First-Class Lawyer

Chapter 76: Will (2)


I am afraid this posture is not to reduce the fire, but to support the fire.

Gu Yan held on to the door with his hands, as if he wanted to shoot Yan Suizhi directly outside the door. But under the domination of a certain emotion, he still did not close the door in the end, and even turned to the side when Yan Suizhi lifted his foot.

So Professor Yan Da walked into the room with a glass of mint water unceremoniously.

Gu Yan looked like he was really going to sleep. The lights in the room were only at the head of the bed. The warm colors suitable for sleep at night were not bright.

Yan Suizhi glanced slightly and sat down in the chair by the floor-to-ceiling window.

Gu Yan's handsome face was frozen and he still stood by the door. He was hesitating whether to close the door or not. But this kind of thing didn't make him think for long. He clicked the controller on the wall a few times, and all the lights in the room that could be turned on instantly turned on.

When the cool-toned overhead light shines, it's time to get out of your sleepiness.

Yan Suizhi raised his hand to cover his eyes. One of the wall lamps was just facing his direction, and it suddenly lit up a little dazzlingly.

Gu Yan noticed his movement, and clicked on the controller again, and the wall lamp went out.

Then he closed the door of the room and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window.

"Why are so many lights turned on all of a sudden?" Yan Suizhi raised his head and asked him.

Gu Yan said calmly, "Sober up."

He reached out and picked up the tie scattered on the bed. It was probably the most popular thing in the room. After he took it away, the bed returned to its meticulous and tidy appearance, which matched his usual temperament.

Yan Suizhi looked at the tie on his fingers, "Don't you have to re-tie the tie when you meet someone at night?"

"… "

Of course Gu Yan is not like this.

He hung his tie on the hanger with a slumped face, and pressed the remote control, the linen curtains covering the floor-to-ceiling windows automatically opened, and the vast city lights and traffic outside were projected through the clear glass.

After everything was done, the originally private atmosphere of the room completely dissipated, cutting off any room for thought.

Gu Yan stood at the table, looked down at Yan Suizhi for a moment, then pinched his eyebrows, a little headache and a little speechless, "What gave you the illusion that you think I'm throwing a temper?"

Yan Suizhi pointed to the chair opposite, "Intuition. Sit down first, don't test my cervical spine."

Gu Yan hesitated for a while, then pulled out the chair and sat down.

"You didn't refute me at the door just now—" Yan Suizhi said, then glanced at the floor-to-ceiling curtains and the lights all over the house, and said in a narrow tone: "Isn't it a tacit agreement to show me such a big battle?"

"… "

Pretty unreasonable, forced to default.

Gu Yan looked at him with a paralyzed face, not wanting to open his mouth at all.

But he still had to Zhang, because some people really stuffed the glass of mint water into his hands, and when they came over, their fingertips touched his fingertips.

Gu Yan lowered his gaze, swept over Yan Suizhi's fingers, and finally landed on the glass of mint water. Two dark green mint leaves were half-floating on the ice, which was clean and refreshing. but…

Usually, you really want to give something at this time, don't you all give hangover tea

And hangover tea hotel rooms are ready-made, you can easily brew.

"Why do you think of soaking mint leaves, where did you get it?" Gu Yan asked.

Yan Suizhi put his elbows on the armrests and said with a smile, "You can make up where you need to be. I asked the little girl at the service desk. I just saw her drinking before I went upstairs."

Not to mention the second half of the sentence, Gu Yan's attention was focused on the first half of the sentence: "What to pinch and where to make up for it?"


Ghosts don't believe it.

Although Gu Yan said that he wanted to sober up, he was not really drunk, and his mind was still very clear. Hearing this, the first reaction was that Yan Suizhi was arranging something behind his back without any seriousness.

For example, the "bad-tempered student" last time.

Just as Yan Suizhi was about to say something, he saw Gu Yan glanced at him, then called up the smartphone screen with a blank face, and tapped it twice.

Immediately afterwards, the smartphone on Yan Suizhi's finger vibrated.

He ignored it for a while, and called out the holographic screen in front of Gu Yan.

As a result, the remark name of the communication requester was beating on the screen—

Beware of peppermint essence.

Yan Suizhi: "..."

Gu Yan: "..."

The atmosphere dropped to freezing point for a while.

Gu Yan took a sip of mint water, and Yan Suizhi felt that the cold air rushed to his face.

Fortunately, the smartphone shook again at a critical moment, breaking this suffocating confrontation.

It's not a ghost call this time. , is a new message, the sender is Master Qiao.

The communication number was added in the cherry orchard tonight. Originally, it was just a courtesy to leave contact information, but I didn't expect it to come in handy so quickly.


- Intern, how is our lawyer Gu? Did you coax it out

Yan Suizhi glanced at Gu Yan's face and replied:

- It may have had the opposite effect.

Within two seconds, two messages from Joe came in succession:

- …

- Forget it, for the sake of knowing that you take the time to make him happy... Let me tell you, Gu is actually very easy to get along with, better than many people, because he is extremely rational. If you don't make any mistakes of principle, he doesn't will be a thing. Even if he made a principled mistake, he would deal with it directly and would not take the step of getting angry. To be honest, I have known him for so many years, and I have never seen him because no one was happy.

