or sitting, his posture was the most calm and relaxed. Can't see the difference.

As long as you don't talk to him, you can't tell that he's distracted.

This appearance is of course no problem to other people who don't know it. He only thinks that he is an intern outsider and has no burden in his heart.

But Gu Yan was different.

When he first entered the law school and became a student of Yan Suizhi, he was really deceived by the dean's temperament and smile, thinking that he was prepared for everything so he would never panic.

But as long as a living person who can breathe, there will always be omissions, how can it really be expected

Later, after getting along for a long time, he understood that a certain Mr. Dean was not prepared for everything, but whether he was prepared or not, he looked unmoved.

The devil knows where he got his confidence.

Gu Yan glanced at Yan Suizhi's lightly twitching fingers. It was a small movement that Professor Yan Da made subconsciously when he was thinking, but it should not be well known.

After all, there were not many students who would enter the dean's office back then, because the subjects who stayed in it for an entire afternoon were even rarer, and those who could see a dean in a trance and contemplation could basically be called a koi.

Gu Yan is a koi.

"Lin, Danny, come and give me a hand and move these two detection doors in." Kane directed his subordinates, and at the same time did not forget to instruct everyone in the villa not to leave the first floor casually. The test can be opened, and under the witness of everyone, the results are more credible.

This is the most particular about Kane.

Gu Jinli glanced at the busy police officer, and called up the smartphone screen to send a message to a friend—

- Is there a way to quickly interfere with the results of a device like a security gate

As a lawyer, I encounter a variety of strange cases, which also involve a variety of professional content.

There is a specialization in the art industry, so lawyers often go to experts in various fields to ask professional issues involved in the case to confirm the possibility of certain scenarios happening or being reversed.

Gu Yan is no exception.

The other party didn't find it strange at all to receive this message, thinking that it was lawyer Gu who was recovering or guessing the details of a certain case, and replied two consecutively:

- of course can.

- Is it a quiet, unknowing way

Looking at these two pieces of news, Lawyer Gu always felt as if he was doing something shameful.

With a light "tsk", he glanced at someone who was looking for trouble for him, then withdrew his gaze and typed the words expressionlessly:

- Yes, the tools available are very limited, maybe only smartphones, and the time is also very limited, within three minutes.

The other party quickly replied:

- If the criminal you're impersonating has no accomplices, he has to be an advanced hacker, maybe just a tad lower than me.

Gu·criminal·yan: "..."

In theory, he has an accomplice, and the other party should be the main offender. At most, he is a helper offender.

But unfortunately, the main criminal is too daring and has no self-consciousness at all, and may still want to go to prison.

The friend Gu Yan asked may want to show his professional ability and put his ideas into practice immediately.

A minute later, Gu Yan received a small program file.

This is followed by the other party's message:

- Have you received the program file I sent you? You can try to simulate it now. Open this file, and enter "Search for nearby signals" on the sixth line. If you happen to have a security gate or something like that, your smartphone will automatically connect to it. After displaying "success", entering "E" in the last line will make the test result show "error", and entering "R" will make the test give a random result. Entering a space will display the opposite result.

Gu Yan looked at this unusually reactionary content, but his expression was very calm.

This kind of friend who says that wind is rain, and acts directly without saying anything is really good.

- Make sure you won't be called to the police station before trying it.

The other party's information came again.

"… "

I'm sorry, just trying to do this under the nose of the police.

Attorney Gu didn't even move his eyelids, and planned to start doing things directly.

Sheriff Kane has led his subordinates to install the two detection doors, and the record book is ready.

"Sorry, can I go to the bathroom?" George Manson raised his finger.

If there are some physical changes, it's not something that can be resolved with a trip to the bathroom.

For this, Sheriff Kane is very relieved. So he just shrugged and said, "Do it yourself. Let's start with this lady then."

After George Manson said this, several other people in the living room who needed to go to the bathroom also stood up.

"Then let me go too, it doesn't seem to be over in a while."

"I'll go as well."

"Sorry, I'll go to the kitchen to pour a glass of water." In the trivial voice, Yan Suizhi, who had been sitting calmly, also raised his finger.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Gu Yan raised his eyes.

Can't blame him for being sensitive, just blame someone who has never been a self-disciplined person. What does he do in the kitchen at this time

Gu Yan frowned slightly.

When Yan Suizhi got up, he just met his eyes, smiled at him very calmly, and walked towards the kitchen.

In fact, Professor Yan Da suddenly had an idea.

An interesting idea that I haven't tried yet. Very simple, and he can't promise that it will work, but if it works...

The effect may be... a little detrimental.

Sorry, honest and dedicated friend Kane.

Yan Suizhi took the empty glass and walked to the kitchen unhurriedly, apologizing in her heart, but there was no sign of remorse on her face, she was a solid bastard.