First-Class Lawyer

Chapter 68: George Manson case (3)


Yan Suizhi's tone was too understated and too calm, as if he was talking about a fact that was already very firm, and he didn't "shake too clearly" at all.

From the expression to the tone to the content of the speech, it is completely different from what the prosecution lawyer Budd envisioned. So much so that his "nearly polite" smile immediately solidified on his face.

Two seconds later, Brewer Manson in the auditorium gradually calmed down.

The assistant spoke for him: "What is this intern doing?"

It's not that the sentence "My client is innocent" is so shocking, and it's not that it emphasizes that the result can come true, but the well-known and safe defense is there. This intern doesn't need it. , which is a bit surprising.

But soon the assistant laughed again, pointed quietly to the front row, and said to Brewer Manson: "I now believe that Mr. Gu is not involved in the case, boss, look..."

Brewer Manson followed his finger and saw that after the intern made the opening statement, Gu Yan pressed his finger on his temple.

From their point of view, they can only see Gu Yan's back side, and they can't see his expression clearly. Of course, in terms of Gu Yan's personality, even if he sits across from him, he may not see any expression. But the action of rubbing his temples fully reflected his helplessness.

"He seems to have a headache for the intern," the assistant said. "I suspect ... he may not approve of the intern's actions."

Brewer Manson snorted, and when his eyes landed on the defense seat again, it contained a bit of absurdity and a good show-

In a sense, Gu Yan's reaction just reassured them.

After Yan Suizhi said that, without saying anything else, he nodded at the judge and sat down.

In fact, he did that opening statement for a reason—

The last Joshua Daller case was based on the unique behavior of the wine city. From the judge to the police and even to the jury, there was a little tendency. The ass was crooked from the beginning, and the opening statement will reflect no matter what you do. It's not a good thing to be too confrontational, so Gu Yan's approach is the most appropriate.

But this time is different. Lyra Star is much brighter than Wine City, where the legal mind is more open, and the jury and judge are relatively fair. But this means that they are more likely to sway their attitudes with the evidence and testimony, which is precisely where Chen Zhang is at a disadvantage. If the defense attorney for the prosecution is someone who is good at manipulating the psychology of the jury, he will definitely throw out Chen Zhang's confession at the very beginning.

This is the thing that is most likely to trigger an attitude tendency. As soon as it is released, the jury will immediately stand on the opposite side of Chen Zhang, and preconceivedly prescribe him as guilty. Every subsequent refutation is a tug-of-war. If Bud wins, he will continue to drag them to the "guilty" side, while Yan Suizhi will pull them back a little.

But obviously, if you want to pull back, the road to go is longer.

Now, Yan Suizhi's decisive opening statement is doing something similar, giving the jury a preconceived skepticism. The shorter the statement, the stronger the impact. In this way, when Bud throws evidence later, the jury will at least hesitate to stand in line.

When Yan Suizhi arranged the seats and sat down, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Gu Yan's fingers just leaving his temple.

The corners of his mouth twitched, he leaned back in the chair relaxedly, and raised two fingers without looking back.

"… "

After a while, Gu Yan in the back row leaned forward, breathing very close to the back of his neck.

Yan Suizhi barely moved his lips, and said in a very soft voice, "Don't have a headache, don't worry, I'm not joking on the defense stand."

He is just more casual, but he never jokes about trials involving personal freedom or even life and death. Every word he says in court has his own considerations.

Of course Gu Yan knew this, but it wasn't this that caused his headache at all.

He wanted to say to Yan Suizhi, "Be a little bit more restrained".

But in fact, since he was wrapped in Ruan Ye's skin, Yan Suizhi has restrained too many things. He obviously has a few houses but he can't live in them, he has a lot of assets but he can't use them, and he obviously has countless friends. Students are inconvenient to contact.

After scrolling to the end, the only one with less restrictions is the defense seat in the courtroom...

Yan Suizhi could feel Gu Yan moving his lips behind him, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, except for the breath of his breath falling lightly behind him, Gu Yan did not speak in a hurry.

After a while, the prosecution lawyer had already stood up, and there was one more person on the witness stand. Gu Yan's voice came from behind in a low voice, "You are free."

Yan Suizhi was stunned for a moment, and then returned to his senses when the prosecution lawyer Bud spoke.

Standing on the witness stand was a police officer from the police station handling the case in the third district, surnamed Guan.

Bud, of course, knew how a case like this would be the easiest way to pull the jury over to him.

The intern on the opposite side played cards unreasonably, making him very uncomfortable because of his own ability, and he planned to make a quick decision. So the first thing he threw out was nothing but Chen Zhang's confession.

Seeing the identity of the police officer, Yan Suizhi raised an eyebrow.

"Officer Guan Wenji, ID number 117765290, are you responsible for the testimony of the defense party?" Bud asked.

"Yes, it's me."

Guan Wenji was born tall and tall, with thick eyebrows and stork eyes. Maybe it was because of the pressure of handling cases on weekdays. He was accustomed to frowning and stern expressions. Even on the witness stand, he gave people an inhumane sense of oppression. Such a police officer would record Confessions couldn't be more normal.