Yan Suizhi's heart was very blind when she said this. Could it be that the ice cube students who were always angry out of the office were ghosts

But just as his thought flashed, Joe's message came again:

- Oh, except for his dean.

Yan Suizhi: "..."

In the villa building thousands of miles away, Master Qiao said "good night" to Ke Jin.

As expected, there was no answer. But Ke Jin's condition this night was better than the previous days, at least he would glance at Joe and close his eyes quietly.

Joe left a light, did not close the door for him, walked to another room opposite him, sat down against the head of the bed, and continued to call up the information interface of the smartphone screen.

The young intern on the opposite side didn't reply. I wonder if the "exception" made me a little nervous.

Qiao pondered for a while and wrote: "Even as the dean, Gu has never really been angry, and what he must say is only once..."

He wrote two sentences, and then he recalled some things during college.

He met Gu Yan on the day he went to report at Metz University. When the dormitory was first allocated, the single room he applied for was gone and he had to wait a month. So that month he was stuffed into the student dormitory of the law school, and happened to share a room with Gu Yan.

At first, the two of them didn't have a good impression of each other. He thought that Gu Yan was cold and arrogant, and Gu Yan thought that he was an ignorant and ignorant dude.

It turns out... that seems to be the case.

Of course, joking. In short, he and Gu Yan have been friends for about a year, but they are not the kind that hang out all day. He himself spends very little time in school, while Gu Yan concentrates on his studies.

He didn't remember the reason why Gu Yan chose that Dean Yan as the direct teacher, maybe Gu Yan didn't mention it at all. But he remembered that when he made the choice, Gu Yan didn't even think or hesitate. He just clicked a tick next to the dean's name so casually and firmly, and then submitted it directly. From opening the interface to submitting the result, the whole process may not take more than 30 seconds, which is faster than Young Master Qiao himself who is shaking the number.

He could be sure that Gu Yan at that time should have respected that Dean Yan.

However, the good times didn't last long, and since Gu Yan really became Dean Yan's direct student, the so-called "respect" disappeared. At that time, his observation diary as a friend was probably like this-

Gu Yan was annoyed by the dean;

Gu Yan seems to be annoyed by the dean again;

Gu Yan's face was green all day today, and he was expressionless. He must have been pissed off by the dean...

But how should I put it, Gu Yan was too boring, and his emotional expression was subtle.

If others spend too little time with him, they may not be able to see it. But as his best friend, no matter how boring he is, he can see that Gu Yan is not really angry at all. And those two years were probably the time when Gu Yan was most "living and popular".

Only when the dean was at the school did Gu Yan show the emotions that a young man in his early twenties would have. At other times, he was too steady and cold.

It's hard to say anything else, but at least in his opinion, although he lacks respect, Gu Yan still likes that Dean Yan very much.

This is not surprising, after all, the dean's personality is indeed very attractive to some people, just look at the masochism in their law school. However, he felt that Gu Yan had a stronger affection for the dean than the others, because he was closer after all.

But in the winter of the second year, Gu Yan's attitude changed a little.

In Qiao's impression, it was a lecture or something that aroused the interest of the court students in some old cases, and they were working on typical old cases at that time. During that time, Gu Yan came into contact with a case that Dean Yan received when he was in his twenties.

That case also caused some controversy at the time, because most people believed that the defendant was guilty, and it was obvious that he was guilty, but Dean Yan insisted on defending the other party's innocence and won.

His actions caused a lot of uproar at the time, many people could not accept it, and there were constant scolding. But on the other hand, that case also exposed him in the industry.

Gu Yan wrote the analysis report on the old case for a long time, and he was more taciturn than usual that month. What concerned Qiao most was that at the end of that month, Dean Yan held a birthday party, and Gu Yan, as a direct student, naturally wanted to attend.

Originally thought that Gu Yan's condition would be better after the reception, but he didn't know what he said to the dean at the reception. When he came back, he scrapped the analysis report he worked so hard to write, and it took a week to replace the old case. Re-written a copy.

After that, Gu Yan's attitude towards Dean Yan changed a bit.

In fact, it is not so-called anger, but a deliberate coldness

That state lasted for about a month, and then one day, or some time he didn't know, it changed again.

What exactly the smell was, Joe couldn't describe.

It's just... It seems that the feelings are deeper, and it seems to be more depressed.

He only knew that after graduation, Gu Yan had no contact with Dean Yan again.

But every time the classmates get together, Laura and the others always mention what Dean Yan has been doing recently, what case he has taken, or what business he is busy with when he returns to school, attended a certain reception, etc... Gu Yan is always silent, Listen carefully.

Qiao thought about those things in the past, and felt that his reply was inaccurate, so he deleted all the typed words and sent a new one to the little intern:

- In short, don't worry, after all, you won't become the second dean, and you won't be able to evoke his emotions until that time.