First-Class Lawyer

Chapter 70: George Manson case (5)


Zhao Zemu: "..."

Bud: "… "

The whole court was very quiet, because everyone thought Zhao Zemu's behavior was weird. No matter what he said at such a time, it was difficult for people to fully believe that he was in good condition that night and that there was no problem.

At least there will be doubts.

For a moment, Zhao Zemu seemed a little stiff, he lowered his head, and when he lifted it up, he regained his steady and calm look. But his drooping fingers pinched.

He couldn't answer, and Yan Suizhi didn't push the question, but skipped the question, "Okay, let's not embarrass you for now."

Bud: "… "

It's fucking true.

In the end, Yan Suizhi really asked a new question, "You said, the hand you saw goes all the way to this part."

He casually pulled the sleeves of his lawyer's robe and gestured, "Can you see the sleeves?"

Zhao Zemu: "...Yes."

His answer was hesitant, as if he was afraid that Yan Suizhi would dig another hole.

Then, Yan Suizhi lived up to his expectations and dug another one for him, "What color is the sleeve? Since you can even see the two horizontal lines on the ring plate, there is no reason why you can't notice the large piece of fabric."

He remembered one thing when he asked Chen Zhang for details. At that time, Chen Zhang put down the potion and communicator, and was a little flustered when he got up again, so he changed a piece of clothes, that is to say, the clothes he went down into the hall were not his. The one that came out of the window.

Zhao Zemu: "..."

All along, everyone's attention has been on the ring-shaped smartphone that can identify Chen Zhang, and no one has really asked him what color his sleeves are.

Does the color of the sleeves fucking matter

Bud, the prosecution's attorney, looked like he wanted to curse.

Zhao Zemu also seemed to be speechless, and answered smoothly, "Grey-green."

Yan Suizhi nodded and seemed to agree with his words very much. Then he transferred out the documents and police testimony, wrote two lines, and then zoomed in three times and photographed it on the big screen.

Those two lines of words have different expressions, but the meanings are the same—

Chen Zhang was wearing an orange-red dress at the time.

The expressions of everyone in the court became weird again, and Yan Suizhi blocked Zhao Zemu's words again, "The medical appraisal certificates of you and others are also in the case files, and it shows that you are not colorblind."

Of course he wasn't, and if he was, would he have to wait until today to find out

Zhao Zemu was silent under the strange eyes of everyone. He seemed to remember something, but he frowned and said nothing.

This paragraph of cross-examination made everyone a little confused, and a little wondered what happened to Zhao Zemu, but this did not prevent the jury from seriously questioning his testimony because of the above two points.

Yan Suizhi raised his fingers and made a special gesture with his hands crossed.

This represents a meaning in the current court of the Union - to apply for this evidence to be excluded in court.

Soon, the jury left the seat and went to the outhouse. During that time, it was difficult for Zhao Zemu and Bud, and it was almost like a year.

Five minutes later, the jury returned to its seat. The head of the jury cleared his throat and said the result in a deep voice: "Confirm exclusion."

Zhao Zemu was temporarily taken away from the courtroom.

Crucial evidence dropped one by one, and Bard's lawyer for the prosecution became increasingly restless.

After two more rounds of innocuous questioning, the last person on the witness stand stood.

This is an expert witness from the Special Forensic Office. This time, the case trace examination and medical appraisal were all done by the Special Investigation Department, and the expert on the witness stand was the chief executive of this time, Moore.

This time Bud's question was very brief and quick, and three questions emphasized two things—

First, in order to meet the conditions for committing the crime, the perpetrator must have night vision.

It has to be said that anyone with eyes will come to a conclusion subconsciously when they see the photos of Manson's room - if they pass through the obstacles and enter the bathroom from the window without turning on the lights, they haven't knocked down or broken anything. , there is absolutely no way to do it without a little gifted eyesight.

Second, all the people who were in the villa that day, only Chen Zhang met this condition.

