First-Class Lawyer

Chapter 84: Infection (4)


I finished receiving the information last night, maybe it was because I was in a good mood, and there was no burden. Yan Suizhi soon fell asleep again, and it was not until he opened his eyes this morning that he found himself sitting in the sofa chair all night.

When he stood up, the bones all over his body rattled so loudly that Professor Yan Da had the illusion that "suddenly half of his neck was buried in the ground".

After a night of sleep like this, no one will feel comfortable anywhere. Although there is temperature control in the room, you can't do it like this. So when Yan Suizhi drank water in the morning, she felt a little sore in her throat.

He drank two cups of hot water in a row, suppressing the uncomfortable feeling, and changed his clothes and went out until he felt that he should not catch a cold.

He left very early that day, not the normal time to go out, so he was lucky not to meet Hobbs again.

Before going out, he left a message for Fitz, "I'll go first, don't wait."

"You didn't hitch a ride today?" Fitz dialed a message and asked, "What? Are you going to take a rail car to the law firm in the morning? It's very crowded, and this section of the road can make you doubt your life. When I first started working, I hadn't bought a car yet. After four years, I was out of my body every day. Often people got on the car and wrapped it outside. Or people got off and wrapped it inside. Security of rail cars I am familiar with my little brother, because he heroically dragged me out of the car several times."

Yan Suizhi: "..."

It was the first time he heard someone describe himself as "a hero saves beauty".

"Don't crowd the railcar." Yan Suizhi said, "I have something to do in the morning, so I will go to the law firm later."

Fitz let out an "oh", "Gu greeted me in advance, saying that you might need to go out from time to time recently, so please ask me for leave first. But what's wrong with you? It sounds a little nasal."

Yan Suizhi: "It's okay, maybe I caught a cold last night."

There was a hint of worry in Fitz's tone, "Are you sure it's a cold? It seems that a new viral fever has developed recently, and some people still have a rash. You haven't been in contact with anyone in the past two days, right? Do you have a fever?"

Yan Suizhi said: "I know that. It was made by random gene modification in a small workshop. I saw it in the hospital yesterday. I will stop by the health center to take a look. It should be fine. Don't worry."

In fact, it is not unrelated to Yan Suizhi that the small workshops do things like genetic modification. After all, he still hasn't figured out where his genetic modification was done, who did it for him, and whether it would be a so-called "small workshop", and the reason why he woke up so early today was that he planned to go before Chen Zhang Take a look at the mentioned black market spots.

When Gu Yan was there, he was afraid that the other party would be worried if he mentioned it more. Gu Yan wasn't there at the moment, so he just went to investigate the situation.

There happened to be several health centers on the road from the city garden to Heishi Street. When Yan Sui's road passed, he picked a relatively few people to go in and make a number.

Even though he had picked the one with the least number of people, the hall was still crowded with people, and the simple stretcher went back and forth, accompanied by the shouting of the medical staff: "Borrowed, borrowed, don't get too close."

When Yan Suizhi entered the door, a special mask was stuffed by the girl at the service desk.

He hung up his ears, bent his eyes and nodded at the other party: "Thank you, there seem to be a lot of people today?"

The girl at the front desk said, "Yes, it was caused by the genetic modification case before, but it hasn't happened a few days ago. It is said that they are all infected patients received by the Ivy Hospital. There will be more children. Maybe one contact one, and suddenly it erupts."

The girl was also wearing a mask, and her voice was muffled. While explaining to Yan Suizhi, she did not forget to hand special masks to other people who entered the door.

"Put this on, stay away from the stretcher, and the equal sign goes there. There are a lot of people today, I hope you can understand." Several other girls next to them kept reminding the people who came in, and pointed to one not far away. The sign said: "If you have a rash, go directly to this channel to seek medical attention quickly. If you have an obvious fever, go there. Other symptoms that are uncertain and not obvious are in the normal window. Don't worry, it will be soon."

The girl looked at the busy people in the hall and asked Yan Suizhi, "What are your symptoms?"

Yan Suizhi said: "It's just a little cold, but before... I have been in contact with people who have undergone genetic modification, so let's take a look."

"It should be." The girl looked relieved, "It's not easy to have this kind of awareness. Usually, we can understand if we take some medicine to deal with a small cold or something, but it's better to check it now. Check it out, don't worry about it, and don't spread it to others around you. Sometimes symptoms just appear, and it's really easy to confuse it with a common cold and fever—"

As she spoke, she pooh pooh a few times, and tapped her mouth lightly, "Look at what I said, you'll be fine, it must be a little cold, I'm just complimenting your awareness."

Yan Suizhi smiled warmly and said, "It's alright, thank you for the compliment, I don't care, it's not very nice to involve the people around you."

As he spoke, he nodded at the girl again and said, "Don't disturb your work." Then he went to the normal waiting area unhurriedly.

Yan Suizhi sat down in the vacant seat next to a young couple, when he heard the boy flipping through the web page of the smartphone and saying to his girlfriend, "Hey, look, it seems that this is a big deal."

His girlfriend came over, looked at the screen with him and said, "What's a little big? What? Are there infected people elsewhere?"

