First-Class Lawyer

Chapter 52: Letter of Entrustment (3)


"Chen Zhang?" Yan Suizhi wondered, "Is that the name of the diving instructor of George Manson's eldest young master? The same person or the same name and surname? What about other information?"

Gu Yan: "That's all for now."

"Are you sure you use 'some' to describe what I have in my hand?" Yan Suizhi shook the lonely, thin imitation paper sheet.

Generally speaking, the legal aid center of the alliance issues a complete letter of entrustment, which will contain three parts-

The first is a brief overview of the case, which can explain the case, its nature, the circumstances of the victim and the identity of the parties.

The second is the documents related to the prosecution, which allows the entrusted lawyer to know the progress of the previous litigation and how much preparation time he has.

The third part is a stamped and signed notice. The notice is generally only a few sentences, and it is also formatted official nonsense.

In addition, when the entrustment letter is sent, the thick case materials will also be delivered together, and the law firm's affairs assistants will collect them and send them to the entrusted lawyers.

This is the most common.

And what Yan Suizhi got now is only the solitary "notice" part.

Except for the name of the lawyer and the client, no other farts can be seen.

"Is the document leaked?" Yan Suizhi said.

Gu Yan: "I have asked the affairs assistant to ask."

Yan Suizhi pointed to his pseudonym, "By the way, did you write the wrong person? It's too late to regret it now."

"… "

In fact, in addition to practising trial lawyers, the Legal Aid Center also has a backup list of all lawyers who are qualified as lawyers but are in the internship period. It is not that there are no letters of attorney stuffed into the hands of trainee lawyers.

Either there are special circumstances, or the entrustment has been directly rejected by multiple lawyers in a row.

In short, relatively rare.

But Chen Zhang's name is too reminiscent of George Manson and the accident that happened to him.

"Could it be that George Manson's case has been clarified?" Yan Suizhi shook his head after guessing, "No, it's a bit too fast."

Gu Yan glanced at the smart clocks on the wall of the office. Lyra Star, where Yaba Island is located, is a famous holiday star. It is very small. There is also a time difference with Decama. Sheriff Kane, it's been five days on Decama's side, and it's been a week on Lyra's side.

With the efficiency of the police station on Tianqin Star, it usually takes about fifteen days for a case to go from occurrence to investigation and evidence collection to confirming the suspect. It will take another ten days from identifying the suspect to the prosecution filing a lawsuit, and then to the legal aid center to appoint a lawyer for the defendant.

So whether it's five days or more than a week, in front of such a time period, it's not too long.

Gu Yan thought for a while, and tried to dial Sheriff Kane's communication number. This time it didn't ring for a few seconds before the other party answered.

Neither of them likes to chat and go around in circles, so they went straight to the topic when they opened their mouths.

"What happened to George Manson?"

"Oh, I've been working overtime for the past two days. I forgot to tell you. George Manson is still lying in the rescue cabin. It's hard to say whether he can save it or not. His health is too bad. The house is very tightly covered, and it is not convenient for me to say more. As for the case, it has already been handed over to the higher-level police station. The police station at my level has only primary investigation power when it comes to intentional murder. Turn in." Sheriff Kane said, "It's been a few days. The communication numbers of your friends may still be restricted for the time being, but it's almost a day or two."

Kane thought he was simply worried about his friends, so he briefly explained the situation. Regarding the specific development of the case, the superior police station has not announced it, so he cannot say it without authorization.

Of course Gu Yan knew this, as well as Kane's temper, so he didn't ask any further questions, just hung up the communication after a few words.

"According to Kane, the case may indeed be closed." Yan Suizhi was a little surprised at the efficiency of the police station this time, "It seems that the Manson family has put a lot of pressure on it."

"It may not be difficult to investigate." Gu Yan said.

Or both.

When the feedback from the affairs assistant was sent to Yan Suizhi, it was already the next morning.

Unfortunately, it happened just in time for the league's preliminary review of the Tier 1 lawyer applicant. Early in the morning, Gu Yan and Hobbs took the shuttle to the planet where the headquarters of the Review Committee was located with the senior affairs officer. They would not be able to come back in three or five days, and this kind of thing was not suitable for taking interns.