Chen Zhang's medical appraisal proved that his night vision is far superior to that of ordinary people, and he is extremely sensitive to subtle light. The light that penetrates through the small crack in the door is enough for him to see most of the obstacles in the room. It can indeed do that.

Yan Suizhi didn't even listen to Bud's questioning process this time. He held his chin and looked through several identification documents.

It wasn't until the judge called his name that he nodded and stood up, giving Bud a miserly look.

But it was swept away, and the final destination was on the expert Moore.

Mr. Moore Identification may require you to explain it in a more understandable way."

"The length of the footprints of the person who broke into George Manson's room is 26 centimeters, and the left and right error is 0.02?" Yan Suizhi said, "And the stride span, and the depth of the footprints... Can these determine the suspect's body shape?"

Moore said: "Yes, the length of the footprint, the step span, and the tread depth of the plush carpet are as shown on the screen. Although the socks are uniformly supplied in the villa, it can be calculated according to the calculation formulas listed above. The person is of medium height, about 178 centimeters, and the left and right errors are 0.2 centimeters. The weight is about 75 kilograms, and the left and right errors are 0.15 kilograms."

"Are the stampede marks clear?" Yan Suizhi said, "Is there any possibility of ambiguity?"

Moore directly helped him slide the identification data onto the simulated image, which simulates a 3D rendering of the stampede marks on the plush carpet. "It may be difficult to see the difference with the naked eye, but it is actually very clear. The intruder can be seen from the windowsill. Landing, stepping on the right foot and then the left heel, then the cat's waist took two steps to cushion the force, and then turned into a straight line with a slight bow, these are the corresponding traces."

Yan Suizhi nodded, "It's very easy to understand, thank you."

He calmly recalled the previous video. This time, he did not focus on Zhao Zemu, but directly zoomed in on Chen Zhang's part. It can be seen in the video that every time Chen Zhang got up, he would subconsciously press his waist. Of course, this did not affect his subsequent movements, but it could be seen that when he turned around and bent over, the movement of one foot landing on the ground would be slightly lighter, and it would return to normal after two or so steps.

Then he called out Chen Zhang's medical appraisal and said, "This is the appraisal issued by your department. Line 12 mentioned that my client, Mr. Chen Zhang, had a hereditary fracture in his pelvis and femur, which was in his right leg. Just now. It can also be seen in the video of him that when he is doing certain movements, his right foot will always land a little lighter."

He said, placing the medical certificate and the previous 3D renderings side by side, and directly circled the two footprints that fell from the window sill, as well as the schematic diagram of the bone fracture.

"Mr. Moore just said that the intruder landed from the windowsill, stepped on his right foot and then his left heel, this is clearly visible on the 3D simulation map, there is no doubt." Yan Suizhi said, "Then may I ask, a right A person with a hereditary fracture in the femur of the leg, who is accustomed to lighten the strength of his right foot, how could he choose to land on his right foot first when he jumps into a room? Do you think that he will not fall? Or that his fracture is not serious enough?"

Moore was silent for a moment.

In fact, the entire courtroom followed suit.

In the stagnant silence, Yan Suizhi was the only one who didn't care about the silence. He threw away the document and said the last sentence without haste, "As for the night vision ability, the police's on-site investigation report said whether Found any night vision goggles or other related equipment, those things will definitely leave some traces after being processed. But I have to remind that there is another thing that can achieve this effect, although it does not have such a name itself, so Often overlooked."

Moore was taken aback: "What?"

"Special offer from Yaba Island, special contact lenses for diving." The Way of Yan Sui.

When he went to the sea to find Jason Charles, he brought it with him after a long time, and he was so uncomfortable that he went to the locker room for a long time without taking it off, and almost asked Gu Yan for help.

After Yan Suizhi finished speaking, he added: "Of course, this kind of thing is not very good to use except underwater. It will magnify the sense of blurred distance of objects—"

He paused for a moment, then added: "It will also make everything look the same color, dark green, light green, fluorescent green."

After saying this, the entire courtroom changed from silence to dead silence...