The boy slid his finger twice, pointed to some lines of text and said, "Look here, mainly because a group of infected people boarded the shuttle at the port. They had no symptoms at the time. The incubation period may have passed in these two days? Anyway, suddenly There are quite a lot of people with outbreaks, look at the health center here, there are only so many people here today, right?"

His girlfriend was lying on his side and looked uncomfortable, she slid his hand over and carefully watched the entire report with his wristband, "The report just came out this morning? Fire Cliff Star, Red Stone Stars, Lyra Stars, Helan Stars... so many!"

The girl pulled the list of planets and exclaimed in a low voice.

Yan Suizhi frowned.

Helan star

He immediately called up the screen of his smartphone and searched the Internet. Sure enough, he saw many social platforms and piecemeal news reports, saying that similar infected people had appeared on dozens of planets, but the scale was not large. . Because it has already attracted attention, it was controlled in time.

The boy next to him put away the holographic screen, soothed his girlfriend and said, "Don't worry, you can see that we have neither a rash nor a high fever, just a little cold, which is still contagious. It will be fine."

The girl nodded and said, "It's alright, we are usually as strong as cows, and apart from harming each other, no one else should be able to harm each other. But there are so many people in the hospital today, do you think there will be people who come to see other diseases and are weak in physique? A little bit, accidentally infected?"

The boy corrected: "It doesn't matter if the physique is weak or not, it is highly contagious. Not to mention, the people I know of who are infected in our school happen to be in good health. Look, the one behind you looks like He is very strong, but his condition is not very good. The guy next to me looks gentle, and I think he is very energetic."

Yan Suizhi: "..." I can't hear you if you lower your voice

He listened to the conversational couple beep for 20 minutes, and then pinched the time when Helan Xing got up to send a message to Gu Yan, "Where did you negotiate yesterday? The hospital?"

He was afraid that Gu Yan would be busy all night sleeping again, so he didn't dial the communication so as not to wake him up.

However, Gu Yan was obviously awake, and after a while, his message came back: "Yes, what?"

"I saw the news today that there are infected people in Helan Xing, how was the hospital you went to?" Yan Suizhi asked.

But after the message was sent, Yan Suizhi didn't wait for Gu Yan to reply, and simply dialed a message. Now that I'm awake, there's no need to type word by word, I'm so tired.

The communication rang twice, but was hung up by the other party.

Gu Yan's message came back quickly, "We're talking about the second round, I'll talk later."


After a while, Yan Suizhi's number came.

Maybe it's because there have been a lot of infected people in the past two days. As soon as all the patients entered the consultation room, they were semi-mandatory by the doctor for an examination. The doctor removed the package of the disposable detector and leaned directly on Yan Suizhi's wrist.

The thin needle tip quickly protruded from one end of the detector and plunged into the skin.

Then he felt a slight burning and electric current, very similar to the feeling of "electric leakage" at the Ivy Hospital that day.

"Hold on, wait until it beeps, and then tell me the results above." The doctor didn't know that this was the first time he said this, but he spoke very quickly and very skillfully, "Don't look at anything else, just look at the one on the fourth line and tell me Negative or positive."

As he spoke, he began busy typing a long string of characters into the optical brain system again, and then took out two injections from the pop-up cabinet and held them in his hands, looking like he was on call at any time.

The detector on Yan Suizhi's wrist made a beep.

He lowered his head and glanced at it. The content displayed on the palm-sized detector was somewhat similar to that of the large-scale detector in Ivy Hospital, but it was much simpler, with only four lines of data.

The first line is body temperature, Yan Suizhi has no fever. The second and third lines are all blood data. The last line shows the RK13 virus, which should be the culprit of this infectious disease.

Yan Suizhi took it and showed it to the doctor, "Negative."

However, when he handed it over, the last line of data flashed twice, and finally stabilized at negative. The doctor squinted his eyes to see the content, nodded and said, "Congratulations, it's just a normal cold."

He quickly threw one of the injections back into the cabinet, and handed the other injection to Yan Suizhi, "Go directly to the self-service counter to pay, and don't go to the injection room. I'm too busy today, so you go. It is estimated that there will be an hour-long line. This home injection can be made by yourself."

There are no infections, which is good news. Yan Suizhi didn't waste the doctor's time here too much, and left the health center after taking the injection.

The black market streets in the past two days are much busier than usual. Because of the genetic modification case and a large number of infected people, Decama dispatched a large number of duty police to various places, including the two most famous black markets, to sweep them for a few days.

But the reason why the black market is a black market, and can exist in the city semi-bright for so long, there is always its way.

The police on duty have been busy for a few days, and they have not found nothing, but most of them are workshops in the corners of the city. They are really in the black market. They really haven't been able to find them. to pry.

However, the police force on duty could not have been spent here without any gain, so after a few days of patrolling back and forth, more than half of them were withdrawn, and only a small part was still pinned to the black market street, possibly with some plain clothes.

When Yan Suizhi went to the black market, he found that it was much more prosperous than the last time he came back.