"Did the defense party Chen Zhang truthfully confessed all his crimes within 36 hours?" Budd cast the written confession on the holographic screen, and the words and sentences Chen Zhang said at that time were recorded on it, enough for the jury The group can see clearly.

Guan Wenji nodded: "Yes, this is a very smooth confession in the cases we handle. Generally speaking, people who think they are irrefutable will have such a performance. Of course, we are very pleased about this."

His voice was hoarse, and it could be heard that he had been busy all night and had not rested much. His eyes were bloodshot, his chin was covered with stubble, and he looked very tired.

The way this man speaks is very skillful. He knows when to be decisive and when to be tactful. Even his attitude towards Chen Zhang is very peaceful, which can easily attract the jury's favor and make people feel good about it. What he said was more convincing.

Even if... His words actually contained instructive words.

Those who are willing to believe him will unknowingly and subconsciously imprint the phrase "people who admit to being irrefutable" in their minds.

"Apart from you, who else was involved in the confession process?" Bud asked.

Lawyers don't really want to know any information about witnesses' questioning. In fact, they know this information very clearly when they come into contact with case materials and preliminary preparations. Every question they ask is told to the jury.

What they want the jury to know and remember, will be reflected in the questioning.

Guan Wenji responded eloquently: "There are two other police officers. The participants in several confessions are different. I am the person in charge, so these are only my signatures, but the more complete documents have everyone's signatures. After all, if If it's just me, the confession can't be counted, and we can't treat Mr. Chen Zhang like this, even though he's sitting in the suspect's seat."

He not only answered the question, but also took the initiative to explain the part that might be used as a loophole to make a fuss, with a very good attitude. Bud also cooperated very well to find a page with several signatures, and then nodded in the direction of the jury.

"Was the defense party sober when the statement was recorded?" Budd asked, and then immediately answered, "I mean did he have any problems with alcohol, hallucinogens, or mental illness?"

When he heard Bud ask this question, Yan Suizhi tapped twice as if he was playing the piano with his fingers on his chin. His beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, thoughtfully, but there was a little smile on the corner of his mouth, but he was touched by the fingers. covered.

So much so that when Bud looked up, he only saw his squinted eyes, thinking that he was worrying, and suddenly even the tail tone was raised, looking like he was winning.

Guan Wenji shook his head in denial. At this time, his decisiveness was very useful: "No drunk, no hallucinogens, no mental illness. In fact, in order to be more cautious in the case detection, we made a comprehensive medical appraisal of Mr. Chen Zhang. You know, the current identification equipment is meticulous in every aspect, even including Chen Zhang's night vision and visual acuity, not to mention mental illness."

"You are very responsible, thank you." Bud said.

Following the confession and Chen Zhang's performance, he asked Guan Wenji some questions.

It can be seen that during the entire interrogation process, Budd hopes to give the jury the following impressions—Chen Zhang confessed quickly and was submissive, the police officer in charge of recording the confession acted in full accordance with the regulations, and most importantly, there was no torture or oppression. , and Chen Zhang was very sober when he recorded the confession.

This makes the content of the confession credible.

When Bud sat down, he quietly observed the expressions of everyone on the jury, and he could see that the information he wanted to convey was basically conveyed.

Not only him, but Yan Suizhi glanced at the jury and felt that the purpose of Bud's inquiry just now had been achieved.

Once the suspect's confession is knocked to death, there is basically nothing to turn the whole case over.

Look, quick fix.

Bud whistled inwardly.

The judge's eyes fell on Yan Suizhi again, "It's your turn, Mr. Ruan Ye."

Yan Suizhi nodded and stood up. He did not open his mouth to ask in a hurry, but first looked up and down Guan Wenji on the witness stand.

Guan Wenji was very uncomfortable by him, frowning and staring at him.

"Officer Guan Wenji?" After being stared at for several seconds, Yan Suizhi finally spoke slowly, "I read some simple information before, including yours. Have you ever been punished by the police once?"

Guan Wenji retracted his staring gaze: "...Yes."

"I saw that incident that was characterized as violent?" Yan Suizhi said again.

Guan Wenji: "...Yes."

"Because of a disagreement in a case, you and your colleague had a conflict, so each gave the other a punch?"


Yan Suizhi smiled and asked warmly, "Are you a person who is quick-tempered and easily irritated?"

Guan Wenji: "… "

How the hell do you answer such a question after you've just mentioned the dark history

And don't talk about Bard, even he can see the defense lawyer's routine in this question - first use some facts to make him admit that he is a grumpy, and then move to if the other party's behavior is not in his way, he will How impatient, even threatened to do it, and then transferred to the recording of the confession, he may have revealed some intentionally or unintentionally, so that it caused a psychological "torture to extract a confession" effect for Chen Zhang...

He knew this way too well.