"I checked with the center, and it is true that you have no problem with the entrusted object." The affairs assistant explained to Yan Suizhi, "The case information has been integrated overnight, and now I will send it to you and receive it."

Soon, a stack of not-so-thick materials was spit out from Guang's brain. Yan Suizhi quickly browsed it. Only then did he understand why the police station was so efficient.

After the case of George Manson was handed over to the Lyra Star Third District Police Station, the police officers conducted a second round of inquest and evidence analysis overnight. The suspect quickly pointed to Chen Zhang, George Manson's diving instructor, When excavating his past experience, he found some entanglements with the Manson family and found the motive for the crime.

The most smooth thing about this case is that Chen Zhang didn't do too much sophistry and resistance. The person who was interrogated pleaded guilty on the spot. The content of the two confessions was the same, which saved a lot of trouble.

Coupled with the fact that the Manson family is madly beeping behind like a reminder, this makes the George Manson case the fastest case ever solved by the Third District Police Department, so fast that even the police officers themselves Very confused.

As the saying goes, money can make a grinder push a ghost. After the Manson family's high-pressure life-threatening charm finished fighting the police station, he immediately turned his gun and began to fight the prosecution and the court in the third district. George Manson is relieved to have the possibility of reviving only by claiming that the murderer is punished.

If human life is involved, can the prosecution and the court refuse

Obviously not.

As a result, this layer of high pressure has visibly improved the speed of the entire process. Before the lifting of the ban on the relevant personnel in other cases has been completed, the case has reached the stage of entrusting a lawyer.

During the whole process, Chen Zhang's attitude was very cooperative in the early stage, but very negative in the later stage, and even gave up the right to independently appoint a lawyer.

So the case went through the legal aid center and fell into the hands of a trainee lawyer.

This intern is Yan Suizhi.

"Nguyen?" Locke, who was also thrown by the teacher, sneaked into the office of Lawyer Gu again in the evening.

Yan Suizhi raised his eyes and said, "How come you are acting like a thief?"

"I heard that you took a case?" Locke's expression was like a weasel seeing a chicken, and he was a little excited.

"Yes." Yan Suizhi nodded.

"What? Is it complicated?"

Yan Suizhi looked at his expression and said cooperatively, "It's complicated."

"Really?!" This time the weasel had already stolen the chicken. But soon he sighed again, "Hey - that's great, why didn't anyone give me one with trembling hands?"

He was envious for a while, then quickly shifted his attention and said, "By the way, lawyer Gu is not here, you don't have to work overtime tonight, right?"

Yan Suizhi shook his head, "I'm about to pack my things."

"That's just right!" said Locke, "the last time you went to Yaba Island was delayed for two days. Wasn't the apartment I found for you cut off. I just received a message from the landlord this afternoon, saying it was cut off. That person changed his mind, so the apartment is still empty now, and if you're okay now, I can just show you."

In the past few days, because the place of residence has not been decided yet, Yan Suizhi is still staying at Gu Yan's place.

It's just that Gu Yan has either appeared in court or is on a short business trip in the past few days. He has made up for delayed work on Yaba Island. He has returned to the law firm several times in between, but he has hardly ever lived in his own house, and the two have not met much time.

"I'm afraid it won't work today." Yan Suizhi stood up and collected all the case information into Guangnao.

Locke was taken aback: "Ah? Why?"

"I said it just now." Yan Suizhi smiled, "I have to pack my things. The affairs assistant has just helped me book a shuttle ticket. I need to go to Tianqin Star tomorrow."

"Why go to Lyra Star?" Locke was still at a loss.

Yan Suizhi flicked his brain lightly with his fingers, and said, "The case that was assigned to me because of that tremor."

"So soon?!" Locke said, "Aren't you waiting for Lawyer Gu to come back? Let him prepare for you anyway. I heard a graduate say that he participated in the trial independently for the first time, and he behaved in a mess, blushing so red. Eggs, double-sided."