When he first opened his eyes, he came here. The whole street was lazy. It would be nice if the shop owner remembered to open the door in the morning, not to mention soliciting customers. What's more, the door was closed, and there was no way to find it. The shop owner, there is a "love can't come" attitude everywhere.

This time is different. This time, most of the shops on the black market have their doors open, and the lights are on in the red and green fields, which are very lively on a cloudy day. Hairdressers, leather goods repairers, electronics stores, etc. have everything, but no police officers on duty want to investigate.

Yan Suizhi said that her luck might be a little unlucky, and it would be a little troublesome to try to find the bottom when encountering such a thing.

There are not only shops, but also many low-rent housing in the black market, so even if there are policemen on duty, the number of people here has not decreased at all. After all, you can't always stop people from going home.

Yan Suizhi calmly followed a few pedestrians down the street, and they entered the stairs of different residential buildings in twos and threes. Yan Suizhi walked to the seventh facade and entered the corridor next to him without looking sideways.

The second floor was a normal apartment from the beginning. After all, it was a low-rent house. The light in the building was poor, and it was not very clean. It looked gray. Yan Suizhi coughed twice, then pulled the mask up to the bridge of his nose to cover up the dust, and then walked to the third floor unhurriedly.

There are a total of six doors on the third floor, distributed at both ends of the corridor. Each door has a foot pad, a milk crate and a simple garbage disposal box next to it, and even children's random graffiti, and two are attached to the decorative door. At first glance, the paintings are no different from ordinary houses, and even more smokey.

If it wasn't for some information from Chen Zhang, Yan Suizhi would be at a loss when he came here.

"I remember it was the third room on the left after I went up the stairs, but it's been so long, I don't know if I have moved out. I said to the other party 'Mr. Fang introduced me' and let me in." Yan When Sui later came to ask questions, Chen Zhang replied like this.

But it is definitely a risky move to say this now. The so-called "Mr. Square" will not introduce people in this special period unless he has bad intentions. Second, even if they can introduce it, they probably won't let people in with this simple sentence.

Yan Suizhi took out the gloves from his pocket and put them on, then walked silently to the third door. Although this kind of residential building is old, the sound insulation will definitely not be bad, otherwise people can hear everything inside and outside the house, so don't do it in the black market.

He paid attention to it when he went upstairs. There were no monitors in the corridor, and there were no messy things installed. It is estimated that they will be removed in the past few days to avoid attracting the attention of the police on duty. But there are still cat eyes on the door.

He avoided the sight of the cat's eye and stopped by the garbage disposal box by the door.

Yan Suizhi bent down slightly, sniffed twice, and smelled a little smoke.

Generally speaking, the processing box works automatically once a day, rationalizes and decomposes the thrown-in garbage, and then sends it out along the pipeline connected to the underground at the bottom of the box. This smell of smoke indicates that there are still people living in the house, and they have also thrown out the garbage today, smoking a lot, maybe they are worrying about something.

He lowered his head and glanced at the ground, then stepped aside slightly and glanced at the corner of the wall near the bottom of the box, and saw a vegetable leaf that had accidentally fallen on the ground. This shows that the people living in it are still going out normally, and even buy and cook food, trying to maintain the feeling of a normal household living at home.

Yan Suizhi calmly retracted his gaze, calculated the time, walked to the entrance of the stairs very calmly, went down the stairs to the second floor again, and waited calmly.

Sure enough, about half an hour later, the upstairs door rang and someone went out.

The place he was standing was between the two innermost doors on the second floor, and he could hear from the voice upstairs which door was opened and closed just now. This time it's the second one.

Heavy footsteps came down the stairs. A bloated old man moved down the stairs step by step. His eyes were not very good. He didn't even notice that there was still a person standing on the second floor, so he went down to the first floor, and then went out. the building.

Yan Suizhi waited here for an hour and saw four or five people going out. After all, it was almost time for dinner.

His patience was surprisingly good, and he was not in a hurry. After waiting for a while, the door of the third room above his head finally rang. Yan Suizhi changed his posture, picked a door with a sticker of a child and stood there, raised his hand and knocked on the door in front of him when the man upstairs walked down.

Coming downstairs was a man in a gray coat, walking lightly and rustlingly. Wearing a woolen cap and a black scarf, he went downstairs while giggling. It's just that when he walked to the second floor, he keenly noticed someone here, so he glanced at Yan Suizhi.

The scarf covered the lower half of his face, revealing only a pair of light blue eyes, and the hat pressed against his eyebrows again, so he couldn't see any physical features for a while.

Yan Suizhi's eyes swept across his hand, perhaps because of the right angle. When the man breathed to warm his hand, he caught a glimpse of a scar on the tiger's mouth on the other's right hand.

Then, as if he glanced inadvertently, he retracted his gaze and continued knocking on the door in front of him.

Maybe it was because he acted too naturally, with a low cough and the nasal sound of a cold, it really didn't look like a plainclothes, so the man continued without looking at him.

When the man's footsteps went down to the first floor, the door in front of Yan Suizhi was opened.

A kid with a bird's nest raised his face, looked at him blankly, and asked after a moment, "Who are you?"

"..." Yan Suizhi smiled and pinched his face, "Human trafficker."

Kid: "..."