So Guan Wenji pondered for a while, took a deep breath, and slowed down his attitude, "Actually not, if you carefully check more information, you will find that I was not in a good state that day, and I couldn't sleep the night before the incident, and I was all involved in the case. On. I believe you can understand that when you are overtired, your mental state is not good, your emotions are out of control, and sometimes you do some abnormal things. In fact, I was not sober at all at that time. Because I can't remember anything."

When he said that, the damn defense lawyer nodded very considerately, and the most damning thing was that the other party actually followed his words and said to him, "It's true, and it's been a long time since that incident, I seem to remember it. Five years ago? In the third police station?"

What are you doing

Guan Wenji was a little confused about the other party's intentions again. The overnight case made him very unclear at this moment. He was mentally prepared for the question from Bud just now, so he was able to deal with it very well and not in a hurry. He was a little dazed at this moment.

He froze for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes, yes, that's right."

After subconsciously answering, he felt that something was wrong. It wasn't until he saw that the defense lawyer of the other party nodded again and called up some information to press the player, then he reacted and changed his words: "Ah! Sorry, not at the police station in the third district, but at the junior police station on East 1st Street below. "I hadn't been transferred to the Third District Police Station yet."

Yan Suizhi smiled, shook the document sheet in his hand, and said, "Well, I almost released it, you corrected it in time."

Guan Wenji: "… "

"So you're in a bad mood now?" Yan Suizhi put down the paper in his hand and continued to ask, "How long have you been resting?"

Guan Wenji defended: "I have been chasing a case, and I haven't closed my eyes until now. It's been 28 hours. As I said just now, it's normal to be in a bad mental state and not sober when you are overtired. I believe everyone can I understand. But you see, I don't lose my temper now because you brought up an annoying old case. It can be seen that that time was really accidental. It’s impossible to be transferred to the third police station if you always make mistakes like that. There are people from the entire police station who can testify about this, and I don’t need to lie.”

As he spoke, he seemed to have found evidence, because he saw several members of the jury nod and seemed to agree with him. So he simply blocked the defense lawyer's path, "Also, although I'm in a state of over-fatigue right now, there may be some fallacies in my words, but the answers to the confession just now are all right, because Corresponding evidence can be found for each point, and the ones that Mr. Budd put on the holographic screen just now are the best proof."

After he finished speaking, he calmed down and looked at the young defense lawyer opposite him with his chin slightly raised.

After such an explanation, the other party can no longer use "violent extortion of confessions" as a breakthrough, nor can he use "unreliable testimony in court" to accuse the inquiry just now.

Yan Suizhi said: "So there is no problem with the contents, signatures, and even date information of these confessions on the holographic screen?"

Guan Wenji: "Of course, it is impossible for these submitted documents to go wrong, and we will not allow errors."

Yan Suizhi nodded, directly adjusted the play button, and simply sorted out the confessions on the holographic screen. He picked out the header and end of each copy, and directly marked the time information on it, accurate to the minute and second, and pointed with an electronic pen. After a moment, he said, "Then let's take a look at these infallible confession documents..."

"The start time of the first confession is at 23:11:29 pm on December 7th, and the end time is at 04:19:11 am on December 8th, and the start time of the second confession is 04:42:01. The interval was less than half an hour. This time the confession was recorded for 7 hours, and then the third confession started less than half an hour later…”

"There are five confessions in total. The longest interval between each is 42 minutes and the shortest is 10 minutes. My client pleaded guilty in the last confession. It took 36 hours before and after." Yan Suizhi slowed down his speech and listened to The words are clear, "Before this, there are a series of procedures after the arrest of the suspect. Let's get rid of the odds. It's a total of 42 hours. There are arrest videos as evidence. Am I right?"

Guan Wenji: "...No."

"Thank you for your answer." Yan Suizhi raised his eyebrows and said, "Mr. Budd, the lawyer for the prosecution, asked a very interesting question before. He said 'Is the defense client awake?', and then refined the question to 'Whether Drunk, hallucinogens, insane'."

Yan Suizhi smiled, "It's a very clever concept to secretly exchange, and Officer Guan Wenji denies the latter three, which will give people a misunderstanding that my client, Mr. Chen Zhang, was sober when he took the statement."

"Officer Guan, you just said that two minutes ago."

Yan Suizhi lowered his head and sorted out the documents, found the page that the court recorder had written down just now, ticked one of the sentences, and then zoomed in three times on the full screen. The visual impact was a little shocking, causing the court to squeal. .

Yan Suizhi didn't lift his head, and joked while laying down the paper, "Don't cry, be quiet."

On the holographic screen, Guan Wenji's speech in the inquiry just now was as big as a fight: I believe everyone can understand that when you are overtired, your mental state is not good, your emotions are out of control, and sometimes you do some abnormal things. In fact, I At that time, I wasn't sober at all. Afterwards, I couldn't even remember how and why I punched.

"Then Officer Guan—" Yan Suizhi threw the documents in his hand on the seat, raised his eyes and looked at Guan Wenji: "I hope you will read what you said, answer me in the most objective and fair manner, and sleep 42 hours a day. , is it awake?"

Guan Wenji: "..."