"… "

Professor Yan Da may not know what it feels like to blush in his life.

He boasted casually: "Oh? It's interesting, it's full of energy."

Locke: "…"

"Are you really going to go alone?" Locke asked again.

In that tone, it seemed that what Yan Suizhi was going to was not the court but Huangquan Avenue.

"Yeah." Yan Suizhi smiled and snorted. While putting on a coat and a scarf, he said, "I can't wait for Lawyer Gu. The court session is a bit tight here."

"When is the court session?"

"Next week." Yan Suizhi said.

"Isn't that just a few days?" Locke exclaimed, "Why are you in such a hurry? It doesn't make sense! We have arranged for a trainee lawyer, and we only have a few days to prepare. Isn't that a sure-fire way to lose?"

After speaking, he paused, as if he suddenly understood something, and said, "Ah... Could it be..."

Why does the assistance center find a trainee lawyer with trembling hands

Said to be rejected by the barrister many times, maybe...

After all, defending the suspect, in the eyes of those people, is against the victimized Manson family, and there must be many people who are not happy.

But in such a short time, how many lawyers did they ask

It is more likely that the Manson family put the pressure on the police court and pointed the arrow at the assistance center, so the assistance center simply did what they wanted and gave up the experienced and risky barristers, and turned to the backup center. Curry picked a trainee lawyer.

Ruan Ye's resume under this identity is not even two lines together. At first glance, he is a mess, and it is suitable.

Yan Suizhi had not seen this kind of situation of using trainee lawyers to perfunctory to block trouble, so he understood a thing or two at a glance.

He also confirmed with Fitz in the afternoon that in the database of the assistance center, his intern status was under the name of Lawyer Moore, because the Southern Cross Law Firm acquiesced that Gu Yan was a temporary teacher, and Moore The lawyer's limelight is not very high, and his intern is nothing special.

Locke was stunned for a long time, and then he said, "So looking for a trainee lawyer... You are expected to lose?!"

Yan Suizhi glanced outside through the floor-to-ceiling window behind the desk, and even before he went out, he could feel the chill of the glass. He pulled the scarf to cover his chin, tilted the corner of his mouth and said, "Yeah, are you still envious?"

Locke almost shook his head, "No, no, you... hey... you take care."

The next morning, Yan Suizhi took the light brain and simple luggage and got on the shuttle to Lyra Star.

Going on a business trip alone was really familiar to him. He was so familiar that he almost forgot that he was still an intern. Most importantly, he forgot to report to the teacher.

Professor Yan Da has lived for so many years, and he has never been in the habit of reporting to others. He didn't realize it for a while.

Until I received a communication on the shuttle.

Seeing the careful mint jumping on the screen, Yan Suizhi hesitated for two seconds, feeling a little guilty for no reason, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

He coughed, connected the communication, opened his mouth and said confidently: "I was looking for you, but you are very good at picking time."

Especially very calm.

Gu Yan on the other end of the communication: "..."


But with such a block, Lawyer Gu can only follow the words: "What's the situation in the case?"

There were not many people flying shuttle this time, and the seat next to Yan Suizhi was empty, but he still didn't have the hobby of talking on such occasions, so he said the key points in a few words, I believe the other party can understand what he should understand.

Under the Joint Review Committee Building, the senior affairs officer held a cup of coffee and handed another cup to Gu Yan.

Gu Yan wore ear clasps, opened the small lid of the coffee cup, and gave a low "um", simply answering the person on the other end of the communication.

Until someone's comment to the aid center came from the ear button: "Persimmons are especially soft."

"… "

Attorney Gu choked on a sip of coffee in his throat.

"Eh? What's the matter?" The senior affairs officer frowned and coughed a few times, "Why did you choke? Did you catch the wind?"

Gu Yan waved his hand, and when he raised his face, his expression was gone, "It's nothing, I heard some nonsense." After he finished speaking, he hung up the communication without waiting for someone in the ear button to respond.

Persimmons are especially soft to pinch... Yan Suizhi was chosen.

Really have an eye.